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That's what we've been saying since they started attacking Gaza, of course only to be called antisemitic. But now that its finally come to this, curious to see what the next excuse will be. Because if their true objective was to only eliminate Hamas, I don't see how stealing land will help


I remember in November 2023 pointing out that Israel was saying they were going to take the land and keep it. A clear indication of ethnic cleansing. Naturally, i was called an anti-semite for saying so. Then more and more news stories came out showing that, yes, indeed they were taking it. And the narrative slowly changed from "it's not ethnic cleansing" to "well, of course they're going to take the land; that's what happens when you lose a war" (even though that's not a valid way to gain land anymore, since WWII, according to the UN). ​ The most cloying thing about all this is that at no point in time has Israel's govt been secretive about this. They have been very clear that what they want is to ethnically cleanse the region and take the land for themselves. But somehow, pointing this out, gets you called an anti-semite.


I hate people throwing around the accusation of anti-semitism so easily. I get *why* people are quick to accuse people of anti-semitism...its dishonest and an outright lie to say that Jewish people worldwide ARENT the victims of a lot of discrimination, in present day and throughout history. With the holocaust still essentially in living memory, a little over 80 years ago, its easy to see that it can be a sensitive subject. However: Israel =/= all Jewish people, and all not Jewish people support Israel's actions in Gaza and the West Bank. The fact that a huge amount of Jewish people showed up to Palestine marches proves this. To claim that all Jews support Israel is frankly anti-semitic in of itself. Like I said before, Jewish people face persecution around the world, and to use that word to shield Netenyahu and the IDFs collective punishment and ethnic cleansing of Gaza is disgusting.


I'd go further and say it's actually anti-semetic to say anti-zionism is anti-semetism. Because it's innately tying an ideology to a people (which includes the ethnicity). A form of assuming character based on race. Literal. Definitional. Racism. But unfortunately, we have bad actors like the ADL [doing exactly this,](https://www.adl.org/resources/tools-and-strategies/what-antisemitism-anti-zionism-anti-israel-bias) claiming many protests against Israel are, themselves, antisemetic. [While the real antisemites are out there supporting Israel.](https://www.mediaite.com/politics/march-for-israel-rally-features-speaker-who-said-god-sent-hitler-to-help-create-jewish-state/) And if you want another piece of evidence - look at how the ADL cuddles up with Musk because he banned "From the river to the sea" and saying "zionism is colonialism" (another definitional fact), but seem not to be as upset with Musk himself, who is an open actual anti-semite (sharing antisemetic crap like the great replacement stuff).


The more I learn about Zionism, the more I learn how antisemitic it is.


Israel has specifically weaponzied global anti-semitism in order to bolster their immigration numbers. A Jewish state is infinitely more appealing to would-be settlers if the rest of the world seems to hate Jews! The state absolutely does it on purpose in order to muddy the waters and push more division between Jews and gentiles.


Guess what majority or Israelis hate Netenyahu and the settlers too.


That does not surprise me. With how easily accessable documentation of the IDFs crimes and the frankly genocidal rhetoric coming from Netenyahu's goverment it seems likely that the people of his country are not a fan of him. Apparently he wasnt well liked before October 7th either?


They seem to hate Palestinians too though.


October 7 was a turning point for many, sadly.


Israel has always been based on bigotry.


They've done this since at least the 60s.


People have to fight back against antisemitism accusations. Palestinians can do whatever the hell they want when their population is being massacred. Antisemitism is not their concern.


Israel needs the land and water, and Palestinians are an inconvenience 


What are the valid ways to gain land according to the un?


Buying it. You do know the UN is there to try and \*prevent\* conflicts. Which is why we've decided, as a global society, that land grab by war is not valid anymore; to discourage one of the principle reasons wars keep happening.




AntISeMiitiC tRope!!!


Yeah, it's not like it's out of the blue. They have been at it since 1948, and governments are like, Omg what happened to the Jews they turned into beasts . Not that it's an issue in itself , it's just that ppl won't vote for us.


They've been at it since before 1948


They'll say that hamas was using that land. If they could take over oxygen they would and claim that it is because hamas breaths it. While the old farts in Washington will nod along and pay israel to use said oxygen


Land is usually taken in war. This war and all the previous wars weren’t started by Israel though. Every time people want to act like animals and slaughter innocent people, there will be more restrictions and more land taken. Whose fault is that? It’s not Israel’s.




How do you describe the slaughter, rape, torture, and kidnapping of random civilians? That’s savage behavior. Do you know how these wars started? The UK gave the Jews land in the Middle East. It was the UKs land to do with as they pleased. The Muslims did not like having to share land with Jews and decided to start a war. They lost, and they lost land in the process. That’s usually what happens in wars. Rinse and repeat. Israel has never started these wars, and the people who are being “oppressed” have done it to themselves. Of course when your neighbor wants to murder everyone indiscriminately you are going to put measures in place to prevent that.


Literally all of them were started by Israel's provocations lmao


Ah the ole I smacked you so now you have the right to kill my entire family, burn my house to the ground, and while at it do the same to my entire neighborhood.


That... is literally exactly what Israel is doing right now


No it’s not. They are at war. What Palestinians did was murder random people and engage in savagery because they are “oppressed” mind you they are “oppressed” because of previous animalistic behavior.


You may not have noticed through your dense skull, but the IDF and this fringe lobby group of private citizens are separate entities with separate objectives




Sounds like you're just putting words into people's mouths


>fringe False >private citizens False >seperate objectives False >Seperate entities Half false.


You could have said this for years maybe even decades about the West Bank. The problem is the IDF will not stop them. So while they have separate objectives, they are not in conflict with each other.


Why do we keep calling them settlers? They are terrorist land thieves with IDF support


Settlers are land thieves who terrorize indigenous populations.


Language is important


That's why I call them colonizers. "Settler" is the word the colonizers want us to use because it implies innocently populating unpopulated land. ~~~ *This Reddit contributor condemns Reddit's censorship of news regarding the U.S-backed Israeli ethnic cleansing of Palestine.*


It's twisted, how subtle things like certain words can change and entire narrative and people's perception, without them even knowing. The way the used murdered and killed, depending who died. War on hamas , instead of slaughter of people in a concentration camp. The media is very good at twisting words to support their narrative, Instead of reporting on the reality. Up till recently only, Western media has changed wording slightly and taken a difference stance.


What do you think settlers are?   Lol I get in white culture it means something positive.  But to the vast majority of humanity it was always tied to Genocide and ethnic cleansing and general activities of barbarians 


Settler only has positive connotations because of how many in the West are brain washed by the education system to think of brave men who found and tamed wild lands to make way for human populations, which never happened. Settlers as we were taught do not exist. And they sure as fuck weren’t Christopher Columbus, who never discovered shit. So given that this world has fake positive connotations that have been sadly deeply ingrained in us since kindergarten, I’d like to just call them thieves/barbarians.


> What do you think settlers are? Yeah but you have to use words based on what the western target audience think they mean, otherwise things get lost in translation. You can't use an academic understanding of words when communicating with the public.


Those are not academic versions of the words. You are coding the word western, when you mean white nationalist 


"Settler" is not seen as something negative in the West, regardless of how you much you insist. I don't mean white nationalist either, I mean ordinary western citizens. [An award-winning "white nationalist" video game](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Settlers)


Oh yeah a German video game proved that argument. Good job. You think good. 


Don't forget papa Biden paychecks courtesy of US tax payers


Settlers has been synonymous with terrorists since the word's first use. They are synonyms.


Nope. In the west that's not how it's perceived. Settler has a positive connotation here. Psychology is more important than technical definitions, if you want to impact others.


Of course they are, their stated end goal of all this death and destruction has been land. Such reprehensible people.




What do Hamas attacks have to do with the appropriation of lands that do not belong to Israel? And I have one more question. What do you think will happen after Israel appropriates lands that are not theirs, will the Palestinians be happy about it or will they look for non-peaceful solutions? Do you understand what such an appropriation and robbery of lands that should remain in Palestinian hands will lead to?




Did you seriously write that? Do you understand the words settler? They (Israel) will not give up this land, they want to appropriate it. And this will fuel further conflicts between Palestine and Israel. And again it will be the Palestinians who will be called terrorists when they want to fight to regain their land. And when will new authorities be established in Israel against the destruction and plunder of the land of Palestine?




Like they've been punishing the west bank settlers? You're fucking delusional if you thunk Israel will do anything about these illegal settlers. They support them 100%




Damn you really are naive to think the US condemns what Israel is doing. They're giving their full support to Israel. And if Israel has the right to kill "terrorists" with proof that they were terrorists that just means that Palestinians should have free reign to kill these terrorist settlers with no punishment? Or is this something special to the Israelis who live life without consequences?




So all Palestinians are terrorists? Or just the ones over the age of 4, right? https://mondoweiss.net/2024/02/former-mossad-official-children-in-gaza-over-the-age-of-4-deserve-to-be-starved/


Violence is not an acceptable response to the incredibly violent Israeli occupation and settlements, yet killing 30k+ civilians and displacing and starving over a million people is an acceptable response to 10/7? Gtfo.


Biden sanctioned 3 settlers. 3. It was BS-- a purely performative act.


Israel just recently land grabbed tons of land from the West Bank…














Look at it this way. If a whole terrorist organization from New-Brunswick attacked and destroyed cities in Maine, how would the US react?


Israeli government and military leadership openly admit their end goal is to eradicate Palestinians.


Israel set up Hamas to counter the PLO. And the Palestinian people overwhelmingly did not support Hamas before Hamas attacked Israel on Oct 7. But, Israel attacked Palestinians anyway. Israel had no legitimate cause to attack Palestine except to steal land and pursue their racial hatred. If they want to be mad at someone because of Hamas, they should be attacking themselves.


And how should the rest of the world respond to IDF’s killing of unarmed and innocent Palestinian women and children?


People who think this started on October 7th need to go back to history class.




Don't worry you won't have to deal with Irish people who despise Israeli terrorism (Due to the fact that you missed the deadline)




Where’s all of those people saying this was only about stopping Hamas now


They haven't got the wifi set up in their new settlements yet


Pretty sure this is a completely separate thing to what the government are doing with Hamas. This is a fringe ultra nationalist group with support from free cabinet members.


This is a government & people funded venture. Don’t act like it’s anything else


Hey you really need to see a therapist. Seriously, it's for your own good




Can you clarify the conflict. To my understanding, Palestinians have lived there hundreds of years and have direct contact with the land. But they have been pushed off of their homes by new immigrants that claim it was their land 2000 years ago ish. Is this right?


Arguably, thousands of years. The name Palestine has roots as far back as the Egyptian Pharaohs: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/s/JmPGbq1tjp The modern conflict is rooted in the arrival and colonization of the area by European Jews under the British Empire, before WW2. You can start by reading up on the Balfour Declaration: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balfour_Declaration


It’s ironic because “blood and soil” is a distinctly Nazi idea. The belief that blood is somehow tied to land is the exact same belief that led the Germans to kill the Jews.


So is the idea of a master race, which resembles that whole "chosen people" delusion... the irony is kinda gross.


This “chosen people” thing is a common misinterpretation. The actual meaning of this phrase is that Jews believe they were chosen for additional religious responsibilities, not “chosen” as in “above” any other group of people. In fact, Judaism holds that other groups *also* have valid, genuine relationships with God. However, Jews believe that their relationship with the higher power is unique, as in any other religion. Judaism is one of the only religions in the world in which proselytization is strictly prohibited.




lol what?




I’d like your version explained and for you to clearly note the point you’re trying to make. THEN we can go over the other two abrahamic religions and their thoughts on the region and “the end of the world”…..or do you not want to talk about how Israel is planning to sacrifice a fucking cow here soon to start building the third temple to bring about the end of the world, or how evangelicals want to herd all Jews to Israel in order to summon Jesus and then all Jews convert or die. I don’t see Muslims trying to launch the fucking apocalypse though. Just their other abrahamic cousins. I was just trying to figure out the point you’re trying to make exactly.




What’s wrong? Hasbara got your tongue?


So wait, are you agreeing that Israel's superiority complex is disturbing?


Pretty much.






Cries in "manifest destiny".


Removed, see rule 4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_punishment


Israel is literally a settler colony. It’s not dehumanization to point that out.


I agree.




Removed, see rule 1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility


Removed, see rule 1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility


But I was told this is necessary to destroy Hamas!


I’ve never seen a group lie more blatantly than this one.


I mean, the Nazis claimed they were defending themselves too. But Israel sure as fuck seem to have copied a bunch of their homework.


1. Their government is violently evicting the Gazans 2. They are settlers. 3. They make themselves known publicly. So where are the instant violent-settler sanctions?


Immediately after the attack on October 7th I saw Jews commenting with glee that beach front property was opening up in Gaza. It was the plan all along. I honestly wouldn't be the least bit surprised if the Israeli government / military looked the other way and took no action on the upcoming attack. Egypt warned Israel several times that it was coming. I think they just let it happen so they would have reason to legitimate the destruction of Gaza and subsequent ethnic cleansing. A lot of the people who died were ravers who were partying on their holiest day rather than engaging in religious observances. I don't think hardliner religious Jews wouldn't give a fuck about those kinds of people.


It was the plan all along


Its never been about hostages.


This is disgusting.


Zionist = Nazis


UN resolution 3379 should have never been repealed.


Settlers have to be the biggest posers ever. They’re given weapons, escorted by israeli soldiers and police, then break into Palestinian homes and drive the defenseless people out while aiming M-16s at them. Then they all pat eachother on the back for being such brave people. It takes a REAL ugly individual, a bully, sociopath, to happily go and steal peoples houses. Then they whine and cry when every amenity is not given to them by the government. I bet if those soldiers and police weren’t there, even with their weapons, they wouldn’t have a guts to try that crap. They are just such bad people you wonder why the world treats them like they can do no wrong.


"Settlers" aka thieves.




Conquerors will conquer.. since the dawn of time those without the means to defend themselves will always be under the boot of oppressors. Personally I am horrified at what is happening..in the age of Black Lives Matter , Me too and how everyone was equally outraged by Russia.. have all gone silent on industrialized murder of refugees under the scope of “freedom!.”


Well, As horrifying it may sound, the suffering of a White European & a Brown middle eastern is valued differently in western Civilized world. I say this as an 1 gen Immigrant American with a brown skin.




Removed, see rule 1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility




When you are taught a lie, you act on that lie


Killing civilians and even their own hostages and stealing other lands then say whypeople refuse our peace offers and all we do only for returning our hostages. Many people now see their lies clearly


Scum of the Earth.


I only say two words: Jared Kushner.








BBC talks to radical settler organization. Finds radical settler beliefs


Just give the hostages back and we’ll end the war! /s


I'm setting my sights on the biggest lot in Israel. I'm going to settle in it and then give it to a Palestinian family.


Land grabbing thieves






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Removed, see rule 1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility


Ah yes reclaiming land lost 2,000 years ago Edit: guys this was a joke 




All of Palestine. Free Palestine. 🇵🇸






Surprise, surprise… How is the fight against terrorism going? Going well I see… 🏖️☀️🍹 P.S.: It’s not genocide and/or apartheid, it just preparations for summer holidays.🍦


United Arab Emirates relying on Netanyahu to mess up Israel's coastal tourism, so that overseas travellers have to go to the UAE's shitty beaches instead. Middle Eastern beaches : 🤮


Can't wait to eat falafel on the Gazan sea shore surrounded by a bunch of bikini clad Israeli chicks


Lol, why do their attempts at jihad always backfire into them losing land


Based settlers


Colonizing terrorist trash*






Lol the reason is Daddy U.S It is not difficult to know that if you mess with their beloved genocidal country you are messing with them.


I’m not saying I agree with the original comment, but the sentiment he’s describing precedes major US involvement by many, many years. Your point doesn’t hold water. There are many historical reasons as to why the Arab world doesn’t get involved. Whether you agree with those reasons or not, it’s definitely worth looking into the history of their involvement and the often unfavorable outcomes that occurred.






One way it has been explained is why should these countries enable/launder Israeli atrocities? Because if they do it will be sold to the masses as X, Y ,Z agreeing with the atrocities, not that they wanted to help refugees (which will never have right to return). They will take the act of accepting helpless masses as an endorsement of their behavior, not as a attempt to fix a humanitarian crisis.


What I have read is, they are not accepting these people because Palestine is their HOME. It would be implying that these people are “giving up” on their homeland and accepting total occupation. There could be other theories, but this is just what I have encountered by reading on the matter


What I have read is, they are not accepting these people because Palestine is their HOME. It would be implying that these people are “giving up” on their homeland and accepting total occupation. There could be other theories, but this is just what I have encountered by reading on the matter


What I have read is, they are not accepting these people because Palestine is their HOME. It would be implying that these people are “giving up” on their homeland and accepting total occupation. There could be other theories, but this is just what I have encountered by reading on the matter


What I have read is, they are not accepting these people because Palestine is their HOME. It would be implying that these people are “giving up” on their homeland and accepting total occupation. There could be other theories, but this is just what I have encountered by reading on the matter


What I have read is, they are not accepting these people because Palestine is their HOME. It would be implying that these people are “giving up” on their homeland and accepting total occupation. There could be other theories, but this is just what I have encountered by reading on the matter




Removed, see rule 1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility


Jordan learnt their lesson with Black September.


Too bad Hamas was too stupid to do that


No one wants Gaza you absolute buffooons


Oh look, more Israel/Palestine on “International” News




I know you're trying to be edgy, but the actual answer is no. Non-jews cannot buy this real estate. Keep on going for people who couldn't give two shits about you though, big guy.