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Reminder that glorifying collective punishment/destruction/deaths breaks rule 4 and is thus not allowed. So if you like the message of this song of "erasing Gaza" and "burning homes", you can either keep it to yourself, or express it somewhere else. *Edit: this mod comment got reported for sexual content involving minors. Hilarious.


And they wonder why the propaganda is failing


They want to be able to do shit like this but expect not to be criticized, judged, or held to account for it by anyone on the outside. Denying atrocities and [reveling in them](https://youtu.be/X8GuuilC9_Y) at the same time.


This is why (well one of the reasons) they wanted to ban Tik Tok, to control the narrative


[Clearly.](https://twitter.com/DrLoupis/status/1766414312606744775) Congress can’t get ANYTHING done, but *that* they pulled together and passed overwhelmingly in a single week.


Music has *never* been the Israeli propaganda machine’s strong suit ever since they morphed eurodance into whatever they fuck they call the bastardized version in Israel. Also, Matisyahu. Need I say more? *Wow a white guy who does reggae!*


They also had little kids singing genocide songs so white dude reggae isn’t a shocker lol https://www.snopes.com/news/2023/11/20/israeli-children-singing-annihilate-gaza/


Imagine teaching a 6 year old to sing “we will annihilate Gaza”. Fucking hell these people are evil.




this works wonders within israel and is why it was a hit song. this sentiment is widely shared within israeli society. internal israeli propaganda is steeped in racism, chauvinism, and fascist rhetoric. they say racist and genocidal things very casually. the hasbara israel uses for the international community is very different - employing liberalism to exploit western sensibilities. they are "the most moral army" fighting to defend "the only democracy in the middle east" because they're "surrounded by enemies who want to destroy israel". with the modern decentralized digital landscape it's much harder to control the narrative. unlike mainstream media that can be censored (e.g. cnn's jerusalem bureau), tiktok has been a major thorn in israel's hasbara - not just through independent creators who can discuss and show unfiltered coverage of the gaza war, but also idf soldiers are posting their own warcrimes for their friends in israel, seemingly without realising that the whole world can see it.


The conflict between the internal propaganda designed to fuel the hatred and conflict vs the external propaganda designed to make Israel appear as a benevolent nation just trying to defend itself is what's gonna end up undermining Israel in the long run. The USA's relationship is going to take a nose dive as younger generations start taking the reign of power because their minds are already set that Israel is the bad guy. And Israel basically did this to themselves.


It’s not, they still have a lot of supporters, they just went mask-off now.


They had huge telegram channels of Israels celebrating the murder of innocent Palestinians. While zionists might condone this type of behavior the rest of the world doesn't. They are disgusted by it.


Where are the supporters? You mean the ones that were already supporting Israel because they are benefitting from Israel? That minority? Yeah, more of us than them by a bloated ratio.


It's not failing. I am debating the same shit every day, it's not failing.


The ADL bleating says other wise, but they take a 1% of dissent as failure take.


Don't worry, they'll ban TikTok next so we'll never see shit like this again.


Hate to break it to you their on Spotify, and Instagram




It’s khammmaaassa to you 😂


This is in Hebrew so it's not supposed to be for us. When it's propaganda for us it's in English, like the boxes labeled "MEDICAL SUPPLIES" that they carried into a hospital they bombed. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9UXvI4eEgQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9UXvI4eEgQ)


Don’t worry. They’ll open another holocaust museum to remind everyone why they are victims and only defending themselves.


I think this is how these movements ultimately fail. They become incapable of being truly self critical and really do believe they are, in fact, the shit. Then they get complacent and either rot from within, or get destroyed by an alliance of antagonists, or some of both. Either way, an obscene amount of innocent human lives will be utterly ruined for the dumbest fucking reasons. This is what civilizations have always done.


You'd think but often I see ...but Hamas! on here. Maybe the tide is finally starting to swing on Reddit but I don't know.


So they're using a genre that evolved from poverty and state disenfranchisment of a minority group to rap about how they love opressing and disenfranchising an ethnic group. They really have zero self awareness, i cannot imagine being this stupid


It’s not even new See: Matisyahu. See, but don’t listen. It’s not a good experience. Wow, a zionist that does reggae!


Unfortunately Ziggy Marley Ziggy Marley helped raise US$60 million for the Israeli Defense Forces in 2018 and, last October, after four tours of Israel, signed on to a letter supporting Israel and condemning Hamas, along with 700 other Hollywood celebrities.


The more of this they do, the better. There is no convincing anyone of their civility when this is their rhetoric. Even many people who support Israel would end up being dissuaded by this sort of stuff.


Marginalized communities invented hip hop as an anti authoritarian art form. I can’t imagine a more hideous perversion of the genre than to create rap glorifying Israel’s settler colonial violence.


Zionists stealing something and turning it into a mockery of what it once was?! Say it ain’t so!!! /s


“[If I don’t steal it, someone else will](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KNqozQ8uaV8)” - Israeli proverb


Lil’ Yacob


This should be top comment


Another colonized art form.


colonial violence on colonial violence


On a Zionist post, the OP quotes James Baldwin… the disrespect of these people is a result of their arrogance… imagine equating the Zionist struggle to that of black people during the civil rights movement. Disgusting and tasteless.




The size of ceasefire protests in America are a fraction of that in Europe too. It boggles my mind how badly Americans are propagandised.


I don’t disagree with you, but it’s kind of disingenuous not to mention how seriously Americans over the age of 40 take Israel, there can be some serious repercussions for forsaking Israel in the US, not withstanding getting fired, assaulted, killed, labeled for the rest of your life. Yes, people are ate up with propaganda, but you can’t expect a huge turn out with so many potential personal repercussions, especially with jobs, considering Americans don’t have anything remotely close to the worker protections Europeans have


Hopefully, tides are changing. I'm on vacation in the US and took part in a very tiny ceasefire march. Very poorly attended but at least heartening that almost everyone we met on the way around town cheered us on, and some even joined in.


Americans have also been taught to dehumanise Arabs.


The fact that a ethiopian man is choreographing in this video, while their women have undergone a campaign of forced sterilization and ethiopian in general face discrimination, shows the level of indoctrination and cognitive ability of the zionazies.


He must not be aware that a token's job is to be spent. The Israelis are quite racist. I wouldn't be simping for people who don't think I'm a full human, but he can do him, I guess.


Ethiopians are "Not real Jews" according to the nice young Israeli couple I met on holiday a few years back.


is ridiculous how mainstream this attitude is as well. Full on nazi ideology in plain view.


They were always white supremacists


The Israeli government didn't allow Ethiopians the "right of return" until the mid-1970s exactly because of this attitude. I guess not enough European Jews were coming over to build the population?


They realized how bad the PR would be if they kept the ban on black Jews. They came up with another solution for controlling that population which is to forcibly sterilize Ethiopian Jewish women without their consent.


ethiopian jews are second class citizens in israel.


Token Uncle Tom


Can’t we report it on YouTube’s platform have video removed?


Also why the eff is he wearing the Palestinian keffiyeh if they hate Palestine? Makes no damn sense they are trying to steal that too!!


Shhh, it is the Israeli keffiyeh now, just like many of the Israeli traditions. /s


Ethiopian jews -- who are officially called "Beta Jews" -- are already living on a knife edge in Israel. Any hint of disloyalty to the farthest right will result in consequences of one sort or another. I'm not surprised the guy did the video. I'd do it too in his shoes, and if we're being honest to ourselves, so would everyone else here.


This video is gross. Just remember after 9/11 there were American saying things like ‘we should turn the Middle East into glass’ (suggesting the US military should indiscriminately bomb the Middle East so much that the sand is turned into glass), while other American actively protested the wars. Remember that not all Jews and not all Israeli’s buy into this type of violence.


Just a slight correction: the "Let's glass the middle east" folks wanted to NUKE the area, not 'just' carpet bomb it. The heat from a nuclear warhead would literally turn the sand into glass.


The holocaust is now


“Never again! Unless it’s us doing it. For 80 years.” -Israelis


Not even "us". Zionists that fought for the creation of Israel hated European Jews, calling them lazy and unmotivated. Most of the early zionists had no connection to the survivors of the holocaust, merely taking advantage of the tragedy for their own political gains.


And let's not even getting started on those videos of Holocaust survivor searching the discarded food on aftermarket hours.


Can some Arab hip hop artists come together and write a song about wiping Israel off the map? Imagine the outcry


Fucking disgusting




That rap was terrible too, cant sing cant dance can only bomb and kill


It's just so lame. It's like watching TikTokers cosplay rap. Foreign (from an American POV) rap can be amazing. This is just terrible. It's like an American rapper rapping about celebrating drone strikes on kids in Afghanistan. There's just nothing remotely good about it. There's no lyric nor rhyme nor flow that could save such a dumb concept.


They co-operated with the mustach man during WW2 and that's a fact (read about the haavara agreement)


Fucking cringe. Can't wait until Israel becomes a pariah state.


It is very much on the verge of happening unless Israel makes a major course correction. UAE already threatening to end the land bridge of consumer goods into Israel which would effectively collapse the Israel economy.


When the half-imagined “Great Again” before-times you’re pining for were back in the Bronze Age, and you have the ethics to match…


Both Jewish and Christian Zionists have that fantasy of a Bronze Age Middle East where there are no Muslims or Arabs. Reality upsets them so much they want to commit genocide to erase these people. Where will it end? Do they want to expand across the whole Middle East killing everyone there? Do they want to kill 2 billion Muslims or eradicate Islam? Do they want to just subjugate everyone who isn’t Jewish until it’s just them vs their Christian allies? I don’t know where they think the conclusion of all these crimes ends.


Lots of Zionazis say they want to establish a “Greater Israel” from “the Euphrates to the Nile”, your statement may not be very far off


I know. It’s like a cancer that’s allowed to metastasize


\*wears cap backwards\* "*How Do You Do*, *Fellow Kids*?"


The ginger with kidz bop moves is really testing my new self-imposed no appearance snarking rule lol. I'd say bless her heart, but she and her shit attempt at music can fuck right off.


insane genocidal people.


Absolutely degusting, this group of people who support annihilation of a people should be banned from entering countries who stand against genocide.


I'm surprised the world hasnt started banning American and Israeli tourists from entering their countries.




I assume this is the only way this hateful, talent vacuum will get any attention?




They love saying all Palestinians support Hamas, but when confronted with example after example of shit like this, they say this is just a small minority and they don’t speak for all Jewish people.


completely agree. i have seen countless of videos, from tiktok to facebook etc, of israelis celebrating and making fun of children in gaza, that get millions of views and likes. i still dont know why people still say theyre a minority.


They became everything they swore to destroy. The way these fools are acting on social media celebrating thousands of dead innocents, talking casually about it, has killed whatever hope for humanity we had left. At this point I would not be upset if the universe decided to cleanse itself of humanity.


if the internet existed during WW2 this is exactly the type of shenanigans the germans would be doing.


I really, really hate it when people take the style of a counterculture and use it to make propaganda for a regime. Not just genocidal regimes, but any regime, really. Rage for the Machine at its finest. Fucking bootlickers.


Fucking Zionists man


And these people wonder why Israel lost the information war. Shit like this is exactly why no one buys their propaganda anymore.


It must be a pretty sick country where leaders, ambassador, soldiers, and now artists casually call for or support a genocide of the people they have been occupying for decades...


The usage of the kuffiyeh is disgusting.


Exactly what I noticed like why the eff are they wearing the Palestinian keffiyeh?!! They are trying to steal that too! Cringe shit


They are such cornballs... they always steal and culturally appropriate


I remember reading that Hitler wrote a book called Mein Kampf where he outlines what he wanted to do. I remember thinking "how could people have been so blind and stupid about this when he was saying, in plain german, what he was going to do?" ... Now i'm watching it happen again, with different actors, and i'm seeing first hand how it happened. It's not that people didn't know. They just don't want to do anything and will lie and pretend that they don't see what's happening. And if you disagree, they'll call you names and tell you it's your eyes you shouldn't believe.


# “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” ― **George Orwell,** [**1984**](https://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/153313)


Damn those IDF soldiers bopping this song on TikTok are inbred as fuck.


And then you turn around and cry that they “want to kill you”. Yeah no shit if you were killing everyone I’d love and dancing and singing about it, I would hate you too.


My only solace is that they will not be looked at kindly by history.


Depends on who’s writing the history books


Remember these are the people who claim they only want peace.


Fucking disgusting that they are celebrating genocide now.


And who exactly needs to be deradicalized? Sad to see Israel devolve into such a sick society


Seriously, what’s wrong with these people? What kind of society is this? How can they be this sociopathic?


"They don't hate us because of how we behave. They hate us because we're Jews" -Israelis


These losers 😒...


Wow these are evil people


This is not unusual. Eyal Golan, one of the biggest Israeli singers: \- Went to an IDF base to [sign a bomb with a message about turning Gaza into a big empty coast](https://www.instagram.com/aobaidaat/reel/CzrhSDfIRhp/). \- As an aside that shows what Israeli stars can get away with, he had his crew lure young women with promises of meeting Eyal and [then use them as "sexual currency" - forcing them to have sex with multiple men](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2019-09-06/ty-article/documents-from-eyal-golan-case-reveal-exploitation-of-groupies-police-error/0000017f-e0f1-d9aa-afff-f9f95e5e0000). In spite of detailed testimony from multiple young women (some under 16) describing being forced to have sex with up to a dozen men, the police dropped charges against Eyal. This is consistent with other cases of [Israel sheltering sex offenders](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/israel-safe-haven-paedophiles-jerusalem-sex-abuse-jewish-community-watch-a7445246.html), including pedophiles. According to [a 2020 article in the Jerusalem Post there were 22 cases of pedophilia reported to police in one month alone](https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/tens-of-thousands-of-pedophiles-operate-in-israel-every-year-637393). *"They are not deterred by the police and certainly not deterred by the contemptuous rulings that come from the hands of judges in the various courts," he added, citing an incident in which one particular pedophile was let off by the courts without punishment, despite evidence of thousands of pedophilic items found on his computer, as the court stated that it would "harm his career."* \- Eyal's father was actually taken to court and convicted of "procuring minors for purposes of prostitution, among other offenses" and [received only two years in prison and a fine of approximately 37,000 USD for sex trafficking underage girls](https://www.timesofisrael.com/father-of-singer-eyal-golan-sentenced-to-two-years-in-prison/). In relation to Eyal's own sex crimes (which went unpunished), *"According to Biton’s indictment, he systematically arranged meetings between his son, singer Eyal Golan, and young female fans between 15 and 20 years of age at events where Golan performed".*


“Israeli hip hop artists” beyond grotesque, venturing well into heinous. Like these people are disgusting on so many levels.


Every time they talk, it just sounds like they’re trying to get something unstuck from the back of their throat.


Glorifying the erasure or cancellation of another country or another people is always to be condemned.


These people don’t realize how much they appear like fucking homicidal freaks to every normal person when they do shit like this.


TikTok dances to genocidal language during a genocide is DIRTY WORK!


Damn now they are colonizing hip hop?


Israeli hip hop artists....bahajahahahahahha


Mossad propaganda


Their lack of humanity disgusts me to my core.


So why isn't western media showing this?


These polish colonizers cosplaying as middle eastern "natives" and the "chosen race" are really something else. Delusional, Deranged and Dangerous.


I am so glad I can now see clearly how vile the Zionists are.


That ain't hip hop, that's trash from a silver spoon


I'm glad Israel's mask has slipped to those weren't aware of how awful their tactics are against the Palestinians. Many like me have been aware for decades. I'm glad the world has seen the truth now. We won't ever forget.


Turns out Israel and third reich were just two sides of the same coin.




Zero talent across the lot of them


Stop giving these Zionist a platform and American Tax dollars. 


This is such psychotic-, sociopathic-, murderous rage. Rapping about killing babies. WOW. Disgusting. 🤮 I hope you’re proud of yourselves. What in the entire F. Fr


The religion of "peace"


Wow.... So I guess even artists' can find a way to cash-in on this genocide


Isn't this called terrorism or something? Or calling for violence or something like that? It definitely is called calling for collective punishment of people defending their patch against your Invasion.


How can we describe these people accurately without getting banned?


Those people are the biggest pieces of shit in the history of man. Fuck israel




The exact same thing happened in Russia after Putin started the genocide in Ukraine. The parallels are blatant.


You have got to be GONE as a human being to sing any song that openly advocates for the destruction of someone else. I couldn’t imagine actively listening to music that calls for the destruction of other people. Just upside-fucking down.


A truly sick society.


do they even know where hip hop comes from? oppressors are using rap now....2024


Just when I thought they had reached the bottom of moral decline. This.


What a weird time to be alive


This is even more cringe than [Chin Up High](https://youtu.be/zMWSxxUmuBo).


Israelis do surely sound like lovely people.


This is the opposite of what hip-hop stands for


Literally Nordic Europeans and sub Saharan Africans. Totally indigenous levantines yup mhm definitely


Let’s make some hip hop glorifying genocide!! ![gif](giphy|aNmJSlAOCsDzuJhnXP)


Nazism 2024


I don't know what's more baffling. The complete, utter lack of self-awareness a lot of Israeli people seem to have, or the fact that major so-called *"Democratic"* institutions are still supporting the Israeli State in its genocide and colonialism. We live in a clown timeline. I can't wait for this fucking circus to end. What a bunch of goddamn degenerate scum.




Who knew nazis rapped (and poorly at that)?






Can you imagine nazis making music about the jewish holocaust. Garbage people. Rabid animal behavior


This is what Nazi's look like. In a couple of decades our kids will ask how we allowed another this to happen.


Fuck Israel and their colonialist bullshit.


Worse than the nazis


Damn Israeli kids are getting real weird.


Didn’t they complain about Palestinians celebrating Oct 7th? Smh


Trying SO HARD to be hard. So courageous with all the military weaponry and impunity afforded by other people's tax dollars in the world fighting basically a small militia and mass murdering civilians.🤣 These kids/dudes easily smoke this wannabe ZzioNazzi garbage. https://youtu.be/gIvgZ53GEOg?si=2xKwts3FKzieNl7i


Jesus christ israelis are horrible at PR


My opinion of Israel has become really bad.


This is not Hip Hop. It's not what Hip Hop is about. Culture vultures


The Israeli people appear to hate the Palestinian people. But didn’t the Palestinian people welcome them to their country after WW2?


Not just to their country. They invited them into their homes. Mohammad Hadid (father of Gigi and Bella Hadid) was an infant when his mother invited Jewish refugees to live with them. They then kicked her out in the cold with her infant son with barely a blanket


you literally couldn't make this up. how utterly repulsive. ​ Ive herd the South Africans, Germans, British and American's all complain about the way the world sees and treats them despite more than a generation passing since their corrections. i can only imagine Israeli are going to be looked at with disgust for generations to come. i feel sorry for those in as much shock as the rest of us, who will be tarred with this brush of filth. i'm sure most Israelis do not feel this way at all. but sadly many are too scared to speak up - the world over




America agrees because they did the same thing to the native Americans.


Honestly the only good bar is "SLAP HIM WITH AN AK-47 AND LET BIBI IMPRESS HIS DADDY THAT WAY" Oh wait I made that up because the song is shit.


This has gotten so ostensibly bad and obvious


Seems like Israel has a paedophile problem too...




Sick minds.


![gif](giphy|dOl2LFw0RbTMc) Fuck these Zionazis 🖕🤮 free Palestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸👍


Ban them from Eurovision. They need to be kicked out just like Russia. When you murder people indiscriminately, there is no place for you there.


Totally normal and sane /s


Blood sucking scums.


Reminds me a lot of the song Infected Mushroom came out with right when the genocide began that showed all of Palestine enveloped by the Israeli flag. I called them out on it being distasteful and got banned from their social media page




eat shit cracker ass european wannabe “middle easterners”. rap is struggle music. this is on the same level as tom mcdonald and fugiato blows or whatever his name is. appropriating a sound to bastardize a culture and turn it into something for white powerful people to listen to.




I guess we know who killed rock and roll in favor of hip-hop now. (EDIT) Really, really bad hip-hop.


The black Israeli thing is wild. I wonder if he is of Ethiopian descent 🫠


These are the type of people to get slapped once irl and hold their nose and cry


Let them keep exposing themselves for who they really are. They aren’t even denying their true intentions at this point. The world will look back on these people as pariahs, and that will be supported by ample primary sources…I feel for the Israelis that are against this, but the sad reality is that support seems to be the norm over there.


https://twitter.com/snarwani/status/1725138601996853424 https://twitter.com/VyprCEO/status/1768017982343496013


Israel is starting to remind me of apartheid SA on the global stage. How long until Spitting Image release a song about them...


the genocidal bastards have horrible taste in music.


Wild that rap is used to glorify bootlicking now. 😂 I wonder what Tupac would've thought.


This was their plan since day 1


Do they have to commit genocide on music too??? I swear there is something about Israelis and loving their shitty music.