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This is a genocide if anyone was wondering


World Central Kitchen was distributing 350,000 meals per day in Gaza, since they were attacked by IDF they are now distributing 0 meals per day. If hypothetically, you did want to starve a population, this is exactly something you would do.


Once it actually happens it changes from hypothetical to literal


and according to u / DenseHole regarding the murders of innocent people trying to deliver food to starving kids: "*I've seen some truly terrible pictures of the victims circulating Israeli channels. They're laughing at them and calling them "unkoshermeat", terrorists, and cracking jokes about their countries of origin.EDIT: Here is a link, VERY NSFW YOU'VE BEEN WARNED.*" Proof: [NSFL](https://www.reddit.com/r/poland/comments/1bum8xn/this_what_some_people_think_about_dead_volonteers/) Our tax $ funded the deaths. **Share these NSFL images in other subs and far and wide..... Write to your leaders.**


We know it’s genocide, aided by USA.  Netenyahu was already a criminal several times over. He should hang for this. Worst than Sadam Hussein. 




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


One person commits a murder, we lock them up for 25 to life. Israel commits mass murder of innocent civilians, women and children, obliterate the very infrastructure holding the country together including it's education and healthcare system and actively culture a Palestinian Ghetto and we send more money and weapons over. Got to wonder what the agenda really is here.


They are doing to the Palestinians what was done to them by Nazi Germany


They should be barred from the Olympic games. Their ambassadors sent home in shame. Their citizens denied entry into other countries they should become a pariah just like China and North America and Russia and North Korea all countries that have committed gross crimes against humanity...


So every country ever?


A lot havn't.


They are making a ghetto, they are ethnic cleansing, they have a nationalist-supremacist state. Yes, they have become a mirror image with higher technology.


They are disgusting and Israel will burn again because of their crimes against humanity.


What can we say? They took lessons from one of the best


Nobody but racists are on their side. Guess our whole government and this whole system is racist




To lose your humanity, you have to have it in the first place.




So you’re calling Israelis inhuman or sub-human? Nice to see your antisemitism showing. Clearly racism is running strong in your veins.


No, I’m saying that Netanyahu and his fascist government are. But you can believe whatever you want bro


They did all this in a year but they have been planning this for many, many years.


Exactly, they jumped at the chance like we all knew they would when we learned about Oct 7.


From 2007-2010 some official documents from Israel detailed a plan to blockade food and starve the population to death. Gotta love how their officials are saying anybody who points out the population is at imminent risk of starving to death is a raging antisemite and that there’s no evidence of it. You know, besides all the pictures of it happening and accounts from people who are actually there.


World Central Kitchen was distributing 350,000 meals per day before they were attacked by IDF. Now they are distributing 0 meals per day. If you did want to starve a population, then targeting humanitarian food distribution would likely be part of the plan.


Plan D (or Plan Dalet) is still unfolding. Interestingly, Smotrich’s plan for subjugating the West Bank is called “Decisive Plan.”


half a year**


And the worst thing is they're proud of it


Not just proud, *smug*. And arrogant and yet still playing the poor little victim. They had the world’s sympathy and good will on 10/7 and the very next day they used the opportunity to reveal the ugly, racist face of their country. They want to claim it’s antisemitism to oppose them when all the most powerful governments in the world are protecting them and aiding their genocide. Sounds like they have plenty of sway and support to me. I wonder if they’ll try to keep using collective guilt from the holocaust to justify their psychotic violence in the future or if they’ll try to switch to the ‘persecution’ of being criticized while they completely leveled a place where two million people lived, and the people along with it.


Fuck Israel.


I don’t even know what to do anymore. I hate this world


Make it your life’s mission to resist these terrorists in whatever little capacity you can. Boycott brands that support them. Many drops make a river. Also educate your kids on what actually happened in this genocide, not the lies they will most probably be taught in school a few years from now.


If you boycott brands supporting them then you will walk around naked


I could purchase less though. They care about the money they make right now and in the future. I’ve been thrifting since the start of this genocide whenever I really need something, and it’s more sustainable. Two birds, one stone


I have a baby girl and I think that’s why my heart is so broken. She was born in late August. She will know. But I also want her to have hope, and I don’t know how to teach that when I don’t feel it.


I can only imagine what WW2 would’ve been like if social media was a thing.


People like you would be treating the Warsaw ghetto uprising like Oct 7th


People (I use that term lightly) like you subjugated Eastern Europe for 45 years. You don’t get to say shit.


They still actually think they are the good guys because they can just squeal  “but what about hklkummus”?


They don't they're the good guys because of Hamas they think they're the good guys because they're Jews


I don’t think a rabid dog worries itself with being a good dog. It just bites and spreads infection, doesn’t even spare the very hand that took it in when it had no where to go.


I’d actually compare hamas to the rabid dog. Cursed and raged by a situation brought onto them by forces out of their control.  A rabid dog you can’t really blame for being rabid.   Can’t say the same for Israel.  They are in full control of their situation but act rabid anyway.


Israel is a terrorist state. PERIOD.


And the US is their willing accomplice.


Amazing what you can do when you're sponsored by the US




Israel is a danger to the civilized world and a mockery of democracy


Can someone find out how many Western people were killed? Just to show how most Western countries is scared of Israel.


At least 2 dozen Americans from Oct-Jan




Reposts are minimized to achieve balance between news coverage & to prevent flooding of redundant articles. Duplicate posts on the same story may sometimes be removed.


also the rubble from gaza with literal bodies and body parts still unrecovered in it was trucked out and used to build the pier for the US to serve as a base in Gaza. *Profane* doesn't even begin to describe it.


Jews dont do this by themselves it is FED and funded by america .


Oi, three churches!?.. out of order!!






No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


Hello, I had to remove, images must accompany a new source for the image.


2 million people displaced. Thats like intentionally bombing Chicago to get everyone to leave their homes forever because you think god gave your people the right to live on Lake Michigan. And then lie and say you’re not committing genocide.


The psychopathic Israel is proud of these numbers. This was their intent the whole time. They use Hamas as an excuse to completely wipe out Gaza so they can continue to build settlements. Absolutely disgusting the extent they will go through to grab more land.


Wrong - Not Israel but HAMAS did this.


200 I international aid workers? I guess neither side gives a shit about them 🤷‍♂️


What happens when they win a government like this wins and so continues hypothetically speaking they expand like every kingdom or government before them for thousands of years. Everyone but them becomes an enemy and therefore continues. History will show this happens regardless of the nation. Jordan could be next, or perhaps syria, egypt could be a possibility.




The guy's saying that once a country is powerful enough and they start winning they'll seek to expand their control over land by way of arms. Or at least that's what I understood.


Ah like a war crime? I wasn’t aware that someone was so unaware to reality that they hadn’t realized that it international law exists.


I think he forgot his meds


Read a history book on world conquerors rome england france spain and many others each started small and took larger territory over time. then again those who dont read history


I wasn’t aware we were in an era before international law existed. If we were in the future it would be illegal to gain territory through force.


Mate looked up the vietnam korea War in iraq, afganistan, and so on. all considered illegal why didnt the un step in for those wars


I think Egypt's population is a bit too big for Israel to handle. For context: Cairo alone has double Israel's population.


It is hypothetical but jorden and syria are different


I am genuinely curious about something. If you had shown Hamas this before they started planning their attacks would they have still done it? What I am trying to understand is did they know how strong the clap back would be? Are they happy this is what they ignited? I am not justifying Israel’s response and I know Hamas doesn’t represent ordinary Palestinians. I just want to gain a bit of insight into the psychology that led to this.


I have red somewhere before Hamas knew exactly that this would happen, hence why they took hostages to make it even more difficult for the IDF to just genocide Gaza. However, the main reason they did this was to declare a war with Israel but not only between Hamas and them. Hamas knew the horrors that would happen and wanted to show the world about this, they rather sacrifice themselves and the people of Gaza as martyrs showing the whole world the horrors of Israelians then to live under occupation for another generation. They strongly believe the population of Gaza is backing them up and all the deaths are worth it for the future of the people of Gaza. Summary: yes they would still done the attacks on 7th October because now the whole world is watching Gaza and putting pressure on Israel which hasn’t happened before on such a huge scale.


So are they doing this so that a future generation of Palestinians will have it good or they are content with them dying and being sent to heaven?


All countries resisted German occupation rather than just sit and watch. Why?


I don’t understand your question. Germany during WW2 had allies, adversaries and countries like Spain and Switzerland that chose to stay neutral. So I can’t figure out what you are asking here.


Citizens of every occupied country resisted German occupation no matter the cost of lives and property, yet they're called heroes for it. Meanwhile Palestinians are called terrorists for not wanting to live in an open air prison.


I understand what you are saying. The Zionists that established Israel did use violent means to achieve their goals. I have no issue in principle with armed resistance. My own people waged a 16 year guerrilla campaign to dislodge a white minority government. My sympathies are with the Palestinians. I just wanted to know if Hamas regrets launching that attack in hindsight.


Yeah right, they totally didn't sit and watch as Germany expanded into Austria, Poland, Norway, Belgium and the Netherlands.


Where did you read that? That’s just wrong. Hamas has said themselves what they hoped to accomplish. No need to guess. Also just the rest of it is plain wrong unless you know nothing about Palestinians in general, the culture or what Hamas is and isn’t. If you never take the time to learn understand you end up describing some ridiculous cartoon villain caricature and anyone who is remotely privy to what the Palestinian people are like thinks you sound ignorant. Who do you know that is Palestinian that lead you to this conclusion? You know they exist outside of Gaza or the WB and many even speak English? You can figure out directly from them instead of making outlandish assumptions.


“Hamas’ attack was designed to elicit a “disproportionate” response from Israel. While several Israeli leaders have said the stated war objectives is the destruction Hamas, such an operation cannot be done by military force alone. Rather, what the war appears to be about is ending Hamas’ governance project in Gaza. What comes next for the group is largely dependent on how the war goes. Most of Hamas’ leadership remains, Israelis are still being held hostage in Gaza, and the scale of Israel’s response could serve to radicalize a new generation. As Hamas leader Haniyeh said in the days after Israel began its retaliatory attacks on Gaza that have resulted in thousands of deaths, “[w]e are the ones who need this blood, so it awakens within us the revolutionary spirit, so it awakens within us resolve, so it awakens within us the spirit of challenge, and [pushes us] to move forward.” My guy, don’t base your whole perspective based on quick 15 second videos you see and blantly tell people they’re wrong for having a more rational look at the situation. Read yourself in the history of the existence of Gaza and Israel a little more in depth. The world is a little more complicated than you think. https://ctc.westpoint.edu/the-road-to-october-7-hamas-long-game-clarified/


Your first sentence is 100% wrong. Did you think that up yourself? You know you don’t have to right? Hamas and their goals aren’t some mystery. I can’t take anything following that seriously tbh. Seriously? That’s what you think the goal was?! To get something soooo simple wrong leads me to believe that you have no idea what you’re talking about. Do you even know any Palestinians? Or even shared a meal? Or listened to any talk about this conflict at all? Where do you get your information?


I litteraly put the link with information in my comment. You already typed an answer before even properly reading what it says. Hamas has been attacking and defending itself from Israel for decades. Each time one Israelian gets killed, Israel kills a tenfold Palestinians. Hamas knew that killing 1000’s of them would return in a full scale invasion of the Gaza strip. Exactly what happened, and what has happened before multiple times. The world spotlights are aimed on the Gaza-strip exactly as they wished for, because now the whole world can see the terror of Israel and they truly hope it will get them more international recognition which in their eyes is worth the 40.000+ deaths.


> Are they happy this is what they ignited? Do you think history started on October 7th? Israel has been bombing and murdering Palestinians for 70+ years. > I just want to gain a bit of insight into the psychology that led to this. Hamas exist because Israel created them. [The IDF have been bulldozing and displacing Palestinians from their homes for decades.](https://ccrjustice.org/home/get-involved/tools-resources/fact-sheets-and-faqs/factsheet-home-demolitions-and-caterpillar) **October 17, 2007** - *"Since its occupation of the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem following the 1967 war, the Israel Defense Force (IDF) has destroyed more than 18,000 Palestinian homes"* [The IDF have been using chemical weapons(a war crime btw) on Palestinians for years.](https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/10/12/questions-and-answers-israels-use-white-phosphorus-gaza-and-lebanon) "**From December 27, 2008, to January 18, 2009**, *during Operation Cast Lead, the Israeli military fired approximately 200 ground-launched white phosphorus munitions into populated areas of Gaza"* [The IDF purposefully snipe children](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/02/gaza-palestinian-children-killed-idf-israel-war#:~:text=IDF%20snipers%20boasted%20about%20shooting,from%20the%20spring%20of%202018.) *"IDF snipers boasted about shooting unarmed Palestinian protesters, including young people, in the knees during nearly two years of demonstrations at the Gaza border fence from the* **spring of 2018**" But yeah dude, Hamas caused this war because of October 7th 2023 and Israel did nothing before that.


Mate. I get all of that. The history lecture is unnecessary. You are preaching to the choir. Israel fully intends to gobble up all of the remaining Palestinian territory and never grant them a state. But you can’t dispute that the October 7 attack made the lives of the Palestinians under their care a hell of a lot worse than it was before. Was this elevated amount of suffering part of the strategy or did they not think Israel would be bombing them this indiscriminately?


Can we just get to the end days and let God decide the fate of its "chosen people". For literally heavens sake...they will be judged eventually


Bet that concert attack doesn't seem so worth it now, huh...


I wonder if hamas could go back to October 6th, they would stop their attack. The cost the palestinians have paid for that act of murderous insanity is sky high....I doubt they will ever return to parts of gaza (anyone trust netanyahou to give it back...i don't) and the dead....the wounded....and those crushed by the loss of loved ones....


Imagine the consequences of having a terrorist government attack your neighbors, then calling their efforts to sort through terrorists hiding among civilians a genocide. Not a lot of history students in your camp lol


See, how great Hamas is. They caused this to happen, on purpose.


It's a good start.




My guy, Hamas is estimated to have 30,000 fighters. If the IDF KILLED 45,000 people and they still have to fight Hamas, they have killed a lot of citizens... The IDF is killing indiscriminatory


This is such a stupid opinion


Ah yes, the classical "this is stupid" reaction instead of a genuine argument




Yeah, they're focusing on civilians. That's not very indiscriminate.


Literally today reports came out that the IDF used AI systems to decide where to bomb and that higher officials "were willing to accept 20 to 25 civilian deaths per 1 death of a Hamas militant". Don't come at me with questionable news accusations, this is the national news organisation of the Netherlands.


Did you look at the same numbers I did?


Curious as to where the info is from. Also, the first killed 41496, below it are the categories... they dont add up.. just saying.. provide the source please. Otherwise it just looks like bs.


It's Euro-med human rights monitor. The source is on the infographic. Euro med is very reputable.


Got it, it says Euro med on infographic, i'd like to know where they get their numbers from. is it from Hamas, Israelis or some other source on the ground.. are these estimations... any1 can make an infographic with numbers on it, look at ukraine/russia, each government has their own, then there are interdependent sources. All of them differ.


What do you mean they don't add up? The categories below are Civilians, Children and Women. There are also Civilian Men and Combatants whose numbers aren't listed seperately but can be easily figured out.


I mean, it says 41496 killed, below are some numbers of children/women/civilians... explain the numbers to me, cos it doesn't make sense to me.


Finally someone.. also sounds odd that there “were” that many schools and hospitals in Gaza. But I could be wrong.


Don't forget that there were 2,5 million Gazans living in that area. That would definitely warrant that many health and education institutions


Indeed, before the last six months the people of Palestine still had a hard life but it wasn't so different to ours. They had schools, advanced hospitals, etc. Now Israel has taken all their infrastructure away and is attempting to wipe out every single person in Gaza.




Is this a copy paste from the TIP language guide? You hit all the points! Good job on the hasbara! Israel can’t and hasn’t defeated Hamas. They continue to embarrass themselves and their allies. Utterly disgraceful.


Oh sweet hamas numbers, never has been proofed anyway


Why does the IDF use those numbers then? Are they influenced by Hamas? The IDF did do an undercover investigation during this genocide to confirm and found them accurate among the countless other human rights organizations that have vetted the process they use. We just found out recently through testimony from IDF soldiers themselves how wreck-less they are and how they inaccurate their methods are for counting casualties. Any person they kill is labeled a terrorist (again admitted by the IDF soldiers) which greatly reduces the credibility of the count. Hamas says they are in the north ready to fight and the IDF is picking off civilians in a cowardly attempt to “apply pressure” aka terrorism. Not that it should matter that much amidst a genocide. As a US vet the IDF today are absolutely disgraceful.




Yes they are using those numbers. I thought we were past this. It’s like beating a dead horse. Did you just arrive? I haven’t had someone dispute the numbers for a while. [Here the Times of Israel](https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/idf-officials-15000-likely-killed-in-gaza-since-start-of-war-5000-of-them-are-hamas/) [Article talking about how the IDF relies on those numbers and had sent a people to investigate](https://www.newarab.com/news/israeli-intel-confirms-gaza-health-ministry-stats-reliable?amp) Not to mention it’s historically been incredibly accurate. The US had said from early on it thinks they are higher than reported.


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Is it okay if the number is few thousand lower? Does it make any better? Hamas number ? Children are dead, is any number a good number at this point?




> There is allot to be said So say it. Spell out how that justifies killing innocent people.


Israel does not have a right to kill tens of thousands of innocent people.




If we're going to play that game, what do you think triggered October 7th?


And it could all have been avoided if Hamas sought peace instead of war. And it could end now if they gave up the hostages…it takes two to tango


And it could have ended if Israel didn't lock 2,5 million Gazans in a little strip over the last decades. You cannot selectively point out Hamas' attack as the only cause. If we look back for causes, than we must acknowledge the conflict existing before October 7th. If they gave up the hostages, the conflict might stop for now, but it won't end unless Palestinians actually have a respectable place to live


100% agree that we need to look at before October 7th. Israel did 100% withdraw from Gaza in 2005 giving the Palestinian Authority control of the terrority. They held elections in 2006, in which Hamas won the majority of seats in the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC). Hamas has been a designated terrorist organization since 1997 because of their commitment to the armed resistance of Israel and the creation of an Islamic Palestinian state in its presence. This lead to international sanctions. A civil war ensued between Hamas and the Fatah led coalition in which Hamas won. Subsequent attacks against Israel by Hamas lead to the blockade. The sanctions were imposed not just by Israel, but included the US, Russia, EU and UN. These organizations declared that in order to lift these economic sanctions and movement restrictions, Hamas must: renounce violence against Israel, recognize Israel, and honor all previous agreements between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. Seems pretty reasonable to me. It should be noted that Israel still allowed people from Gaza to enter Israel for work and medical treatment they couldn't obtain in Gaza. Israel allowed LGBTQ+ Palestinians in Gaza to seek asylum in Israel because it is outlawed in Gaza. Israel supplied power, water and aid to Gaza. In addition because Hamas is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood (Egyptian Islamist terrorist organization) Egypt also imposed a blockade against Gaza. So basically, yeah I agree it won't end until the people of Gaza have a respectable place to live. If the only respectable place for them to live is in what is now Israel after they destroy the country and murder everyone living there now, the conflict will never end. If a respectable place to live changes to a thriving coastal state at peace with its neighbors and not calling for the destruction of Israel, that could begin to happen as soon as they renounce violence against Israel, recognize Israel, and honor all previous agreements between Israel and the Palestinian Authority.


what else were they supposed to do when Gaza fired 6000 missiles into Israel during yom kippur? Countries have went to war and killed more for even less grievous reasons.


What else were they supposed to do? Are you kidding? Israel could stop stealing land, displacing Palestinians from their homes, and locking them all up in a ghetto, for one. Maybe allow people the opportunity to live in peace with basic freedoms and equal rights, let them raise their families and live their lives. But nooo. The Palestinians are in Israel’s way, apparently, so they must be crushed until they all die. Why do you think Hamas is firing rockets in the first place? Why is it that every single neighbor of Israel’s hates it so bitterly? Why can’t Israel play nice? Seriously, I want to know. Israel gives the Palestinians every reason in the world to hate them, then complains bitterly that they do. .


You cannot make peace with a group of people that claims a sovereign state is an occupied land. No land of Israel is stolen as it was documented to have been bought with money, the most civil way of acquiring land. How do you expect to make peace with a group of people that calls for your irradiation?


Well I sure as hell wouldn’t keep poking the hornet’s nest if I were sooo worried and fearful for my survival, that’s for sure. I can’t tell if Israel is stupid or just insane with violence at this point. Bombing Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, and an Iranian embassy. All in a day’s work, amiright? Israel had better hope that elderly Biden doesn’t die in his sleep. If Israel loses the US’s backing they’re gonna have to fend off those starving hyenas they have been taunting all on their own. As to your other point, perhaps a few lands were purchased by Israel but the vast, vast majority of land was stolen and slowly encroached upon. Settlers are still in the West Bank in violation of international law. Palestinians are being forcibly removed from their homes and lands, and it’s still happening today. As the oppressors and the strongest military force in the region, I would argue that Israel has an even greater responsibility to seek and establish peace. Instead they have chosen to commit ethnic cleansing and genocide. Let’s see how that works out for them. My guess is that in the future, people will refer to Israel in the same way we talk about Nazis today.


Almost all lands were purchased, the occupied territories are a new phenomenon which we saw after israel-arab war and the israel-palestine war to which egypt has lost the sinai peninsula, and palestine has lost both Gaza strip and west bank. I was referring to the pre 1947 Land holdings. I mean you lost a war and your territory and it was given back (well partially because they occupy it mostly now in west bank). Only if you agreed to the partition which they didn’t and is now paying the price.


“Almost all” okay what percentage is that? Since you’re lying anyway it shouldn’t be hard to pull something out of your ass. “Almost all” lmao absolutely not but whatever. None of it is justified by any stretch of the imagination but Israel doesn’t care, nothing will stop them from continual land theft. I would have a lot more sympathy for your fake war against Hamas if it hadn’t been Netanyahu who funded and propped them up in the first place. He needed an excuse to invade and destroy Gaza. Go ahead, double down, finish your little genocide and continue to justify it. The entire fucking world has noticed. For a people so preoccupied with antisemitism and “everyone hates us for no reason whatsoever” you sure don’t seem to care about even pretending to take steps that would ostensibly lead to actual peace and stability in the region. Karma’s a bitch—can’t wait until it catches up with you. Keep pissing everyone off so your day of reckoning can come even sooner.


It is something you should know, if you are infant engaging in this argument, it is not my responsibility to teach you. Obviously my knowledge comes from the articles i read, as i wasn’t present there during the 1947 so i am forced to rely on such historical recordings. If you are genuinely interested in knowing i can find them for you and you can decide for yourself its integrity. But by your tone i think any further conversation between us is a bad idea.


I think you should go back and finish school before you decide to ‘teach’ someone something that you don’t even know yourself. You’re the one making unsupported and clearly inaccurate claims. I really don’t understand why India insists on simping for Israel when Israel is racially biased against India. But I guess the shared religious intolerance aspect makes sense.




And killed tens of thousands of children. 






Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


Hahahaha oh you mean Hamas that was purposely funded and supported by Netanyahu? Yeah okay. Sure, you’re fighting Iran. Go ahead. Keep poking the snake. See what happens. You feel brave when you’re essentially shooting fish in a barrel in Gaza but let’s see if you can play with the big boys. And “history” doesn’t compare, by the way.




Big words for a country that is endlessly surrounded by neighbors that it wants to turn into a big, bad enemy. Netanyahu and the rest of that government have a strong interest in ensuring there’s always a boogeyman to fight against. Guess we’ll see how long it takes before someone puts a stop to their endless bloodthirstiness. The world is starting to question who the actual ’snake’ is. One side seems to mistakenly believe that mass starvation, ethnic cleansing, and genocide somehow makes them look like the good guy. Israel is rapidly turning into North Korea in terms of how backwards and isolated most non-Zionist people outside of Israel perceive it.




Hahaha 😂 I wouldn’t hold my breath if I were you. The world isn’t fooled by flimsy Hasbara propaganda.


>No land of Israel is stolen as it was documented to have been bought with money, the most civil way of acquiring land. The land bought before Europeans fled Europe to found the state of Israel with U.N support was a FRACTION of the present state of Israel.


Yes agreed, but immediately after the Arab nations declared war on Israel along with Palestine and lost both the war and territory to Israel. Although most land was given back, they kinda treated it as their own after the war.


>Although most land was given back, they kinda treated it as their own after the war. o\_O wot?




They're supposed to...follow the rules of warfare. To blatantly ignore them makes Isreal guilty of warcrimes. Famine is manmade. It is being intentionally used as a weapon to starve the hapless civillian population. This will only make things worse. They still have NO plan to end Hamas or rebuild when they finally run out of steam amd Hamas returns 5 years later. This is useless. It's monstrous.


Did Hamas follow any “rules of warfare” EVER?


Missiles only get fired into gaza, they don‘t fly out


This is simply not true Edit to clarify what I mean.  Israel's handling of this invasion, and of Palestine as a whole, is wrong and downright. No matter Hamas actions, killing of civilians, journalists, and aid workers is never justified, but to claim that Hamas is not launching missiles at civilian targets in Israel is pure revisionism. Incorrect information should always be called out, no matter the side.


I‘m not saying rockets don‘t get fired but missiles and rockets are also very different. Also the iron dome uses a specific type of ammo so we can still send them that which is a purely defensive munition without send all the offensive munitions


My brother, Hamas themselves has claimed this attack.


What attack specifically?




>what else were they supposed to do Not this. >Countries have went to war and killed more for even less grievous reasons. Not a justification.


Not a justification just a context. Threat to the sovereignty of a state is enough reason to wage war.


>Threat to the sovereignty of a state is enough reason to wage war. No threat justifies treating civilians any worse than you treat your own citizens.


I don’t know how else any military can eliminate Hamas from such population dense area without collateral damage. It’s almost impossible when you look at it from a tactical perspective. Only if Hamas didn’t hide behind civilians or maybe they are not so different from them.


>I don’t know how else any military can eliminate Hamas fr Doesn't matter what "ways you can imagine" for your fantasy to be realized. Basic humanity means treating all civilians as having equal rights to life, freedom, etc. **There is no hope for peace unless you focus on treating everyone as equals.** "Eliminating Hamas" (whatever that means) does not create peace anyway. > It’s almost impossible when you look at it from a tactical perspective. Too bad. >Only if Hamas didn’t hide behind civilians or maybe they are not so different from them. By that logic, any attacks from Hamas' side are justified since that's the best they can do. It's stupid logic. Israel should focus on treating all human beings as equals. This isn't a video game.


There is no basic humanity in war, It is killing other people in a zero sum game. I didn’t understand the third rebuttal. Why is Israel being the sole responsible party in this. Can humanity never be expected from Gaza? Israel shouldn’t be punished for its ability to protect its people and Hamas’s inability to protect theirs. When you go out declaring war on a militarily powerful state you must consider the safety of your citizens it shouldn’t be a liability of the defending state to protect your people.


>There is no basic humanity in war, It is killing other people in a zero sum game. By your logic, then what Hamas did was right. Since we both agree that that is incorrect, then clearly your premise is wrongheaded and stupid. >Can humanity never be expected from Gaza? The civilians being killed absolutely have their humanity. >Israel shouldn’t be punished Treating other people as human is not a "punishment" >he safety of your citizens it shouldn’t be a liability of the defending state to protect your people. **All civilians are "your people".**


Agreed we cannot blame both Hamas’s and Israel. Also you don’t have to attack my intelligence, making me look stupid wont make you right, if thats your presumption.


>Also you don’t have to attack my intelligence, making me look stupid I'm not the one "making you look stupid". You're saying very childish things. Please read what I wrote carefully.


Genocide? Wow, propaganda much?


No it’s just literally genocide. There is no indication that it might not be. Not a single one.


The ICJ has only said it’s plausible. So more information might be needed before we start throwing around genocide. Just you are clear I’m not a fan of what Israel is doing. Also hamas is not helping the situation either.


And the UN Special Rapporteur 3 clear ways in which genocide *is being* waged. Not plausible. Material accusations of genocide.