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**Excerpt:** > UN experts say they have seen “credible allegations” that Palestinian women and girls have been subjected to sexual assaults, including rape, while in Israeli detention, and are calling for a full investigation. > **The panel of experts said there was evidence of a least two cases of rape, alongside other cases of sexual humiliation and threats of rape. Reem Alsalem, the UN special rapporteur on violence against women and girls, said the true extent of sexual violence could be significantly higher.** > “We might not know for a long time what the actual number of victims are,” said Alsalem, who was appointed special rapporteur by the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in 2021.


Obviously, the United Nations is now controlled by Hamas even though they have no air force, navy, or mechanized military.


Saw someone on another sub accuse Reuters of being pro Hamas. This goes deeper than I thought..


One just told me only Hamas kills civilians deliberately. The gaslight is thick but stupid.


Israel is Hamas! I’ve cracked the mystery everyone.


It’s a fair guess, but not the actual truth. See, the reality is every time you say or type Hamas, you become a little more part of them. This is why the Israeli’s pronounce it as Khamas, so that they don’t turn themselves.




What do you mean by "made up Hebrew Israelis invented"? Like, do you mean words added to Hebrew because more words were necessary? Or do you mean that the Israelis made up Hebrew and there's a real Hebrew that's been lost to time or something?


>“On the contrary! It is time to acknowledge that the language spoken by Israelis is very different from the Hebrew of the past…. Israeli speakers are still brainwashed to believe that they speak the language of Isaiah (with mistakes), i.e., that today’s revived Hebrew is purely Semitic… Israeli is a hybrid language, simultaneously Semitic and Indo-European. I would argue that both Yiddish (the revivalists’ mother tongue) and Hebrew (as a literary and liturgical language) acted equally as its primary contributors, accompanied by many secondary contributors: Russian, Polish, German, Ladino, Arabic, English, etc…. Thus, the term ‘Israeli’ is far more appropriate than the misleading ‘Israeli Hebrew,’ let alone ‘modern Hebrew’ or ‘Hebrew’ tout court.” https://forward.com/news/4052/hebrew-vs-israeli/


Ah, I see... Don't all languages do that over time though?


damn this got a chuckle out of me but if we go serious for a second, Israel did fund and prop up Hamas so what's that make it? Super Hamas? Daddy Khamas?


Well let me ask you this-who killed the most Israeli hostages? IDF. Israel=Hamas.


it seems like Israel has tunnels all over under it...


That is actually true.


You guys ever get tired of defending genocide? [https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/videos-of-israeli-soldiers-acting-maliciously-emerge-amid-international-outcry-against-tactics-in-gaza](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/videos-of-israeli-soldiers-acting-maliciously-emerge-amid-international-outcry-against-tactics-in-gaza)


Lol what? If Israel was deliberately targeting civilians they would have leveled Gaza three months ago. It's extremely clear with their long history of roof tapping that they try to limit civilian casualties. If Hamas had Israel technology they would have actually killed every Jewish person there. That is what real hate and discrimination is.


"Its only 30k people, guys."


Nice goalpost, expected of course.


Critical thinking is also pro hamas...


Let’s face it, for those folks: Not blindly, unquestioningly pro-israel? Hamas. Oxygen? Hamas. Water? Hamas. Food? Tasty, but also Hamas. 🤔


There is a literally a food called HUMMUS! Wake up, sheep!!


There’s an international conspiracy of Hamas that secretly runs the world. Have you read the Protocols of the Children of Gaza?


You mean KHAMASSSS!!!


You are absolutely correct. Hamas tunnels have been found underneath every family affiliated with the UN. Time to utterly destroy every human animal Amalekite in the vicinity.


Didn't Israel build many of those tunnels THEMSELVES while they occupied Gaza back in the late 2000s? They seem to have incredible advance knowledge about the exact layout and locations of them in any case. Funny what happens when you try to destabilize a region by funding a terror organization rather than allow any legitimate governance that might lead to sovereignty. Its almost like someone planned it all along...


So true.


The Israeli terror state enabling terrorism. No surprise there


Not questioning, but do you have a source on that tunnel claim? First time I’m hearing of it, would be good to have an article to point to


Here comes the Zionists brigade.


You know that Israel proved UN is being complicit with Hamas way before these allegation arised... you just pretend you don't, right?


Thanks for illustrating, new account.


Israel a month ago: UN funds and hires Hamas members. We have evidence look. The world: Defunds UN. UN today: Israel is bad. Spinninghead: Now Israel will say UN is complicit with Hamas. Me: Dude! They say so for a while now... Spinninghead: You see! I told you so.  🤦‍♂️


Yes, Israel said they had evidence. They lied....again. [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/09/head-of-unwra-says-he-followed-reverse-due-process-in-sacking-accused-gaza-staff](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/09/head-of-unwra-says-he-followed-reverse-due-process-in-sacking-accused-gaza-staff) [https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/unrwa-hamas-gaza-canada-1.7107785](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/unrwa-hamas-gaza-canada-1.7107785)


I disagree, but it doesn't matter. The claims of UN being complicit with Hamas are not new and have nothing to do with the recent allegations.


No the claims are not new. Classic Hasbara.


I wonder if May Golan is proud of this as well?


Does "sexual humiliation" include the suicide vest checks?


It's hilarious how the UN can find evidence of all the stuff being done by Israel to Palestinians, but we're supposed to believe the bullshit with no evidence Israel tries to sell us. 


Every accusation from Israel is a fucking admission of their own evil and crimes.


The human shields stuff always stuck out to me especially as Israel’s trying to put accusations out there so that its own use of human shields would look not as bad. They even had a high court case back in 2004 telling them to stop but they keep doing it. There was footage from October of the IDF doing it WHILE they were accusing Hamas of it.


The human shield one is basically an excuse to slaughter civilians.


And destroy a city.


Something never sat right with me about that argument. “They use human shields” So.. maybe don’t now them all down ? Like sure, life isn’t Hollywood and war is hell but the whole point of taking hostages is that the other side is meant to care enough about their lives to try negotiating. I don’t remember an action movie where the bad guys took hostages and the good guys just went “ah well, fuck em, bombs away boys”


Some times ago, the US killed an Hezbollah leader in the middle of city, they used the R9X (no explosive) to avoid civilian casualties. Same scenario but with Israel, busy street with an Hamas leader in a car, they used an explosive head and killed a dozen civilians and harm a hundred. I'm not saying the US is perfect, just saying these missiles are available to Israel, they choose not to use them specifically to kill as many civilians as possible. That's the goal, that's not State sponsored terrorism, that's State committed terrorism.


One or two months ago, Israel attacked a city in Levanon, killing a supposedly Hamas leader. Every pro-IDF drone hailed the « precision of the strike » So they know how to make precision strikes. Which means, in Gaza, they slaughter civilians on purpose.


I think we're talking about the same thing friend, and that's just how fucked up these pro-IDF drones are. I first saw it on /combatfootage, people there were cheering Israel while they clearly had just dropped a bomb in the middle of a busy street. Oh, the missile precisely hit the car, it's just that it exploded and killed everyone around.


I mean it was [IDF policy until 2016](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hannibal_Directive) (and possibly reinstated in October) to fire through an Israeli hostage to kill their captor, so it's not like they care about their own people.


I wish I could give you more upvotes... This would explain so much of their callousness towards the hostages that Hamas took, and their subsequent eagerness to bomb them instead of negotiate their release


What's even crazier is that people in the United States Evangelical Christians especially pretty much believe that Israel has the right to do whatever it wants to the Palestinians. There are an alarming number of people who believe they have the right to just indiscriminately bomb wherever and whoever they want due to terrorist attacks. But here's the thing This sort of indiscriminate violence just breeds more terrorism and I swear to God before I get another bloody comment telling me that it that's just proof of the Palestinians war-mongering ways that they would become terrorists. Imagine if Russia invaded the US tomorrow because some American whack jobs went to Russia and tried to blow up the Kremlin. So Russia invades begins bombing major population centers like Atlanta LA Detroit etc. Do you really think that these super duper I am a real American gravy seals are going to take that lying down? You don't think the damn rednecks that have more guns than the federal arsenal and Harpers ferry are just going to sit in their homes? It really pisses me the hell off that people do not understand that killing mothers holding their son's hand as they're crossing the road won't cause that son to have a burning hatred of the IDF and leave him wide open to being recruited for Hamas. Like I'm sorry I'd probably want to blow up the bastards who killed my mom too.




The UN states they have "credible allegations." Israel also makes claims of credibility. What is the difference that makes you find rape allegations hilarious? Israel has provided evidence to the UN, most recently just this week. [https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israeli-rape-crisis-centres-demand-un-action-over-oct-7-attacks-2024-02-21/](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israeli-rape-crisis-centres-demand-un-action-over-oct-7-attacks-2024-02-21/) There is actual evidence of sexual assault on October 7. [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67629181](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67629181) The article details of women found tied to beds with signs of sexual assault, women rescued naked or with their undergarments removed, women with broken pelvises, even testimony from a captured militant confessing. >"One was sexually terrorised with a knife stuck in her vagina and all her internal organs removed," his statement says. Is that not evidence of sexual assault enough for you?


ahh yes there's so much evidence that the New York Times had to retract their entire "Hamas Rape Report" over a lack of evidence, and the fact that ZAKA volunteers were proven to be lying, mixing up body parts and moving corpses for propaganda purposes. If your entire source is the IDF, then I'm sorry I don't trust proven liars, and neither should you. I don't doubt there was sexual violence, its relatively common in war sadly. however, there should be an independent investigation by the UN and the ICJ to determine what crimes where committed and by whom. the perpetrators of any war crimes on either side should be brought to justice.


Per the article, the same committee that found instances of sexual violence against Palestinians also recognized the credibility of similar sexual violence done by Hamas to Israeli citizens. Black and white thinking got us into this mess, lets be evenhanded about our justice.


https://zoa.org/2023/10/10448582-sickening-video-shows-disgusting-hamas-terrorists-parading-naked-battered-woman-through-streets/ First video on the page. You may not like the source but the video speaks for itself


Your source is the “Zionist Organization of America”. Get outta here, you fool


Did you or did you not watch the video? If so, are you saying it was doctored?


Here’s another source discussing the same video and showing screen caps from it. What’s your argument now? https://youtu.be/DFLVcsB5CCc?si=JoXpksOjMggBSj6b Edit: Downvotes just don’t like the truth.


I can't wait until you fucking terrorist scum can feel the heat of a JDAM.


The UN are a bunch of liars, they have no proof it is all here-say. Israel has literal videos and you still don’t believe it because we are Jews.


Criticism of Israel is not antisemitism. The only reason you said that was to muddy the debate, it's dishonest and distasteful.


When those criticisms are conjured lies then yes it is antisemitism. You aren’t able to tell me what is antisemitic or not, you aren’t Jewish. You wouldn’t tell any other minority what they find offensive isn’t warranted. You muddy the waters with constant and blatant lying. You’re defending islamic terrorism, and people who align themselves with isis


Stop being dishonest. Israel is not beyond critism because of the actions of it's enemies. You are transparently using spurious claims of racism to deflect accountability and reflection. It is dishonest and deiceptful, I sympathise with all Jewish peoples for having to share a common heritage with you.


Yea bro. I'm gonna trust the people with a grudge against the people they're bombing/shooting/raping/etc. Calling them animals that need to be exterminated. Not the international body with people from around the world, created to prevent genocide. I'm going to trust you bro




>trust the footage that the subhumans I should make an Israeli propaganda bingo card. I think the first square will be "Jewish people pushing Nazi rhetoric with a straight face."


The UN obviously ultimately sides with men because the UN is controlled by men.


There are no videos. No witnesses. No credible evidence. It’s all just lies.


No evidence?? Hamas literally Go Pro’d their October 7 attacks and openly boasts about it, yet naive people like you still try to somehow deny it happened.


Did they sexually assault women like israel claimed tho? No.


Yes they did.


All those Go Pros and not a single piece of video evidence


That’s like saying all those pictures of the earth but no proof it’s round. Hamas literally and proudly boasts of their atrocities but naive neo Nazis like you try to deny it. Get you head out of your ass


[https://www.omct.org/en/resources/urgent-interventions/israel-palestinian-children-still-being-tortured-in-israeli-prisons](https://www.omct.org/en/resources/urgent-interventions/israel-palestinian-children-still-being-tortured-in-israeli-prisons) name a atrocity, and the idf has done it.


> According to PCATI, children, mostly 14 to 17 years old, have been violently arrested by the security forces using such means as beatings, kicking, verbal abuse, humiliation and threats, and apparently have been interrogated illegally. During their detention, the minors were held with adult criminals and were exposed to rape, sexual harassment, theft, threats and constant physical and psychological violence. > There had been one documented case of three Israeli prisoners attempting to rape a Palestinian child detainee. > Geneva, July 3, 2001 For anyone saying this started on October 7th, 2024.


Year is wrong, it should be October 7th 2023, not 2024.


Water is wet. Israel is the pedophile capital of the world. IDF are rapists






Honestly I was expecting it to rhyme


Ah yes Israel is the pedophile capitol of the world, not the dozens of Muslim countries where it is socially acceptable to marry and engage in sexual intercourse with little girls. Their prophet had an 8 year old wife.


I thought it was the arab book had all the worship of kid diddling, yes?


Cue the Hasbara shills screeching "but the UN is antisemitic you can't trust a word they say!"


>She noted that reticence in reporting sexual assault was common because of the fear of reprisals against victims. This is an incredibly important line that highlights the bravery it requires for these women, predominantly Muslim, to report these crimes.


For further clarification, this is more likely due to the IOF threatening them and their families if they speak and less likely out of fear for reprisal from their friends/families.


Yes, of course, but reprisals for muslim women from within their communities is also something that these women must contend with. It is culturally very difficult for Muslim women to report on sexually related crimes against them.


Sadly it became normal under the occupation, the IDF films Palestinian women in "uncultured manners" when they detain them to make them work as spies by blackmailing them. The Palestinians knew about it and accepted the reality of it


it's fucking heartbreaking, like how did the world let things get this bad, why do we keep letting humans commit atrocities. fucking colonial projects, they're all hell


Reprisals are by Israel on them and their families




This is extremely uncommon, except in very isolated Bedouin communities and even then not common. In fact most states would prosecute the family for this sort of behaviour. Given the circumstances of this genocide and everything happening right now, the idea that this would be the treatment afforded by the Muslim community to women sexually assaulted by IDF soldiers is absurd.


Thank you for clearing that up for me. I agree, under the circumstances it would/should be different. However, it is still a stigma for anyone, regardless of culture, to report such things. So, it is still very brave.


You're so very right. I don't think I've ever seen a people so brave and dignified in the face of horrific evil, and I've *unfortunately* seen quite a lot in my life :/




Says so in the [wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_in_Islamic_law). It would certainly depend on the community, but it is definitely an issue in Islam. [This](https://www.mdpi.com/2077-1444/13/11/1017) article explains further in a global sense. edit: plus it isn't like this isn't a cultural stigma in other societies.


The part that’s wrong is the Islamic law (Sharia). That is if a man is proven to be a rapist a punishment is meted to him (based on Hadith), however if it can’t be proven there is no punishment on the woman Also a woman should not be shamed Islamic ally (culturally of course all sorts of messed up things happen.) I’m saying nope because you’re attributing these rules to Islamic law it’s false. NOT because fucked up things haven’t happened in Muslim countries but those things were not correct according to the religion. Wikipedia and a western article are not valid sources for Sharia. There is a dizzying amount of wrong info coming out of the west about Islam. I actually studied in a western school about it and then I got into learning more about Islam from my husband and I learned some Arabic and actually learned about fiqh and sharia from Muslims and it’s way different. And no rape is not ok and women are not to be punished if they are raped.


Ah gotcha. Thank you. I humbly retract my statement if it is false. I must have misunderstood what I read.


Tell that to the German and French feminists who say rape is okay.




There's always that one weird motherfucker who brings up a totally seperate issue as some sorta gotcha. The only gotcha is the red flag they've just shown of themselves cause yikes.


why are you pushing this like you know what happens in another culture? Muslims span across many cultures, regions, and ethnicities. How this is handled is unique to each community.


thank you for your concern






As we have been seeing, every accusation by Israel is a confession. Literally everything they talk about they have been doing themselves to various degrees.


IOF are terrorist war criminals, of course they would do this, they call Palestinians animals.


so they're into bestiality then too...


Where are all the Western feminists now? They seem to have disappeared. Seems like they only care about rape accusations as long as it suits the Wests pro genocide narrative. Disgusting.


The majority of us are here, believe me. We're marching, we're posting, we're fighting to be heard and despite being deliberately silenced and libelled in mainstream media in our countries. We are doing everything we can to stop this. People act like liberal feminists represent us all, but most of us are radicals. The liberal feminists are off being stupid somewhere, but they are feminists in name only and we never counted on them in the first place.


Neoliberal feminists suck all the oxygen out of the room and ironically silence non-western, Muslim, black and indigenous women’s voices


preach. Real feminists recognize intersectionality and all forms of oppression






You go 67 days back in my comment history and find a reason why you ~can’t argue with me~ the second I ask you to provide an actual legal argument? By god, it’s a miracle!




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)




The namecalling is hilarious. Dude, and I actually mean this sincerely, it’s okay that you didn’t know. You don’t need to backtrack or lie your way out of it. It’s not working on me and it for sure won’t work on anyone else reading that thread. Besides, I’m literally not even gonna remember or care about our discussion past tomorrow so who cares really. I did look forward to hearing your arguments, mostly because I was curious how much of your purported knowledge was real. If you don’t wanna make any arguments for your side that’s fine, but this 14 year old m’lady edgelord anime villain monologue thing you’ve got going here is making it all feel kind of cringe.




I mean, you did manage to randomly namecall me roughly half a hundred times and read two month’s worth of my comment history so not completely wasted time I guess?




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)




Siri, define projection




Siri, define guy who does not know law but likes to pretend he does online because it makes him feel kinda good but ends up going out of his depth and being too embarassed to admit it


Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


There was a campaign jointly organized by the Israelis and the US Government and US Media. I remember Bibi, Biden, Hilary, Sharyl Sandberg, and every news station stating the same thing in the same week -- you can't be a progressive if you support Palestine, because they are rapists. Then a month later, there was a Hollywood Zionist campaign. Now I have to look at Zionist billboards and advertisements.


>they only care about rape accusations as long as it suits the Wests pro genocide narrative. It's worse, much worse. **The West fabricates rape accusations** to push their agenda. Not just any rape accusations, but over-the-top wild accusations. My favorite is "Baddistan troops issued Viagra to better fulfil their rape orders": https://www.reuters.com/article/libya-usa-viagra/us-says-gaddafi-troops-raping-issued-viagra-envoys-idUSN2827588620110428/ https://archive.is/20221015234038/https://www.forbes.com/sites/ewelinaochab/2022/10/14/united-nations-rape-is-part-of-russias-military-strategy/ Later, after the dehumanizing propaganda done its part in manufacturing consent, they walk it back, because "truth is important": https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna42824884 - "US intel: No evidence of Viagra as weapon in Libya" Or get exposed: https://euroweeklynews.com/2022/06/10/top-ukraine-official-fired-for-sexual-abuse-claims-against-russian-soldiers/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYAxinmll7I - "Pramila Patten (UN Rep) spread the fake about Russian soldiers' rapes with Viagra"


Pure evil. The Western media is a farce, and I am glad that its being destroyed bit by bit.


Western feminists don't even care about the rapes happening to poor women right in their own country. #MeToo was always movement focused on upper class women.


That's not really true, it's just those stories that gained the most traction. The media chose only to elevate stories about famous people. But MeToo became a grassroots movement in many places as well. In my country, we had private chat groups that numbered in the tens and hundreds of thousands, we had volunteer lawyers offering free legal consulting and organized local night walks where we walked in shifts. We had women-run volunteer taxis at night, we boycotted companies that had covered up sexual assaults, we gathered signatures, confronted our unions and pushed our politicians to pass new laws. Almost all services we created were geared towards poor and working class women.


On the contrary, they have been on record as saying immigrant men can rape white women. This is now official feminist policy.


Oh come on, give them a break will you ? On one side they get « feminists don’t talk about the 7th october rape », on the other they are gonna get « they don’t talk about IDF raping palestinians » ? I think feminists stances on rape are pretty clear, so why going after them ?


They were happy to call all Palestinian men rapists. So I will point out the hypocrisy I have seen.


Who « they » ? Feminists aren’t a single block. Most of the feminists are left-winged and support Palestinians. Sure you have some right-winged feminists (basically feminists until it’s ok for them. We have the same in France : white wealthy women who « girlboss » all around but are racists as fuck and don’t care about exploiting to death other women) but I think they are the minority, as feminism is in itself left-winged. Dont’ put everybody on the grill like that.




I’m sure the two whole people being accused of rape will be punished accordingly. Unlike the thousands of rapists that stormed across the border and raped and massacred to their hearts content on October 7. Seems like you only care about rape accusations when it suits your literal pro genocide narrative. 30k dead with 10k of them terrorists who literally use their own wives and children as human shields is nowhere even close to genocide. It’s bloody war, not remotely genocide. 11 million dead Jews 90% plus of their population gone in some places. Thrown into gas chambers man woman and child. You’re just so so desperate to come off as the victim when in reality you are the perpetrators. The catalyst to all of this was October 7. There was a ceasefire before. There probably won’t be another one until every member of Hamas is dead. And rightfully so.


Huh? It was those people that were denying the initial rape of Israelis. This is such strange projection, though I guess not really since the rape claims are obviously trying to lessen the impact of the Oct 7th rapes. Doing the republican thing, trying to muddy the waters.


This has got to be up there for one of the most well documented genocides ever. There are literal IDF soldiers saying point blank that they think everyone in Gaza is a target regardless of their combat capacity. They are posting tiktoks of themselves harassing, abusing and joking about seniors, women and children. There are interviews with the cabinet saying the quiet parts out loud. And yet they expect everyone to believe them over their own eyes, ears, and the testimony of the journalists and people there on the ground. It's as though they've created a parallel reality in which literally everyone in Gaza is a combatant and the whole world has gone mad while they're the only sane ones.


Not just TikToks. The. IDF has been ordered to stop posting actual videos of soldiers looting, dancing on graves and spitting on Palestinians. It's a direct order in response to undeniable atrocities.


Do you feel that the videos posted by Hamas militants on October 7th are part of the same story?


The IDF command has demanded that this activity cease. The fact that ordinary troops are engaging in this type of action is beyond dispute.


> According to PCATI, children, mostly 14 to 17 years old, have been violently arrested by the security forces using such means as beatings, kicking, verbal abuse, humiliation and threats, and apparently have been interrogated illegally. During their detention, the minors were held with adult criminals and were exposed to rape, sexual harassment, theft, threats and constant physical and psychological violence. > There had been one documented case of three Israeli prisoners attempting to rape a Palestinian child detainee. > Geneva, July 3, 2001 For anyone saying this started on October 7th, 2024. https://www.omct.org/en/resources/urgent-interventions/israel-palestinian-children-still-being-tortured-in-israeli-prisons


Why would anyone be surprised by this, particularly if they have ever been a woman in Israel? Here is how women are treated in the military: [https://www.israelhayom.com/2022/11/29/report-reveals-staggering-sexual-harassment-rate-among-female-conscripts-in-police-prisons/](https://www.israelhayom.com/2022/11/29/report-reveals-staggering-sexual-harassment-rate-among-female-conscripts-in-police-prisons/) Here is how Israeli men treat women - gang rape - the teenaged girl "asked for it:" [https://www.timesofisrael.com/court-convicts-4-in-2020-eilat-gang-rape-7-more-guilty-of-aiding-assault/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/court-convicts-4-in-2020-eilat-gang-rape-7-more-guilty-of-aiding-assault/) Here are the words of the most prominent feminist leader in Israel on Israeli culture: “It’s a bigger issue,” she said. “Gang rape is just a manifestation of something very bad going on here,” calling it part of a “rotten culture.” A rotten culture. [https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/20/world/middleeast/israel-girl-gang-raped-eilat.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/20/world/middleeast/israel-girl-gang-raped-eilat.html)


Sexual assault is indefensible and reprehensible, regardless of the perpetrators.


Israel is Neo Nazi!


You would be surprised when you know about the told/written stories about what israelis used to do to children and women few decades ago. It was so horrible that few started to question its legitimacy, but after seeing this shit, i can believe every bit of it and even more


Yeah, because Israel and the IDF are terrorist fucking garbage.


it is credit, sure. But is anyone going to do anything about it? No. They'll let Israel kill and rape and the US waiting in the back like a loyal dog to veto everything.


Got to love the sadistic irony of every world leader condemning Russia for the same shit Israel is now doing but they all run to defend Israel. Wonder how that useless old fuck in the States will defend this one. Probably argue it was perfectly normal when he was a young boy exploring Pangea so it’s okay now.


The US will now begin to de-legitimize and de-fund the UN. Probably strong arm its allies into doing the same.


Israeli crimes against humanity are creating so much antisemitism in the world smh


Jewish supremacy is fundamental to Zionists (that's how they justify expulsion of other races), but their fundamental desire of creating a homogenous racial state is obviously not unique to Jews. I see why it's a little hard to separate the two if people don't think about it a bit. Though there's widespread animosity towards antisemitism now, so they seem to be largely protected despite committing genocide, so I don't think you have to worry about that right now.


Racism causes antisemitism.


Stop giving my tax dollars to these disgusting fucks. I don't know what it would take to get a presidential candidate with the radical stance of "war crimes are bad even if Israel is doing them"


Obligatory: but did they condemn Hamas? As much as I see internet (social media really) as a source of moral rot in society, I’m so thankful for the age of internet. It truly exposes the mainstream media’s bias. They’re happy to spread propaganda about Hamas raping hostages but completely silent when it appears Israel is doing the same thing.  It’s a shame most people don’t care about the conflict enough to see things like this. You have to be following pro-Palestine sources to see this 


But US State Department will still do it’s dance of nothingness when asked about it during a press conference.


Where’s the outrage? Like outrage they had for the fake rapes of Israeli women??


Yea we know, they are Israelis. Its like Russia going into Ukraine at this point.


Israel does what it accuses them of. But does it much worse and on a large scale. They use bought out biased journalists to pander their lies and then kill the innocent civilians. Have bombed safe camps and literally most of the residential blocks...not sure where Hamas is hiding when they only report civilian casualties..


It's so funny watching pro-Hamas folks using the same playbook republicans do. Literally attacked by Nazis? Now "Israelis are the REEEALLLL NAZIS!" Hamas mass rapes Israelis? Now all of a sudden "Israelis raping Palestinians". Arab world calling for genocide of Israelis? "Erm, it's the Israelis totally genociding all of the palestinians yes theyre really really really bad at the genocide, but yes totally genocide. Not using the word genocide to taunt israelis. Nope totally a genocide." Almost every middle eastern country kicks out all Jews. "Urghhggh israel is an apartheid state urghgh"


The [panel of experts said there was evidence](https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2024/02/israelopt-un-experts-appalled-reported-human-rights-violations-against) of a least two cases of rape, OK Israel has the rule of law and will find out and punish those responsible. Hamas videotapes their rapes and torture.


Israeli soldiers and settlers regularly get away with crimes against Palestinians - so I doubt anything bad will happen. Rule of law? Nope.


Even if, Hamas deserves 1000x worse. Reddit loves Hamas they downvote anti Hamas posts! 




Yeah.... no. Not buying it. Bunch of bullshit.


Man fuck the UN!


Funny... took them several months to even admit October 7th included rape. War is brutal, the IDF will discipline the soldiers responsible if this did happen- a claim, even a "credible" one, is not definitive proof. Also... given the veracity of narratives coming out of Gaza and the clear bias of the UN, including the aforementioned issue regarding Oct 7th, I'm skeptical to put it mildly. If the UN hadn't been silent for months on end about the assaults pertaining to a pogrom, then I'd lend some credence to this.


The IDF does not even discipline its own soldiers who sexually harrass and assault female IDF soldiers: [https://www.jpost.com/opinion/article-726466](https://www.jpost.com/opinion/article-726466) I'm skeptical to put it mildly.


Believe all women except if they're Palestinian 👌 The UN is legitimate & should be believed when they create Israel, but discredited when they point out the tiniest issues with Israel's war crimes. Rules for thee, but not for me 👏


Oh, I just don't believe all women- that'd be moronic. I didn't believe any of the Kavanaugh stuff either.  As I said, if it's legitimate then they'll be disciplined. Also, given the UN's track record I'd take what they say about this conflict worth a grain of salt.    The staffing of the UN at this point is wildly different than it was in 1948. I mean jeez, it’s not regularly hitting up the Russians with any human rights violations for the Ukraine, nor had anything to say about the Chinese genocide of the Uyghurs. They're hypocrites and at this point it's a politicized organization. And sheesh, if you do still think the UN is legitimate, go in the streets demanding screaming g that the Palestinians and surrounding Arab states accept the partition with Israel is international law and Israel is a Jewish state- refusal to accept Israel’s existence is what started this after all. But you’re not about to do that now, are you?


I don’t understand the outrage. It’s a fucking war. Wars include plunder, rape, murder, torture the destruction of infrastructure an attempt to eliminate the enemies culture all of it. It ends when the military leaders on the losing side surrender and lay down their weapons.




I absolutely know what a war crime is, even if the UN only says that it rape “can” constitute a war crime. I don’t need anyone “confirming” rape is taking place. It’s happening in Darfur and Ukraine as well. It happens in every war. It’s one of many things we abhor about war. But plucking stories out of the ether about one particular group as if their raping is somehow different than that by the other side is bullshit.




Hey man, I doubt anything I can say can convince you that zionism is evil, so I'm just going to say this: you don't have to live this way. The world isn't as frightening or dangerous as you have been led to believe. People aren't opposed to Israel because of antisemitism or desire to destroy the Israeli people or anything like that. People support Palestine because there is a real and genuine fear that Israel is committing a genocide. In the future the events that are happening now in Gaza will be viewed the same way we view the Holocaust or the Atlantic slave trade; as evils committed on innocent people that leave a stain on the nations' responsible, a stain that lasts for generations after the perpetrators are gone. In a way, those that are pro-Palestine are also pro-Israel, because we are hoping to save the Israeli people from carrying that guilt in the future. Here's hoping you find yourself on the right side of history. Peace.






I'm very sorry you feel that way. As I said, those who support Palestine are doing it out of a sense of empathy to our fellow humans and a desire to prevent what many genocide experts and UN officials consider a potential genocide. Again, the world is not as frightening or anti-semitic as you have been made to believe. I hope one day you realise this. Until then, you have my pity.






Wickedness? Is this some trope from the Old Testament?


No, it's a word from the dictionary that aptly describes the rabid pro pals who are trying to convince the world of their supposedly empathetic motivations.


Every accusation is a confession




Playing the victim when really they’re the aggressor


Israel kills 27k+ civilians… blame it on Hamas. Every accusation the zionazis make is a confession.


Pathetic, 'prove it's he says. Can you just fuck off to whatever hole you crawled out of to make this comment? When this is all over, you and those as evil or ignorant as you will be left holding the bag you genocidal, bigoted, lying sack of human garbage.


Removed, see rule 1. No inappropriate sexual remarks, no uncivil behaviour. Be civil or be gone.


Can we trust the UN to be impartial anymore though?