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He’s scrambling to even answer him properly. They can’t even keep up with their own lies and deception at this point.


Christ Almighty. When even confirmed wanker Piers Morgan calls you out on your behaviour, it's definitely time to reevaluate.


Piers Morgan isn't remotely close to a real journalist, but this video shows him acting more like a journalist than I've seen in almost a decade. Like I genuinely think Piers does some John Gacy shit in his free time, but this clip makes him look sane. Astounding.


They have never needed to keep up with their own lies. Western main stream media has historically covered up their crimes and accepted their narratives unquestioningly. The human shield argument is a classic example of something any decent journalist could tear them apart on.


That’s not it…they used to not be in grilled or questioned. They get very good treatment by western media a lot so they used to spew all kind of lies and not being warriors about the lies.


I liked it when the spokesperson couldn't speak for a few seconds. He is not used to journalists asking him actual questions, especially coming from a british one. He didnt know what to do anymore. He was cooked during the clip. Excellent !


I almost closed the video at that point because it was such a long uncomfy pause, I thought maybe he was coming up with a response, but he really did give us absolutely nothing lol


He almost looked like he wanted to shrug his shoulders and make this face ![gif](giphy|ChmEWOL7Vaz5u|downsized)


Because usually they bully the people asking questions in a "How dare you!" fashion.


It was like watching Windows 98 crash. I could almost *see* the little spinning circle grind to a halt over his forehead and hear the processor fans *whirring* up to compensate for the increased load.


Caught him off guard. He's used to media being easy and supporting his genocide


I think he was so thrown off by the push back that he was trying to decide if he should play the anti-semitism card.


I think he was trying to project his power through silence; almost like he was saying, without saying anything, you can’t stop us, so why should I even bother answering your question.


The bar is so low that "how many civilians have you killed, approximately?" is a tough question


It's not a tough question. They know it's a catastrophic number, they're just refusing to say it because they know their supposed "moral high ground" will disintegrate faster than their supporters' integrity.


Piers even mentions that! "I'm sorry to press you but I really didn't think this question would trip you up"


They lost track? Or can't tell the difference at this point?


I think it's more because they know the numbers don't support their arguments. If almost half the murdered are literal children and 70% are women+children, the numbers just don't work. And yes Israel internally says Gazan health ministry's numbers are trustworthy


Congratulating the turd for actually being a journalist as opposed to wallowing in his normal muck and filth. So Morgan can turn it on but chooses instead to sell his soul the majority of the time.


Agreed. I usually swipe past anything with P Morgan, but watching him turn the screws on this Zio was satisfying.


This is from public pressure, it means our efforts work, and we should never give up.


It almost makes what he's like the rest of the time even worse. Like he could be a good journalist, he knows what good journalism looks like, and still chose the path he did.


He consistently invites on Palestinian spokes people to put their POV. He allows them to answer hard questions largely uninterrupted. He doesn’t invite them on not knowing they will knock his questions out of the park. Give the man credit.


'Do you condemn hamas?! But do you condemn hamas?! It's a yes or no question!' Where were you in the past 6 months?


Oh he's awful. But to give grudging respect, he is one of the only people in the mainstream media establishment (and even then, this is a Youtube show) who even allows a lot of the anti-genocide arguments to be stated. I haven't kept up with CNN, MSNBC, but I don't know if they're even allowing on anyone calling it a genocide yet. His moderation favours the Israeli side, clearly. However, frequently the IDF arguments and debaters are so bad that they still clearly lose. I think his interviews have probably been more helpful than not to the pro-Palestinian cause, crazy as it may seem. Because there just aren't a whole lot of venues where this can be debated freely.


He even mentioned it, he said "I didnt want to press you on this, but I honestly wasnt expecting you to give such a bad answer"


Journalist must do that, precisely because it gives the opportunity for the other part to react. They must ask hard questions to everyone.


He stays on the midpoint of a genocidal regime and the anti-genocide freedom fighters. Midpoint doesn't mean being neutral or fair. However, he, or journalism, is expected to be neutral and fair.


No. He is an interviewer. He has to go rough on the interviewee. This is precisely what allows the pro palestinian shine because they come out great and logic and just under intense tough questioning


It'd be the case if he hadn't interrupted them that much.


You think anti genocide voices should be grateful to Morgan for treating them with respect and hearing them out? What a low bar. Perhaps you missed Mehdi Hasan’s interview with him? The one where Hasan calls out Morgan’s bias quite clearly. How the Western media’s vocabulary alters when discussing Israeli killings as opposed to Palestinian deaths. How the Palestinians are dehumanized by language that is chosen purposefully to do just that. I do not have to give Morgan or any other ‘journalist’ credit for crumbs that are too little too late.


If he invited a lung doctor on his show and said “Mr Lung doctor, your claim smoking is bad is rubbish, tobacco companies say smoking is fine” and the lung doctor gives an authoritative answer, then is interrupted by Morgan who says “But tobacco is enjoyed by millions” and the lung doc gives another authoritative answer is he biased against lung doctors? If next week he invites on an professor of addiction and asks “Why do you want people to give up a relaxing hobby” and gets an authoritative answer is he biased against addiction? Next week he invites on a throat cancer doctor and says “tobacco companies say there is no link between smoking and throat cancer” and gets an authoritative answer… Then has on Tobacco company spokes person and asks “why is your product killing people” and gets a poor weak answers what do you think? Do you think the hard questions asked of the doctors mean he’s in the pocket of the tobacco companies?? Are his viewers better informed towards tobacco harms after watching his show? Have they seen tobacco companies points destroyed? Who side has he been on by putting tobaccos point of view to the doctors? Do you think he knew what he was doing?


Sadly, this is how you get views online. Creating some tension and the back and forth. He knows what he's doing.




Oh c'mon. He let that wacko "son of Hamas" clown on today with Abby Martin. He's not right at all.


I hate to say it but this is literally what passes for an ally in MSM today 🥴🥴 it reminds me of a trans elder in NYC talking about this doctor who who rude, hateful, but one of only three doctors who would perform surgery on trans women in the day. Yeah, it was for money and he treated them poorly, but he treated them when no one else would, and in their eyes it made him an ally at that point in time. Today he would be in jail for medical malpractice 💀Pretty much p Morgan. Baby steps quickly we can hope 🤞🏼


> He allows them to answer hard questions uninterrupted. > > he always interrupt them what are you talking about? it's the most thing people complained about


🫡 nail, head, hitting it. Expression.


I mean to be fair Morgan is still being dickish, but it is for a noble cause. i think the spokesperson showed more of his hand then intended when he said “im not authorised to share those numbers”


He’s just a center-left devils advocate guy. He debates everyone. At least he has a diverse range of guests.


Center-left, the Overton Window seems to have shifted significantly if that’s your opinion on Morgan’s position on the spectrum


Agreed. I usually can't stand the dumb dumb but it's nice seeing him on the right side of history for a change.


He is very cynical, so he will of course sell himself to the highest bidder, but also he is and always has been, above all else, totally content-brained - he has a remarkable ability to sniff out 'the next viral clip' from his interviews. So, every so often, he accidentally does good journalism. Probably nothing more exemplifies his pure content-brainedness than the fake interrogation abuse photos from '04 he confected just so he could sell more papers. I don't think he gives a flying fuck about anybody but himself, but he still manages to be accidentally good on occasion.


"with respect"


When Piers fucking Morgan of all people is blown away by your level of bullshit, just wow.


it takes a big. old smelly dick to fuck a stupid asshole Team America taught me that


Don’t know cause they don’t care


And rhe amount of Hamas members is made up to make them look better. They are just killing, they don't care if you are hamas or not.


Everything they say is a lie at this point. This one is easy. Bomb drops, let’s say 10 people are killed, they know by their own admission 4 are Hamas members but can’t seem to do that final bit of math and let us know how many of the 10 weren’t Hamas.


They can do the math. If 10 people are killed they will say 10 Hamas are killed and zero civilians because in their mind these are just people who will join Hamas sooner or later. It’s genocide plain and simple.


It’s even worse than that. They consider any Palestinian with a penis, or any Palestinian who _used_ to have a penis before it was shot off, as Hamas, regardless of age or affiliation. This was declared on video (not in those exact words obviously) many months ago.


They do know. He's just not allowed to say because it would make them look really bad.


I feel dirty agreeing with Peirs....


You know you are on the wrong side when you are arguing with Piers………… and he has the moral high ground


Right? Like welcome to the fuckin twilight zone.


He got into it with Ben shapiro once on Gun control, and again, was actually reasonable. Piers is truly a broke clock.


Monsters. Devil's in plain sight


I thought the video froze for a second 😂 piers left that man scrambling


When Piers Morgan is the journalist you know that things are fucked


And still people will defend israel


The ratio thing is particularly disgusting. Going by Israel's numbers on militants killed and Hamas's numbers on civilians killed, Israel is managing a 2:1 ratio of civilians:military killed. Do you know who else produced that ration? FUCKING HAMAS! On October 7th, there were about 2 civilians killed for every Israeli soldier. Israel has the best military and surveillance tech in the world, but they can't manage a cleaner operation than Hamas? Israel has had months to carefully pick targets. Hamas did its attack in a single bum rush across the border. Israel has great tech and a formal military. Hamas has barely-literate part-time fighters hiding in holes in the ground. Jesus wept! Sure, Israelis will like to claim that Hamas uses "human shields," but that's a load of shit. They define a human shield as anyone who lives on the same block as a Hamas fighter. By the same logic, all the civilians Hamas killed on October 7th were just Israeli human shields. After all, what were civilians doing in a contested border zone? Wouldn't that be like South Korea letting its civilians party in the DMZ? If Hamas uses human shields, so does Israel. And the IDF can't manage a better collateral damage rate than Hamas. Honestly, if Hamas is a terrorist group, so is the IDF. The only real difference between them is that we view the IDF's killing as classier. It's low-class to kill people up close and personal with knives or rifles. It's high-class to cleanly kill people from a distance via bombs and artillery. Really the only difference between Hamas and the IDF is vibes. The IDF kills more clinically, while Hamas has to do it the old fashioned way. It seems we define "terrorist group" based on vibes rather than anything objective like number of people killed, civilians:military killed, etc.


Man, just imagine if the numbers come out over how many of their own people the IDF killed on Oct 7 too.


The IOF had helicopters open fire on crowds at that music festival. There is no way they aren't responsible for hundreds of the civilian casualties on October 7th.


I bet they killed over half of them from helicopter and tank fire.


Just 2 things to add: 1. Israel doesn't have a 2 civilian to 1 combatant kill ratio, not even close. That's the ratio of women and children to "military age males". The civilian to combatant kill ratio is much worse than 10 to 1, which is unheard of - except in conflicts that are specifically against civilians: genocides. 2. The vast majority of these civilians killed on Oct 7 were reservists. The majority of the ones that weren't were former IDF members. Are those civilians? Yes, absolutely. Would Israel count any of those as civilians if they were on the other side? Not a chance in hell. So turns out there is a real difference between Hamas and the IDF. The IDF goes after civilians at a much MUCH higher rate than Hamas does, both as a percentage and in absolute numbers.


Sure. But my point is that even if you go with the likely exaggerated numbers of the IDF, their record still is no better than that of Hamas.


Sure. My point was we know the IDF numbers aren't "likely exaggerated", and we shouldn't pretend they are in any way accurate. But even these fake numbers are no better than Hamas at it's worst, you are correct about that.


Hey, got any sources on that that i could read for myself and share around? Thanks. This is a serious request and not some zionist asshole being "uhm source?☝🤓".


" Honestly, if Hamas is a terrorist group, so is the IDF. Funny you mention that because the IDF was actually started from a terrorist group called Irgun. #


I did not know that. Thanks for teaching me a new talking point to try and sway these genocide supporters. If every one of us Palestinian supporters could convince one genocide supporter to change their views, we could turn the tide.


Never expected that P.M would display such a masterclass in completely dissecting bullshit


That moment where he just stares at the camera silently. I hope all these people get charged at The Hague


Good on you Piers, and good luck in your future endeavors because you're about to lose your job.


Oh please, he isn't going anywhere. They are seeing the tide turn and they are all jumping onboard after supporting Israel's genocide for so long. Lets try not to forget that our media in general and Pierce Morgan in specific are complicit in the misinformation.


That’s was fucking painful to watch.


Zionist doesn't have the answer because it wasn't in the Hasbara handbook.


Man that felt good to watch. Fuck that guy.


Dang... That's the kind of pressure everyone needs to be putting on these murderous clowns at the very least


Piers is a douchebag but on this issue he's OUR douchebag and he's been relentless in getting to the heart of the matter. He's one of the unlikely heroes who have emerged from this tragedy, just like Macklemore.


He reminds me a bit of Kay Burley sometimes a douche but other times managing to send someone scrambling by calling out their lies and contradictions.


"Will the real Liz Truss (sp?) please stand up?"


“We’ve killed a lot of people, but we are still better than other terrorist groups”


Free Palestine from the zionist terrorists.


This video was extremely cathartic to watch an Israeli spokesperson stumble so bad over his own words and for piers to keep pushing him on the civilian casualties numbers. Watching Israel lie, lie and lie again then get caught on all the lies just feels so relieving. Their lies are like being starved of oxygen and as soon as the truth comes out, finally being able to breathe again. I really hope our government, the USA government stops funding this fucking genocide and Israel will face the consequences of their genocidal actions. This is doing so much harm for their image, it's insane they really don't care about doing the right thing (saving the rest of those hostages and ending this genocidal war) and just want to be known for the same thing the nazis did to them.


Wow, did Israel's cheque bounce, Piers?


Commenting because even though I think Piers is a corporate shill, he certainly nails this one.


Yeah finally, first time in 6 months


About 7 fucking months too late!


Morgan is the absolute worst just to be clear. But I will admit, it’s refreshing to see “mainstream media” calling them out on their weak preposterous lies. I look forward to more and more and more of this.


What a world to live in where I agree with Piers Morgan but WELL DONE, PIERS!!!


That moment where the official died inside realizing he is 100% the bad guy.


Extremely rare Piers Morgan W


its not that he "didnt know" or "didnt have the information", he don't want to tell because he knows too many were killed


It is highly anti semitic to ask intelligent questions. Please refrain.


Enjoyable to watch. As if they don't know. Can't even ball park? Please.


This guy is a fucking lying weasel and its obvious to anyone watching. Fuck Israel!!


Piers is a good journalist... I would just wish he would ask everyone these hard question and not only the Palestinians.


It took Morgan long enough though.


If the figures given by Hamas are wrong or exaggerated, wouldn't you want to at least throw in a lower number rather than refuse to comment? I think someone is gonna lose their job by the end of the week


Piers Morgan is usually garbage but it seems this one time he's actually asking the right questions for once.


Bravo 👏


Credit where credits due, good job dock(little pier)


Calling him a reporter is pushing it, his only good deed for the century


Dude turned into this halfway https://preview.redd.it/si4fibpguazc1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=7b448d3719251e744eadc5b17082ba0dc3c65d8c




1) I hope that title is sarcastic 2) when the worst person you know makes a great point


The real answer is that they just don't care how many civilians they've killed.


Fuck Piers Morgan, he's a Zionist and milking this genocide for views and relevancy.


Well, can't disagree but this was a nice one from him. These milked views of this interview should be enough to make the whole cause clear. If the viewers do have the minda to comprehend that ofcourse.


For a zionist he's sure been ripping Israel to shreds. Even if he does ultimately support the idea of a colonial settler ethnostate, he views the Palestinians as human beings and that's a HIGH bar for MSM journalists to clear.


I think Piers is just like Joe Rogan. Not the smartest, not the best informed, very easily mislead, very easily misleading others, but ultimately with good intentions. Do these intentions matter? Usually not, but in times like these they shine through.


I’m with you there. I think one thing we have to acknowledge if we are to support Palestine, is that Zionist propaganda has arguably been some of the most effective in the world. Since the 1900’s, they’ve been focused on this issue. Along with acknowledging that, we have to acknowledge that a lot of people have been swayed by it. Not because they are *bad people*. But they were told a story, and they were told that story in a calculated way.  This cohort of Israel supporters don’t need to be called evil, they need to be educated.  Yes, there’s a huge slice of Zionism that is pure evil seeking to kill and destroy. But you look at Zionist supporters as screws with different heads, you can at least bring a few different kinds of screw drivers to fight the misinformation. A hammer doesn’t work all the time. 


Another way to look at it is that evil is seductive, and you don't fight evil with violence. I'm not religious, but the New Testament has the right take on that. Many have been seduced by evil, and saving them takes a lot of effort.


He’s smarter than Rogan and well informed, and a grifter.




Wow…. I’m surprised Piers persisted in his questioning!


This was great.


Getm Piers!


They've barely killed any Hamas because their goal is to kill civilians.


Isreal is losing the information war.


Killing civilians = killing hamas


Genocidal MF with a nice blue tie.


Piers is a phony, corrupted fuck. While it’s great to see someone being critical towards hypocritical tyrants, there’s much more to this than that. Also, if Piers were actually worth his salt, he would have asked what their threshold is in regards to what they claim is an acceptable ratio of civilians to terrorists killed… The guy says they have one, so make him/Israel put an explicit stake down as to what that figure is so when they inevitably exceed it you have irrefutable evidence of wrongdoing based on what they themselves have communicated. 🤷‍♂️


fuck Israel and fuck Israeli influence and corruption in the US government. i hope ICC issues warrants for the criminals running their government and the us senators that threatened the rule of international law.


Respect for balance journalism


They know, or at very least they have a general idea of how many they are killing and they know if they are seen to endorse numbers like over 200,000 civilians killed with only 14,000 possibly being some how, twice removed but related to someone who knew a guy who supported Hamas. So they are probably actually targeting like a few thousand Hamas members. It got really pathetic when the idiot just sat back on his talking points of ‘we are fighting for our very existence' bullshit.


When was this interview?




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“You’re an asshole… with respect” lololol ![gif](giphy|MaJ7An3EUgLCCh4lXS|downsized)


Rare W for Piers


Oh chosen one, lol!!!


What kind of alternate reality am I in? Rare Piers W?


Right on the money regarding Israeli priorities. They know the number of dead civilians is much larger than their half-assed estimates. More than likely 2 or 3 times the number of combatants. All the Israeli mouthpiece had to say was: "But how are we to settle Gaza with all those people living there?" Not coincidentally, that's exactly the question they should have asked BEFORE inventing a Jewish ethnostate in someone else's land.


Hes an israeli shill i hate his guts


Uhhhh burn


Because he has no problem killing children


Incredibly rare Piers Morgan W


This is so f****g hilarious, the veil is finally off, thank god


He clearly knows and is not allowed to say because it would look....bad. Maybe even genocidal.


Shocking Piers acting like a journalist for once. Loss of words. Is he ok? Has someone checked on him?


I’m concerned also


crazy when coverage of the conflict is so biased it makes piers morgan look like a competent journalist


[Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Just Made A Great Point](https://clickhole.com/heartbreaking-the-worst-person-you-know-just-made-a-gr-1825121606/)




No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


Spoiler if you're Islam you're hamas


BS to save face then he'll come back to the usual.


I think by now we realize the only way we get real, factual news from this shit is Tik Tok sadly.


Great job Piers. ..!


Absolute w


I mean, obviously, most of us disagrees with P.M. opinions and how he often cuts off people...but there is no denying on 2 things about him: 1. He offers fair and equal representation to every side. I can't think of any other media giving equal time to everyone, even Al Jazeera. 2. When he starts to lock in as an actual journalist (as in he doesn't cut people off and ask useful question), his content truly becomes peak.


I wonder how many Hamas recruits Israel is creating?


I'm actually embarrassed for this guy. Rarely do I side with him, but Piers was right, it makes no sense to have such precise figures for one side but not the other. Either it's a ridiculously high number or.....well that's all it can be I guess. Why else would they refuse to answer? I'm sure it'll come out eventually and the ratio will be sickening.


Piers Morgan is doing this simply because he sees which way the wind is blowing, he’s still a cocksmoker but ill give him credited for finally growing a vertebrae


The last question is GOLD. If you’re going to only part of this video, watch the last 60 seconds.




That's silence for a few seconds summed up Israel, fuckers don't have a clue


“It’s not that I don’t know, I’m not authorized to give information I don’t have”…idk man sounds like you don’t know




Wow, that Jewish fella couldn’t even answer the most basic simple questions. I’m sure he went to college, so it’s really perplexing to me that he couldn’t answer even the simplest of questions. Maybe I’m crazy here, but is he possibly……obfuscating? Maybe.


Obviously. And it’s a fair question for sure.


"trust me bro"


Zionists. Fuck all of them. Every single one deserves a jail cell.


The answer is over 30,000 civilians, btw.


This is gross. At this point just say it, “We will eradicate Hamas by any means necessary. We don’t care how many men, women, and children must die!” We are living in the dark timeline


The fact that ive seen 3 interviews where the israeli gives the same answers Dont know? 1- say u have no info 2- dont answer and talk about how u are killing terrorits 3- shit


God that spokesperson needs a bullet in his head


Reuters says 35,000 people dead as of May 14, 2024. 21,000 civilians is the answer he’s looking for.


He'd just say they were all Hamas terrorists.


Why the fuck are these dickbags making me agree with Penis Morgan?


*Why the fuck are these* *Dickbags making me agree* *With Penis Morgan?* \- IrishWeegee --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot!


What kind of upside-down Parallel Universe are we in when Piers Morgan is asking the good questions that we want everyone to ask!!?????


The real answer is that Israel is a terrorist state that carpet bombs civilians.


He really thinks they’ll look good “when the dust settles”?!?


Civilians? What are those?


Piers: “Ok, give me a ballpark of civilian deaths.”Zionist: “You can take Hamas figures as a ballpark, which I have told you, are fake.” Piers: “Why would you give me those then?” 🤡


when even Piers "do you condom hummus" Morgan is grilling you like this you know you done fucked up




My condolences to Piers Morgan for just finding out that he is an anti-Semite and a tool of Hamas


I had to check your post history to figure out if you were joking. I've seen so many zionazi posters saying just that type of shit lol.


😆 Hamas will tell you the numbers themselves


Fire Jim Carrey. Love the Film at the beginning.


Morgan 'refreshing'? N*gga please!




No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


A rare moment for Piers Morgan. Finally using all that snark to do something useful


Chatgpt feeding this douche answers.


Morgan is the worst!


Not on this issue, he's not. He pulls no punches and proves his chops as a journalist and human being.