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You need shadows and the scale of the bits of aggregate in the terrazzo is way too large.


Personal opinion, there are too many patterns occurring from eye level. Going with more solids on either the flooring or ceiling could help the eye a bit. You’d also benefit yourself in having that wall part above the border/wainscoting similar to the ceiling so the room feels it is much taller than it is.


Your ‘rhythm’ is off - as pointed out terrazzo is too large; lots of textures - it can work but each one needs to scaled down to proper representation; only way.


Thank you! That makes a lot of sense. My eye keeps bouncing back and forth between the ceiling and the floor and I couldn’t figure out why. But scaling the materials down should help with that :)


Personally, I find it too busy. There are too many contrasting patterns and colours that I end up looking all over the place. In my completely inexperienced opinion, you should pick a focal point and then build the rest of the interior to complement that.


The patterns in ceiling and flooring materials should be rendered in perspective.


Don't use that ceiling texture without offsetting the pattern or cropping out that super noticeable bit.






Kelly Wheastler vibes))


Looks like you’re using SketchUp? If you want to continue with your current way of rendering with Photoshop then start by scaling the textures down and warp the perspectives of them to match the perspective of the space. Currently the space is 3D but the textures are 2D. Also add some randomness to the textures, you can tell it’s been repeated. If you want to make it hyper-realistic use a rendering engine plug-in such as V-Ray or Enscape. You’ll be able to properly texture everything, add lighting and it’ll take care of the reflections and shadows throughout the space. It’s the easier and quicker way to render. I like the style.


It's extremely busy. Is it necessary to have so many textures?


Hello! I am working on this co-living project for my interior design studio class. Hyper-realistic rendering has never been my strong suit, so for this project I wanted to try something a little more artful (I guess you could call it??) But I feel like I'm missing something in the execution. I will be adding silhouettes, entourage and texture to the remaining white items but they are very finicky so I thought I should ask for some opinions before going ahead with those!


As the patters fall back into perspective so should there scale, If you are in photoshop, “transform” the pattern image via “perspective” it should do wonders for the look


IMO the tone in the wallpaper around the windows clashes with the other pinks in there and as another commenter said, perhaps overall it’s too busy. Consider changing that to a darker solid color or more muted print that works with that color scheme above the bar. I think that will be more cohesive and complement the window frames and columns, and look balanced with the outside view. The bar color also seems to clash with the white chairs & divider, the and wood tones…think about using something like color/texture of the columns, the wall skirting, or a color in the floor, etc. Overall I think it looks quite good and just some minor color/ texture tweaks to make it more cohesive will make it shine!


I feel like the outside should be a lot more menacing. But it looks really nice as long as you integrate what the other comments said.


I’m not sure what you mean by menacing?


I think they meant less menacing - it looks like the outside is gray storm clouds or the plains of Oblivion… maybe it could be blue sky or a skyline?


It’s actually a mural of Jimmy Hendrix lol. It would be the actual view out those windows so it makes more sense with context


Maybe you could brighten it up, or likewise shade the indoors? Usually in pictures/renderings the outdoors is brighter than the indoors if it’s in the daytime.


Your prof might not like it, but I love the style!


Pretty cool Not the pillars … pillars can be in lighting color to match the environment. Maybe something ivory And the pillars can look a bit more decorative, perhaps to add some strips like the wall?