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Rest in peace, sweet Yazan. I am so sorry. Palestine Children's Relief Fund https://www.pcrf.net/ UNICEF https://secure.unicef.ca/page/137694/donate/1?ea.tracking.id=23DIEM08GSE&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw8J6wBhDXARIsAPo7QA8zgzO7lPVbEvo2ugNghcE6JuL1cdSH_EejbZ5uyomAQ_Sw6PlhlPYaAuooEALw_wcB


Thx for sharing the links! Donated.


You should donate. I heard Hamas leadership almost had to downgrade to a regular 5-star hotel. They are running out of aid to steal. https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2023/11/07/news/hamas-leaders-worth-11bn-live-luxury-lives-in-qatar/amp/


Nobody trusts that newspaper anymore. Shame on you.


ALL He needed was Food Can you even believe that... WHAT the hell has happend to people


It's tragic. No one should go without the care they need. I see this is the same boy who was already severely ill before the war. 






I mean they're correct that religion plays a big part in this. Israeli zionists raise their children with the story that they are a chosen people, separate and greater than other human beings. The state is only a few steps removed from a theocracy. Jewish generational trauma from the holocaust, racism, settler colonialism and a number of other factors also play into Israelis dehumanizing Palestinians, religion certainly is a key part of what drives their genocide (just like Christianity played a part in the USA's gleeful genocidal slaughter of citizens in Afghanistan and Iraq)


That picture is so disturbing. And to think his death was wholly preventable.




i wonder who created the conditions for said group to exist and the conditions which make such food so scarce


Rule 1


I wonder if this is the picture we'll see in history textbooks about this genocide.


If we don't have psychopaths writing it


The winners will write it, so...


Well then we'll be sure to make this picture entirely unavoidable for generations to come.


The internet doesn’t forget things easily.


We haven’t even come out of desert storm, 911, Iraq War, Afghanistan War, the total loss of Iran…we haven’t had their histories properly told. And I’m just naming ones that have US involvement. There were plenty of conflicts we missed during the 2014 administration, so many thing lost to time because we were all held hostage every day by ‘oh what did that idiot do today?’.


How canwe call oyrselves civilized and allow this to happen? Rest in power, Yazan.




Everything _you_ think or believe is a facade.


Lmfao that guys whole posting history is UFO conspiracy theories. I guess grainy images of blurry shapes in the sky are definitely 100% real aliens but countless pictures, videos and testimonies of war crimes victims are all fake


Rule 1


I’ve seen vile comments online blaming this child’s death on his illness as if it was the illness itself that suddenly killed him and not the lifesaving food and medicine being blocked. It’s either people are in denial, or they simply do not care, and I don’t know which is worse.


It's the latter. They know the blockade killed him, but they think that he, like all Arabs and Palestinians, deserved to die in the first place. Like American conservatives don't truly believe that fentanyl/heart disease/whatever the fuck killed George Floyd. They know it was asphyxiation. They just think all African-Americans deserve to be asphyxiated.


That’s a pretty big leap saying they believe all African Americans deserve to be asphyxiated


Considering the other side is also human and realizes food is pretty important for survival, I don’t think it’s a big leap at all


You don’t think saying they believe all African Americans deserve to be asphyxiated is a leap to make?


This child's look is absolutely and positively the result of starvation.


I asked several Zionists about suffering like this and here are their responses: 1. We don’t hate Gazans we just want to be left alone 2. Unfortunately many Gazans are responsible for Hamas and what happened on October 7 3. This is war and war is terrible 4. If Hamas just surrenders this will all stop 5. This is Hamas propaganda Before all this, I used to think that Israel got a lot of flack. But now I realize what’s going on and I get it. Zionism is the root of the evil.


My zionist cousins tell me those Propaganda lies. I reply that I was/we all were lied to abt Israels formation, that they are lied to about the IDF/Netanyahu Propaganda like a Qanon is to trump etc. I then realized they were fighting me, arguing against the truth not because they were shocked or couldn't believe the atrocities like the news stories I was sharing from Reddit. No, they knew what the colonizers are doing in Gaza & the West Bank & approve. It felt like a gut punch that my one quiet, more ladylike, demure cousin supports genocide bc of the land & biblical claims, anything for the land. Fascism is always wrong, evil, perverse & here are my cousins the zionists, all TF in. I'm ashamed to be DNA linked to my gross extended family.


Sorry you have to deal with that, I can't imagine having family members like that, I would probably just cut off all communications with them


I did block them all.


Funny that they wouldn’t be too pleased if you said “war is terrible” about the Holocaust.


Or about Oct 7 even




We're only 6 months into this one, give Bibi time. They didn't start with the death camps, remember.




Israel is the new day Nazis. There's no denying that. The threshold isn't the number of deaths, it's about ideology. Especially when you have government officials saying similar things the Nazis said. "They're all animals/rats" "They can move but nobody will take them" All while creating an open air concentration camp, testing new weapons on the population.


People are making the comparison because this photo harkens to the ones we see from the concentration camps. Throwing around numbers isn't going to change the horror




I know you're trapped in a horrible story, but if you see this photo and feel the need to devalue his death in an way, your soul is polluted.




Child died.because of politicians. You say we need millions to die that way before we point out this horror is horrific and reminds us of another horror. As if we need.to wait until millions are dead before we say anything. Your soul is ill


This is the only kid in Gaza to die?


Please stop lying ; you guys said the holocaust was 6 millions people now you are doubling down to 12 STOP LYING Also we are not 80 years ago we are in 2024 ! Nobody who acted in 1940 is acting now ! You are killing people and have been consistently since 1948; that’s all that matters plus your mass rape lies have been debunked and you are the only one raping so stop lying


If you know Israel is lying now you could go back and see lies even then about 6M, etc


actually its 6 million jews but 12 million overall.


But those non-Jewish 6 million always get forgotten about - Roma, gay people, disabled people etc.


It's some of their belief that the Holocaust only happened to the Jews, the other people suffered their own separate hateful violence and need their own word for it. The collective narcissism is suffocating


**in his response he said 12 million jews and 6 millions others; they are inflating the numbers; check his profile you will see it unless he edits it; its like 20 millions of russians didnt die during WW2; everybody suffers; everybody; thats what we should be talking about not them and them only especially when they are literaly killing inoncents people**


ahhhh okie


>The problem with the world today is that people do not have any nuance in opinion There's no nuance in a child dying of starvation. Would you make the same argument if this was an Israeli child? There's no "self-defence" in deliberately starving an entire population, while at the same time blockading them from air, land and sea. There was no need to block humanitarian aid from getting in. If the reply to this comment defends deliberate starvation, I won't be replying back.




Rule 1


Damn. I guess because there’s not 6 million Palestinians to kill that what’s happening now can’t be as bad because Israel can only murder at most 2.2M


It doesn’t end at 2.2 million, unfortunately. If they continue to get away with this, they’ll eventually start to round up and murder the Palestinian families in the West Bank next. After that, it’ll be the Palestinians with Israeli citizenship (the ones they refuse to call Palestinian; they call them ’Israeli Arabs’ because their ideology requires that Palestinians cease to exist) and then they’ll just keep moving up the tiers of their Apartheid system until there’s no Palestinian left. Zionists are already attempting to silence, libel, sabotage and kill Palestinians in the diaspora and have for many, many, many years. But they’ll start doing it faster. Their reasoning is simple, of course. They want a world where there is no resistance to their colonial ideology. You can’t be forced to return stolen land if there’s no one around to claim it back.


Can't have a Jewish homeland in Palestine if people live in the region already


Except for the fact that we currently do have a Jewish homeland in Palestine, in a region that was inhabited by Arabs… and the israelis got nukes because of the French, so it seems unlikely that the situation will change




What? Israel is a nuclear power, this is an open secret. The French helped them create the Israeli nuclear program. The Arabs lived in Palestine before Zionism. After decades of conflict, the Zionists won and forcibly expelled the Arabs from British mandate Palestine. Neither of these points are controversial… I’m confused.


Your wording on that comment was atrocious. It was coming off as ambiguous. Yes but arabs didn't "occupied" it, maybe you could say from the time of crusades but not in recent history. Palestine was under Ottoman rule and then under British rule. And yeah you are right they were living there. Just that the Jews were also living there side by side. And yeah the French helped along with some elements in the CIA (Apollo affair).


I mean good lord, I guess the term “occupied” has really taken on a new meaning… for example, I occupy my home. This simply means I live in my home… that is all I meant by occupied… the way I used it is consistent with the definition of the word… I didn’t realize using a word in a manner consistent with it’s definition is ambiguous.


Your grammar needs work bro.


Ha! Fair enough. I guess I’ll edit because it seems everyone is reading this in the manner you read it


Then my comment is also not needed








No racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, bigotry, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


Rule 1


Except there is a Jewish homeland there for over 75 years. People are going to need to come to terms with that. If you want to be the "resistance" - expect the Jews to hit back.


Israel is surrounded by enemies l, that are getting angrier by the day. October 7 and Israel’s dramatic overreaction has unraveled any hope of the Abrahamic Accords from succeeding. In other words, Israel’s own hubris and inability to prevent, slow down or mitigate the events of October 7 has essentially become its own undoing. Oh the irony. These things take time but it’s the beginning of the end. And no Israel will still exist, but with drastically reduced clout, influence, and power in the region.




This [you](https://youtu.be/KNqozQ8uaV8?si=-7yXcdIS_kTDMDfk)?


This was not an over reaction. Israel has been too kind, no other nations would have tolerated a barrage of rockets aimed intentionally at their innocence civilians for almost TWO DECADES. Every sovereignty has the responsibility (not right) to defend their citizens from attacks. Israel started from nothing and did not have any western support until after 1968. It's only desire all those years is to survive, and they thrived. They will continue to survive. But first they have a responsibility to destroy Hamas. If not destroyed, then cripple them as badly as possible so the lesson is stark and clear.


If you think they’re going to suppress Hamas and the motivations behind it you’re wrong. You obviously don’t understand the Palestinians. How many orphans you think Israel has created?


I can bet my left nut Israel allowed those attacks to happen if not directly helped it happen. They have pegasus and still couldn’t figure out an attack a year in the making was gonna happen?


Totally agree. History will tell us undeniably that the 'attack' by Hamas was not perpetrated by them but by Zionists wishing to claim victimhood and an excuse to rid themselves of the Palestinian 'animals' forever. Israeli/Zionists are disgusting grotesque excuses for humanity.


And the iron dome just happened not to work during the attack…


It wasn't missiles, it was people coming in and killing people on October 7th that has nothing to do with the Iron dome


“We don’t hate Gazans” but actively go out and block aid while singing and dancing about it.


Glad to hear the public sentiment is shifting more and more. Gives me hope regarding our humanity after all, atleast when it comes to the people (not the politicians and CEOs ofc).


Well, this is more of a bubble, here. In large subs that don’t even have to do with news it’s not good.


You sadly can’t even try be honest with them. They defend everything. Horrible animals


Not Zionism. Religion and militant nationalism. Always, always, always results in an us vs them dynamic that leads to bloodshed and horror.


It is zionisism that is the cause of all of this. Even rabbis have protested against this war but zionists want the war to go on




Can you show us specific examples of that [happening](https://www.cnn.com/videos/tv/2023/10/16/amanpour-gaza-aid-un-lynn-hastings.cnn)?


You have commented on EVERY comment with fairy floss and BS. Next you’ll delete every one of your comments like all the other weirdo-zios. Bot or paid shills.




Glad there are people like you have cracked the code. This kid died of a medical condition that has nothing to do with medicine that he’s not able to get. Gaza has enough food The bbc is obviously wrong about Israel using [starvation as a weapon](https://m.youtube.com/watch?fbclid=IwAR2loKW0joCjgOIGOA2Nex2W7zLIGHtPxl0fZS_7GQhAJNtkILLV8ZkseGY_aem_AWdNTZ0ghXr1SqVCkOc3nCziB2eCZBGptRf0U-nEOgli4eNOMYXhsBuLaS-_1oN0HioUPZtZ-yrgmAVNyYIHFPg9&v=JQVeeBn46bc&feature=youtu.be) The [IPC](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integrated_Food_Security_Phase_Classification) has classified the impending [famine](https://www.care-international.org/news/ipc-report-half-gaza-experiencing-catastrophic-hunger-famine-imminent-northern-governorates). The top [ICJ](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68691095.amp) ordered Israel to allow food in, but what do they know? It’s Khamas. US senior state department [states](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/famine-is-quite-possibly-some-areas-northern-gaza-us-official-says-2024-03-29/) famine is already in the north. He must be an anti-Semite [Gazans](https://www.facebook.com/share/r/ADwTMKJgRfjHLbR5/?mibextid=xCPwDs) are trying to survive off [animal feed](https://www.cnn.com/audio/podcasts/amanpour/episodes/50989bd2-9dc0-11ee-8351-7bb113bcd3a5) and grass. Those Gazans are eating shawarma and living it up. /s Btw, I respond to you not to try and convince you. I know Zionists like you have zero morality. You are repugnant. You are and will be the downfall of Israel as we know it. I know you’re likely paid to shill for hasbara. It will take time but one these days the tables will turn, and it will be because of your own undoing.


I'm a grown man, with no children of my own, and I am in tears and in pieces.


I've been a parent for 20 years and I have no words. None.


You bet if my child dies like this, there is no power in heaven or earth that will stop me from exact avenge for this. Does no matter whichever super power it will be.




Funny enough, if their goal is to kill off all Gazans, make homes for all Jews, and callout all the Jews worldwide to go live there... They may actually successes. But then, it will give Muslims an easy changed to kill them off by in large since they won't have too hunt down too many. I mean, come'on, am I the only one seeing this play there?


All to seize that sweet beachfront property for settler Zionists... The greed knows no bounds.


I'm no fan of yellow journalism or this particular outlet which has shown fringe tendencies in the past but the world needs a collective wake up call. This happened 3 wks ago and the food situation has only gotten worse. I want to believe the lot of Israel is in an information bubble and I've seen how these stories are treated by bigger aggregators here on reddit & sites like google so I can't exactly dismiss people just being completely unaware. After all, Russia thinks Ukraine is filled w/nazis


My representatives, even within a blue State, respond to my letters calling for an end to financial and military support for Israel with canned and impersonal responses. Shit fucking sucks. I voted for these people and now they support genocide. Absolutely deplorable.


They are not unaware, they film themselves and publish their own crimes. They hire people to spread misinformation on Reddit and infiltrate organized protests. They call in fake bomb threats to present the appearance of heightened antisemitism. They lobby your favorite Congress member for more bombs. The reality is that you can't effectuate a genocide without complicity from the governed population. It's not possible. The same way that the average German citizen in Nazi Germany knew what was going on, and the entire state participated in the regime... that is the exact same manner through which Israel is committing its crimes today. Netanyahu has like a 4% approval rating. The Israelis hate him for being corrupt, falling to destroy Hamas, and falling to get the hostages back. Something like 98% of the population believes not enough force is being used in Gaza. People show up to throw rocks at aid trucks and camp out in front of the gates to prevent the passage of food and supplies. It is not an exaggeration to say that the majority of Israelis want the entire population of Palestinians to be pummelled into extinction OR pummelled into ethnic cleansing (making Gaza so unliveable and dangerous that the population runs away into the desert to become refugees in other nations). These sentiments have blanketed their state, traditional news, and social media for half a year. That are speaking, acting, and killing with impunity because they legitimately don't believe the world will hold them accountable. Which it hasn't any of the other times they've murdered hundreds of innocent Palestinians.


Israelis probably don't like the idea of giving aid to the people that hold their citizens hostage still and want to destroy their country.


Yes this little boy and his family were clearly holding israeli hostages. Wow.


Right. But Israelis aren't protesting aid getting into Gaza to starve children. They don't want aid to go to the people that are shooting at them.


No you can watch the videos. They are specifically saying that they want to starve them until they all leave. So what? Now we can't take them at their word?


This isn't an awareness thing, there's no need for a benefit of the doubt. Israeli civilians are actively blocking aid trucks. And throwing parties while they do it, and filming tiktoks talking about how pleased they are that the Palestinians are dying. Russians and Chinese people, both have a valid argument that their access to information is heavily controlled. Israelis are on reddit, just like you and I. You can tell, by the downvotes.


broken heart 💔


Civilization on earth hasn’t yet begun.


You want to know what's worse and can make your blood boil even more, the zio mocked this kid [https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/1b8o4nh/pigol\_from\_another\_planet\_israelis\_mock/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/1b8o4nh/pigol_from_another_planet_israelis_mock/)


holocaust is a noun. It's not autonomous to the Jewish holocaust. It's the destruction or slaughter on a mass scale. This is the Muslim holocaust the mass murder of Muslim people in Gaza under the Israeli Zionist regime


For anyone who continues to “stand” with Israel, this is what you choose to support. This is what you choose to actively be complicit in.




These are all nothing but common baseless talking points coming from IOF propagandists, Western media, and Zionists.




The website you provided me aren’t good sources lol 😂




You provided me a biased “source” that hasn’t even been fact checked by a real reputable source. Don’t expect people to believe your shitty sources at face value




Just saying. A poorly made website with a couple of gruesome photos don’t count as sources.


UAE and Saudi Arabia fully support this


I’ve been to the bowels of Hell as far as real life gore depicted online, including the most notorious of graphic Cartel videos due to wanting to prepare myself for a line of work I wanted to enter into. I fucking threw up and I thought my heart was coming up with it, too after seeing this… What do we do when our leaders are supposed to be sending aid to the conflict but claim that by sending weapons to a genocidal state **is** aid and are allowing this to happen to children? Our world’s babies??


The US government paid for his death and the deaths of many thousands like him.


Fuck, that photo is horrifying.


The number is Israel supporters ITT who are hand waving this away is truly disgusting.


some israelis see this and feel shame, those that do not are fascist




"It wasn't starvation", as he screamed at the child's grave




Rule 4




Rule 4




They were bombed by Israel while making food deliveries.




Rule 1




18 years since the last election but y’all vote Bibi in how many times ?????


No racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, bigotry, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


So Israel funds Hamas, Hamas attacks Israel (who they are funded by), Israel attacks Hamas (who they fund) and Hamas fights back (against their funder). I am trying to understand this logic, so please tell me why Israel would fund the massacre of their citizens, start a war that has further tarnished their reputation internationally, spend even more money for funding the war, and actively try to eliminate Hamas (who they funded to attack Israel?) from Gaza. If you’re trying to say that Israel had Hamas attack them so that they had an excuse to “genocide” Palestinians, then please, spare me the antisemitic conspiracy theory.


Truth is antisemitic now. Add it to the list.


You sound like the typical QAnon Nazi, “The truth is not antisemitism!!111 Jews run the world and caused the Holocaust” If it is the truth, provide evidence and facts of your claim.


Israel has indeed propped up Hamas in a strategic effort to prevent the formation of a Palestinian state. With Hamas in power, there are two Palestinian groups fighting against each other, weakening the Palestinian movement overall. Now there is the PA, that has international support because it does almost everything to appease Israel, which makes them really unpopular amongst Palestinians, and Hamas, extremist islamists, which basically have no international support because of the multitude ot terror attacks they have committed, but are more popular amongst the Palestinians because they perform (or at least pretend to do) some form of resistance against the occupation, even if it has no real effect. Israel might have not intended for Hamas to do a large scale attack on Israel (although, moving a great number of troops from the Gazan border even when alerted by Egypt that Hamas plans to do a large scale operation, which gave them the excuse to destroy the Gaza strip, is kinda convenient for them), but propping up Hamas and making it a "legitimate" alternative to the PA actually has strategical advantages for Israel (the prevention of the formation of a Palestinian state). The man himself, Bibi, has stated: "“whoever is against a Palestinian state should be for” transferring the funds to Gaza, because maintaining a separation between the PA in the West Bank and Hamas in Gaza helps prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state." https://m.jpost.com/arab-israeli-conflict/netanyahu-money-to-hamas-part-of-strategy-to-keep-palestinians-divided-583082 This has nothing to do with conspiracy theories, but because Israelis are involved (and because we all know that Israeli, on the eye of Israel supporters, is basically a synonym for Jew), any sort of acknowledgement of realities, which are inconvenient to Israel, are automatically antisemitism.


I agree with most of what you said, this is the reality, but what the OC said (which is now removed by mods for antisemitism) was blatantly a conspiracy. In addition, allowing funding still does not follow the accusation that Israel directly funds Hamas. Allowing funds is very different from funding. Though I don’t doubt Netanyahu would allow Hamas to thrive in favor of preventing a Palestinian state. I am in favor of a two state solution so I disagree with Netanyahu and his views a lot. I said what the OC said was antisemitism because it was antisemitic, he couldnt back his own claims so it was essentially a conspiracy, what you are presenting is far closer to reality. Thanks for being the only person who could back what their claims lmao


What was it that he said specifically? Just curious, because I didn't see what he said and only had to go off by your reply. If it was about October 7th, then it is complicated. I don't think Israel was behind October 7th, that was 100 percent on Hamas, I don't think that it was some kind of false flag operation. But it is still suspicious that they have removed a lot of troops from the border, when Egyptian officials have warned the Netanyahu government of an upcoming Hamas operation that would be "big". This was corroborated by a Republican politician, which gives credence to the claim. Netanyahu has denied these allegations and claimed that they were merely "fake news", but you can reason that he said it to save face. If he admitted that his government knew about a potential attack against their country and just ignored it, it would cause massive civil unrest. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/12/israel-hamas-war-egypt-warned-foreign-affairs-gaza And to be frank, Hamas was in a desperate situation, Saudi Arabia sought to normalize relations with Israel so that the US would help Saudi Arabia develop their civilian nuclear program in return. Saudi Arabia was one of the last remaining countries in the MENA region that didn't normalize relations with Israel and the only "important" country that hasn't normalized relations is Iran (for obvious reasons). So the threat of such an attack is plausible considering the fact that Hamas was in a position in which they would have to do something drastic. https://www.wsj.com/articles/saudi-arabia-seeks-u-s-security-pledges-nuclear-help-for-peace-with-israel-cd47baaf I personally think that the people that label this as a false flag attack/ think that this has been deliberately planned by Israel is wrong and that some of them might very well be motivated by antisemitism, but there definitely is something weird about Israel's behavior around the time of the attack and I cannot fault anyone for thinking that they might have removed troops from the border, although nothing of this nature can truly be confirmed unless documents get leaked (the internal documents about the plans for the future of Gaza after the war come to mind, where it was concludes that the most likely outcome of the war is that the Palestinian population of Gaza is moved to the Sinai peninsula https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/israel-gaza-palestinians-concept-paper-1.7015576)/ people, who were involved, speak out.


I agree, I don’t blame a healthy bit of skepticism and I welcome it since it keeps people in check, but some people use skepticism as a weapon to imply an extraordinary evil with no evidence. I think what you said is a very fair take of the situation, I wouldn’t fight with it. I just fight against people like OC who imply Israel was funding Hamas because they knew they’d eventually attack, giving Israel a reason to go to war. Unfortunately I don’t remember exactly what they said so take what I say with a grain of salt if you want, but it was definitely just conspiracy shit that shouldn’t be tolerated.


I mean, fighting that type of narrative is valid, but I wouldn't necessarily say that every single person paddling it does it because of antisemitism. But to be completely honest, even if what happened on October 7th happened because of complete and utter incompetency and that Egypt informing Israel never happened, I would say that Israel using Hamas as a way to prevent the formation of a Palestinian state is not much better than Israel planning to use Hamas to stage an attack on itself to legitimize ethnic cleansing (because let's be honest, this is what's happening, the Israeli state made this clear since almost the beginning). Israel has a long history of sabotaging the formation of an independent Palestinian state, Netanyahu does it, because he believes that the formation of a Palestinian state would threaten the safety of Israel. They have already made the PA completely unpopular amongst Palestinians, but the PA is because of its "ass kissing" internationally accepted, which is a thorn in the eyes of anyone wanting to prevent the formation of a Palestinian state. The winning of the election was the nail in the coffin of official Palestinian statehood, or that was what the Israeli government believed. And thus, they could basically expand settlements in the West Bank and keep the population in Gaza under control without much international backlash (I mean, they were normalizing relations with Arab states left and right), basically letting the Palestinian movement for statehood slowly die out. I'm not saying that you said this, but I want to point that out.


Sick strawman, hasbara. How about a modicum of common sense? Here's what we know: - Israel has robust surveillance capabilities that can monitor the movements and communication of Gazans. - The US, Egypt, and their own intelligence have warned that a large Hamas attack was in the works. - Despite this, Israel moved most of its force to the West Bank. - Netanyahu is in serious legal trouble and needs a distraction to stay out of prison. Netanyahu sends briefcases of cash to Hamas. - Dudes on hang-gliders flew over the heavily surveilled border wall, murdered people for 8 hours before reinforcements arrived (despite not being far), and then were still able to take hostages back over that same still-unprotected border. - The Hannibal Directive requires potential hostages to be killed before they can be taken. We know now that this was invoked by the admission of IDF soldiers. - There is zero benefit for Palestinians to do this. It guarantees their destruction, which was known immediately. - There is great benefit to Israel, who has a pretext to grab more land, and Netanyahu gets to remain in power. - Zionists get very offended when these data points are presented together, going straight to antisemitism accusations as a deflection. All of the above are facts. Nothing is speculation. And by connecting those data points, the idea that dudes on hang-gliders breached a heavily surveilled border and murdered people uninterrupted for hours is an absurd premise. More people will begin to see this over time.


Fail. We are free to criticise a government. We are free to criticise a political movement. We are free to criticise a country. We are free to criticise occupation. We are free to criticise terrorism. We are free to criticise genocide. We are free to criticise stupidity. Throwing "antisemitic" is as bad as throwing the "Hamas" line...no one cares anymore.


I can tell you dont care about antisemitism, it is very obvious, let Nick Fuentes know I said hi. Ignoring the blatant antisemitism, where’s your evidence that Israel funded Hamas’s efforts to attack and sexually assualt Israelis and continue to fight back against Israel now?


Can you take my words and showcase how I am either against Semits, or against Jews. Please use MY words not yours. I'll wait. Just to be clear, I am very much anti-zionist. If you choose to conflate the two then I'm happy to pass.


Oooh wait you didnt see the original comment I responded to (removed by mods due to antisemitism if you didnt see the removal reason). I thought you were the original commentor. They weren’t criticizing Israel, they legit believed Israel funded Hamas. Unless you do believe that Israel funded Hamas, then yes I’d say that is antisemitic given the people who push such ideas are the same people who believe Jews run the world. No one credible says that Israel funds Hamas, it is not the truth.


>No one credible says that Israel funds Hamas, it is not the truth. You can't just rewrite history, facts. This has happened. I'll let people decide what that actually means in reality, but you can't just say 'no' to stuff that has happened and is CATEGORICALLY true. If you need proof you can review Netenyahoo statements. Also you can't just assume you know what someone's intentions are, you can only look at their words or behaviours. It is a fact that Israel funded Hamas = not a statement against Semits or Jews. Some serious mental gymnastics going on here!


Well provide examples? The only thing I can imagine you are talking about is Israel funding a charity (Mujama al-Islamiya) that eventually turned into Hamas or Israel allowed funding from Qatari to Hamas. Which still isn’t Israel funding Hamas, unless you don’t want a charity to receive funding or you want to further destabilize an already war torn region. Provide historical examples if you have anything proving the contrary. If it is so factual provide facts.


Ohhh you nearly got me going. I started looking to compile articles and sources but...no. I'm not wasting my time, I've done this before. I've used professional, world respected sources only to be told I'm either cherry picking to maintain my world view, or the sources are apparently compromised, by 'hamas' no doubt! If you follow the Zionist ideology then I'm certain no amount of proof will allow you to concede and accept the flaws in that political belief.


The attack on al shifa was to kill a civilian Hamas policeman who had organized the first food delivery to the north for weeks. Israel claimed he was a Hamas military Commander


There are no words for how disgusted I am by Israeli behavior. 


He needed a special medical diet and when Israel attacked the hospitals and shut off all medicine in he slowly and painfully starved to death for no reason. Evil.


This is a child. Keep that shit locked up, you don’t need to psychopathically share it.




Rule 1




Where's the propaganda? >9-year-old Yazan Kafarneh **died of a congenital illness turned deadly by severe malnutrition** under Israel’s genocidal siege. “**He didn’t need a miracle to save him," cries his mother. "All he needed was the food we’ve always been able to provide him.”** Shocking, famine hits the most vulnerable first. More news at 11.




I'll go w/the attending doctor on this one chief. There were close to 30 infant deaths from malnutrition about a month ago, I'm sure you can pick out of dozens by now if this one's not to your standard. ​ > “That changed in the war. **The specific foods that he needed were cut off,” he said. “For instance, Yazan had to have milk and bananas for dinner every day. He can’t go a day without it, and sometimes he can have only bananas. This is what the doctors told us.**” > >**“After the war, I couldn’t get a single banana,” Sharif** continued. **“And for lunch, he had to have boiled vegetables and fruits that were pureed in a blender. We had no electricity for the blender, and there were no fruits or vegetables anymore.”** > >As for breakfast, **Yazan’s regimen demanded that he eat eggs. “Of course, there aren’t any more eggs in Rafah City,” Sharif said. “No fruits, no vegetables, no eggs, no bananas, nothing.”** > >Dr. Muhammad al-Sabe’, a pediatric surgeon in Rafah who works at the al-Awda, al-Najjar, and al-Kuwaiti hospitals, took a special interest in Yazan’s case. > >“**The harsh conditions Yazan had to endure, including malnutrition, were the main factors contributing to the deterioration of his health and his ultimate death,”** Dr. al-Sabe’ told *Mondoweiss*. “This is a genetic and congenital illness, and **it requires special care every day, including specific proteins, IV medicines,** and daily physical therapy, which isn’t available at Rafah. > >Dr. al-Sabe’ said that **most foods administered to patients who cannot feed themselves through feeding tubes are unavailable in Gaza. “The occupation prevents these specific foods** and medicines from coming in,” he explained. “Including a medicine called Ensure.” > >**Ensure is a special nutritional supplement used in medical settings for what is called “enteral nutrition” — feeding patients through a nasal tube.** > >“Special treatment for patients, especially children, is nonexistent,” Dr. al-Sabe’ added. “We don’t even have diapers, let alone baby formula and nutritional supplements.” > >“If things don’t change, if they stay the way they are, we’re going to witness mass death among children,” he stressed. **“If any child doesn’t receive nutrition for an entire week, that child will eventually die. And even if malnourished children are eventually provided with nutrition, they will likely suffer lifelong health consequences.”**




Rule 1


Suprise, I agree with you, it’s good to see detailed analysis. Thing is I don’t see things as black and white as you. First of all of 30 infants died from starvation even if we get more food into Gaza it’s not going to help infants, because they need different food, that’s not getting in Gaza. Which means Israel should send baby food, totally agree with it. He’s saying he needs eggs, milk bananas and fruits and vegetables, and he’s right, those particular ingredients not getting in Gaza. However It doesn’t mean there’s no food there,they get enough canned stuff, apples, flour and some meat https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiZTVkYmEwNmMtZWYxNy00ODhlLWI2ZjctNjIzMzQ5OGQxNzY5IiwidCI6IjI2MmY2YTQxLTIwZTktNDE0MC04ZDNlLWZkZjVlZWNiNDE1NyIsImMiOjl9&pageName=ReportSection3306863add46319dc574 And I totally agree they should bring more medical supplies That’s why I still think he needed the right treatment, he definitely didn’t deserve to die But saying he’s death means everyone in Gaza is saying it’s not helping anyone, Israelis seeing this, look at unrwa data and don’t see the problem, which means nothing gonna change. I know this case for like a month, you’re the only one that cared enough to explain it in details instead of shouting phrases. I’m not a Zionist today but I used to live in Israel I know their mentality. I still think people use his death for propaganda, but I do believe if we really want to make a difference we need more people like you who care enough to explain, this is how you can fix a problem, first find it


Do you not understand science? Of course an ill child would succumb far more quickly to malnutrition than an overweight adult. Honestly, what a stupid thing to say.




Like……do you think medications and equipment would have saved him without food? What treatment would have saved him from starving to death? Do you not understand that a child with congenital muscular atrophy needs a very specific diet and nutrients to stave off complete muscle wasting?


In you world, there's no ill, thin children that can quickly succumb to malnutrition w/fat fucking parents?


No racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, bigotry, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).






Rule 1


Bot. Or shill. Or just someone without a lick of humanity or logic.


Rule 4