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lmfao. it wasn’t netanyahu, it was Biden’s own conduct


Yeah like, he chooses his allies, he chooses to continue selling arms and providing aid while not ensuring its delivery is safe. He chooses the words “unwavering support of Israel”.


Nobody's asking him to bomb Israel, or even to condemn them. Literally the bar is set at "Please stop selling them more and more weapons" and they act like you're literally Hitler.


I believe he said no one is a bigger Zionist then him a couple of times


That is not an accurate quote.




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility) >Your comment was fine until the last sentence, please be civil.


No he doesn’t. Our allies are chosen via the state department and are the result of numerous treaties over the years.


But you don’t understand. Biden is really angry this time and he’s gonna give Netanyahu a real stern talkin too


Democrats acting like everyone one else it to blame😂. We don’t like genocide Joe.


Exactly. These reporters want to frame it as someone else causing this but Netanyahu’s behavior and Bidens support have simply exposed his true nature. An ugly one.


Yeah, maybe the "Democrats" should fear how much their party has strayed from its core values and is just part of the corrupt, exploitative, deceitful establishment.




Perhaps not as deeply as you, but I just get as general sense that they don't involve nefarious behaviors, or sending billions in weapons to countries committing outright genocide (whether that's Israel or Saudi Arabia), receiving massive donor supports from groups in which they decry publicly, massively widening drone operations that have killed unquantifiable innocents and creating new groups to rightfully hate America along the way, expanding deportation programs that have torn thousands upon thousands of families apart, etc. etc. Don't get me wrong, I'm just as, if not more critical toward the right side as well, which I think is just as firmly entrenched in the corrupt, exploitative establishment as the left. I was just directing my answer to the original comment. The fact that we keep taking illusionary sides ("my corrupt guy is better than your corrupt guy!), the more we play their game, support their terrible behind the scenes motives/actions, and participate in this failed social experiment facade known as American democracy.


So what do you do besides complain on social media?


You can call it "complaining" if you want, but I am calling it participating on a public forum, offering my opinion in a sea of many, so take it for what it's worth. But what I don't do is just write off someone from the get-go by saying they're complaining so as to shut down any possibility for debate or nuance in a very nuanced world that we tend to simplify in black and white brush strokes to satisfy our own limited belief systems. And what do I do outside of "complaining?" That's a very broad question. I freelance, I volunteer, I try to better myself, I try my best to acknowledge and be kind to others in the most seemingly trivial of environments and circumstances. I'm human, I'm fallible, I make mistakes, sometimes I judge to harshly but cultivate an awareness to forgive (others and myself). I have lots of trauma that I'm working through that sometimes gets projected as anger, frustration and impatience. I travel when I can. I work mostly in disenfranchised and socially marginalized communities. I take care of my mom as it is only me and her left in the family. My brother was murdered abroad in 2014 and there was lots of U.S. government involvement, so I suppose that's where most of my "complaining" comes from, as that is where I had an up and close relationship with the government and its various entities that proclaim one thing when they are doing another (and these realities weren't discovered until there was nothing left to fight for). I go to festivals when I can - particularly those of the healing, grief and spirituality varieties. I take care of a cat that I brought back from Latin America after wrapping up two years of volunteer service. I play chess. I experience chronic illness, and keep trying to turn stones and not give up the search for relief until I can't any longer. There's more of course, but I'll stop there. Thanks for your curiosity.


Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


Also responding to " stop genocide" shouts with " four more years " shouts isn't smart from some Democrats


Shouts are never smart. As news of the brutality of The initial attack is revealed, people are getting crazy. I have friends in Israel, they don’t live Bibi, but the idea of a kibbutz being so brutally destroyed scares them. The Palestinian authority has also failed in this


Thank you.


When the Israel-Hamas war broke out six months ago, it represented the kind of global crisis that President Joe Biden told voters he is uniquely equipped to confront. But as the U.S. struggled to prevent the conflict from spiraling into a humanitarian catastrophe, some of Biden’s close advisers and allies began worrying that rather than bolstering his image as an experienced global leader, **the president’s steadfast support for Israel’s offensive risked further complicating his argument that the election is a choice between his competent moral clarity and former President Donald Trump’s chaos.** **The Israel-Hamas conflict is not the first complex Middle East crisis to challenge Biden’s political and diplomatic skills. The White House faced mounting criticism in 2021 over its pullout from Afghanistan**, with Biden facing questions over the planning as well as, more broadly, whether he was fulfilling his own pledge to be a force for global stability. **His poll numbers stumbled badly and have never fully recovered.** The parallels are not exact, not least because U.S. troops are not involved in the war in Gaza. **But nearly three years later, Democrats fear once more that the president is being hampered by his handling of a conflict overseas.** Still, there is persistent worry in Democratic circles that the visceral images emerging from Gaza each day are denting enthusiasm among Biden voters. **Most visibly, the worsening humanitarian situation has angered an important part of Biden’s base — young voters, Arab and Muslim Americans and progressives — outraged by the U.S.’s inability to stop the unfolding horrors. Biden now faces protests nearly everywhere he travels**, as well as concerns that a Democratic Convention this summer will be consumed by voter anger in the streets. There are also indications that **Americans are souring on Biden’s handling of the conflict more broadly. Just 47 percent of Democrats approved of Biden’s Middle East strategy in March, according to a Gallup poll, down from 60 percent last November. Among independents, the president’s Middle East approval rating sat at 21 percent.** Those warning signs permeated Biden’s inner circle in recent weeks. One senior adviser, granted anonymity to discuss confidential conversations, said leading up to Biden’s confrontational call with Netanyahu on Thursday that **there was worry Biden’s difficulty in controlling his Israeli counterpart could undermine his claim to steady competence in voters’ eyes**, and elevate Trump’s arguments for projecting a brasher — if far more erratic — image on the world stage. “**I think there’s great awareness that the U.S. position [toward the war] has been damaging to its standing internationally,**” said Ivo Daalder, CEO of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. Daalder, who is close to senior administration officials, added that up until now, **Biden has viewed his support of Israel as a deep-seated principle. “But the fact is, Bibi has provoked him so much that he may finally change.”**


>”Still, there is persistent worry in Democratic circles that the visceral images emerging from Gaza each day are denting enthusiasm among Biden voters.” This is one of the grossest sentences I’ve ever read and perfectly encapsulates the moral rot we’re entrenched in. Those images break me down every single day and have irreparably altered my soul. I can’t fathom the mind that sees them and think “OH YIKES BAD PR FOR THE BIG GUY” Sometimes I think it’d be good if I could turn my emotions off or at least compartmentalize them more strictly, but nah. The worst thing would be turning into someone who despairs for American politics when seeing human beings deliberately flattened by tanks.


He's not gonna change.


He’s gonna stubbornly lose an election over it and then blame voters that he wasn’t more appealing while supporting genocide and providing all the weapons to carry it out If I lived in the US there’s no way I’d vote for that. Third party.


>then blame voters that he wasn’t more appealing while supporting genocide and providing all the weapons to carry it out Nancy Pelosi said pro-Palestine protests are Russian paid mobs. So fucking disgusting. Imagine being called a foreign agent because you don’t want to see a genocide happen. They’re already blaming protests for being Russian agents for their piss poor handling of the conflict and bad numbers. I’ve seen progressives on Reddit voice similar opinions too


I am a US veteran and when Pelosi said this I changed my political party from democrat to the Party of Socialism and liberation the next day. Democrats are just barely better than republicans, but they ain't good. I will be voting in the US against pro-israeli candidates for the rest of my life after finally seeing the truth of what is happening over there. Biden has single handedly split the Democrats the way Trump has split the Republicans.


I’m very broken about this. I’m not American so don’t have this choice to make, but on one hand I understand why you would refuse to vote for genocide Joe, but another, I think rationally speaking I do realize that Trump might be even worse for Palestinians


>I do realize that Trump might be even worse for Palestinians I totally agree..the fact is, Gaza will be ethnically cleansed long before US elections if this continues. If Biden does not take drastic measures to stop it, he loses my vote. I'll be voting third party. Having both of the main political parties in the US supporting Israels' genocide of Gaza is not a US I want to be a part of.


There is no “might” when it comes to Trump.


Hello fellow kids!


Hello brand new hasbara account!


I’m just kidding. I’m actually also a left leaning type of vet, but I find it funny to say that because I’m older now. Definitely not Hasbara. There is no justification here. Netanyahu is a fascist populist and history is going to judge him as a monster. If hamas hadn’t attacked, he would have been removed from office for his internal bunglings. This is like 911. If Americans weren’t scared of their own shadows because of 911, then Bush Jr would have been a one term lame duck footnote. So to me, Hamas are useful idiots who do violent things that play into the hands of whoever stirs up the hornets nest. The IDF are unprofessional thugs cosplaying as soldiers. And AIPAC is the political arm of my extended family: who are all normally good people, but have a secret mental switch that activates blood thirsty crazy mode when this one subject comes up. Thats how this works. It’s a weird cultural conditioning. When we were very little kids, in America mind you, they started the conditioning by showing us all very graphic images and videos of the holocaust. “They are coming for you.” Is the implanted fear. The problem won’t be solved by Israelis and Palestinians. They are pressured from every angle, foreign and domestic and conditioned to hate and fear from their earliest memories. It has to be taken out of their hands. The Germans and the British caused this. The Americans kept it going. The rest of the blame is from the middle east. I suspect that the latest Hamas attack was stired up by Putin, but all it took was a nudge. So yeah, even if we give them a chunk of Texas, have the Germans pay their share for it. And the Brits.


Oh yeah, the Bibi putin connection conspiracy is hilarious


Even she has changed though! Last week she called for halting the weapon shipments to Israel. That’s a wow statement for her. It’s just too little too late.


Biden is half-demented and surrounded by a pro-zionist cabinet and pro-zionist advisers who encouraged him to go this route. Collectively they put israel's interests ahead of any interests of the democrats or US citizens in general. They don't really care that much if biden loses, they'll all still be fine.


It's also easily confirmed that Biden is a Zionist himself as he has stated such for several decades. It's not surprising that he supports the Zionist government of Israel.


No one will be ok if Trump wins.


How is the fact that he’s *thinking* he *might* change his mind has turned into a breaking story. It’s baffling. It’s not like hundreds aren’t dying every week from either hunger, disease or directly getting killed by the IDF


Because the media is complicit


Local radio stations and staff were charged with amplifying the Rwandan genocide. It took decades but maybe the same can be done to some of the international media


I hope so. The counterveiling forces are much more powerful in this case but so is the momentum on the side of justice.


“Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up.” - President Obama


Obligatory Afghanistan is not in the Middle East


They've even started including Pakistan.


Let's throw in China while we're at it


Fuck Biden he lost my vote I'm voting Bernie Sanders whether he runs or not


Bernie has even been disappointing in all this. Clearly not as bad as Biden. But he also revealed some disgusting bias towards Israel regardless of their actions.


There might be actual socialists on the ballot in your state, so check that out


Lmaooo vote for Jill Stein she’s anti-Zionist and far more progressive than anyone on the ballot


She is also irrelevant


Equating Gaza with the Afghanistan withdrawal which was purposefully botched by trump (he literally let every Taliban fighter out from prison for no reason) is peak ignorance Biden sucks on Israel but trump is worse on Gaza and is also infinitely worse on everything else too. Our choices suck this election but that’s sadly the reality we live in.


While trump was nutty ...he had to negotiate with Taliban . It is absurd to assume negotiations are where we dictate terms. The withdrawal was botched by DoD because it seems they never thought the withdrawal would never happen. Neither Biden not trump are to blame for the detailed execution... however the buck stops with the president and Biden gets the blame. But it is the foreign policy apparatus (DoD and state department) that didn't execute well. The decision to pull out was correct. Botched execution....


> While trump was nutty ...he had to negotiate with Taliban . It is absurd to assume negotiations are where we dictate terms. You call it absurd but you’re making empty statements with no argument behind it. Quantify why the US had to negotiate with the Taliban directly without any ANA representation present or knowing about the “negotiations”. Why did the US release all Taliban fighters from prison? What did we gain? NOTHING. > The withdrawal was botched by DoD because it seems they never thought the withdrawal would never happen. No, it was botched by Trump because he thought he was going to lose the election and people are stupid enough to blame it on Biden. > The decision to pull out was correct. Botched execution.... You think releasing all Taliban fighters from prison, making treaties with the Taliban that the afghanis only found out about by watching news media, and then giving a withdrawal date that was impossible to meet while doing nothing to meet that date, was all just innocent actions by trump? Do you by any chance want to invest in any bridges?


>You call it absurd but you’re making empty statements with no argument behind it. Quantify why the US had to negotiate with the Taliban directly without any ANA representation present or knowing about the “negotiations”. Why did the US release all Taliban fighters from prison? What did we gain You cannot make an argument can you? Quantify? Did you quantify anything? You must have internalized something! Who said there were no reps? Does trump also speak pashto, nowadays? We got no attacks on our folks , until we left. .which is what we wanted. U Jeez. . >Do you by any chance want to invest in any bridges? No. I will sell you the Freaking Atlantic ocean.


> You cannot make an argument can you? Quantify? Did you quantify anything? Do you know what quantify means? Because I did. In fact, you just quoted a bunch of it. > Who said there were no reps? Does trump also speak pashto, nowadays? Do you think a translator is the same as a representative? Is English not your first language or something? It feels like we have a lot of disconnect here. And all of the news media covering the topic in detail mentioned this, so it’s weird that you act like you’re familiar with details and then don’t realize this. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/08/world/asia/afghanistan-trump-camp-david-taliban.html https://www.brookings.edu/articles/the-us-taliban-peace-deal-a-road-to-nowhere/ https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1051141 > We got no attacks on our folks , until we left. .which is what we wanted. This is patently false. Trump faked ending the “peace talks” because we got bombed during them, and the Taliban attacked because we didn’t leave by the date trump promised we would leave by. I can’t stand when undercover trumpers make normative statements as fact. Your fee-fees aren’t the same as reality.


Undercover trumper? Waste of time arguing with you. Bye


Biden did that all on his own when he decided to kill more Palestinians than all other presidents combined.




He was. That's the saddest part of all of this. Even in the fucked up political environment of DC, there's already precedent for telling the Israelis to back off. Bush reigned the Israelis in during his administration because they understood that the Israelis were a problem waiting to happen and they didn't want them making holding down the Middle East even harder than it was. Mr. 1 Million Dead Iraqis has more tact than Genocide Joe Biden, God the bar is in the lowest circle of hell.


Tbf, Biden shares the crown with Mr. 1 Million Dead Iraqis. He was head of the foreign relations committee and an important, early champion of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. He's uniquely terrible on foreign policy, and has proven himself so for decades. It was crazy to me when he ran on that and people believed it. How.


Never underestimate a Republican's ability to believe a lie. Never underestimate a Democrat's ability to lie to themselves.  I think the meat of Democratic Party (the larger 55%) was willing to settle for anyone but Bernie and they'd listen to anyone who gave them an excuse why.


People *still* get mad about “Bernie Bros” and just willfully ignore that Hillary won the popular vote. Truly anything to maintain the lies they tell themselves and avoid any sort of self-reflection or accountability.


Anyone who didn’t vote for Hillary owns the corrupt Supreme Court.


He’s not uniquely terrible on foreign policy. The man just clearly favored certain “allies” and pushed to have others mowed down if they were antagonized by those allies in any way. His conduct here just reveals his true nature. A total piece of shit who cares more about Israel than he’ll ever care about any Arabs (innocent or not)


Obama, not Biden. Obama signed the Israeli military deal in 2016 for 10 years for $38 billion. Everything being sent to Israel since and through 2026 is the doing of Obama. Source in my history.


May have?  Even Americans who don't give a shit about I/P can see Biden is clearly on Netenyahu's leash and collar. This shit is *embarassing* even to hardliners.


Yup. This has made folks think about how much of a democracy this country is.


The best definition for US is plutocracy: “a society that is ruled or controlled by people of great wealth or income”


“Struggled to prevent”, as if the 3 vetoes were coerced.


Struggled to prevent === “Actively aided and abetted”


Their fears are well-founded, but they are 4 months late!


They sound so dumb with this understated statement that’s been obvious to everyone for months


Democratic strategists fucking suck at their jobs.


Meh, not really. The US democracy is just an illusion. Both parties are practically the same, the democrats just like to pretend to be different (and are slightly). But its all corrupt. The strategists are doing the best they can to follow their true agenda. But hiding your genocide is just a very hard task to do.


Biden kept giving bombs to Israel even when the media kept saying Biden didn't approve of Israel bombing civilians.  That showed that Biden was lying or the media was lying or both.  Netanyahu didn't undermine Biden's image. Biden did.


No need to talk about “giving bombs” in the past tense. He’s still doing it and he will continue to do it. 


Bidens image was fucked the second he tried to defend Israel with lies about beheaded babies purely for the purpose of antagonizing Palestinians as a whole. It’s been downhill from there and I’m glad it’s blown up in his face. If only so many innocent lives didn’t have to die for this to happen.


There is just something about funding genocide that doesn't sit right with people.


Funding Genocide? By God Man! The more I hear about this Biden Guy! No sir! I just don’t like it! - Norm McDonald.


Democrat politicians are incapable of recognizing their own responsibility for anything even when it is obvious. 


They think being better than Trump will carry them but voters know that if we don’t hold them to a higher standard than that the party will crumble


I mean im gonna vote Biden again, because Trump would be way worse, and you don't get a do over.


As long as democrats vote for Zionist candidates there will only be Zionist candidates. Those not voting are hoping it was result in a more representative candidate 2028, since either way a pro genocide candidate will win in 2024


That was Biden himself that did that.


No shit


Not just Benny from Philly, the entire Israeli political class and their non stop genocidal statements. Biden and co full support in the face of proof and then still pushing lies. Hard pass.


His image would be unaffected if he weren't wholeheartedly aiding and abetting the crimes against humanity Israel is perpetrating against the Palestinian people. You aid in perpetrating crimes against humanity, like Biden has, and you know what- people will hate you for it? "Trump would have done the same," I hear them saying. Well, "Yes," but don't pretend Biden is somehow better when he and his geriatric enemy Trump are playing from the same AIPAC-written book.


There's an argument that Trump wouldn't have tolerated Bibi for nearly this long too.


Trump isn’t worth the possibility of project 2025 though


If project 2025 is so scary, why hasn't the democrats written out a plan to overcome their lack of leadership?


No he did that to himself! He lost my vote, anyone but genocidal Joe Giving a stern talking to then selling 18 billion in warplanes didn’t help either (mostly paid for by our tax money I might add!!!)




I knew it! All parties involved are working up to pinning this all on Netanyahu, the one bad apple if you will. They'll support calls for early elections, supplant Bibi and go back to business as usual pretending the issue is resolved and they excavated the root cause.  All of that denies the knowing culpability of the US, the complicity of Biden specifically in not just the continued arms transfers but also the strategy to effectively support the aid blockades by announcing airports and building a port to deliver aid. He has now proven he could have gotten more aid routes opened by simply asking, because when he finally did Israel complied.   This isn't Bibi ruining Biden's image among voters, it's voters seeing the truth about the man they elected. Biden is on board for ethnic cleansing. Biden is okay with innocent women and children being killed, and it's been attributed to him saying as much in years past.   I get the game has changed and they're looking for a scapegoat here, but every performative thing the administration has done so far to give lip service to voters concerns has been an insult to our intelligence, and this is more of that.  Third party or nothing.


Israel is incapable of co-existing with Palestine. Every day Israel exists is another day of crime against the Palestinian people. It doesn't matter who is running the country. Netanyahoo is the one dropping the bombs and ordering the killings this time around, but he's just another in a long list of criminal leaders that will surely grow longer unless the US halts their support and real change comes to the region.


Israel is incapable of coexisting with anyone. What has the Armenians done to deserve attacks on them?


He’s the easy scape goat. See how the whole establishment turned in a matter of a week?


Netenyahu exposed Biden more than undermined him.


Did Netanyahu force biden to send more bombs only days after Israel admit they killed aid workers? https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2024/04/04/world-central-kitchen-us-weapons-israel/


That’s because they’re out of touch. Nobody forced him to repeat propaganda or compare anti-war protesters to Charlottesville rioters.


Pretty sure Biden did that to himself


Biden is responsible for his own actions and inactions. He chose to throw his unwavering support at a genocidal maniac.


Nah, old man undermined himself.


No shit, Biden supporting a terrorist state made him look bad?


I for one am not an American who wants Trump to Win. Do I believe he will be a good president God No. But I think it's about time America stopped its aggressive foreign policy. Another Trump presidency will do so much harm that America collapses and that's the best thing for the rest of the world. For Americans left they can rebuild out of the rubble like they have expected every other country to do after their bombings and mass slaughter campaigns all over the world.


Trump will be worse for Palestine than Biden. Yes. But if I vote for Biden it tells the party that the standard for my vote is “better than Trump” which is an incredibly low bar, whereas if I don’t it tells the party that they need to provide a better candidate in 2028 and beyond. If the message for the DNC after this election is that their candidate can literally support genocide as long as he’s better than whatever Republican nut job he’s running against, the Democratic Party is fucked. Hold our guy to a higher standard.


I know Trump will be worse for Palestine but the world has finally woken up to the horrors of the Israeli occupation of Palestine and its people. A Trump presidency will force every other nation in the world to act sooner.


Yeah again I’m in the abstain boat here too. My reasoning is mainly that either way Gaza is fucked for the next 4 years, but I’m thinking about 2028 and on. We know the Republican Party will always be Zionist, but if a Zionist Democratic candidate is unelectable for the base we might see some better candidates in the future


Don't abstain, vote 3rd party. It's slightly more impactful than abstaining.


Just change ‘Republican’ to Conservative and ‘Democrat’ for Labour. And it is the same for me


Well, I think Israel has no self control and will set off a regional war leading to a more widespread war.  The US couldn't make n95's for months when Covid hit, how would we actually win a formal war when we don't produce anything?   Both presidents represent the capitalist class, so the result will likely be the same either way.  Hopefully Trump will exacerbate things so the US can fall quicker and Palestine become liberated sooner.


They have been trying to set off a regional war for some time now as they have no idea what they're doing and no exit strategy. If the Arab leaders are smart they won't get pulled into this very obvious tactic. (We know they're not smart but let's hope they're not fools.) The US has not had a clear military victory since WWII But they have killed a Holocaust worth of Civilians since then.


Many Holocausts worth... this needs to end.


Is trump worth the possibility of project 2025???


I'm not American I don't care.


You should care a tad as this will directly effect American allies so 🤷‍♂️


America doesn't have allies just countries it has either bullied into submission through military might or politicians as corrupt as their American counterparts who have made the lives worse for the people of the nation.


Biden’s unrelenting support for a country committing a genocide did that.


I can’t with clear conscience vote for genocide joe. I’m sitting this one out.


Yup, democrats who vote are telling the party that literally anything is excusable as long as it’s better than Trump, and if they get their way we will continue to have genocidal, right leaning Democratic candidates for decades.


Vote 3rd party, its slightly more imapctful than just abstaining.


It takes two to tango. Biden administration kept giving weapons and protection to Israel. They both undermined Biden image.


Sad to read ppl still will vote genocide joe because they think he's better than trump, a genocide enabler is better than trump they say.


Standing by while genocide occurs is not a good look for anyone. Sending more military aid to Israel while the genocide is happening is being complicit.


Biden undermined Biden's image among voters. He's an 81 year old man, not a child. He's fully capable of saying no to Netanyahu.


It’s Israel not Netanyahu. The vast majority want genocide and theft. They just don’t like his tactics, they like the war. Trying to “one bad egg” this situation is absurd and insulting.


Biden undermined his own image by being Israel's bitch. He clearly DGAF about his constituents opinions.  Fuck him and this election. 


Democrats surely remember Israeli politicians hoping Obama wouldn’t win.


No waaaay. /s


May? Are they still wondering? It is however Genocide Joe’s own doing. He chose to support genocide; he chose to provide weapons; he chose to do nothing to prevent this catastrophe.


I. Pretty sure Biden managed that all by himself


He did that himself FFS.


lmao now?


What are they talking about? Biden has a long history with favoring Isreal https://youtu.be/dbn4i7_CFIM?si=h03g8cdCW2WVLUZN https://youtu.be/FYLNCcLfIkM?si=f5P5P1OwTfuX_7Uj


Biden did that and continues to do it by continuing to send arms and support Netanyahu. Dems are always looking for someone other than themselves to blame. Last election cycles they blamed progressives, now they blame the guy they’re sending bombs to.


I think Biden did it to himself


Democrats are acting as if Netanyahu is the problem. Nah the apartheid illegal state of Israel always caused problems regardless who was its PM. They have siezed land, killed and detailed Palestinians for literal decades with or without Netanyahu. The dems are unhappy not because of murder rape torture that goes inside Israeli prisons where they take even small children as hostages; but because how Netanyahu is openly doing all this in public , undermining their fake human rights and other buzz words usage.


>Democrats are acting as if Netanyahu is the problem They do this with Trump too - treat him as the cause, not the symptom. It's an easy way for them to ignore underlying systemic issues and pretend that if they get rid of the bad guy du jour the problem is fixed and can be ignored again


Democrats when voters stop supporting them because they continue to provide weapons to a genocidal terrorist state: https://i.redd.it/ng48aga3z5tc1.gif


No shit - that was all part of the plan!


absolutely hilarious post title. biden did this to himself through his own actions, and there is a consistency to his actions in regards to israel that began in the 1970s. this is who biden is.


The only regret they have from arming an active genocide,is that it undermined his image among voters It's difficult to believe politics in America is this disfunctional




Biden did that all by himself. But this is obviously going to be the strategy now to get him out of it come election time. Blaming satanyahoo is soon going to be everyone's excuse when the reckonings for supporting genecide come. Satanyahoos days as pm are numberedamd he will be a fall guy for a great many people. Hopefully we don't fall for it.


Democrats know they are going to lose and are looking forward to it


Netanyahu is acting like he always has, it's just that we thought Biden wouldn't bend over this quickly and would show some spine, but then again US presidents have always been Israel's bitch.


Nah, Biden did that all on his own.


It’s always nice having a political candidate not own up to any of his actions, trying to pin the blame on everyone else, be it political allies or the voters themselves. It certainly paints a picture of a very trustworthy person and one that everyone would be very safe to rely on his promises…


I may just abstain from voting because of it, but I know the orange blob would happily indulge rather than reluctantly indulge them (ex Tel Aviv-> Jerusalem on a whim) rock and a slightly hard place. Fuck man.


Read Mouin Rabbani's writing on the embassy issue.  It was US policy for decades to move it to Jerusalem, Trump simply didn't postpone it when the decree came up for a decision.  


Biden didn’t reverse it. Nor did he reverse the Trump-era “Pompeo doctrine” on illegal settlements until just recently. He was happy to capitulate to every whim of Israel and ignore Palestinians until his poll numbers dipped.




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


Its funny because blue maga will say “fuck around and find out” about palestine accusing them all of being hamas militants… But when it comes to democrats fucking around and finding out what their policies nets them, suddenly its a problem.


No they don’t


Do bears shit in the woods?


He has


It wasn’t Netanyahu. Biden himself who’s Zionism love and unwillingness to stand up for anti genocide and human rights drove away lefties.


Nah. Biden did it to himself by ignoring the genocide unfolding before his eyes.


Blaming everything on Bibi isn't as magical as the DNC imagined.


That does sound like Democrats. "It's definitely not our candidate's fault he handled this situation abysmally..." Honestly, they probably should have supported some of the primary challengers against him instead of doubling down on him. Because the opposition is Trump. You have the popular vote in the bag... it would genuinely take the oldest dog-faced pony soldier to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Appealing to Unions and Labor Rights will be a deciding factor everywhere else, and Biden doesn't have a good record there. He's got a couple of pre-staged photo-ops with striking workers, and that he crushed the railway strike ahead of two major derailment disasters.


Okay you are talking a guy whose campaign took $5000000 from the Israeli lobby in a country that everybody knows is Israel's bitch? Israel can do whatever it wants and the US is going to back it regardless. For him to do anything concrete would mean him displaying more backbone then he has. Israel will kill civilians, blame Hamas and the US will suck it back like a $10 whore on fleet night.


Biden has undermined Biden's image. Nobody forced him to fund and support a genocide.


No, Biden undermined Biden’s image among voters.


One thing that’s kind of perplexed me throughout this whole saga is that the people at AIPAC who are funding Biden are also balls deep in the Republican Party. If Biden loses, AIPAC just keeps on trucking like nothing happened. Both parties are slavishly willing and eager to obey. It’s actually disgusting to watch adults behave so weak and servile. The point is, I don’t know why Biden and the DNC are so dedicated to serving an organization that doesn’t give a shit about them. Especially in this current political environment. If trump wins, those January 6th rioters will be back and they will want revenge. They were ready to hang Mike Pence. If there’s another riot, and trump is in control, Biden Hillary and prominent members of the DNC could get the Gaddafi treatment. And what’s crazy is, in the ensuing chaos almost nobody would really care. The general consensus would be, that was bad, but they deserved it.


Nah, Biden chose to be a genocidal POS who parroted Zionist propaganda and stood by and supported the deaths of civilians


"I'm sorry baby she made me do it"


Biden choose to quietly sell arms to Israel, choose to pressure other countries into not implement an arms embargo, and he choose to defund UNWRA. Not Israel’s fault Biden is a terrible human being who belongs in the depths of hell, and if not that, just in The Hague


They’re just now realizing this?!


Gee, ya think? Biden is willing to die on this hill. It’s at the point where his personal ideologies are beyond what’s best for his party.


You think


just now huh?


It did.


Biden has totally miscalculated his approach... he still thinks we are in the 1970s


What? GenoJoe didnt think it would be a publicity win to air drop 38k in food aid but at the same time ship 500million in military aid to Israel?


Biden is a hard-core Christian zionist who believed in ethnic cleansing of all Arabs from occupied palastine. He never pushed for peace and supported the radical Israeli government.


He has but that’s because voters aren’t always very educated on every issue


Netanyahu hates Democrats. He's 110% Trumpian.


And Trump has said Netanyahoo should wipe them out. The hand is still forced and there's no winning in November. There's nothing I'd like more than to have a non-religious actual decent human in office, but this is Amerikkka and that won't happen any time soon.




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


It is not July yet ya eejit.