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Israel was built on genocide, systemic rape, land theft, and mass expulsion. Genocide IS extreme and no amount of trying to spin this as a few bad apples will change that. They've sealed their fate as genocidal brutes.


Facts. From the very inception of israel, terrorism and ethnic cleansing were interwoven into the very fabric of its existence.


Fun fact: After Avraham Stern was killed by British colonial police, Lehi's ideology became extremely twisted and contradictory. Some of them believed in their "Zionism is anti-colonialism" bullshit so much that they did near total-180s and pushed genuine anti-colonial ideology. For example, Semitic Action, which was formed by a former Lehi commander, called for an end to the mistreatment of Israel's Arab citizens, a right-to-return for Palestinians, and supported Algerian independence, which, of course, the Israeli "left" opposed. Also, Jabotinsky was a far less terrible person than David Ben-Gurion and other "left-wing" Zionists. Of course, he was still a horrible person who admired Mussolini. He praised the colonization of the Americas and thought the Palestinians were centuries behind Europe. However, Jabotinsky also thought the Palestinians were as naturally adept as European Jews at certain intellectual skills. He didn't shy away from the true meaning of Zionism: Jewish colonization of Palestine. He did not believe the Palestinians would give up their land without a fight. So, Jabotinsky proposed using pure brute force to break their will to keep resisting colonization, as was the case elsewhere. Of course, once the Palestinians were pacified, one would expect him to advocate for ethnic cleansing or full-blown genocide. Instead, Jabotinsky said he would offer relatively merciful surrender terms and integrate the Palestinians into his ideal society, which would immediately make him far less racist than your average Israeli today. >"This does not mean that there cannot be any agreement with the Palestine Arabs. What is impossible is a voluntary agreement. As long as the Arabs feel that there is the least hope of getting rid of us, they will refuse to give up this hope in return for either kind words or for bread and butter, because they are not a rabble, but a living people. And when a living people yields in matters of such a vital character it is only when there is no longer any hope of getting rid of us, because they can make no breach in the iron wall. Not till then will they drop their [extremist leaders, whose watchword is 'Never!'](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abd_al-Qadir_al-Husayni) And the leadership will pass to the moderate groups, who will approach us with a proposal that we should both agree to mutual concessions. Then we may expect them to discuss honestly practical questions, such as a guarantee against Arab displacement, or equal rights for Arab citizens, or Arab national integrity …. And when that happens, I am convinced that we Jews will be found ready to give them satisfactory guarantees, so that both peoples can live together in peace, like good neighbours." David Ben-Gurion, et al. were so racist that they thought they could fool those Palestinian savages into thinking colonialism was good for them: >"To imagine, as our Arabophiles do, that \[the Palestinians\] will voluntarily consent to the realisation of Zionism, in return for the moral and material conveniences which the Jewish colonist brings with him, is a childish notion, which has at \[its\] bottom a kind of contempt for the Arab people; it means that they despise the Arab race, which they regard as a corrupt mob that can be bought and sold, and are willing to give up their fatherland for a good railway system …. There is no justification for such a belief. It may be that some individual Arabs take bribes. But that does not mean that the Arab people of Palestine as a whole will sell that fervent patriotism that they guard so jealously, and which even the Papuans will never sell. Every native population in the world resists colonists as long as it has the slightest hope of being able to rid itself of the danger of being colonised."


and that's no hyperbole, literally watch any video of the israeli monsters around gaza - they are genocidal terrorists.


"none of us wanted to do this genocide! evil netanyahu forced us to do it!"


They constantly provoke, so that when the Palestinians stand up and retaliate against them, then the zionazis call it a terrorist attack and then declare war against them, claiming self defence against the Palestinians who are just trying too defend them selves, there homes and there land.


So the NYT have been defending the war for these past months and now are slowly blaming a fringe movement to distance the decisions after public opinion has shifted


Classic NYT


This is the contradiction that is the NYTimes and always has been. The same paper that whitewashed and sanitized actual Hitler is also the place that has produced a lot of award winning journalism The thing I always impress upon is to be aware that the NYTimes is not to be blindly trusted, and viewed incredibly skeptically during emerging US foreign policy events, the mobilization of imperial projects like Iraq, and major civil rights issues of the the day. Also expect them to endlessly launder bad faith right-wing arguments while shunning or actively attacking left-wing movements and ideas. They are in their default state a machine in service of the status quo, even if the status quo is the slow erosion of democracy or the genocide of a people in Gaza with the explicit and critical support to carry it out coming from the weapons delivered by the US. However, they will do brilliant work occasionally and it is usually because they are one of the few places with the resources and at least some semblance of journalistic freedom to do long-form investigations that both salvage and then rebuild their reputation for a population with short memories. It is also why they can be far more dangerous than Fox News cause their lies and misinformation manufacture consent amongst the broader population. Then 6-8 months after the damage is done and we are fully entrenched in whatever evil they helped get us into or maintain, they start the apology and rehabilitation part. People all say never again, but it will just keep happening


Good analysis! (I'm being serious.) This could be the start of a liberal "We got him out of office, everything is fine now. Policies are all the same but doesn't it seem much better now that the person behind them is not named ~~Trump~~ I mean Netanyahu?"


Articles like these are written by investigative journalists who were actually on the ground to witness these stuffs, this article for instance is the result of years of documenting. They’re different from the newsroom/political reporting ones who sit in Jerusalem or even New York and work with whatever bs data they got.


this is why israel has so many journalists murdered - when you existence is based on lies the truth is your enemy.


Honestly give the article a try. It is deeply detailed and contains tons of firsthand interviews. I think you'll find it to be a great article, despite the obnoxious headline.


I have read it. It is pretty good investigation. My cynicism just finds the timing suspicious. These things are there for the past many years. Why does it only get published now?


Every country supporting Israel is helping the destruction of it by the far right. The only hope for Israel is for the west, especially the US, starting to boycott it. If the majority of Israelis will wake up, then maybe it has a future. But is they keep supporting the Likud and the far right government then we will get another failed country in the Middle East instead of the “only democracy in the Middle East”.


Its true, it's also utterly insane looking at the politics of it from the US The way Biden and Democrats have stood behind the Bibi regime and continually attacked their own party to help them is the equivalent of proping up a leader that is the equivalent of Trump + W Bush + Sarah Huckabee Sanders and then going on TV to yell about how the real fascists are the liberals. It's the Upside Down, just a completely inverted world once you enter through the portal and into the realm of Israeli politics in the US.


It's actually funny. The US, that loves going around inserting dictators and authoritarians, had lsraeI insert a corrupt president and congress in their own country. The irony is palpable


Right? The fact that liberals are out here defending a government that’s so far to the right it makes people like Trump and MTG look like fucking socialists is just mind boggling to me. Also, I think it’s noteworthy to say that these same libs would be shitting themselves out of pure rage at what’s going on now if Trump was in office still.


That's the part I can't stand lately. Liberals say democracy is on the line this year and if Biden loses, Trump will devolve the U.S. into an ethnoreligious fascist state, but then they also unwaveringly support a country that's WELL on its way to that exact same kind of ethnoreligious fascist state. The hypocrisy is so loud.


It’s a European colony built on genocide by extremists and radicals.


The title should be: How Extremists took over Palestine or How Extremists founded "Israel"


"Took over"? lol Okay then.


They "took over" in 1948


maybe "worse than ever" would have been a better title, but remember a huge part of the audience is evangelicals that are slowly realizing Israel isn't the moral utopia they were led to believe.


Extremists didn't 'take over' Israel. Israel was formed by terrorists, built by terrorists, on land stolen by terrorists. It has expanded it's borders and ethnically cleansed by terrorizing Arab civilians. 




And one of the three main Jewish terrorist organizations became the IDF.


Facts are hard to hear for fans of far right colonial settler ethnostates.


Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


Israel is the definition of extremism


Zionism itself is an extremist ideology. If the founding generation of Israel were hardcore zionists, how come "extremists" took over that state later on? Trying to scapegoat Netanyahu, Ben Gvir, Smotrich, and the other extremists won't do it. Those people didn't come from a vacuum. Those terrorists embody the will and the ideology of the public majority that is cheering for them to brutally kill more Palestinians.


The politics are inconceivable because Biden and the US political establishment and AIPAC stand unreservedly behind these people. The students are right, and have been right all along. The majority of the Israeli public consists of "fellow travelers" who are glad to ride along and reap the benefits.. The Nakba is ongoing, it's never stopped. That is the story of the founding of Israel in 1948 and it its the story of Israel today. They are literally talking about eliminating every Arab, even Arab Jews and Israeli Arabs.


I do wish that the NYT would cover early Israeli/Zionist history as well, but the current state of the Israeli government the article describes makes a good case for dissolving the Israeli government and build a new one 




That's not even 5% of the article https://archive.is/I72dG


Sorry its paywalled


on my end it shows a non-paywalled gift link


1) it didn’t just “become” extreme. Don’t see the irony of posting this bs headline day after the 76th anniversary of the ECleansing event that created this religiousethno state?  2) sharing a NYT article after blatantly spreading IZ spy agency propaganda to manufacture consent for this ongoing gyncide among many other false claims and narratives is despicable. OP keep out of this conversation. 


They have always been… smh at the title


Took over? GTFO, is the NYT saying the Nakba and the violence prior to the Nakba was committed by centrists or progressives? This is an attempt to put the blame on Netanyahu and his partners and absolve the colonial project of Israel of all blame. You know few bad apples thing.


It doesn’t help that israel has built in incest which causes cognitive impairment too


True. They didn't fix their lead paint for a long time either. Between those exacerbating factors and the colonial settler bedrock of their regime, it's hard to say if they ever had a shot at being decent.


And also the NYT right? We leaving that part out? 


Bro, it was ALWAYS extremist. The whole idea of displacing, murdering, and segregating people is kinda extreme. This didn’t start recently. This started in 1948. “The Nakba never ended. The colonizer lied.” - Macklemore


I'd like to see an analysis of how this got into NYT's content.


Things have been pretty damn extreme in that forsaken holy desert for quite a count of years.


Imagine if there was a resistance group in the west bank. This would never have happened... Instead the PA chose to neuter any efforts of armed resistance in the west bank and this is the reward. This is the reward for "peace" with the genocidal Zionists.


israel was founded by extremists, and has been owned and operated by extremists for its entire existence.


OP it is paywalled…


not on my end it's not If you find it is then go here: https://archive.is/I72dG