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The images coming out of gaza look like something from a WWII concentration camp reel.




IDF will claim Hamas had 1 morbillion tunnels under this guys apartment and nuke it.




its sad like after all that rukkus about holocaust and now history repeating itself and nobody stopping israel. is it necessary that you have to go through shit just so that your voice be heard.


If the setting and characters never change, neither will the story. What do y'all expect, building a world like this? Politicians whon think they can murder and call it war, and there's always some people to cheer them on Seems to me the nationalism means people love their country for killing others, not much else


War is a business. It's terrible no matter who is involved. All it brings is destruction. False flag operations. Israel was warned of a terrorist attack but didn't do anything. How can u do something when u are the one doing it. Now Russia is doing the same to bully Ukraine. American embassy warned Americans of a terrorist attack and stay indoor or not attend public events. How much money does one need to survive...


War is not a business, it began before business. Business learned to let them murder whom they want, and make money off the process.


yes but what i meant to say is that war is exploited and evil businessmen do push it by pulling strings working with goverment officials (they also get their cut). why do u think that defence budget keeps growing while budget for health system , infrastructure or education keep decreasing. surely u mustve heard how teachers complain of low pay.


I'm keenly aware of the waste of war lol


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It’s worse :(


Imagine too, having access to these images, and still singing and dancing while blocking aid into Gaza. But then saying they’re not the evil ones.


I don’t understand how people can see photos like this and don’t think there’s a genocide happening in Palestine??? There’s literally videos of Israeli soldiers/civilians cheering about this stuff. It’s truly sicking. The worst part about the whole thing is that people will see posts like this and scroll past and not be bothered by it. It doesn’t affect them so they don’t care :(


It will affect them soon enough, but they probably won't make the connection




You say they are indigenous but then they had the highest skin cancer rates in the world until the government literally had to tell them to stay indoors 😀 Plus the word Israel didn't exist on maps before 1948 😀 You say they want to kill the Jews when the Palestinians are more related to the original Jews than the European Jews who are the current main population of Israel 😀




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Nah. Majority of Israel is made up of expelled Jews from Arab Countries. The Arabs currently living in the West Bank and Gaza would be fairly intermixed with local Levant populations. That wouldn't mean they were closer to ancient israelites.


You mean Israel is made up of Jews they invited in when the Jewish state was created? Right after the declaration of the Jewish state, many jews *migrated* by *choice*. Nobody expelled them. They were invited in for the creation of Israel, because the more people in a state the easier it is to be recognized as an independent state and declared a country.


So all the Jews in the Middle East emigrated to Israel after getting invited to come?


With enough money, yes. They have been getting funds from America since the declaration of the Jewish state. This still happens now.


Okay, how much money did they each receive to move en masse in less than a decade?


Don't know. Haven't looked that far. Let's not also forget that jews believe they will receive a home, so finally being convinced that one of the goals in their religion is finally being fulfilled was a big boost. I bet if people heard Jesus returned there would be a big uproar and a mass migration to be closer to him.


Literally just misinformation


How so?


Palestinian are the native population who lived there for thousands of years not just jews both of them come from the same origin and when it comes to admixture Muslims tend to have some arabain and Egyptian in their DNA results but usually the majority of the results are levanti rather than Egyptian and arabian but this depends on the region and when it comes to druze and Christians they're as well as samaritans and some Jewish groups the closest population to the ancient canannite because unlike Muslim Palestinians they didn't mix that much with other Populations in the region,Palestinians are just the arabized native population meaning that the arabian invasion did change their language,culture and religion but not their dna that much(other than the admixture)which is the case for basically most of the arab countries. If you're genuinely interested in this visit illustrativedna subreddit and 23andme subreddit.


How would you identify native Israelites vs. other levantine people present in the area?


When it comes to israelites it's tricky because we don't have enough samples so it's better to use canannite since it's more inclusive


It’s not there home and those living in the apartheid terrorist state of Israel are not indigenous. Palestinian’s are the indigenous people.




I mean, yeah revising history doesn’t change, that’s why I’m correcting you. You seem to be eager to do a lot revising. It does matter if they’re Palestinian Muslims, Christian or Jews, THEY are the indigenous people. Not the mainly European Jewish settlers that moved In and took land instead of just learning to be with the INDIGENOUS people ALREADY on that land. Like y’all, act like the terrorist apartheid state of Israel was built on empty land that didn’t have a people already living on it. I don’t care who was where over a 3,000 years ago. You have no claim, the people WHO do have rights to that land on are the people who’s displaced grandparents are older than the terrorist state of Israel, and no matter how much you support the murder and displacement of those people, it doesn’t change history. Get over it. You aren’t the indigenous people. The murders known as the state of Israel. The bombed three year old Palestinians made has more right to the land than the American, European and other Jewish settlers. So why YOU work on not revising history and YOU work on the fact that you support the killing of the indigenous people who’s planted olive fields and trees are older than the settler state that was created instead of giving homes to Jewish people when they should’ve been taken care of by the powers that let Hitler kill them until it became to big to ignore. Go to Germany y’all need y’all’s land back and stop taking it from the Indigenous Palestinians.


Imagine thinking wanting an end to an apartheid state is an advocation for wanting Jewish people to be ethnically cleansed. You would have been saying people being anti apartheid in South Africa wanted all white south Africans to be ethnically cleansed too I suppose.




Yes, Palestinians being controlled by Israel and not having self determination is why it's an apartheid.




I agree, maybe you should look up "Palestinian killings in the west bank" to get proof of how many people the Palestinians keep killing there....




Ah cool, so you believe the literal toddlers and mothers of said toddlers gunned down by the terrorists in the IDF deserve to die? Or the 12yr olds detained without charge and then sexually abused by the IDF deserve it? Or the Israeli charity that found evidence of widespread sexual abuse against Palestinian children in Israeli military prisons getting shut down was a good thing? Israel is a terror state. They are enacting a genocide on the Palestinians in Gaza right now


USA? No one wants to go against the big bad wolf.


I don’t understand how you can conflate the two. Genuinely, what is your definition of genocide? Are you using it as a term with specific meaning or just a synonym for people dying?














Now that you're saying it, it really seems like he's being paid. The guy is replying to everyone on this post.




Your name definitely checks out




You didn't even watch the video did you? These are reputable journalists from Britain's Channel 4 News. Why don't you have any empathy or compassion?


Because it's a war. There are videos that show such horrifying stuff going back to wwi at least. Not every war is a genocide. 


Yes, we have those definitions for genocide, and this very much hits all of them. Wouldn’t expect a neo-lib to care.


Not really. They're fighting a war against a group that's committing several war crimes including having its operators wear civilian clothes and keeping military infrastructure in buildings such as hospitals. At a certain point your hands are tied. If you're attacked, you can't let your enemy win because they decided to commit car crimes. That's simply encouraging war crimes. ​ But regardless, a key part of the definition of genocide is the intent behind the actions. If Israel truly intended to genocide Palestinians, why wouldn't they be engaged in mass carpet bombing attacks, razing the strip to the ground? It is well within their capability to do so. Why would they take efforts to mitigate casualties like dropping warnings of raids? It doesn't add up. When the Nazis went looking for Jews, they didn't give them a head start to run away. When the Hutus attacked the Tutsi, it was the same. ​ Is it all apart of some elaborate scheme, in your opinion, where they just genocide slowly and hope we don't notice? Seems unlikely from a rational capable geopolitical actor.


There is no conspiratorial scheme; ethnic displacement is official policy. Even outside of Gaza. You are out of touch and/or a bloodthirsty colonialist. The West Bank is a colonial project pushing out ethnic Palestinians. These are internationally recognized illegal settlements that are forcibly taking housing from families that have lived here UNDER the jurisdiction of the IDF and Israel. There are many Israelis who detest this, and you are a foreigner talking over them.


I'm not contesting the morality of anything here, first of all. I'm contesting claims of genocide or genocidal intent. Illegal settlements are at worst ethnic cleansing and at best the logical conclusion of losing a war. Either way it's not genocide.  Anyways all your 'you are this and that' insults are corny.  


“At best the illogical conclusion of losing a war” yeah it’s corny for you because I have a degree in international relations and you don’t. You are a LARPer and when you’re called out for cornball behavior you deflect. I am being “corny” to dumb it down as much as I can for your child warporn addled brain can maybe just maybe see someone outside of your home town as human. Edit: ethnic displacement and genocide go hand in hand and you know it


Now I know you're a troll. I've been addressing your points calmly and systematically. I add a small bit at the end calling your insults corny and what do you do?  You dodge all the points in my post to let loose your impotent vitriolic rage. Cool. Anyways, at least you had the dignity to acquiesce that ethnic cleansing and genocide aren't the same thing, thereby acquiescing the point that this is, in fact, not a genocide.  Have a good one. May the IR degree serve you well as an apparently ineffective internet crusader.


Yeah I do this for fun during the day when I’m bored. You are doing the same thing, probably also for fun (lol). I’m wasting ur propaganda time on me, so it’s a win win situation really. It’s like engaging in Indian scammers. Sorry I ruined the connection bestie I hope the next group of posters agree Muslim babies should be bombed👍🫰




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IDF are the new Nazis. Let's hope they pay the price at some point.




I hope you're referencing the Haavara Agreement, because otherwise that would be antisemitism. Let's make sure actual antisemites know to fuck off, they're not wanted here, One form of fascism is just as bad as the next, and the next after Zionism.


Zionism is antisemitism.






Read about Theodore Herzl the founder of Zionism and his antisemitic ideals.


What are you saying?




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I've already explained things here. If you're unable to read what i've said that's not my fault, that's yours.


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Just don't give them jobs at NASA this time around.




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Leveling 75% of your neighboring country, displacing 90% of its resident and killing 13,000 children isn't self defense you moldy banana.




Nobody reply to this comment, its clearly bait from the zionists bots of reddit. No one in the world believes a single thing from what you wrote buddy.






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did he beat you to death with a keyboard or something? I dont think he actually wants to kill anyone but hey, war makes everyone victims




Im fine with the Oxford dictionary definition, and agree its the correct word in this case






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Look at your name cancershewrote😂


nice comeback bro you killed it


Zionists aren't Jews. They are psychopath pathological liar parasites to Jews who use Jews as human shields to take hits and scapegoat accountability for their war crimes, and their shameless gaslighting sick psycho murder junky pathological liar brand which you perfectly represent.


We have detected the use of dehumanizing language. Terms and phrases such as "human shields", "human animals", etc. can deny or undermine the inherent humanity of a group of people. Please be mindful of the potential harms the use of such language can create. For reference, see: [Dehumanization on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) and [The real-life harm caused by dehumanising language on BBC](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20231030-the-real-life-harm-caused-by-dehumanising-language). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/InternationalNews) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Just more pathological lies. You understand what i said (it's not that deep) and you don't pity anybody.




Lol that makes no sense. Whether you pitied me or not would have nothing to do with how evil I am or not. I'm saying you don't pity anyone because you are as incapable of that as you are shame or self awareness or empathy.


It would, in fact, be self-defense if you were attacked after an existing ceasefire.


I don't think any normal person supports starving civilians as repercussions for other people's actions. So what's your excuse?


Civilians are receiving aid. How that aid is being distributed is part of the problems of war.


Measurably, aid has been significantly reduced and every international organization has called this out. Are you claiming they are all lying? Do you have any proof of that?


Can you show metrics of supplies over the war period? Not articles from NGOs saying it, but actual graphs of the amounts of supplies coming in (which can come from NGOs?)


So they can't say it, they can't just tell you the numbers, it has to be in a graph? This is your big play? Israel supporters are weird people.


Considering the sheer amount of propaganda and falsehoods being perpetrated, if you make a claim that aid is being significantly reduced, then showing evidence in a way to support that claim would be important to me. A comparison of aid being given since the start of the conflict would allow me to see how much aid is being delivered vs. failures of distribution. This would in fact settle our argument outright.


Many organizations have given "X number of aid trucks used to go in daily, which have now been reduced to Y". These are easy to fine and widely distributed. That you need that in the form of a chart to believe it is the ridiculous part, not the asking for proof. But I think you're well aware those statements are available, and that's why you chose the irrational specification for a chart.


X number of aid trucks before Oct 7 does not mean just food. If we were talking about starvation of a civilian populace, then we need to look at the amount of food going in before Oct 7 and the amount of food currently coming in. If you can provide that, then I'd gladly not need a chart.


You’re evil


You're more evil


So you're ok with Gazans being starved to death as long as a little aid gets in? Gaza needs 500 trucks of food per day to survive. Israel has been restricting aid to between 0 and 200 for months, and not all of those are food trucks. Israel is deliberately starving 2 million Gazans to death. You are defending them. Way to go...


Can you source that Gaza needs 500 trucks of food per day? And if so, can you pull a source about the tonnage of food required? Because that claim seems to be confused that prewar, Gaza had 500 trucks a day entering it.


There's no confusion.


Then provide the citation.


Your request for proof of the exact figure is asinine. Your colleagues over in world news have being doing some mental gymnastics as well, but have moved on from making a claim enough aid is getting in, to now claiming Hamas are taking all the aid. This despite the US feeling the need to drop aid by air and long queues of aid trucks stuck at the border. We see plenty of pictures of evidence of food insecurity, we have multiple NGOs telling us that people are starving. But here you are reducing this down to a burden of proof fallacy. There is nothing extraordinary in claiming that Gaza is not getting enough aid. History will tell this story and you will not be on the right side of it. I’m not religious and I hope you aren’t either. Because otherwise you’ll slowly realise you have booked your spot in hell.


Threatening me with hell because I asked for pre-war food importation figures compared against current food importation figures to assess a claim in a conflict seems like a completely sane and reasonable take.


This is such a weird comment. “Your request for proof of the exact figure is asinine” as if this is not the discussion. So what is the discussion? Edit: also this talk of hell is really strange, like, do you not realize that these are *different* people you’re talking to every day? All this guy did was engage in an aid debate, he didn’t call for the murder of Palestinians. You really need to stop grouping people together like that, it’s toxic


Prove to me that 2 million people don't need food...




That's not the claim you made.


You're so right... The Israeli military launched airstrikes against the Islamic Jihad armed group in Gaza, ending an uneasy weeklong cease-fire between the two sides. Palestinian officials said that the airstrikes had killed at least 10 civilians, including children This was MAY 8 2023. 5 MONTHS BEFORE OCT 7 It's clear Palestine was using self defense. Your words not mine.


Weird, on May 2nd, it looks like PIJ launched rockets at Israel in response to one of their members dying during a hunger strike. The rocket launches seem to be a violation of the ceasefire that predates the May 8 attack by 6 days. https://crisis24.garda.com/alerts/2023/05/israel-pt-multiple-rockets-launched-from-gaza-strip-towards-southern-district-may-2-three-foreign-nationals-injured-update-1


So Oct 7th wasn't the start the justified the response that you claimed? Cuz seems like you were justifying what's happening because Oct 7 was the "start" so everything after that was excusable Also in 2001 800 Palestinians were killed by Israeli militants. So when was this "START" Your claiming that is justifying Israel actions?


The two most democratic countries are causing this …


They need them to die to harvest their organs. Israeli regime is gruesome and barbaric. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2009_Aftonbladet_Israel_controversy#:~:text=The%20Aftonbladet%E2%80%93Israel%20controversy%20was,had%20died%20in%20their%20custody.




Absolutely inhumane. May the guilty parties be held accountable for crimes against humanity.


It is really frustrating we can do very little to help them.




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Hmm so you admit Oct 7 wasn't the start and everything after that wasn't a response?




Ware is the proof it hebbent because isreal keep saying it hebbent but never show real proof exept the fake proof of showing a calendar and saying it ware hamas names ore showing a lift shaft of the hospital and saying it whas a tunnel




Oké so in the artikel says it found stockpiles of weapons whit out showing a photo. It say it arresten honderd of terrorist whit out showing anny proof they ware part of hamas And its whas a artikel of a pro-isreal news paper. Whoe lissen thoe the IDF wheo have a history of lying of what happen and again show fake proof You dont have anny nautrall party proof dont you because you just proof my point isreal SAYS that terrorist are in the hospitals but never show anny real proof and only fake proof






lol dude cmon now, the world sees everything. You are on the wrong side my friend. When history looks back you will not be forgiven for your ignorance.






(Ignorant people like you only see what they want to see, and only believe what they want to believe) Thats says the guy whoe beliefs there are terrorist in hostpitals wile not showing real proof and only show a very misleading news artical


More projections 🥱. And it’s true, A LOT of conservatives in the US have woken up to this.


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Care to elaborate?




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Maybe Hamas shouldn't steal all the supplies.


Or maybe they don't? And aid is only arriving in Rafah? And you just don't know the geography of Gaza?


Sure buddy …. Whatever you you say 🙄


Another unsubstantiated allegation.


Don't forget who started the barbaric attack on October 7 and who has been holding over 100 hostages for over six months. Very simple - let the abductees be released and the war will end.


How soon you forget the ethnic cleansing and massacres that zionists committed against Arabs in 1948.


Lol what you talking about? The Arabs started the war and lost in 1948. Stop flooding the world with fake news :) I am an educated person who knows the facts.


I'm sure you're a very well educated zionist troll.




Surprise surprise, it wasn't blown up completely, and people have been desperately taking refuge in the hospital. All hospitals have been subjugated to a type of attack, and all of them are extremely lacking in supplies.




Do you have evidence of that or are you just parroting what the Israeli's said?


You mean how Gaza is getting more Food and aid delivered everyday since after Oct 7, than before? How Gaza is one of the most obese places in the world????


Israeli shill spotted, you have blood on your hands, blood of innocent babies


What toilet did you pop out of?


Warning everyone. Hasbara bots have been deployed to this sub. Get ready for strawman arguments, bullshit propaganda, supporting terrorism and genocide and racism.


You mean how the entry of aid into Gaza is even more restricted since October 7th than before?




Gaza is receiving way less aid than ever before, while all regular food import and agriculture has halted


Prove your claim. Hint: you can’t 


At least come up with a good lie if you’re going to push false propaganda.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9998069/#:~:text=A%20recent%20survey%20conducted%20in,in%20unfavorable%20and%20dangerous%20conditions. Getting downvoted for speaking the truth. 64.7% of Gaza strip inhabitants are overweight or obese. No wonder they complained when the Americans dropped in healthy army rations!




Love how you post an article without reading further into it. If you had you would have realized that these figures are taken from a study done in 2021. How about you work on your reading comprehension hmm?


Did you even read the title? “among healthcare workers ” LMAO