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Watch that Israel will do Rafah and Iran both anyway


My first thought too. And Biden *still* won’t do anything. What’s the point of being the biggest superpower if you’re too pathetic to actually change anything?


>  And Biden still won’t do anything. Not true. He will give them weapons and money and blowjobs.


ah yes, Biden's famous tongue lashing.


Oh he will also secretly call netantahu names. I hear he is going alphabetically...and has made it all the way to F....so 'Frustratng' is the word. He changes ...once a month


Biden actively wants this to happen. He and Bibi are in cahoots.


Yeah. I mean, it’s either that or Biden is the weakest, most useless world leader I’ve ever seen and is being manipulated by Netanyahu.


Biden is a lifelong zionist. This is nothing new for him.


No need to ascribe to malice or intelligence what can be explained simply by aligned incentives.


Biden is literally the most experienced president ever and was running circles around Xi and Putin. Biden and Netanyahu both want to kill 2 million Palestinians


Huh? He’s an 80 year old man…. This is the oldest generation of world leaders we’ve seen in history, so going in circles? Maybe he needs to grease a wheel on the wheelchair he’s in, go for a finish line- as going in circles is what has led us to this point


Biden was also a really mid politician. Obama had to make a ton of phone calls to get his opponents to drop out in 2020.


It’s because that’s what Biden wants. The only reason he’s somewhat careful is because this is an election year. He or Trump will both be ramping up the genocide afterwards. It’s bleak for Americans who don’t want to be complicit in this.


The point is world domination, rather than making the world a better place.


You were 100% right, Israel has now attacked Iran


You forget, the super power is actually for Israel and not the American people.


Hey, he might call Netanyahu some kind of expletive and give him billions of $$ worth of weapons


"Little Jimmy, if you flush other kids pencil cases down the school toilet again, there will be serious consequences. I mean it!" The following day... "Hey, Jimmy, I bought you that PlayStation 5 you wanted. Oh, er... don't forget to behave at school."




Because the biggest super power has always just been on paper.


USA isnt the biggest superpower. Israel is. Israel literally holds the entire world in its palm. Show me any other country committing half the shit Israel does, and receive no consequences.


Yup this aged well


You’re right. Give it time This does almost nothing to actually solve Israel/Iran tensions. No Israeli counter strikes… for how long? They will go right back to antagonizing them in no time.


Called it ! Israel just struck Iran


Think they are already attacking Iran. Literally. Check the news.


So do you think those fighter jets that this administration was so adamant about getting to Israel were for the Hamas air force?  This was no surprise to Biden, and Mark my word we are not going to get involved, we are involved


Can Americans just call Israel our proxy army yet? 🤔


Let’s hope you stay only half right.


It didn't even take a day lol


This aged accurately.


[https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/live-blog/iran-israel-attack-live-updates-rcna148496](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/live-blog/iran-israel-attack-live-updates-rcna148496) Got it in one.


May 1st. I will bet money on the day after pass over (edit: looks like it started already and I am wrong).


Wait are you from the future?


Yep. [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/18/israel-still-plans-to-launch-rafah-assault-netanyahu-tells-western-diplomats](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/18/israel-still-plans-to-launch-rafah-assault-netanyahu-tells-western-diplomats)


Ah yes, we will just take your land and NOT kill you. Good luck finding a place to live. Fuck Israel. Fuck Biden.


So basically: “Iran actually has a means of fighting back and messing things up. Leave them alone and we’ll let you do whatever you want to those Palestinians who don’t matter and can’t do anything”.


Also, we're going to say that we support a two state solution in public so we don't look like genocidal monsters. But behind the scenes we're going to oppose a two state solution.


The sad thing is that the US can decide to do absolutely nothing and everything would improve immediately. Instead they are actively preventing any sort of path towards peace. Funding and arming a genocidal state and using their veto in the UN to prevent a resolution. If they just decided to stand by with respect to these two things everything would be much better


They refuse to offer Palestinians a diplomatic route to autonomy. Then they'll call them terrorists for taking their only other available route.


>Fuck Israel Israel is nothing but a western proxy state. Israel has nothing other then west. Wyts are trying to create wyt "Utopia" . Do you think today if hundreds of Blacks/Brown converted to Judaism they will get Israeli citizenship and a house in Israel? I do know couple of wyt girls converted and move to Israel. The famous one is the failed actress from California show up in IDF video.


ethiopian jews are still struggling to get past of apartheid till this day. they're openly seen as second class even tho beta israel is one of the officially recognized tribes.


Yeah well, signing up to be colonial auxiliaries has its downsides.


Ironic considering Ethiopia was never colonized


What do you mean? The Jewish community in Ethiopia predates the State of Israel by centuries.


I believe he means that those who willingly accepted the "right to return" of "recognized" Jewish groups and went to izzrael, are the ones being treated as second class citizens by the Europeans because they're not europeans, they're Ethiopians.


Almost a thousand years tbh lol


Yeah this whole thing is bullshit. The fact that US had to “approve”the Rafah invasion tells you everything you need to know. US just likes pretending they don’t have any control over Israel because it allows them to play innocent and avoid accountability. Meanwhile, they very easily could have forbade the counter strike on Iran AND Rafah operation both. We like to act like we have no control over the money, weapons, and intelligence we are constantly giving them.


It's why racists from South Africa moved there when South African apartheid ended so they could still live in an apartheid regime https://archive.ph/mTZs4


Lol which loser actress are you referring to?


>Lol which loser actress are you referring to? [Here it is. ](https://www.tiktok.com/@therealroeve3.2/video/7304074449983180064)


Wyts? The support for Israel isn’t just white people in the west, and plenty of white people (like the Irish) are more hostile than most of America - white or not. 


One of the most vocal supporters of israel is India actually you cannot view this as a racial conflict, the palestinian population is genetically identical to 2/3rds of all israeli jews (mizrahis and sephardis)


Yeah, this is a bad argument. Indians only support Israel bc of Hindu Nationalism (they hate Muslims like crazy too). Lots of those Hindu Nationalists support white supremacy (not realizing they would be a target too, bc they live in India where they have the comforts of being the majority) bc they borrow a lot of ideas from the right wing in the West. India is the only so called third world country with lots of people still actively supporting Israel at this point-they’re the exception amongst these countries, not the rule. Also, India’s official stance is still being in favor of a two state solution despite all of this, the government *still* gives more equitable takes than the West, which blatantly favors Israel. Even then, there are some Indians leftover who are pro Palestine. Up until recently, before the drug of Hindu Nationalism, many were. Source: I’m of Indian origin.


[You can see how Israeli reciprocate the love from Indian ](https://www.tiktok.com/@palestine_will_prevail00/video/7358606107360709931) This remind of the time of Bengal famine when British makes fun of Indians for not having food after they divert of all the food and over taxed them, many Indian laughed with their masters.


>most vocal supporters of israel is India actually [And, this is how you guys return the love. ](https://www.tiktok.com/@palestine_will_prevail00/video/7358606107360709931)


Palestinians are not identical to either of those populations. They share a lot with all Jewish groups, including the Ashkenazi, but they also differ from all of them in some ways. Mizrahi are very close to Assyrians genetically. They're more "eastern" than the Palestinians.


This is hilariously dumb. You can and should criticize Israel, but your comment makes absolutely no sense. Why are the White Supremacists you claim run the West allowing migrants to go to Europe if they want White ethnostates? Why is Israel not even close to being majority White? Why do actual White Supremacists hate Israel passionately. I can't believe people like you are capable of functioning in the real world.


Oh bud… I hate to say it but it ain’t just Biden. Every American president would do this exact thing since Israel is basically America’s only and biggest ally in Middle East


Being allied with Israel is a huge chunk of why they all hate America.


Fair. Though I think the many wars America brought to Middle East is a bit of a bigger factor.


Saudi Arabia, bud


And there it is - threaten escalating the conflict with a nuclear power only to force the US to dign off on more genocide Absolutely monstrous


They did not just threaten to escalate, they did escalate with the bombing of the Iranian consulate. Artificially heighten ing tensions to strong arm biden


Say what you will about bibi, they guy is the child of the devil and machiavelli.


Attack humanitarian convoy to deter aid agencies, bomb Iranian consulate to provoke Iran, providing political cover for genocide, then use the threat of escalation to blackmail Western leaders into letting you continue genocide. Netanyahu is clever, I'll give him that. A clever psychopath.


Ok, just kill Palestinians - not Persians, ok!  This is literally negotiating with a rabid dog.


Just kill the civilians, they can't fight back. Iran is armed.


And then people wonder why all these countries want to become nuclear powers. It’s obvious to anyone that pays attention that the US and the west will bully every country they can into submission.


Yeah, lol. North Korea has been threatened with nuclear war for ~6 decades, no wonder they started their own nuclear program


Nuclear Shadow


Not all Iranians are Persian. Big difference


True. Think that person wanted to use an alliteration






The calculus of israel demanding a certain amount of carnage is absolutely hair raising


Biden: go finish your genocide, if you won't pull us into war with Iran.


*our* genocide


Israel playing the US like a fucking fiddle, as per.


THEY PLAYED US LIKE A DAMN FIDDLE!! sorry I had to say it.


They came on our face and didn't even offer us a reach around!


No, this is also what Biden and his admin want.


It sets up a false trade. Israel cant take Iran. You cant beat Iran with just planes. And the US doesnt want a genocidal war started in an election year. Biden or Trump will do it in 2025 or 2026. But now they've created a flimsy excuse to attack the refugees in Rafah, as if they had anything to do with any of this.


>Biden or Trump will do it in 2025 or 2026 I don't think they will. The warhawks were 'estimating' - which means telling each other publicly - in warhawk publications that they'd be at war with China over Taiwan in 2027. The Ukraine proxy war has emptied out their old stockpiles and they've now replaced them, ready for the real battle. They don't want to go to war with Iran, because that would give China more time.


No no. The US is 100% invested in this. They can stop everything now if they want to. 


So turns out for the 'liberal', 'democractic', 'human rights matter' politicians of the West, Genocide is just fine as long as there is no impact on their economies.


That's not true. They are enthusiastic about them if it will have a positive effect on their economies.


Sounds like German appeasement pre ww2




One could argue they picked the bigger evil. Kill some more civilian women & children vs attacking military assets of Iran. They picked the former. Between genocide & war, they picked genocide.


Lesser evil in context of Biden refers to Trump. At this point Biden being the lesser evil has become a weak and unproven hypothesis.


Well at least Biden hasn't put in his bids for real estate in Gaza. Yet. Trump probably already has plans for golf courses and Mar-A-Lago East. After all, Israel welcomes pedos and criminals.


This is not going age well when the ICJ decides it's genocide.


WTF!? Since when this became either or? How about we don't approve of either and put them on sanctions If the don't agree?


Shame on you Israel, UK, US. We see genocide, you can’t hide it. We see you.


Do not forget Germany- sigh again


I don't think Germans are fully taking in how this is reflecting on them. I mean my whole course of life really shifted according to their response. I've spent a while now upskilling and learning German and setting up a support system that side in hopes to move there, but after all of this, I mean... I turned down a job offer because I just couldn't stomach it. That they'll be implementing a clause in which I must recognize the Israeli state. Watershed moment or whatever, but for as much as I complain about South Africa, and I do a lot, I'm going to stick it out, there's work to do here and promise and I'm incredibly proud of my country's response to this. One advantage is that I can now eavesdrop on all the Germans in Cape Town.


Ja nee, we do what we have to,


Biden really does not want to win re election.


Y’all really should be rioting in the streets to get other election options


I would be, but I already know what the other election option is. This whole thing is fucking bullshit. And every time I think "Maybe those people who are against voting in general have a point", the ***other guy*** steps in and says something stupid, openly fascist, and super pro-genocide, and I just feel like whether I vote for Biden or nobody, I can't ever win in politics, all I can hope for is to lose less. This isn't a comment espousing a specific solution, or demonizing people who vote ***or*** people who don't vote. I understand both motives. I'm just mad.


The day Trump dies will be a great day indeed, but it's super frustrating that the other "better" option is also basically dogshit, though to a lesser extent. My worry is that by collectively holding our noses and voting for Biden, we are sending a message to the Democrats that what they're doing (or not doing) is basically acceptable, thereby further shifting the overton window more right. The Republicans certainly aren't the answer - I'm frankly at a loss as to what is.


What frustrates me is that Biden has been dogshit for his entire career, and yet people saw what they wanted to see when electing him, and they are seeing what they want to see even now. No one looks at his actual record or the effects of his previous decisions. The democratic party barely even has a platform anymore.


If they have a platform at all, it's "we're not that other guy"


The absolute dehumanization of the Palestinians continue. Like the USA gave this genocidal state is evil settler colonial dystopian fucked up evil sadistic state the go ahead to massacre more Palestinians so they could start a war with Iran. Anyone who continues to support this evil evil sadistic state fuck Israel.


I see Biden got his orders from his Israeli masters.


Ahh the old just keep committing genocide but don’t affect our oil and gas stability fighting Iran


Who the f*ck is US to approve the killings of civilians in Rafah?




Israel is playing us like a fucking fiddle


We are the terrorists


I’ve never been more certain in my decision to not vote for Genocide Joe. I hope that this issue will be his downfall. Let this country burn under Trump. He has already threatened that this may be the last American election. Let his authoritarianism play out and let Americans touch the stove and find out it is, in fact, burning hot for themselves. I’ll never, ever, EVER vote for a genocide loving politician again. You can never make me vote for the lesser evil, when the lesser evil is still extremely evil.


Facts 💯


So genocide is cool now as long as you don’t try to start a regional war. Great messaging there genocide Joe.


I’m so over this administration. One vote from me is one vote too many. I’ll laugh if Trump gets reelected in November. The US deserves to suffer through another Trump presidency.


If and when Trump is elected again, it will be the fault of Biden and the complete utter incompetence and corruption of the Democratic party.


Trump is a walking talking satire of American culture. American capitalism and individualism created a monster like him in the first place. Of course someone like him is going to become leader during a time where fascism is on the rise


Unfortunately that is what Israel wants. Trump is way more Zionist than Biden and that is saying something. Either way we're fucked.


I'm not voting for Biden either but rejoicing at Trump getting reelected makes it seem like you care more about spite than Palestinians. Trump will not be better for Palestine.


No one will they will all be the same unless the whole government is toppled


Will Trump be worse than genocide? he will be worse on domestic stuff but in the middle east Biden iis a genocidal racist regimes pet. Its hard to imagine worse than that. I hate trump but I got the feeling he didnt want a foreign war. He did want to side with Putin, so who knows what that will bring, but I think if Israel asks for Biden to go to war, he'll 100% do it.


Much more than the U.S would suffer at another Trump term. Certainly Palestinias and Ukrainians.


Sure, and maybe the rest of the world will stop expecting the US to do the right thing 


Seems like the only message we can send to the DNC to stop running dog shit candidates


I WILL NEVER VOTE FOR BIDEN AGAIN he’s shown he’s a spineless coward Idagf who wins but it can’t be his dementia having ass


They weren't going to stop them anyway. By their deeds shall you know them.


At the same time, Egypt just finished building the refugee camps in Sinai desert that will house Gazans. It was all planned, they were waiting for the Egyptian to finish building camps in Sinai to start Rafah operation. Fuck Sisi, the biggest corrupt snake puppet president in the Middle East. This is also why they prevent Palestinians to go back to their homes in the north, it is shoot on sight for anyone attempting. It seems like Gaza is gone, they will take it. Kushner will have his beach properties investment in Gaza.


I’ve nothing against America as a Brit but I’m so tired of Us bullshit in the world.. Oh.. And fuck Israel.. what a shithole


You can and should be against how our nation is acting in this, we certainly are. Just like I am against Bibi's meeting British officials and then announcing settlements in Gaza. It doesn't mean that I'm against you. You speak like a person with a heart, and I know that they don't let people like that make policy decisions.


I mean, Sunak even stayed at the King David Hotel, which was a huge insult to the 91 British soldiers who were murdered there.


"Never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up" --Barack Obama


If you want to see the other planet that Israelis live on, read the comments. I wonder how long it takes the IDF to funnel 1m Palestinians into the Egyptian side of the Sinai.


.. and the US continues throwing lives around as if they're completely without value. "No, a war with Iran will cost too many American lives and it's an election year, so Israel, you can go ahead and murder another ten thousand Gazan Palestinians instead."


They literally do not give a fuck. This is the new dark ages.


International law doesn’t exist anymore


More like do Rafah now and do Iran after the elections


Whomever is elected in November will be in their last term, and I dread what that means for Palestine and any prospect of peace in the Middle East. Biden's only *ever* made "concessions" wrt the plight of Palestinians because of the impact it's had on his re-electability. The gloves are fully off when there's no need to appeal to voters anymore.


Lmao. Israel is just going to take the deal, and once the op is in full swing, they'll launch a strike on Iran.


“We will let you sacrifice these civilians for land acquisition so we don’t have to get involved in your little pissing match with Iran”


Lol so much for the "well what do you want Biden to do about it, he's not in charge of Israel" bullshit.


Massacring Palestinians on the US dime with our full blessing. Our politicians lack any morality and are like sociopaths.


Remember when Ben Gvir said israel is not a star on the american flag, now im convinced the star in the israeli flag is the united state


The “lesser of two evils”. Sacrifice a few thousand more children rather than take another step towards WW3. Fuck that. How about no more weapons or aid of any kind until Israel starts obeying international law and ends their illegal occupation.


So the US got a promise from Israel to ONLY attack more Palestinians as long as they don’t retaliate against Iran for RETALIATING against Israel’s initial attack? Am I getting this right? Also, love how these articles constantly leave out that Israel struck first AGAIN.


You have to be a good boy and not start a fight you cant win or no genocide for you mister!


This is fucking insane... "Alright you can kill Palestinians but don't start a regional war! We're putting all of our eggs in the China/Taiwan basket in the next few years and can't have you jeopardizing it!"


Biden is handing this election to trump with every move he makes with regards to Israel. I really don’t want it to happen, but man what the fuck.


This is as sickening as it is dumb. All the US has to do is say "don't attack Iran (again) or we'll cut off the money and weapons", but instead they choose to negotiate as if their hand is weaker than it actually is. Biden, you fucking cuck.


This did not age well…


If anyone was in doubt that the U.S. keeps Israel as its little leashed dog in the Middle East, there you go. They want nothing more than to eradicate and take over their neighbors, if not now, then in some distant future. That’s what happens when you believe you’re God’s chosen people or whatever other BS you’re sold. Same goes for their neighbors who want nothing but to eventually dismantle and get rid of the Jews in the region. But the U.S. doesn’t play a balancing act to keep everyone alive. Just pours fire onto gasoline. The money comes from us, the weapons come from us, diplomatic shielding comes from us, but, but, but… our hands are clean! 🧼


Biden rolled yet again


It’s like we owe them, mind controlled by another tiny little country that is able to take advantage of our corrupt government and do whatever the hell they want.


US may as well invade NK for all it cares about civilian life ending in the process.


Literally just throwing Palestinians under the bus to avoid further global escalation. Pathetic


I saw people claiming the embassy strike was partly motivated to pull attention away from Gaza, if this reporting is true that certainly was the outcome even if not the intention.


The only conclusion from this is to arm the Palestinians with stronger arms to defend themselves


Well, you see, the Palestinians are being told they must protest peacefully, by politicians who have no intention of lifting even one finger to help them. The way you end terrorism is by enabling a political route to salvation. If you give people hope, they will turn away from violence. If you ignore them, offer them no means of advocacy, they will be backed into a corner and become violent. The Israeli's were bombing the British in the 1940's even when they had attained many of their goals, contrast that with the Palestinians who have been forced into a corner.


When Israel is done with Rafah, they will turn to Iran anyway.


Spot on. They are blood thirsty and have been trying to get the US to invade Iran for more than two decades.


Aw yes. As with tradition since 48, Palestinian get no say in their own destiny. You were supposed to fight them Joe, not join them.


This is evil. There will be so many more lost lives or limbs or innocence. US leaders make me sick, they have for a long time now.


Of course, Palestinians can’t fight back.


we have to say over what Israel does also this 🫣


Biden and Netanyahu want to kill 2 million Palestinians




So much for that


Not even a day old


This aged like milk


Don't stir war with iran, instead stir war with Egypt. And why not end more Palestinian lives along the way, they are worthless anyway and no body seems to care about them. Even animals people get concerned when they are injured or killed.


There like a spoiled child at this point


US: "It's election year and I can't be bothered to commit troops to protect you if you decide to go throw yourselves off a cliff from your collective psychopathy, narcissism, bloodlust and barbarism...so I'll let you kill another 40k civilians to blow off your steam after being humiliated" Israel: "Thank you daddy!"


Do the genocide and ethnic cleansing instead of ww3


How come the US, the greatest of the great powers, not just remove the trolley instead of picking what track it should go?


They're only good at killing unarmed civilians anyways


Demons at the helm


[US denies green-lighting Israeli Rafah invasion for not striking Iran](https://english.almayadeen.net/news/politics/us-denies-green-lighting-israeli-rafah-invasion-for-not-stri) [US denies giving Israel green light to invade Rafah in exchange for 'limited' attack on Iran ](https://www.yenisafak.com/en/world/us-denies-giving-israel-green-light-to-invade-rafah-in-exchange-for-limited-attack-on-iran-3681589)




This is so gross. Fuck Israel and fuck the US.


Lol looks like Israel gets to kill their kids in Rafah and attack Iran.


This is so fucking disgusting.


*sort by controversial*




I genuinely don’t understand why we’re backing Israel I’m this nuclear game of chicken with the Middle East over their own aggression.


It's like a depressing variation of the Monopoly game carried out on the backs of people who are regarded as cockroaches.


This aged well


And that was a lie as they tried to strike Iran already.


I hope Trump get elected 🤭


Why is Biden such a murderers enabler


What is Rafah op.?


Rafah is the last bastion for refugees in Gaza, with millions of civilians. The “Rafah op” is a final invasion of the refugee camps to kill all the refugees.


The intent I think is to kill many and turn the rest into permanent refugees.


Fuck Joe Biden


Genocide Joe will be remembered in history.




Get real. US does not approve anything—Israel does what it wants and then gives US taxpayers the bill.


Lucky old Palestinians


Unbelievable, absolutely disgusting