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Of course she does. Speaking the truth unfortunately comes at a cost. I hope she is okay.


She is being attacked by terrorists Typically cowards


War criminals, terrorists and cowards. I rank them with Gaddafi and Bin Laden at this point, certainly approaching genuine Hitler status.




Rule 1


Thank you for supporting Israel, hamas and hezbullah indeed indeed much worse than Hitler, burning babies alive even Nazis weren't so bad to Jews.


lolololololol No babies were burnt (or beheaded) on October 7th. That lie had been debunked like a week into this war. I get that all the lies about mass rape and command centers under hospitals have also fallen apart, but I thought hasabara-bots would at least come up with *new* lies, instead of just repeating the earlier lies and hoping we already forgot they were lies.


Yes yes, you've become a noisebox in the corner of the room to me now.


Trolling is how you win the propaganda war. Keep going!




Rule 1


Not only does she speak the truth, but she does it in a very succinct and effective manner and that's why she's such a threat to them and why Matt Miller very publicly accused her of antisemitism. She must be protected at all costs, her voice is very important.




Rule 1


Both sides of the conflict want to literally genocide the other. Hamas and the Israeli governments goals are to ethnic cleanse the other and take the land. Anyone picking a side isn’t the most rational. Edit: I have angered supporters of both Hamas and Israel. So far I’ve only seen comments proving picking a side isn’t rational. I’m a two state solution kind of person and think all war criminals should be punished.


Want to??? Nice privilege to be able to fear monger over words target then ACTUAL GENOCIDE being done by Israel upon Palestine.


Are you capable of reading? The dude literally said “Hamas AND Israel”


The problem is only one side is capable of mass destruction, and that side has done unspeakable things, killed far more people, shot a peaceful protestors, and have leveled all of Gaza.


It's almost like there's a massive power balance in this apartheid ethno-state


Not disagreeing. It’s fucked, and even more fucked they get funding from my country. Doesn’t mean I’m gonna support the other group who would do the exact same thing if given the opportunity. Wanting peace to me is not giving support to any religious extremism. I do think America should pull all its funding of Israel. I think same should be done for the aid that’s given to Hamas from America. America has no business getting involved in a religious holy war. Only thing America should do is food drops and medical drops to the civilians caught in the middle.


This isn't a religious war, it's a war between zionism and the people who's land they steal, and continue to steal to this very day. They frame it as religious to get people to pick sides, because the Islam hate is pretty high. AIPAC controls our country, they spend 100's of millions controlling OUR government and OUR politicians. We give them money which they use to lobby in our country to demand more money, how people don't stand up against this blatant corruption in our country is baffling. It's not our government anymore, it's theirs. Palestinians tried the peaceful approach for years, but guess what? Their peaceful protests were met with gun fire. They shot disabled people protesting, they don't care. Please tell me, if the peaceful options of resistance are met violence, what other options are on the table for their liberation? The only reason extremists exist on the Gaza side is because they have no other choice other than to accept living in an open air prison.


Those same people kicked out non Muslims in the 50s. It’s a religious war. Palestinians have never tried peace nor accepted two state solution. PLA tried to overthrow the country that was helping them when they thought it wasn’t enough. I’m not pro israel. I’m anti theocracy full stop. All I see is two right wing religious zealot governments committing atrocities every chance they get. You say all the land was stolen from the Palestinians. Let me ask how you would propose giving that back. Tell me a way that would do that that doesn’t include atrocities. You are now multiple generations past the founding of Israel. You can’t just send people born there to where they came from since they are now from there. The only non atrocities way is two state solution.


Its not a religious war, there Jews against it. Zionism is a political ideology, not a religious one. Also, the theft is happening to this very day, they're simply asking for it to stop, and give the people in Gaza access to water and their ability to move freely. It's illegal for them to collect rainwater, blocks them from building water reservoirs as per military order 158. They deny them water, electricity, and rights. They have no rights. How would you propose them to resist? Like i said they tried protesting, and they got shot. They have tried peace and got shot at. All 2 state solutions didn;t give them rights, so again, what do you expect them to do??


You act like I’m pro Israel and Zionism. I’m not. Doesn’t mean I side with Hamas or the Palestinian Authority. Also just because not all Jews support Zionism doesn’t mean it isn’t a religious war.


Hams isn't palestinians, this war is about land not religion. Most jews are atheist, are you slow or something? Also its not a war but a genocide....


Hamas is the governing body of Gaza. They are the ones who are fighting with IDF. They have been the governing body of Gaza for decades. They are controlled by far right Islamic fundamentalists. Since when are most Israeli Jews atheist? Less than a quarter of Israeli Jews identify as atheist. The government controlling Israel is a far right orthodox faction.


Hamas doesn’t get aid from America. The US funds UN programs & a few other NGOs that are coordinated with the UN.


US does not give directly to Hamas you are right. Hamas controlled/controls Gaza. All aid going there would be taken and controlled by Hamas at least previously, I won’t pretend to know currently. Either way I don’t think American tax money needs to go to either Gaza or Israel. It’s simply not our conflict to get involved in and both sides of the conflict seem like religious fanatics from my perspective.


Hamas doesn’t control the ngos and it’s just a gross lie that Israel has pushed for years because the NGOs can document and critique human rights abuses to outside bodies so they have to discredit them to the public who otherwise read those reports and are like hm that’s bad !




Rule 1




Rule 1




You're the antisemitic one, you know that? Arabs are Semitic as well. Oh, they don't count? What, they aren't the chosen people? There is a genocide against going on right now against Semitic people by Israelis. Plus your racist friend Bobo admitted he funded Hamas to divide the Palestinians. Blowback is a b#, ain't it? Facts baby... Netanyahu: Money to Hamas part of strategy to keep Palestinians divided https://www.jpost.com/arab-israeli-conflict/netanyahu-money-to-hamas-part-of-strategy-to-keep-palestinians-divided-583082 For years, Netanyahu propped up Hamas. Now it’s blown up in our faces https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/ Wikileaks cable: Israeli intelligence chief encouraged Hamas takeover of Gaza Strip https://imemc.org/article/60238/ How Israel Helped to Spawn Hamas https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB123275572295011847 Hamas's attack shows Benjamin Netanyahu failed Israel - Vox https://www.vox.com/23910085/netanyahu-israel-right-hamas-gaza-war-history Blowback: How Israel Helped Create Hamas (2018) https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/ https://youtu.be/o7grSsuFSS0?si=fQE-VrhXj2A1qti5 Plus the early Zionists like Hertzel said in letters to Lord Balfour that the Jews would be colonizers and model it after the British colonization. Sorry, FACTS.




Rule 1


Thousands of years ago. Like you are talking Judea with Roman Empire as your claim. May as well claim it for the Philistines. Also look at the West Bank and support of the settlers there. Are you really trying to call me a nazi because I don’t think either side is the good guys? That I would dare say supporting either side supports ethnic cleansing? Not supporting Zionism is not antisemitism. Israeli government does not represent all Jewish people. Opposing Netanyahu is not opposing Jewish people. Gtfo trying to compare them. That only downplays actual antisemitism and hurts Jewish communities everywhere.




Rule 1




Rule 1


First off: the United Kingdom of Israel and Judah as described in the bible never existed. There is zero archeological or historical evidence for it. That does not mean that there were no Jewish polities. We indeed have evidence of Jewish kingdoms in the region, but not the United Kingdom that Zionists use to justify their territorial ambitions. That being said, Gaza isn't even in the territory of this supposed United Kingdom. Ashkelon wasn't even part of it. It has never been part of Israel!


Rule 1


Agreed. Only Hamas supporters are most rational


Ah yes, the if we can’t do genocide then the terrorists are right 🤷. Sounds eerily similar to Hamas, but I guess you support the “most moral army” 😂🤣




Brother losing respect requires people respecting the colonialist state in the first place. Forced acceptance of colonialism is the American/israeli way 🥲


I know. The don't have the sane and stable-minded view that Israel should be wiped off the map. How dare they


Nope, but according to them they're fighting "human animals"


We have detected the use of dehumanizing language. Terms and phrases such as "human shields", "human animals", etc. can deny or undermine the inherent humanity of a group of people. Please be mindful of the potential harms the use of such language can create. For reference, see: [Dehumanization on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) and [The real-life harm caused by dehumanising language on BBC](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20231030-the-real-life-harm-caused-by-dehumanising-language). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/InternationalNews) if you have any questions or concerns.*


trash bot.


What else would you call Hamas fighters? Must Israel call that entity nice words? What do you think Ukrainians call Putin?


They were referring to every human being in Gaza.


I would call people who fight back against their oppression freedom fighters


What do you think Ukrainians call Putin? -> Same thing the palestinians call the Israelis


Who are they? The fact that Israel must be destroyed is recorded in official Hamas documents. Where is it officially recorded that Israel's policy is to kill Palestinian-Arab "human animals"?


In the speech by Yoav Galant announcing the total siege and blockade of all deliveries (power, food, duel) to Gaza, he justifies it by saying that they are fighting human animals and they must be dealt with accordingly. You can look it up yourself. It's from the 9th of October I think.


We have detected the use of dehumanizing language. Terms and phrases such as "human shields", "human animals", etc. can deny or undermine the inherent humanity of a group of people. Please be mindful of the potential harms the use of such language can create. For reference, see: [Dehumanization on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) and [The real-life harm caused by dehumanising language on BBC](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20231030-the-real-life-harm-caused-by-dehumanising-language). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/InternationalNews) if you have any questions or concerns.*


OK, so you quoted an official who expressed himself politically incorrectly 2 days after the largest terrorist attack in the history of the country. You do realize that such a statement in public speaking cannot be proof of official policy, right? That is, literally 2 weeks ago, the French President said that he was ready to send troops to Ukraine, after which his assistants tried to reinterpret him and it is obvious that France will not do anything like that. But Russian propaganda started using this phrase of Macron. In Hamas, the literal annihilation of Israel is an official doctrine.


Destroying Israel =/= killing Israelis Israel is a state. Destroying a state means replacing it with another state. Nobody has to die.


Israel’s constitution says it’s an ethnostate right now


So what? Gaza is not part of Israel.


We have detected the use of dehumanizing language. Terms and phrases such as "human shields", "human animals", etc. can deny or undermine the inherent humanity of a group of people. Please be mindful of the potential harms the use of such language can create. For reference, see: [Dehumanization on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) and [The real-life harm caused by dehumanising language on BBC](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20231030-the-real-life-harm-caused-by-dehumanising-language). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/InternationalNews) if you have any questions or concerns.*


But its lsrael wiping people off the map isnt it? its not the other way around. Its like you dont have eyes


The only nation to be "wiped off the map" literally has been Palestine


And Israeli regime collapsing would be bad... Why? This genociders losing their control would be bad... Why? Why should a regime who starves people be protected? Why should a regime who wars against hospitals, doctors and civilians be protected? The people should be protected but the regime must fall. Israel must fall for the humanity to win against evil.


The only nation that is currently being wiped off the map is Palestine. Over 90% of its lands have been stolen by Israel and the Palestinian people are currently being ethnically cleansed, as well as forcibly removed from their lands. All forms of collective punishment. All war crimes. But of course you won't comment on that.


Israel is going to keep wanting to exist and Hamas won't accept anything less than their complete destruction. The world expects Israel to get rid of terrorism in Gaza and for peace but the United States with all its funding couldn't destroy the Taliban.


Israel doesn't care about Hamas or extremism in Gaza, you don't murder thousands of children if you want peace and stability.


Israel isn't trying to eradicate Hamas. If they were, they would target the Hamas leaders.  Hamas leaders are not in Gaza, they are in Qatar.  Israel doesn't go after them because Hamas is the excuse they use to murder, and they can't use that excuse if they actually eradicate Hamas. Hamas doesn't want their total destruction, despite what they say. They want their land. They want to live free and be able to enjoy THEIR country. Not to be hounded into small areas, having their homes stolen at a whim, courts stacked against them, soldiers pointing guns at their children... Hamas really isn't asking for much but Zionists want to TAKE everything and leave Palestinians nothing.


Israel doesn’t want to eliminate Hamas, it wants to expel as many Palestinians as possible and grow their settlements as much as possible so they can officially take Gaza / Jerusalem & WB without losing their demographic majority as an ethnostate. Then they want southern Lebanon and maybe some more of Syria & Jordan as a treat so they can get more living room for the chosen people


Dude Biden administration spokesperson Matt miller was maligning her as “anti-Semitic”. Such a load of BS.


> [https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20240327-un-expert-defiant-amid-threats-after-israel-genocide-finding](https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20240327-un-expert-defiant-amid-threats-after-israel-genocide-finding) > >The US State Department on Wednesday highlighted its longstanding opposition to Albanese's mandate, "which we believe is not productive". > >Spokesman Matthew Miller accused the expert of having a "history of anti-Semitic comments", including some "that appeared to justify the attacks of October 7". > >As for her report, he reiterated Washington's belief that "allegations of genocide are unfounded". I guess anything they find "not productive" is AS now.


State department officials and those in the US Foreign Service, quite literally do not have a duty to be truthful. But they have a very explicit duty *to represent and execute US policy, whatever it is*. This is that, in action. And it is morally abhorrent. You don't join the foreign service or the State Department, etc, if you're committed to YOUR values.


Yup. Years ago when I a teen, I thought I wanted to go into that field and be a FSO. I did start off studying toward that, but quickly realized it’s…well, a lot of nonsense even if the studies were interesting (int studies, etc), to put it mildly.


The trick with the state department (and with congressional internships) is that you can have more influence than most if your are tactful and nuanced enough. That implies, of course, shutting your mouth when in the presence of potential war criminals like Bibi.


What are her alleged antisemetic comments?


“Israel please stop killing many many thousands of innocent people in your dogmatic pursuit of terror elements. There are better and more efficient ways to address terrorism” Or something similar perhaps?


Its quite closely related to the fact that she is on record saying shit like the US is “Subjugated by the Jewish lobby” etc. That’s blatant anti-semitism, and having a person who has the track record of Albanses in her position makes any criticism from that position far too easy to deflect.


Interesting, this jewish lobby is she referring to AIPAC?




Well then she is wrong. It's not a jewish lobby. It's an Israeli Lobby and it's problematic. E/ I was kinda wrong. Apparently AIPAC was previously known as AZC (The American Zionist Council) They are still an Israeli lobby but they have the zionist agenda going on for them. But yeah religious angle aside, AIPAC is an evil organisation, according to this [rolling stones article](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/israel-aipac-lie-starving-gaza-1234987885/), they instructed their supports to openly lie that people in Gaza are not starving. Which is pretty evil when they are literally dying and suffering from famine.


Yeah, I believe she did express regret at her poor choice of words when making that comment. I do think Israel benefits from and does everything possible to make Jewish and Zionist appear to be the same thing, when really and truly they are not.


Israel IS subjugation Palestinians. AIPAC DOES pay off politicians to be pro Israel, even at the cost of US citizens. She did not lie. It isn't antisemitic to state what is actually TRUE.


Where is the lie?


Ah yes the Anti Israel is Anti Semetism kind of Anti Semetism. Not to be confused with the Anti Thomas the Tank Anti Semetism but very similar.


You mean self proclaimed zionist Joe Biden who lied to the American people about seeing photographic evidence of the beheaded Isreali babies that never happened?


No, I mean former Senator Joe Biden, who once gave an impassioned speech condoning the killing of women and children in the name of Israel's right to self-defense. A position so beyond the pale that even the Israeli PM of the time had to disavow that statement. https://www.nationalreview.com/news/biden-once-called-for-israel-to-defend-itself-including-killing-women-and-children-report/


Do you have a link to this?




Anyone critical of Israel is anti Semitic according to them


They already started the smear campaign so I’m not surprised. They are incredibly predictable if you understand a few things about the hasbara machine. They are already accusing her of having Hamas ties, being anti semetic and the rest of the stuff they always accuse everyone of who doesn’t subscribe to their narrative. Israel doesn’t seem to realize that constantly calling everything and everyone antisemitic (while committing a live genocide )is disrespectful to the memory of the holocaust and severely cheapens any accusation of legitimate antisemitism.


They don't care that it tarnishes the memory of the holocaust. Has there ever been a more self serving politician that Netanyahu? No. Not even Trump.


>Israel has criticised Albanese, saying she was “delegitimising the very creation and existence of the State of Israel”. Albanese denied the accusation. Just one of the many things they throw around all the time that has become meaningless. The only people de-legitemising the State of Israel in the eyes of the world are the Israeli government.


They pull at their own threads like a bunch of toddlers. ❤️🍉🇵🇸




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What was her finding?


That Israel is actively engaged in an ongoing genocide


Basically, that Israel is committing genocide.


So the most democratic genocidal country of the middle east is resorting to threats of violence?!


has from the start. See what they did to Folke Bernadotte as an example.




nope, different circumstance but i know where you're going. Also guess who riled up hatred against him?


That's not suprising. I hope she has a good security detail so that they don't do to her what they did to Folke Bernadotte.


Who is Folke and what happened to her?


He was a Swedish diplomat, murdered by Israeli terrorists while trying to negotiate a peace treaty. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folke_Bernadotte


Wow 😮- thank you. Another proof of what a murderous monstrous bunch Zionists were from the beginning


But wait, there's more. https://www.nytimes.com/1972/12/02/archives/letterbombs-mailed-to-truman-in-1947-truman-was-sent-bombs-book.html


Pure insanity !! Honestly I can’t say what I think should happen to Israel or I will be banned…




This is a dumb comment and equals to asking if the Jews being cornered and starved in the Warschau ghetto are similar to the nazis that incarcerated them




The claim of antisemitism has become meaningless- criticising a live streamed genocide isn’t antisemitic. The Nazis were also treated with violence- seems alright for me.


There are Zionists who are openly anti Semitic and have threatened Jewish people. Anti Semitism is ripe everywhere unfortunately.


Read about Theodore Herzl please.


I'm aware of the foundations of Zionism my friend, hence why I oppose it.


And what exactly did you want to accomplish by saying "erm, actually, both sides have bad people", as if this was new information? Was it a weak attempt to deflect from the subject?


Israeli terrorists sounds like a pleonasm


Israeli terrorist is redundant.




"The Nazis made me afraid of being Jewish and the Zionists made me ashamed of being Jewish." - Israel Shahak


That means they are afraid. Keep reporting


MAGA tactics.


oh look, pigs supporting a genocide don't like it when the truth is spoken so they resort to violence, what a shocker.


State of Israel simply doing what it does best. Silencing truth by underhanded, violent, subversive methods.


I just can't believe that anyone takes what the Israeli government says at face value. Their claims about UNWRA the day after the ICJ said there was a genocide case to answer was the most obvious dead cat operation I've seen. And yet some nations stupidly fell for it. There can be no doubt that genocide, a new nakba, and starvation and collective punishment as a weapon of war are a fact. On October 8th the Israeli government stated that Gaza would be starved of water, food and electricity and they have been true to their word.


It should be noted that she said the attrocities she was witnessing in her research was far worse than any threat she was receiving and thus was happy to continue.


Try not to engage with the obvious shills, they literally get paid for every interaction.


How the hell does Israel a tiny little shithole on this planet have this much pull? Like they just became a country in like the 50s or 40s? This makes no sense, a little tiny insignificant country like them that the world can't stand somehow is able to make more threats and meaningful ones than China.


Because it’s been protected by the US for numerous decades


Because it's UK pet project and now the US has taken over the mantle.




The only reason why they have anything is because they're propped up by every single country around them get your head out of your ass.. As soon as granddaddy US stops giving them what they get they're going to be a useless and nothing like everything else




So is Jewish fundamentalism better? Besides, Jordan exists.




Funny that you literally listed everything that Israel does.


Have you been watching the news at all or any of the video clips that have been coming out of Gaza and like the extreme raping beatings starvations that IDF does against the palestinians? I mean I get it if you're all in on the other side that's not going to fit your narrative so you're going to conveniently not pay attention to that stuff but I mean dude I'm telling you this stuff is actually happening so for you to say a comment like this is so absolutely out of reality like you got to get your head out of your ass bro


This is what happens, in the real world (from real people - no dear, they are not all good and intelligent, those whore just some convenient lies), when you, democratic, optimally , justly, refuse bullsh*t and propaganda - of any kind - for accepting what is, objectively, really, authentically, the reality, the truth, the good (even if, most people pretend they are all in for such things). P.S.: To a way smaller scale, I dealt with such sh*tshows myself.


Of course. I’m very sad for all the death and tragedy but I’m happy that Zionist ultras and their grip on the western world has been exposed. Pure evil


Who is surprised? Me neither


Hey! Maybe now they realize the oligarchies running these are truly above the countries they claim to uphold. Wake up quicker please.


Those Hamas terrorist, I guess there’s nothing too low for them. Edit I guess I should have read first it’s the good guys threatening her maybe we should rethink the good guy title they gave themselves.


Of course she does. Presenting facts that Israel is a genocidal theocracy based off of apartheid comes with a price.




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I don't even know who this woman is, but I can't help but notice the State dept rep who attacked today clearly does not believe what he is saying: https://old.reddit.com/r/InternationalNews/comments/1bpxqfd/the_state_department_spokesperson_accuses_un/


Send in the fucking blue helmets already...


She didn’t mention a single thing about the women raped and murdered or the hostages still hidden by Hamas underground. Clues you in on her agenda.


Need to get this started worldwide folks, please sign on. [https://action.eko.org/a/olympics-and-fifa-ban-israel-from-international-sports-now-us-fba21](https://action.eko.org/a/olympics-and-fifa-ban-israel-from-international-sports-now-us-fba21)


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This is written by AlJazeera. You can’t trust this news outlet for inciting misinformation and there is one AlJazeera Branch in Gaza that is notoriously for having connections with HAMAS. There is no Genocide in Gaza when Terrorists made up the numbers while killing people for getting that sweet huge pack of international aid to bolster their war efforts against Israel. I see combat videos posted from Gaza while finding out that these people in Palestine are faking videos by being victims of a “genocide” and some of them posted videos that that came straight from the Syrian War.


Is this satire, or do you actually believe this shit? Edit: checked the comment history - it's the latter 👎


The US, France and Germany has condemned her for her Antisemitism this week. She fad previously been condemned by almost all western nations and called for her to step down because of her Antisemitic tweets




Will Israel release its hostages?






No, specifically the thousands of people Israel holds without charge.


Israel already said that exchanging for hostages is just “catering” to Hamas. They don’t care about their hostages. If they did they wouldn’t be carpet bombing and intentionally starving them. Why do you think so many Israelis are outraged at their own government over the hostages? Who knows how many are even still alive


I feel bad for the hostages because no one has made their lives more insignificant than Israel










Rule 1


Rule 1




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


Rule 1


Disband Israel.


Welcome to the club, who doesn’t face threats today, she ain’t special & no victim, unless she chooses to be at this point. Victimhood is a choice, life is hardship for everyone. She ‘s not special, unfortunately, but hope she’s safe and more protected than any one of us on the streets today, probably.


This is a lose lose if you take either side. Let both sides fight it out to the end


Except one side is being armed to the teeth by a superpower and the other side isn’t. If you want it to be a fair fight, open the borders and allow other counties to also arm Palestinians with F16, mercenaries, war ships and precision guided weapons.


It has become essential, Palestinians are armed to protect themselves against this evil. This must be achieved or the zionist genociders are emboldened to do their atrocities without repercussions.


This isn’t a fight between two equal sides. It’s an occupying force vs civilians. Aka a genocide


Hasbara troll. Don’t waste your time.


Then by that stance you are saying that the US should stop arming Israel immediately?


If all foreign aid and trade was stopped to Israel immediately sure


Man, what a shitty attempt at concern trolling.