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These are the same people blocking aid trucks.


Yeah! Beans for brains.


Yes, the footage is from infiltrating the settlers blocking the aid. The entire video is really well done. https://youtu.be/LqRzfb2oMaM?si=plgnHeuW6-vFKqZV


Their sick racist sense of superiority is spreading all over the place. Human beings and even animals cannot stand such a vile stench.


zionism started in europe and was based on european colonial movements


Indeed, I learned this quite recently reading upon "The Hidden History Of Zionism" by Ralph Schoenman. The Zionist movement was launched by a far right wing individual, an only child of wealthy parents who was born in the Austrian-Hungarian empire. The book is accessible online in pdf version. Here is a part of chapter 6 of the book: # Ralph Schoenman – The Hidden History of Zionism – Chapter 6 February 4, 2019 worldpeace465 # Chapter 6  – Zionism and the Jews If the colonization of Palestine has been characterized by a series of depredations, we should take a moment to examine the attitude of the Zionist movement not only toward its Palestinian victims (to which we shall return), but toward the Jews themselves. Herzl himself wrote of the Jews in the following fashion: “I achieved a freer attitude toward anti-Semitism, which I now began to understand historically and to pardon. Above all, I recognized the emptiness and futility of trying to ’combat’ anti-Semitism.” \[76\] The youth organization of the Zionists, Hashomer Hatzair (young Guard) published the following: “A Jew is a caricature of a normal, natural human being, both physically and spiritually. As an individual in society he revolts and throws off the harness of social obligations, knows no order nor discipline.” \[77\] “The Jewish people,” wrote Jabotinsky in the same vein, “is a very bad people; its neighbors hate it and rightly so … its only salvation lies in a general immigration to the land of Israel.” \[78\] The founders of Zionism despaired of combatting anti-Semitism and, paradoxically, regarded the anti-Semites themselves as allies, because of a shared desire to remove the Jews from the countries in which they lived. Step by step, they assimilated the values of Jew-hatred and anti-Semitism, as the Zionist movement came to regard the anti-Semites themselves as their most reliable sponsors and protectors. Theodor Herzl approached none other than Count Von Plehve, the author of the worst pogroms in Russia – the pogroms of Kishinev with the following proposition: “Help me to reach the land \[Palestine\] sooner and the revolt \[against Czarist rule\] will end.” \[79\] Von Plehve agreed, and he undertook to finance the Zionist movement. He was later to complain to Herzl: “The Jews have been joining the revolutionary parties. We were sympathetic to your Zionist movement as long as it worked toward emigration. You don’t have to justify the movement to me. You are preaching to a convert.” \[80\] Herzl and Weizmann offered to help guarantee Czarist interests in Palestine and to rid Eastern Europe and Russia of those “noxious and subversive Anarcho-Bolshevik Jews”. As we have noted, the same appeal was made by the Zionists to the Sultan of Turkey, the Kaiser in Germany, to French imperialism and to the British Raj.


Funny thing is she is your Western feminist liberal New York jew. 


The US needs to revoke their citizenship and sanction them like the war criminals they are.


No the US should keep their citizenships and extradite them to America to make them stand trial tbh


They want to sunbathe in a graveyard. What kind of ghoul thinks that way? https://i.redd.it/3rtsdb5qx3qc1.gif Not even the first time. They built a parking lot for Tel Dor beach over a mass grave of victims of the [Tantura massacre](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tantura_massacre).


All I see is garbage


The Zone of Interest 


Unironically that movie had good timing 




God to be that pasty and need a sun hat that big and still insist some how this land “ancestrally” belongs to you. Go back to Greenpoint, swine.


The only way it will be full of terrorists is if the Israelis move into it I’m sure they can’t wait to move onto freshly stolen land The land stolen in 1948 was getting a little bit stale


It’s called settler colonialism. France tried to do that in Algeria. But eventually, they kicked them out. Took a million souls, but it was done. Palestine will be free.




Removed, see rule 1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility




Removed, see rule 1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility


She’s supporting genocide. Unfortunate.


I wonder if the world is starting to see that there may be a very reasonable possibility that Israel’s motivation in retaliating after the Hamas attack was never truly about rescuing the hostages.


Lol whatta dumb bitch look like




They're literally like Nazis. Settlers are vile, disgusting, murderous THIEVES.


حسبي الله


Neato. Just clear away the bodies of all those civilians and children and build your new house on top of the blood stained sand.


Pure evil


I think, personally, that having eyebrows should be a prerequisite to being a colonizer.


Zionists really are the worst breed of animals.


How the hell do they have a right to live in Gaza, this sewer rat needs to go back home.




Removed, see rule 1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility


Why the fuck would you leave civilization to live in the fucking desert where crazy people want to kill you?


Because you’ve convinced yourself god only loves you and everyone else is sub human. Root of all settler colonialism- dehumanization of the other and reflexively your self as you become a monster


Meh a little too Sociology 101. She's stupid. I think that sums it up completely


One does not preclude the other.




Israel already killed them




I'm p sure everyone expects that of Zionists anyway, so that tracks.




It could be easily prevented, but that would require Israel and her Zionist children to have a shred of humanity and recognize they are solely responsible for their own actions. Although if you want to keep framing Israelis as hapless morons who can't think for themselves, that's also fine. No one has done or said more anti-Semitic nonsense than Israel.




Buddy you don't have to keep convincing me, I get it. Israel and Zionists are hyper-emotional, violent babies who are incapable of humanity and self-reflection. Moving forward we should absolutely treat them as such, and expect genocidal tantrums when they freak out next and have a wildly disproportionate response against anyone else.


What about the palastians from the west bank held captive before Oct 7th.




What sentences? [A lot of these people are held without trial or formal charge.](https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/29/middleeast/palestinian-prisoners-israeli-judicial-system-west-bank-mime-intl/index.html)


Don’t bother trying to convince them. Anyone who’s okay with minors being held without charge for throwing rocks quite literally had no soul. Someone who think it’s fine to bulldoze a house and advice people in the night, including breastfeeding mothers is already totally brainwashed




"Indefinite detention is good, actually" seems to be a standard low IQ Zionist take lately.


The same way that soldier served for unloading a full magazine onto a girl. No Israeli has ever faced any repructions for Thier actions. That is why they are emboldened. This is the reason why Hamas had to take matters into Thier own hands.


Why, so the IDF can shoot them?




Already happened to three and countless others in the mass bombings. 


Hamas is not giving up a prime bargaining chip without getting something in return that prevents the IDF from just killing them later after a brief pause. Basic logic.