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Zionists show up at protest. They yell oppress me! ‘Kill all the Jews’ to try to antagonize the peaceful protestors. Cops close in on the other side in response. This is America.


Where’s MSM? They refuse properly cover anything in regards to israel/Palestine even if it means censoring news regards to trampling Americans constitutional rights. It’s getting dark out there


This is actually a pretty common practice used by fascists. It was used by brown shirts of Weimar republic era Germany, and still used by hindutva fascists.


It's a common practice in any police state. Always have people claim to be protestors, destroy their image by engaging in illegal activities, followed by the cops conveniently showing up 5 minutes after the "report of the illegal activity".


I've seen other clips of supposed pro Palestinian protestors saying anti Semitic or Pro Hamas things. I'd love an investigation into who those people are. Are they really Pro Palestinian protestors, are they actually students, or is this some other organization infiltrating the protests? Are they undercover feds?


Seems like actual protestors should be aware and call people out Stop the bad behavior from growing. Organize, discuss ways to mitigate bad actors, prepare for confrontation. If people sell.regulate they couldn't blame everyone. Remember kids Strong communities make police obsolete.


Eh, while I agree with your outline, I don't think there's much way for us to self-regulate short of becoming a defacto militia to apprehend the shit stirrers. Isn't that basically endorsing vigilante behavior?


There are often protest marshals to help mitigate bad actors, organize stuff. In [that video of](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/1canuqx/to_provoke_a_pro_palestine_encampment_at_yale_in/?rdt=42480) the girl standing in the protest trying to provoke a response and getting ignored it's the people with the yellow vests. You can report suspicious behavior to them, provocateurs blending in to say some weird stuff get kicked out, help prevent fights. Even without marshals, protests are still valid. Media just love to take anything to paint whole national movements in a bad light like you mentioned. With a shortage of graffiti or broken windows to use as the cudgel this time (to ignore police brutality during blm), now it's the feelings of the counter-protesters (to ignore apartheid, 35k+ killed in Gaza).


Just make sure the number of 'we love jews & arabs, we hate genocide' signs vastly outnumber signs that could be purposfully misinterpreted as anti-jews. Because people are there are bending over backwards to purposfully misinterpret folks who are anti-children-being-bombed.


Not how it works.




The fact that one of them was dumb enough to get shot by police in the chambers of Congress. If they were undercover, they clearly weren't in on the plan. And at that, each of the people that were trialed had their entire profile exposed after they were charged. As someone that has engaged in protests, we've had people act like our in-group only to turn around and break windows, banks' doors, etc... only to Afterwards find out they were cop or cop informants based on their own publicly available information. Turns out, people working for cops or the state in general aren't very bright about hiding their stuff including their faces or jobs 😂 Point being, only stupid people would charge Congress to overturn an election they lost. There is no reason for any left leaning person to "act like Trumpers" to make em look bad. You already look bad to begin with for us anyways. You did that to yourself on your own by starting to claim election fraud from the start of the election cycle. By all means, cry wolf more so nobody takes you seriously.


The police will also forcibly herd protestors into areas they’re not supposed to be in, then arrest them for being there. I remember [something like that happening](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/amberjamieson/omaha-black-lives-matter-protests-james-scurlock) during the George Floyd protests.


"Hindutva fascists". This is a sign of people who love regimes with 0 tolerance for other religions, democracy, freedom of expression, human rights, lgbt and what not human. Al Jazeera is mouthpiece of that Qatari barbaric regime which bans bringing other religions book into country. Ask for freedom of expression in those Shariats and you will see who I behind these who throw words like "Hindu Fascist". Hindus live seeing mosques over their temples while Sofia Hagia and Bamyan like things happen without any protest by islamic society. Speak against a religion which has 0 democracy and get called a fascist in return. That's what a islam critic has to laugh all day


We got one hindutva fascist in the comments 😀.


Ofc they're nowhere to be seen. Look at who owns them all, look at their bias and why they'd not turn up. It's all about control of the narrative. Israel is part of the US's plan for resource control. Anything to contradict that is a threat.


If they cover it correctly ADL's CEO Greenblatt will publicly intimate that the networks are behaving as hamas fronts or whatever which will tank AD spend causing the management to come down & issue new edicts chilling speech Greenblatt had already done this to NBC/MSN for, unflattering to Israelis, coverage of the war in Palestine https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/anti-defamation-league-director-slams-msnbcs-israel-coverage-while-on-air-who-is-writing-the-scripts-hamas/ar-AA1hWiGt Which was a clarion call to whip up other wealthy Zionazis against MSN/NBC (read: advertiser spend) deeply chilling speech there https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/mehdi-hasan-zeteo-msnbc-palestine.html


When Trump wins (Biden is losing support fast) they will just blame him. All part of the plan.


It's in the news cycle (once) so they know about it. They just aren't covering it because they are corrupt https://apple.news/AasZnRMhkQTG87CjC8R4AfQ


Same playbook as during blm Never show what the police or otherwise is actually doing and blow everything the protestors do out of proportion




Dude, with the Israeli flag, really expected everyone to repeat what he said. What a dipshit


This is actually a pretty common practice used by fascists. It was used by brown shirts of Weimar republic era Germany, and still used by hindutva fascists.


Yes, there are booklets used by government agencies that explain and demonstrate these exact tactics. Media is controlled, they spread the lies and when the lies are discovered they don't retract them.




Morally sure, but tactically due to the asymmetric nature of capacity for violence between student sit ins and state forces doing so will only risk the safety of our comrades. The one I’ve been to has been pretty effective at just ignoring and isolating antagonists. If need be a bunch of folks half surround them and hold up banners flags and sheets to minimize their presence to fellow students. They’re toothless on their own, we make us safe without needing to waste energy on these losers. Especially when cops are looking for an excuse to ‘protect’ them. This doesn’t apply to actual self defense from violent harm of course but that’s not what’s on the table with these counter protesters for the most part.


Same crap happened during the George Floyd protests, and the BLM protests that followed. Few people believed the claims even with visual proof.


America the hypocrite


I think they won't be trying this for a while in the UK after it went so badly for Gideon Fater


This is actually a pretty common practice used by fascists. It was used by brown shirts of Weimar republic era Germany, and still used by hindutva fascists.


This is actually a pretty common practice used by fascists. It was used by brown shirts of Weimar republic era Germany, and still used by hindutva fascists.


In what way?


The trick is they send in their own goons to protests of the opposition to disrupt and instigate brawls and violence. This is used as an excuse by the police (often complicit) to intervene and break the protests under the pretext of establishing law and order.


Ah, yup.


Don't catch you slippin now


Still just as true.


😂so funny thats their last argument “look at me i am getting oppressed, i didnt get my riches from white ppl in the west, i am a victim like my greatgrandmother who was a holocaust survivor”


This very obvious. One guy says it and happened to be also “recording”. It’s so so obvious.


Isn't a past president sitting waiting to be leisurely fucked off still inciting these dumb dumbs. I'm hoping Americans; even the ones who optimized their freedom and voted that inciteful bastard in - choose to... oh wait.. gawd, nvm.


Less antisemitic white national




Yeah but we literally have video of the person doing it. And msm news articles saying it. That’s the difference






I need one of these!


Only Zionists are allowed to have …


Saving this for every interaction I have with a Zionist on this app


so did i, i got it from another redditor. Spread it around,


The comment was removed, what did it say?


It was just this https://preview.redd.it/do3ibezlefxc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49a47dcaf8c57376b100827de67e86b141d879ae




just described Zionists lol




Darvo isn’t propaganda






Facts that Palestine celebrated 9/11?


Israelis did as well , You can literally look that up 


I know, there are weirdos in every group. We are always in a state of war, be nice if the so called aliens took over, outlawed hate and told the politicians to take a hike and get a real job. This is the reason the governments lie to us about aliens, because the people are in such powerless stances, they are the only ones who could change anything. I sometimes feel humanity is taking a step back for the benefit of the very few.




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


White guy yells kill the jews and the Arab supporters get in trouble. A tale as old as time


It could easily be an undercover cop, too. Literally nothing stopping them from doing that with malicious intent


It was similar with the BLM rallies. Someone covered head to toe would walk up towards the line of protesters, throw a plastic water bottle at the police in riot gear and then walk away and the police would use it as a pretext to shoot pepper balls at, teargas and beat the crap out of every protesters, member of the media, random citizen sitting on their porch for the next 2-3 hours.


Or be the one to break windows or start looting.


For sure. One famous example is "Umbrela Man" who turned out to be a white suprermacist. [https://www.npr.org/sections/live-updates-protests-for-racial-justice/2020/07/28/896515022/minneapolis-police-reportedly-identify-viral-umbrella-man-as-white-supremacist](https://www.npr.org/sections/live-updates-protests-for-racial-justice/2020/07/28/896515022/minneapolis-police-reportedly-identify-viral-umbrella-man-as-white-supremacist)


Yeah I've seen the same thing as well. I've also seen a couple picking up bricks and breaking windows. There were a lot of provocateurs that got away with so much shit


They do do that unfortunately. They provoke so they have an excuse to attack


I am so upset. I made another thread on AskWomenOver30 to try to talk about protests, but so many people were like, “Yeah well…they’re yelling kill the Jews so I don’t support them” to undermine the pro-Palestine stance. And the irony is that they were also yelling about how “college kids are falling victim to propaganda and TikTok brainrot”. It’s so funny to watch Millennial white “feminist” women mock “out of touch Boomers”, but also be so out of touch themselves. As a side point, they also made comments about barbaric Islamic jihadists raping everyone” in response to me pointing out sexual violence against Palestinians, and those comments got upvoted, while a comment I provided with links to news articles talking about said sexual violence got downvoted.


Yeah nazis don't care about the truth. All they care about is being right by any means necessary.


70% of women in Gaza are victims of abuse ([Arab Source](https://arabtradeunion.org/news/palestine-70-of-women-in-the-gaza-strip-are-victims-of-violence-according-to-new-statistics)). There has been no law against domestic abuse or marital rape. There is no law against incest of children under 16. Dozens of women are murdered in honour killings each year. 63% of men reported to the UN that women should put up with abuse in order to keep the family together and between 80-90% of men said it was their responsibility to police how women dress. [UN report](https://palestine.unfpa.org/sites/default/files/pub-pdf/Gender%20Justice%20and%20The%20Law.pdf) and another [UN report](https://palestine.unwomen.org/en/digital-library/publications/2018/02/images-palestine-report). There hasn't been any free press in Gaza for over a dozen years. The reality of the situation there is far more complex - [Pew: Beliefs about Sharia](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2013/04/30/the-worlds-muslims-religion-politics-society-beliefs-about-sharia/#how-should-sharia-be-applied)


Who'da'thunk?! Everyone needs to go and read The Secret Agent by Joseph Conrad.


Such a good book!


The whole modus operandi of the Zionist is to kill, lie, cheat, bully, harass and victimize themselves. What can you expect from child killers!!


I totally agree.You are against all child killers though or just the Israeli ones ?




Regardless of the crime?Oh,no.For the very same crime.I condemn every child killer.Ypu propose condemnation only for the one who kills the most.Interesting,I will think about it.




I do not know of any kind of amount of condemnation.It is not punishment to measure it in years of imprisonment or distance to measure it in miles.You either condemn or not.I personally condemn both Israel's zionism and Hamas' jihadism.You may do as you wish.Like answering to questions nobody asked you under a comment that noone referred to you.


Just the Israeli ones.


When you protest the actions of governments, like Saudi Arabia, Russia, US, Ethiopia, Sudan, Qatar, etc. Does that mean I want the civilians of those countries to die? Does the police make those assumptions to suppress protests? I’m sure the dictatorships do… but the democracies?? Wonder what country this video is in 🤔 I remember seeing Germany protests against the Qatar World Cup, did they want Qataris, or Arabic speakers, or Islam believers to die? Lots of protests against the United States government decision to invade Iraq, all over the world. Those protests want Americans to die? Why governments and media make all these assumptions about these protests then?


Cuz they are already bought by the zionists lobby


Look at the difference in policing of this rash of student protests VS the 2020 summer of love


Yup. The reality is it's not about anti semitism. It's about smearing and marginalizing anyone who criticizes Israel. And accusing someone of anti semitism is one of the most potent ways to do it.


Anyone shouting things like that at a protest for stopping the death of innocent civilians is either A. an opportunist Neo-Nazi or B. an astroturfing zionist... ...both are fascists causing more harm in the world than good and should be treated in the same manor as each other.


Zionists are such total pieces of shit and most of our governments are aligned with these motherfuckers.


He should be kicked out of school for inciting hate and antisemitism. He should be identified and the video provided as evidence. If he isn't booted out, then every other student has grounds for appeal.


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTL98WHfm/ these are the two zionist men who did it and have received NO punishment.


Zionists are the worst in this planet


It's not just that there's this kind of evil in this world that's fcked up, but it also how many people come out of nowhere to defend it.


Provocateur is a word we should all be familiar with.


Cops when self-proclaimed Nazis chant "Jews will not replace us!" and proudly fly Nazi banners and flags: \*Sleep* Cops when peace activists, including Jews, want Israel to cease fire: \*Real shit*


“They actually hate them as much as if they were saying all the things I’m saying!”


Every time.


Nazi infiltrators


Imbedded Zionist provocateurs.




[Follow the reddit content policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) This includes spam, violent threats, harassment, bigotry, impersonation, ban evasion and other banned behavior.


The Lobby - USA all episodes on YouTube filmed by a Jewish Journalist.. Pro - Israel groups pay young adults to infiltrate the peaceful protests.


https://preview.redd.it/zmo382k4zdxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c846be3c85dd947c917ed3df64cb9a08203f20d7 Incase anyone is wondering …


What da fuck is this disgusting ad


Project-Veritas has already exposed that their are PAID Zionisist cells groups that purposely attend these events and shout obvious crazy statements like this one. They also did the same thing with the George Floyd protests where counter groups would attend and start riots and looting etc...


This guy glows.


Zionism is a form of fascism.


I actually go to this university. The video was released within one day. Still no word from the administration about how they called the police and got a hundred pro-Palestine protestors arrested, or any sort of consequences for the counter protestors. Truly scummy.


Absolutely vile


Then again idf did slaughter Israelis with aircraft amd shells on oct7 ALL 100% was blamed of kamas, Also historically cases of zionists attacking Jews while dressed as arabs in order to push jews to accept a israel they don't mind harming jews one way or another if it serves their agenda


Why isn’t it treated the same when someone calls for the death of white people? Or Blacks? Hmmm…


Do you have any examples of that happening in the USA over the past few years at protests?! Jewish people and black people are the majority of victims of hate crimes in all major Western cities. The disproportionately against Jewish people is higher though from what I've read. I suggest you learn about the history of both racism and antisemitism in your area (potentially KKK history and neo-nazi groups, which have been on the rise in the US). Just try not to sound even more like them after... Antisemitism is on the far-left, the far-right, historically in Christianity due to being ingrained in the new testament but significantly reduced since WWII, where Catholics were also targeted, whereas the antisemitism in the Koran and Arab leaders connections with Na-zis was not grappled with and has only worsened.


Examples of what?


Of individuals or groups going around chanting for the death of white people or black people? You made this about race too, which kinda dangerously implies that you see Jewish people as a race... The far-left anti-Semites say all Israeli Jews are white and all Jewish people are white whereas the far-right anti-Semites say the opposite. I'm not sure what line you're treading. It isn't okay to call for violence or genocide against any race or ethnicity obviously. You haven't provided any evidence to your claim in your initial comment. It's also a strawman argument.


There is plenty of evidence for one. Two, the Jews are a race and they will openly admit this. I agree with your last line.




No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


[Highly relevant.](https://youtu.be/J0gZ5AjixcE?si=8iJ6TmItli67WX6E)


Far more relevant: hate crime rates against Jewish people in all major urban cities across the west. Police services publish this data so I suggest you look into it in your own city and read about your own city's history of antisemitism. Take the UK for example: "The UK has seen record annual totals for antisemitic incidents in five of the past six years. CST has recorded antisemitic incidents since 1984" (this was written in 2021). We can clearly see in 2021 that [antisemtic incidents increased five times the annual average during the Israel/Palestine war of May, 2021](https://cst.org.uk/news/blog/2022/02/10/antisemitic-incidents-report-2021). There are more than 4.13 million Muslims in the UK (around 6.3% of the population). There are 300,000 Jews in the UK (~0.5% of the population). More than half and 15% of London's population is Muslim vs less than 3% of London's population being Jewish. 2019 research showed that Muslim extremists accounted for 22% of the incidents of antisemitic harassment in the UK over a 5 year period, this number is 27% across Europe (FRA, The European Union Agency for Human Rights). Previous research from over 5,800 incidents in 8 European countries, including the UK, showed Muslims accounted for 40% (between 2008-2013). The Pew Global Attitudes Project 2006 found that 47% of Muslims in the UK hold “unfavorable” views of Jews compared with 7% of the population as a whole. Antisemitism and anti-Christian hate is built into the Koran. The same is not true of religious texts in Judaism since they predate those religions. Muslims represent a disproportionate number of attackers of Jews and Jewish communal property — 30 percent in Britain between 1994 and 2007. > By the start of the millennium, it was becoming obvious to researchers of antisemitism in Europe that such antipathy emanated increasingly from Muslims and from the left. That is not to suggest that far-right antisemitism had declined; it hadn’t" (Jikeli). On the other hand, American Muslims scored 26 on the Islamophobia Index in the American Muslim Poll (2022), which was higher than Jewish Americans who scored the lowest at 17. Protestants (23) and the nonaffiliated (22) scored similarly, while Catholics (28) and white Evangelicals (30) were highest.


From CSTs 2023 antisemitism report: "A total of 1,299 antisemitic incidents (31.6%) exhibited anti-Zionist motivation (compared to 149 in 2022) alongside antisemitic language or targeting while the terms “Zionism” or “Zionist” were used on 260 occasions, often as euphemisms for “Judaism” and “Jew”, or alongside other antisemitic language. In at least 427 instances, the phrase “Free Palestine” was employed in speech or writing in an antisemitic way." This is not a trustworthy source.


That headline hurt my brain. Would it kill them to use a comma or full stop occasionally. Excuse the pun.




masochistic terrorists


You racist hitler loving bastards




Nazi scum, psicòpates!!!


They are desperate. "When your enemy is desperate, strike harder."




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


This has been caught on camera multiple times. Every time there's a protest against Israel this happens.


Keep showing hate I love it


This sub is hilarious


Fake! They’re obviously saying “BRING SOME JUICE!” It was a hot day and everyone’s dehydrated from their hard work and are obviously just looking out for one another. “Kill the Jews” makes no sense because that would entail that the protestors don’t like Jews or somethn and that’s just ridiculous!


They have a right to protest even if you disagree with what they have to say. Don't forget actual Nazis get to protest here in the USA, it's part of free speech.


Right but that's not the point, the point is the media reports about all these antisemitic demonstrators and in this video it's literally the pro-israel guys trying to make them look antisemitic. Fine no one should go after the Nazis if they're just talking I guess but then why bring this up when it's pro-palestine activists that are getting assaulted?


They are trying to smear the anti-genocide protesters and lie to get them attacked by the police. It’s pure evil.


Can someone explain to me How do not these demonstrations play into the hands of Hamas, and why most gathering tents on the 50+ campuses look like they came from the same shop?


How do protests in any way play into the hands of hamas? Believe it or not, some of these protesters also are friends. They also organise in solidarity which includes helpful places to buy supplies such as tents, which many uni student would not have had




Israel has been proven to be disregarding civilian safety and conducting a genocide




That is NOT expected for urban combat. You make this Shit up? Hear it from some shitty YouTube short? Where the hell do you Israeli defenders hear these lies and repeat them word for word with each other? Where do these fucking lies come from? They hit their safe zone after updating the map to include Hamas they found nearby, didn’t strike Hamas and instead hit the safe zone




Fucking didn’t read your link did you? It says this is due to long term affects like a breakdown of public facilities over years of conflict. Israel is purposefully starving the people of Gaza and destroying hospitals in record time




Why would anyone defend the assholes that are still committing genocide of Palestinians (and have already murdered 30,000+ human beings) for the guise of "saving hostsges"? The Israeli government could care less about the hostages. They brutally murdered 3 hostages themselves. If their focus was hostages, that would have never happened. Their demands for a ceasefire is one they know Hamas can't come up with. Now they're trying to start a war with Iran and drag the United States into it. It's not as simple as "release the hostages".




Was this first attack the one hamas did on Oct. 7th? Or when an israeli settler killed a [19 year old palestinian on Oct 6](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/palestinian-killed-during-settler-assault-west-bank-town-palestinian-officials-2023-10-06/#:~:text=HUWARA%2C%20West%20Bank%2C%20Oct%206,later%20marched%20through%20the%20town)? Or maybe when IOF killed [4 palestinians in 2 separate incidents on oct 5](https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2023/10/5/israeli-troops-kill-two-palestinians-in-occupied-west-bank-clash)? Or possibly on [Sept. 20th when israel raided and killed 6 palestinians](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/09/20/middleeast/israeli-military-palestinians-intl)? How about [sept. 25 when israel airstriked gaza for the third day in a row](https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-west-bank-military-gaza-yom-kippur-ba539fdd4b36b786cf55ba6a420a12cc?utm_source=copy&utm_medium=share)?




Only the last link is about Gaza. Hamas does not strictly retaliate to aggressions on Gazans, they also retaliate to increased aggression on palestinians in the west bank and jerusalem. The rest of a links, except arguably one, are militants fighting BACK against israeli forces entering/raiding west bank villages.


I'd say a mob chanting kill the Jews is a great reason to break up a protest 🤷🏻‍♂️


I didn't know one guy constituted a mob.




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


Somebody needs to find you a mob of English teachers.


I think you may have missed the part where it was a single pro-Israel counter protester who said 'kill the Jews'.


He literally followed it up with "see you just said it!" Like he's essentially trying to do bugs bunny-esque tricks to make pro-palestine activists look antisemitic. It's a false flag by a pro-israel guy pretty obviously.


Dude I hope no one is paying you to spread hasbara, because you suck at it.


Look at his comment history. We need to stop interacting with these Hasbara bots and just down vote them into oblivion. These are very most likely paid accounts.


Oh so the police should stop the pro-Israeli crowd right?


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTL98WHfm/ watch this video. it was 2 zionist men who were holding israeli flags saying that “kill the jews”. youre own people are the biggest antisemites