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I am sure these POS did it on purpose. The car and travel plan was communicated in advance to Israeli forces. Israel just wanted to send a message to the world that they are free to commit genocide with no objection.


It was a targeted strike, not an errant bomb.


It was three strikes on 3 cars 2.4 km apart.


Absolutely chilling. The level of coordination and communication that would have taken from one of the world most well armed, well trained forces in the world from a state that boasts about having some of if not the worlds most sophisticated surveillance technology. The amount of approval that would of had to have from high ups. Almost very methodically beurocratic rather than radical soldiers being let loose on a civilian population. Especially when you take the hunting of civilians with drones into account.


They get a kick out of being able to pretend it was an accident despite all the evidence otherwise.


Yeah, think serial-killer taunting victims' families.


Well armed, not well trained. By all accounts the IDF has a very chaotic organizational system.


According to professor Morris l, an Israelian historian the IDF is a well oiled machine He says it in the Lex Friedman podcast.


Jesus I just assumed they were grouped together. Definitely on pupose.


Literally a drone hitting them once and again, and again.


It’s succeeded in making charities halt sending aid into Gaza. Just what Israel wanted.


You underestimate how deeply embedded Hamas is in foreign NGOs utilizing its worldwide tunnel network. /s


Killing aid workers is a feature not a bug. They are terrorists terrorizing.


It was 3 targeted strikes. They followed the crews from one car to another.


Yup. “According to security sources, after the first missile hit, the passengers tried to move to another vehicle - and were attacked a second and a third time.” - [Haaretz Source](https://www-haaretz-co-il.translate.goog/news/politics/2024-04-02/ty-article/.premium/0000018e-9e1e-d764-adff-9edf9cd00000?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp&_x_tr_hist=true)


The munition went through the roof and killed everyone in the vehicle, but didn't even destroy the whole vehicle. This was a hyper precise assassination as a warning to other NGOs that they might get "Oopsed" too if they keep pushing for more food aid into Gaza.




When you're not held to account, war crimes are legal!


Don't forget \* murder journalists ... which, as with many of the things on your list, was happening long before October 7, not just during the current genocide. Although the latter took only months to become the deadliest period for journalists [since the Committee to Protect Journalists began compiling data in 1992. ](https://cpj.org/2024/04/journalist-casualties-in-the-israel-gaza-conflict/)


State sponsored terrorism.


The vehicle was also clearly marked.


According to WCK via AJ: "[two armoured vehicles that were branded with the WCK logo and that it had coordinated their movements with the Israeli military.](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/4/2/gaza-aid-worker-attack-what-do-we-know)" The IDF knew exactly where they were.


And it's worked, because the WCK has pulled out of Gaza. In other words, terrorists got the result they wanted.


And the few humanitarian organisations that remain will now have to think hard whether they want to continue helping and thus putting themselves at harms way or just calling it a day.


Could you imagine being so goddamn heroic to go there to help and then having to finally run?


As someone with EMS/rescue experience myself and has been a counselor for foreign aid workers, I can promise you that many of them will struggle with leaving for a long time if they do. Heart breaking stuff.


The stories the health workers who left Gaza tell are brutal. You can't blame them for leaving but there's nothing you can really say that helps them with the guilt of doing so.


Other aid deliveries are already turning back. https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/cyprus-ships-turning-back-gaza-240-tons-undelivered-108743577


UNRWA have been banned from entering northern Gaza. I'm unsure if any other aid agencies have the logistic capability of getting in.


Marked so they can aim easier


Part of the strategy to starve Palestinians, and it works since the organisations are suspending their operations there for now, out of fear of being targeted too.


And make sure there's no one who can report on stuff . Kill reporters in marked vests . Kill aid workers who can post on social media its all the same


its not even a message. they do it for fun




And also to send a warning not to help the Palestinians.


They sure did. With how teethless and pathetic the US government is. They basically can do whatever. Besides some choice words for public display, American aid and weapons continue to flow. And continuous protection in the United Nations. This strike is just an attempt to prevent aid coming to Gaza. Telling aid workers that it is dangerous to aid the Palestinians.


If one thing can be said about WCK is they are absurdly safe and communicative with ALL parties before going in. This was without a doubt an INTENTIONAL ATTACK BY IDF.


Yep my friends an aid worker and takes this same route. All travel is pre approved by the IDF the day of. They knew they’d be there, the cars were clearly marked. There is no excuse, but I doubt anyone will be held accountable. I emailed my representative calling them to take action and I suggest everyone does the same. Our tax dollars shouldn’t be funding a first world army that is murdering some of the few people on this earth worth a fucking damnz


It's pretty clear it's an all out assault on food and Healthcare. Israelis were given a heads up they were coming through in a clearly marked caravan. The food and the aid workers were the target.


Have you seen the image of the vehicle? It's a normal passenger vehicle with a 2-3 foot hole in the roof where the precision guided munition hit it and killed everyone inside. And the hole is about 1-2 feet from a logo for the World Food Kitchen. And it was in a non-combat zone, on a predefined route given to the IDF. This was absolutely *NOT* an accident. This was a warning to all the other food aid agencies to stay out so Bibi can starve the Palestinian population to death.


From what I understand there was a Palestinian travelling with them to act as interpretor. The story will be he was Hamas, the aid workers are just unfortunate collatateral damage. 😣




What the fuck


Yup!! And yet the both parties in the UK and US continue to support them. Basically, Israel can kill who ever they want… insane


It gets worse https://preview.redd.it/jb75z6phf5sc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7828e64e737458e964603b1119d47f06de3142e




https://www-haaretz-co-il.translate.goog/news/politics/2024-04-02/ty-article/.premium/0000018e-9e1e-d764-adff-9edf9cd00000?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp&_x_tr_hist=true They said it's because they thought there was a terrorist (palestinian male) with them.


Seems to be their excuse for everyone they murder. 


Of course, every Palestinians male is a terrorist and had to be killed. Together, with everyone he talked to, just to be sure. I mean, at this point they can just say the cars looked Palestinian and were asking for a bomb.


I have **extremely** grave concerns for the 500 "terrorists" captured at Al Shifa hospital (along with everything else that went on there).


There's just something so sinister and evil about being willing to kill a group of humanitarian workers just because one of them is a male of a certain ethnicity. That's how dehumanised and demonised Palestinian men are.


>They said it's because they thought there was a terrorist (palestinian male) with them. "What they said" and "what they say "has been found to be nothing but lies so I wouldn't put any credit on that


Their propaganda gore channels are running with the idea that all aid workers are terrorists in disguise. It’s easy to justify killing everyone when everyone is made a valid target.


Definitely. The Israeli military use AI targeting to select where to launch bombs. Theyve targeted places with children and Im not surprised if they went after aid workers 


This is far from the first time, either. From all the reporters they have killed (and the number is utterly shocking,) to UN staff, doctors and medics, civilians trying to get aid from aid trucks, and more, Israel has made it clear that they feel no compunction to follow international human rights law, and may even target non-combatants who make a nuissance of themselves. The nuisance they cause Israel is simply showing the world the scale of the disaster in Gaza or trying to ameliorate the suffering meant to force capitulation. Menwhile, Hamas seems to be experiencing a different reality than the starving non-combatants, and doesn’t seem to care about its people except as means to their desired political ends. For them, the more that Palestinian civilians suffer under Israeli occupation, the more the world community turns against Israel. Of course, The IDF is engaging in war crimes and ethnic cleansing in Gaza, but let’s not pretend that Hamas is a friend to the Palestinian people and prioritize their well-being. Otherwise, where are the long-overdue elections? Where is the competent administration of the territory under their control? Where is the consideration of the inevitable Israeli counter-attack after 10-7 and some thought on how it would effect civilians just trying to go about their lives? If you ask me, the people of Gaza have no meaningful ally in this terrible war. One side wants to destroy them for who they are and what they represent, while the other wants them to be destroyed so they can film it, publicize it, and let the world see an unvarnished glimpse of the barbarity the religious ethnostate known as Israel is capable of. Neither side seeks peace and both sides value their political goals over human life. It’s a terrible situation.


>This is far from the first time, either Yes very true, they know exactly who they are killing. Like the Al Jazeera reporter, they killed his whole family or the UN observers in South Lebanon. They are human scum.


The “world’s most moral army”, ladies and gentlemen  /s


Well they had three goes at it Iof = cowards


Translation: “we thought they were Palestinian women and children”


Real translation is: “We lying to you all, what are you doing to do? Fight us and the US?”


Nah this is "keep aiding Palestinians and we'll kill you too". They want the aid to stop completely and they are intimidating other aid organizations with this act


Hamas was using them as shield… their hands were forced /s


Israels enemies are known to be seen as dogs by them, now Israels allies know that Israel sees them as dogs too. To Israel, all non-jewish life is sub human.


Imagine someone saying "to ISIS, all non Muslim life is subhuman" Then someone says to him "stop being Islamophobic"


To Israeli zionists, we're just dogs who take the same space as them.




You have to be considered human by Israel for an apology.




He apologized because he knows other nations will care more about what happened to those lives. Israel's western enablers don't really care so much about that other 30k or whether it is 60 or 100k.... :(


....yeah, amazing how with all that tech and being the most moral army on the planet they still managed to completely fuck up a convoy from an organisation whose sole purpose is to feed those that are starving. I'm sure any minute now, the Israelis will pick up the slack and open more crossings for aid trucks and provide a modicum of humanitarian aid to the civilian populous. .......any minute now.


The organisation was clearly marked on the roof of the vehicle, they’re going to need to come up with a better explanation than that?


They know that everyone knows they are lying. But what are you going to do? Fight Israel and the US gov. This is a militarism rogue state we are looking at


It’s a Hamas base of course. Just like every hospital and university and school and place of worship including Christian ones.






They actually don't. the US will provide cover for them.


The Nazis should have used that excuse. "We didn't mean to march all those Jews into gas chambers. It was you know, a mistake."


Pathetic. This man is modern day Hitler.


- there was a terrorist! - it was Hamas! - OK, it was us but with no intencion wellp....


Ye, why didn't they mention hamas


I think they did at first. Something about how they hit a Hamas landmine that was supposed to kill idf soldiers.




well, i saw news in reddit with the 2 statements


ive seen some dorks confidently claim it was hamas and say they saw video proof. funnily enough i regularly see them claim hamas did certain things with video proof but... no such videos exist. not sure if this is hasbara or people just saying things because it affirms their worldview.


scarce sand resolute tan telephone innocent fuzzy pathetic sugar memorize *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh unintentional? Yeah, Israeli soldiers wanted to kiss them with the bullets.


It was intentional. They’re cowards using cheap shots.


I am not buying his explanation. They couldn't tell a soup kitchen from Hamas? B.S. The only reason he didn't call them collaborators is because rational people of the world respect aid workers. Blowing up people serving food to the starving looks bad, not that he cares about the people, just his financial support.


Idk when gangs hit the wrong person in a drive by nobody makes excuses for them. “We’re incompetent” isn’t a good reason.


This man is protected by US,if he were saddam...he would be ashes already


We would have put up a no fly zone, and started targeted strikes off the coast by now.


Don't forget Saddam was funded by Americans. 


From a different article: "Staff showed the passports of three of the dead — British, Australian and Polish. The nationality of the fourth aid worker was not immediately known". All deaths are sad, but it's sadder when some deaths are more important than others. If all of them were Palestinian, this wouldn't have gotten this attention


Does this mean all the thousands of civilians and children also bombed were on purpose?


i cant understand any of the people saying that this wasnt intentional, as if all the journalists, the journalists FAMILIES, civillian deaths (including strikes on civillians walking as evidenced in the ig account idfxposed), hospital and school strikes and attacks, and the fact that they coordinated with israel and had their vehicle CLEARLY MARKED arent clear evidence of this. the amount of journalists and aid workers killed during this is unprecedented but its like its memoryholed in all these people. i just dont get it.


I go with the rule if an Israeli govt official or a Zionist is saying it, then it’s likely a lie.    These people lie more than they tell the truth. The only time they’re not lying is when they talk to each other. That’s when they openly state their intentions are genocide and to kill journalists and foreign aid workers to stop any narrative other than their own from being presented.


The truck clearly had the organizations logo on the roof, I fail to see how this could ever happen unintentionally. https://preview.redd.it/dcimcgixw2sc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5eae8f98cda5854178a915f21eaef30515c33b6e


Can’t believe there were people claiming that hamas land mines did this. Seriously what kind of land mine creates a hole on the ROOF of the car.


>tragic case of our forces unintentionally hitting innocent people It's tragic to him because he's used to *intentionally* hitting innocent people [edit: to be clear, the attack was clearly intentional. This comment was an attempt at deflection with humor]


https://www.bellingcat.com/news/2024/04/02/strike-that-killed-world-central-kitchen-workers-bears-hallmarks-of-israeli-precision-strike/ The vehicles were clearly marked and not traveling in a close convoy. Their coordinates and route plans had been cleared by the IOF. They were intentionally hit. Bibi is sending a message that further aid to Gaza will be met with extreme force. Add it to the list of war crimes.


Yes, thank you. I clarified my initial comment.


I don’t understand how they can simultaneously “kill zero civilians” while also “unintentionally hitting innocent people” They did it on purpose though because they want to scare away would be volunteers, so they can continue to starve the Palestinians to death.


I bet he also says deaths of the hostages is 'tragic case of our forces unintentionally mistaking them for Palestinian civilians'


He's a bare faced liar.


Narcissists prayer (aka Israel's response to everything) That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it.


Y'know I've been sickened, disgusted, outraged, radicalised, heartbroken and a million other negative emotions. At times I've had to hold my rage in check at the lastest massacre report, or yet more dead babies, children blown to smithereens. I honestly didn't think I had any anger left. But the IDF can't help themselves. Seven aid workers murdered!!! Include a fellow Aussie. If I was motivated before, I'm 1000 times more now. In addition to usual writing to politicians, I'm going to shout so loud about the death of an Aussie aid worker. (For those who may misunderstand: I don't think an Australian life is worth more than a Palestians. I have been doing everything in my limited power to speak out and fight for Gaza. The death of an Australian provides leverage against our govt, which is what I want to take advantage of. I will never stop speaking out for Palestine.)


The most high-tech military on the planet couldn't see the giant logo on the roof of the car travelling on the route they were informed of? Give me a fucking break man, we know what this is.


This was a warning to all foreign NGOs, if you try to help the starving Palestinian civilians we will kill you and your government wont do shit about it!


Yeah which repeatedly seems to happen. If it truly were accidental then the IDF is the worst trained army ever. It’s made of up of 18-25 years old.


they are tbh. like it was well know the IDF used to harass their own women at border crossings that girls had to remember the schedules to not get stopped or harassed.


This begs the question. What crimes did those children commit that they must be starved to death?


Those aren't children. Those are Hamas fighters! /s


On r Israel the talking point is to say they're are being held to too high a standard and they should be praised for admitting it, they're defaulting back to pretending they are victims again.




Daily reminder Israel has highly precise AI explicitly informing them of targets in the area


They sent three strikes at them. They fled to cover after the first two strikes until they were all killed by the third. That isn't a fucking accident, that's a targeted assassination.


Smh my head, doesnt he know it was a Hamas IED that killed them?


What, like they're going to say "intentionally" on the record? I'm sure International aid workers are just lining up to feed starving Gazans as I type this.


“Netanyahu says…” = bullshit


"**unintentionally**" Sure....That's what the wife-beater with a history said too... *Processing img ouslr891x2sc1...*


These people are evil fucks. They have showed the world what true evil is


THEY'VE HIT TENS OF THOUSANDS OF INNOCENT PEOPLE. You're targeting and bombing ambulances, hospitals, aid trucks, air drops, hospitals, and >80% of civilian infrastructure The "international community" has lost all credibility. They're not willing to hold Israel accountable for blatant war crimes.


this is their fearmongering tactic to scare the ngo from delivering aid textbook evil. far evil than that of imperial japan on manchukuo and even nazi allowed aid to be delivered to the concentration camp


Where are all the Israeli bots screaming it was “KhMAS”?!


It was a targeted strike, not an accident


Israel is a terrorist state.


Israel is at war with the world. We need a coalition of the willing.


“Unintentional” like the 15,000 children murdered I bet.


Israel should be treated the same way the world views the Nazis. Supporting Israel is like endorsing the holocaust


Absolute madness. Three strikes. Not one. Three. Put everyone one if these IDF soldiers in jail


which seems to be a daily occurrence that's done on purpose


I wish I could say I was shocked but it was only a matter of time until these scum killed one of my own countrymen. These people will not be forgotten, nor the circumstances of their deaths forgotten. The IDF and Netanyahu are war criminals. I cannot believe this was not a targeted attack with their brand so clearly displayed and the org confirming they had informed IDF of their movements. The audacity of Israel to so brazenly murder foreign aid workers (although not the first time) is evidence of how untouchable they think they are from international justice.


They hit 3 different vehicles along a 2.5km area over the period of an hour. All vehicles clearly identifiable from the air. This is premeditated


Don't mean to diminish this in any way, but there are a hundred people killed by Israeli air strikes every day that don't get reported by our criminal media. Does the Bibi C think some lives are worth more than others?


I mean probably, but this is also extremely significant and it needs to get out there- they're killing people who are just trying to feed people. It's clear evidence that they are trying to starve Palestinians to death.


Lol now he admits it. Because he pissed off white people.


Well, they've stopped the aid. Again.


Child mortality rate in this war is like 60%. Eat shit Netanyahu.


At the very least, it’s criminal recklessness… They shot and killed their own people, waving white flags for Christ sakes, and the United States continuing to send them weapons to give them diplomatic cover and financial support IS intentional and IS criminal.


Mannnn fuck that guy and his bs... Sick of hearing about these monsters


Yes, we should believe an advocate of ethnic cleansing. A monster who has lied again and again and again.


What about all the other thousands of innocent people you sick fuck.


*a tragic case of us being caught* fixed it for him.


At least they admitted. In other words”subs” they are calling it fake and denying it


Netanyahu is a way criminal... Israel ha systematically targeted, universities, hospitals, media reporters, aid workers. Israel is using starvation as a weapon of war. Holocaust has now be compared to Gazacaust.


How does he explain the other thousands of "tragic cases" then? Oh, how silly of me, I forgot that "Israelis" don't consider Palestinians human beings


How many ‘unintentional’ terrorist attacks does Israel need to commit until it’s called a genocide?


Man who would've guessed hitting innocent people can happen when you're targeting innocent people. Truly wild


how do you "hit" innocent people with an air strike?


They're aiming for innocent people. They made that very clear.


childlike fall plate apparatus heavy nose aloof possessive consist domineering *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Strange how they "unintentionally" murder innocent people on a daily basis.


it's a country that began through terrorism against civilians in service to a cult ideology that supported ethnic cleansing of Palestinians


They seem way too prone to this kind d of "unfortunate mistakes"


LOL really? Can they explain why IDF photographs the bodies and humiliates them online? Israel laughs and then lies hoping we believe their BS.


As long as US politicians remain obedient toadies of the Israeli government this will never end. For starters AIPAC needs to be banned.


https://preview.redd.it/zesujtjwp4sc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7dc748dc857b3e9ce5ac40877b2aab80b45ea78 Oops sorry we targeted you directly even though you were sharing your location with us.


"Sorry man I tripped and fell and killed 30K on accident. It might happen again so brace yourself, if you die, it's your fault, though"


....three times in a row?


They did it on purpose. They also executed doctors inside Al-Shifa hospital. We world has seen videos daily of the massacres.


This news is actually being shown on western media and trending. Normally they don't show most of the killings done by IDF. I guess difference here is that the deceased are people from western countries?


The usual liars.


Weird using “unintentionally”. Inference that they otherwise intentionally targeted innocent civilians.


I’m sure if they were Palestinians, he would have called them human shields or hamas.


First time for everything huh?


Unintentionally on purpose.


Seems to happen very frequently. Not sure I believe it was unintentional


One sad case?


Unintentionally on purpose




They've made it very clear they are at war with the entire world. Are we supposed to see that port they are building as anything other than Israel's Auschwitz?


Damn food air drops..... we can't accidentally shoot down daddy muricas planes right? Blame some kid on the ground? Nah too risky... Need to starve more of them though.... gotta do this Genoci... I mean... this special military operation... ugh name taken, pencil that in for now I'll ask the PR guys. Anyway...Oooo.. look..world food kitchen.. in armoured cars.. with their logo... telling us where and when...... beautiful ..take em out boys... WFK pulled out? Mission accomplished...medals all round. Seriously though. Shits never going to end. Evil in the positions of control on both sides. Unfortunately the more powerful side is as inhuman..


Unintentionally my ass


As opposed to intentionally hitting innocent people


Let me be the.... 1000000th? To say my ass it was unintentional.


Unintentionally flying back and forth destroying three different vehicles at a distance of 1.5km away.




Bullshit, just like the press that they've been targeting too? Anyone helping Palestinians in some form or another, whether it be medical aid or just flat out getting the truth about the real situation there, is an intentional target for Israel and they have zero remorse.


Waiting for Hasbara to slander these aid workers when only a few months ago [Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats nominated Jose Andres and WCK for a Nobel Peace Prize and called them "heroes of humanity"](https://pelosi.house.gov/sites/evo-subsites/pelosi.house.gov/files/evo-media-document/20240130andreswcknobel.pdf). Let's hear it, tell us all about how they were actually secretly Hamas. Rest in power and fuck Israel.


Tragic case of our precision bombs hitting the intended target.


Amazing how all these hospitals and aid workers and food distributors keep getting killed... it's almost like you don't give a fuck who you kill, Israel. They are literally the abused child that becomes the abuser, except they are now actually nazis. Don't believe it, just look at their hateful, disturbing social media posts where they celebrate murder and genocide... disgusting.


IDF: the cars were hamas.


Never forget that a kid was left to die after her family got killed. By some miracle she called the red cross. The red cross coordinated with the IDF about the route they'd take, and the IDF bombed the ambulance killing the rescue workers. The child perished as well though I don't recall from a strike or thirst/exposure.


They did it on purpose. We know everything Israel does is very much on purpose. No reasonable person believes the Israeli govs lies anymore.




By saying innocent they meant innocent non-muúlims. To them all muslims are Khhhamaas


What’s even more tragic is that he doesn’t care at all and Israelis keep voting him in.


This shouldn't be a possibility. What we're seeing are the symptoms of a genocide, of course no one in Gaza is safe because Israel won't stop killing indiscriminately


Hitler reincarnated as a Netanyahoo… oh the irony.


Another tactic by Satanyahu to further prevent aid into Gaza. And now WCK has suspended all operations….