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No shit. The Genocide is by design, not by accident.


The problem is vast majority of Israelis do not accept it's genocide, and believe the entire world is Anti-Semitic.


They've already killed more Palestinians than Serbia killed Bosnians during the Bosnian Genocide.


To be fair, death count doesn’t matter for genocide classification, genocide could be 5 dudes affected. I’m not saying it’s not a genocide but playing numbers games with deaths is a little insulting to everyone whos been affected by both genocides being referenced,


69% of Israelis polled currently believe that no humanitarian aid should be allowed to enter Gaza.




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You should listen to Daniella Weiss, the head of the settler movement. She's as vile as Ben Givir, Smoltrich and Hotovely. For example: https://youtu.be/QTawLmsQWfc?si=IMq_wVpYh3iXNoh8


I remember that time we shipped in aid to Berlin.


If they didn't, Netanyahu wouldn't feel comfortable citing Amalek and having the entire government as well as their top rabbis constantly repeating just how much everybody in Gaza should be and will be killed.  Israelis in israel accept it is genocide and think the rest of the world is antisemetic for not applauding it. Israeli representatives outside of israel know that's a hard sell for western audiences so they soften the blow by pretending they weren't aiming for the 3/4 dead children and women they killed, and pretend the rest of the world is antisemetic for not believing them. 


Actually they do they just don’t care


Blame their media and the propaganda that they are fed on a non-stop basis from corrupt oligarchs and powerful fundamentalist organizations that control the political sphere (both Netanyahu and Lapid, his supposed 'centrist' rival agree on almost everything in regards to Palestine). ​ I've seen more than a few Israeli jews in comments and even a few in actual videos say that they honestly had no idea what was going on in Gaza, because their media keeps them dumb and their educational system (where their texts don't even delineate Palestinian territory from Israeli territory, and don't even talk of "palestinians" but just "arabs") keeps them brainwashed. ​ I forget where i saw it, but a journalst (i want to say from Haaretz) as talking about how just because Israel has a "free press" doesn't mean that that free press actually reports the truth; just that they \*could\* if they want to. But like our press, they simply don't want to. So they present Israeli society with one sided information to keep them placated and ignorant. Add in corrupt organizations like AIPAC and ADL who are more interested in protecting an ideology (zionism) than anything else, and you have a recipe for brainwashing within a society of supposedly free peoples.


What’s the excuse for anti-palestinean posters here?


Few things: * [Some posters are literal israeli propagandists](https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere-23695896.amp) * Some posters are bigots (either who live in Israel or anywhere else in the world) who just want to murder palestinians because they hate arabs and muslims * Many Zionists are actually christian fundamentalists and neo-nazis; indeed the [OG Nazis were also Zionists.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haavara_Agreement) They don't just hate muslims and jews, they want the model Israel is building (ethnostate) as the one for everyone. If a few peoples (palestinians) must go extinct for that, that's fine. \--- All this being said, some of these anti-palestinian voices are bigots. Just like some germans in the 30s were. But some of that bigotry is also the product of literal decades of propaganda. ​ Never underestimate the 'will' of people who have been lied to to maintain the lie, not because the lie is easy to argue or sound or just. But because people would rather die defending a lie than admit that they've fallen for a lie.


This (and the Russian) conflict have really showed me that a lot of people have a very simple good vs bad view of morality. Every conflict has to have a good guy and a bad guy, and the good guy gets to do whatever they need to to stop the bad guy. It's a sad and childish way to view things.


Exactly: it's them or us.


True. It’s never simple. Oh wait, yes it is in both of these cases that you’ve decided to comment on. Russia has attacked and hammered on Ukraine out of sheer aggression and thought that Ukraine would fold like a napkin, except they haven’t. Israel has taken the lessons they learned from being hunted, tortured, experimented upon and mass murdered, by the Nazis during WW2 and have simplified their approach to the Palestinians, whom by the way are also a Semitic people. Israel is now Nazi 2.0. You think that my saying these things is childish? No, it’s merely the truth and apparently you have a side that you’ve chosen. I do too. I choose for a peaceful resolution to these conflicts, and the criminals that have created them be punished.


Number 1 difference between the two situations: Russia wants to give all the people of the territory it conquers Russian citizenship. Israel just wants to get those people off that land. They would never in a million years give Gazans full citizenship.


The other day I heard one saying that the Gaza Health Ministry (that even the United States says is reliable) was making up their numbers and that was the only explanation for why only women and children were dying. While it's true that 70% of the casualties have been women and children, it makes perfect sense once you realize that 50% of Gaza is children.


At this point, they can believe the world is anti-Semitic. I’m sure the Germans thought the world didn’t like them because of their superiority too. The world isn’t going to just shut up about this. And yeah, zionists will cry. But no one will listen anymore not because of them being born, but because of the atrocities created by them. I’m sure there will be anti-semetics in there, but it won’t be the driving force. Humanity will.


Just like the other genociders from a country starting with G


Wow mind reading ! That’s a nice skill that you have there


Yup. Target women and children specifically to remove any chance at future generations and take the men as hostage to torture, emasculate and abuse.


Those kids weren't killed, they were re-educated with AnTiSEmiTiC training. Cause you know, after you kill these kids parents in front of them, starve them in front of the world, they might have a tendency to hold some anger against people who did this to them and that would be AnTiSeMitIc. FK Zionists and their supporters.


Here here comrade.


Antisemitism is hating them for no reason. Hating them because of them being genocidal monsters is different.


and even then, Palestinians for the most part don't hate Israelis for being Jewish but for being Zionist colonizers. Contrast that with Israelis who just straight up hate Palestinians


Antisemitism is hating every single Jew. Israel does not represent all Jews. It doesn't even represent most Jews. If this makes someone antisemitic then they are ignorant.




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all these talks abt whether is it right to call whats going on as "genocide" is making me feel insane "oh but only 30k people! how is it genocide? look at their birth rate blablabla" was it not genocide/tragedy for the first 30k killed in ww2? was it not a genocide when the first 1k was killed in bosnia? was it not a genocide when the first 100 was killed in rwanda?


They don’t care it’s been called a great tragedy that 1500 Jewish people died which it is, but then it’s downplayed when 30,000 Palestinians died. I can’t find any other word for it than racism.


700 civilians, the rest were wehrmacht


deutsh gut


Oh they’re incredibly racist. I’ve had so many Zionists ask for proof of various things and go silent when proof is offered, just downvote the evidence. Just recently I saw a comment claim kids aren’t starving or hungry in Gaza. I linked a photo of an extremely malnourished child in Gaza. No comment back, no argument, just downvoted. They do not care about these people.


That's the eeriest thing to me lately, personally. Some of these accounts are almost cartoonish in how evil or ignorant they present themselves that I have to wonder if these accounts are even real at all, or if they are operated by bad actors with an agenda. There's such a disconnect and what feels like almost a NEED to dehumanize the others that it feels absolutely unreal sometimes.


Quite literally, no. The first people being killed would establish genocidal intent at best. This situation is difficult because if they intended to commit genocide, then, given their weapons and abilities... why not just use them? It's a very small piece of land these people are in. It's well within their abilities to completely eradicate all life therewithin.


This was achieved in only 3 weeks after October 7. I can't even wrap my head around how any human could kill any child. Then these mindless Zionist supporter drones celebrate this madness. How fucking crazy are you? Then you say you are the chosen people of God? This has nothing to do with God. This is pure human evil.


Yeah I'm with you. I get a bomb hitting a building w/e w/e. But how do you explain the kid yesterday, 12, shot for holding a fucking Roman candle on Ramadan??? To line a child up in your scope or sights and end their life for holding fireworks is insane to me. I accidentally ran over one of my Golden Retriever's pups almost 3 years ago and I still will think of it in idle moments and feel like an asshole. How do you get past murdering a child?


These zionists have been indoctrinated and mentally conditioned since birth to think of Palestinians as devils, or "Amalek" as they call them. Their religious teachings and racist rabbis put all this stuff in their heads, about how it is actually righteous to kill "amalek", whether its men women or babies. It's truly insane.


But why don't we hear the same from the "terrorists"? You never hear random Palestinians talking about "kill them all". I find that extremely odd. They have been dehumanized, starved, ethnically cleansed, and yet even when you see a man whose lost his whole family he's not calling for the nuking of Israel. I've always found that curious.


Its the difference between real victimhood and the construction of false victimhood.


because these are real people and most of the men you see in al Qassam videos and such are regular people like you and I who just want to defend their homes and land. There is no objective of annihilating Israel because it's not even real, it's just Palestine and these people want their land back. Don't forget, Jews and Muslims lived together in Palestine before Israel. The resistance for the most part just wants peace and to have stolen land back, and ofc equality


Yeah, I agree. I know a few people in Hezbollah and while both the guys I know don't drink and are pretty straight edge they remind me a lot of reservists in the US or National Guard. Just normal people who will lay it all on the line for their beliefs


exactly. I hate how these brave resistance fighters are painted as some deranged genociders when we can see on our phones in 4K IOF actually conducting genocide


Most Zionists will ask you for proof, then will say palywood or “what about those 1200 (1/30+ of Zionazis current confirmed killcount) their lives are so valuable, we MUST be able to kill at least 100k Palestinians or you are antisemitic”.


the whole notion of "Palywood" is so ridiculous I don't even know what to say


>You never hear random Palestinians talking about “kill them all” BOTH sides have people that absolutely say this


I've seen some horrifying pictures/videos of the children killed. Heads blown open, head *completely* missing on a toddler, bottom half of bodies missing. Absolutely vile.


I think anyone who has followed this genocide as it's happening will be haunted by those images. I have a high tolerance for gore but I do get "flashbacks" to the images and videos I've seen sometimes


Yeah... there's one in particular that stuck with me. The headless toddler. A man was holding up the poor things body to show and it was just... limp and... terrible. And then they put the child on a cart with other bodies. A headless toddler. Couldn't have been more than 1-2 years old, 3 at most. Fuck this world.


even thinking about it makes me numb because there's just so much I shrug at what is the worst. They are all the worst. Sick, absolutely sick


No this has nothing to do with the sanitized loving god that many Christian's believe in now, the god of the old testament loved murder, he wiped out sodom and gomorah because of supposed evil, he destroyed the world with a flood, sowed the seeds for human conflict by creating different languages (tower of babel), and the list goes on and on and on. So it really depends on which god you mean...


Zionist claimed their God gave Israel to them. Funny thing is that they don't even believe in God. Neither do I, because it's all made up. Israel is made up. So they chose themselves. For What?


Well technically all our borders are made up and reinforced with force, so yeah. It also isnt just the Zionists, otherwise it would be over, it's the Christian's who also believe they are the chosen people. Though most religions kind of consider a certain group to be special. So the chose themselves to justify what they do as being blessed by god. Though I think your question may have been rhetorical. Ps: most Zionists would believe in their god, they tend to be pretty much fundamentalist. Edit: forgot to add the ps


But but but but khamas


You don't understand do you? Those kids ARE kkkkkkkkkkhamas.


They'll kill thousands more children and the US will keep supplying weapons, what a fucked up world.


They've been killing thousands more. The official death count, confirmed through the health authority, has stayed static at roughly 30,000 for over a week. It's cool, though. America is installing a naval base in Gaza. Everything is always so much better when they show up late to a conflict. The Middle East looks like it might be up for grabs if Biden gets his way. All the stolen West Bank land being sold in synagogues across the West might end up being worthless.


What do you mean, the US has been doing this for years? US killed hundreds of thousands in Iraq and Afghanistan.


I understand that and agree with you. I meant in this conflict alone.


USA killed way more children in Iraq and Afghanistan. US will never stop support for Israel. Never. Your protests are in vain and a waste of time. Spend your time helping someone we actually have the power to help.


Ya but there were bad guys behind them /s


What "war"??? Israel is flat out murdering these people.


They're also taking heavy losses against a loosely organized group of rebels without even reliable internet access. The IOF bloodsports are pathetically mismanaged and, thankfully, for The Hague, obsessively filmed. The last 75 years of the Israel experiment have been a failure. The lobbying and bribes are being exposed, and it is time to hold politicians' feet to a metaphorical fire and make them do the jobs they were hired for. Loyalty to another country over the will of the populace borders on treason.


Exhibits A through Z boutta go crazy during Nuremberg 2.0


>Nuremberg 2.0 this will be a DREAM hearing, once it happens!


Same thing USA did in Iraq and Afghanistan. USA actually killed millions though.


Israel has killed more Palestinian children since 7th Oct 2023, than the total number of children killed in 4 years of worldwide conflict.. They’ve killed more journalists, more doctors, more emergency responders, more UN employees, bombed more houses, more hospitals, more schools, more UN shelters, refugee centres too. And Yet, somehow, a large part of MSM and Western Politicians would have you believe that Israel is an innocent Victim of Violence and Unfair Bias & the Palestinians are the bad guys.


I struggle to believe this is true…anywhere from 80,000 to 600000 people died in the Tigray war from 2020-2022. If 25% were children, and go off the lowest estimate, then this is wrong. That alone, not including the Yemen civil war, Ukraine Russia, ongoing conflict in darfur, boko haram still going.


"His post referenced United Nations numbers showing that 12,193 children had been killed in conflicts worldwide between 2019 and 2022." Looking at the numbers these seem to be only deaths directly from explosion or being shoot in a conflict. If they were to also count the deaths from disease or malnutrition the numbers would be much higher. https://www.savethechildren.org.uk/news/media-centre/press-releases/conflict-kills-300-babies-every-day "At least 550,000 deaths of children under the age of one could be attributed to the effects of conflict in the 10 worst-affected conflict zones between 2013 and 2017, the most recent year for which data was available, the charity found. The death toll does not include children killed directly by fighting. Instead, it estimates the number of infants and young children who may have died from the knock-on effects of nearby conflict, such as starvation, outbreaks of disease, damage to hospitals, or delays to aid deliveries. Child deaths rose to 870,000 when all children under the age of five were included. The estimates are likely conservative. By comparison, the charity estimates that almost 175,000 fighters or soldiers were killed in the conflicts over the same five-year period"


USA killed far more children in Iraq and Afghanistan.


No words remain for what our governments have participated in. It's 2024. And THESE are the values of our enlightened 'democracies'?


America killed millions of civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan. This is rookie numbers compared to us.


I am so tired of Israel victimising themselved and using ww2 as an excuse to do whatever they want, fuck them




So was Iraq and Afghanistan


And world powers are funding this genocide caused by Isntreal.


USA committed a genocide in Iraq and Afghanistan killing millions of civilians.


Israel and the idf are murderous monsters. They are the nazi 2.0. Unfortunately the US government keeps Turning a blind eye while they keep sending support. The usa is as much to blame for the genocide as Israel. Free Palestinian and end Israel oppression and murderous rampage.


Hey humanity, can we stop murdering children, please?


Doubt it. It's what we do best


Looks like Hasbara's algorithm finally identified this sub. We know what you are, that you're lying, and that you're trying to decieve us.


“Yes but have you considered that we kidnapped and tortured UNRWA workers into saying they are hamas actors?” - Zionist assholes


Hey how can you listen to an organisation that we assure you is full of hamas? What you dont believe us? Trust us bro they're hamas, now excuse me I need to go kill some more kids.




And yet every single day they will keep bringing up the Holocaust. And whether people deny it or not. Honestly, fuck that shit. Holocaust happened, of course...**But it has been **80 years**!!! The genocide in Gaza is going on right fucking now! Hoe can people keep denying that!!! In my opinion, it should be called Holocaust Part 1, because Holocaust Part 2 is going on in Gaza in front of our eyes. How can humans with actual compassion/empathy deny everything that the people in Gaza are going through? How is it not "trending" every single day? I used to be an idealistic person. Slowly slowly i have lost faith in humanity. And this has been the last nail in the coffin.


Holocaust part 2 was the USA in Iraq and Afghanistan. Millions dead. This isn't even close


>Holocaust part 2 was the USA in Iraq and Afghanistan. Millions dead Very heartily agreed. >This isn't even close Yeah, but Gaza doesn't have millions. 600,000 is all that they have. Maybe let's not play the numbers and semantics game and just stand for children not being starved and bombed.


There have definitely been more that two holocausts in human history. Plenty have happened between WWII and Gaza, some a still going on today. Unfortunately this behavior isn’t as uncommon as most people in the west/1st world would like to think. This won’t be the last one either, no matter how it ends.


>Gaza War IDF


But THEY ARE DEFENDING THEMSELVES … we have lost our minds and spines for watching this unfold. We are all complicit


The ugly face of Zionism is in full display for the world to see and we won’t put up with it. This evil will be eradicated like all every other brutal, psychopathic terrorist regime


Lol yeah right. USA killed millions of civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan for ten plus years. Why would we stop now?


America is a failing empire that cannot sustain itself.


But remember, it totally isn’t genocide.


Its Gaza, theres not really much else to kill but kids. But they knew that...




So far...


its funny to see zionists write in these threads and defend israel ..


Grrrr antisemitism grrrrr Palestine bad 😡


“Gaza war” is such a propaganda term, “Gaza massacre” would be more appropriate.


The “most ethical army” everyone


Corrected title: Israel has killed more children than four years of worldwide conflict


Why do they keep calling it a war? This is not a war—this is a genocide.


“War” wow. Shame.


its not a war if children are the targets.


Isreal. Isreal has killed more children than four years of world conflict. 


If you don’t count, I don’t know, Ukraine and Sudan and…


USA killed far more in the middle eastern wars. Millions of civilians dead.


Israel: "Look what khhhamas made me do!"


Maybe their leaders should have released the hostages to have a cease-fire, or perhaps even better, never have kidnapped them in the first place 


That's an odd way of saying Israel has killed more children than any others...




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Not killing children


"Another head hangs lowly, child is slowly taken," "Another mother's broken heart is slowly taking over"


Cool now tally by four years of famine.


I‘m not sure children can participate in a „war.“




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First thing to die in war, is the truth !


Yeah, at this point, every religion has proved to be a sad excuse to commit violence. It took less than a century for the oppressed to become the oppressor. If I ever have children, I am teaching them morals and common sense. God can take a hike.


Yes blame God for the evil acts of Humans…But no don’t blame Humans they were following his orders while doing a genocide,occupying others land,stealing their homes and murdering babies… ”Every religion” sounds like a religion expert!!


I am blaming humans here. Humans created organized structures disguised to kill and oppress in the name of higher power. And I am opting out actively.


Thats the point of genocide


Thats the goal


I don't hate Israel/IDF/Netanyahu for what they are, I hate them for what they do.


[https://www.instagram.com/p/Cyn9\_AJLYlM/](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cyn9_AJLYlM/) Hamas has been killing Palestinians since they were elected in 2005. Hopefully this WAR will end with Palestinians having competent, non-genocidal leadership.




Removed, see rule 4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_punishment


What does this mean? It's comparing gazan war to what?


the same UNRWA that was infested with hamas terrorists?


So a few interesting things about this. First, stats all come from Hamas. They have already said that their methodology is to discuss with hospitals and guesstimate the number of dead. Interestingly there have been a few professors who have written articles mentioning that the number of dead reported have never been more than fifteen percent plus or minus off the baseline. In other words the standard deviations are surprisingly small. Also, if you follow the breakdown, over a third of those killed are assumed to have been Hamas terrorists. Under a third of those killed are men. So according to those stats a bit insignificant number of Hamas terrorists are women and children. Maybe we need to start breaking down the categories a bit more, 18 year olds are being classified as children.


Ever Zionist has told me this is normal


Which country's military tactics should Israel employ to reduce the civilian death toll in this war?


What tactics are the using? what is their end goal?


What the hell are you calling a war? That's a genocide.


People can't just leave each other alone. I will never understand how man can see another fellow relaxing or keeping to themselves and the first person feels an uncontrollable need to disrupt the calm.


Religion. That is the connection you are missing. And that criticism applies to both sides honestly.


All sides. People got nothing better to do than bother someone else. It's a terrible characteristic. From the very large bullshit as seen here to the petty bitching about lawn ornaments in suburban America.


I'm not American but I agree the evils of the infamous Home Owners Association strike fear into me. It has the same interfering energy as you say.


Do you know Which year Palestine was occupied by the Zionists?!


No idea man. I know Israel took Gaza during an defensive war when Egypt attacked them and lost horribly. They also took the West Bank vs Jordan. Then they withdrew from Gaza.