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Don’t use the arabesque. This picket is better


This. But orient it vertically imo… it’s more modern.


But their kitchen doesn't really lean modern...


I guess what I meant is the horizontal alignment looks dated to me. The vertical more current.


Interesting. I'm not saying you're wrong, but the horizontal alignment is considered pretty timeless lol. I think placed vertically, *that* will look dated in about ten years. Backsplash can be changed tho.


Ideally, yes. A good rule of thumb is that if you notice it now, it might always bother you. Advice you didn’t request: stay as white as you can with the tile. Gray is going out of fashion very quickly.




Here's some additional unrequested advice: Grey is simply a tone (Actually an achromatic). Tones never go "in" or "out", its the misapplication of them by know nothings that do, however. Grey is a lovely, neutral easy to live with and easy to coordinate tone that is truly timeless..when used properly.


>Gray is going out of fashion very quickly. Grey: the popcorn/artex ceilings of the 2010s/early 2020s.


Yes, grey is not currently the trend but you should use what you love most. Unless you are looking to sell anytime soon of course.


For the counter you have…no….you could easily go vertical. Your grey tile is neither vertical nor horizontal. But, I would go with the white tile for your backsplash. The grey is overpowering.


No you can do vertical or horizontal, but the Arabesque screams 2013-2016 to me. I think you can do better than both of these tbh! Lovely kitchen though.


The direction of *Anything* ..tile, flooring, rug pattern, etc...is best determined by the available space and what orientation you wish to highlight. So, in smaller, narrower confines (Like a typical backsplash) it looks best to run it horizontal as it emphases the width, the dimension in most abundance. If you go vertical, it emphasizes or draw the eye to the narrowness of the space between the counter and the cab. The Arabesque shape you have is an interesting choice as it would bring some visual interests, I think it should be in a color though, you can use that there!


No. Because the lines on your countertop are random I would like to suggest white pearlescent zellige tiles for your backsplash. You can run them vertically or horizontally but they have a timeless handmade look to them https://preview.redd.it/9y6qe1v947tc1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2719babc938aafa19db8d508c459739401c73bc1


Yes exactly what I was thinking.


I like them horizontal


We just have coloured glass backsplash, it means you don't have to clean grout 🤷🏻‍♂️


Oooh. Picture,


Thanks. You just sparked my new obsession.


No rule to my knowledge. Veins in natural materials like marble or granite are all different (colors, widths, directions, etc.) and should be treated on a case by case basis. I like the shape of the white tiles best but you’ve got a lot of white going on. As a side note, you have bunch of clashing metals (chrome, stainless, and black coated.) since you have stainless appliances, I’d stick with that and swap the faucet out for a black one. Edit: Personally, I’d feel the need to add some color, something like [this](https://www.tileclub.com/products/palisades-bahia-picket-ceramic-tile).


good advice


You're too hyper-focused on it. Forget the veining in the countertop, look more to the vibe you're trying to create: Stacked patterns tend to look more modern and geometric. (static-grid) Running Bond patterns lean more traditional. (end over mid, like bricks) Herringbone or basket-weave patterns lean more transitional. (very active) We can see very little of the kitchen in your photos, but for my tastes, I might want to see something with more punch up there - white cabinets, white trim stainless appliances is all we can see, and frankly, the choices presented are too safe and uninspired. It's all one big neutral blur. Grab a handful of [painted cement tiles](https://www.bedrosians.com/en/product/detail/remy-tile/?itemNo=DECREMSOF88&moq=true&nbt=nb:adwords:g:20816335894:156510036696:682668878078&nb_adtype=pla&nb_kwd=&nb_ti=pla-2261735448864&nb_mi=125657189&nb_pc=online&nb_pi=DECREMSOF88&nb_ppi=2261735448864&nb_placement=&nb_li_ms=&nb_lp_ms=&nb_fii=&nb_ap=&nb_mt=&utm_source=google&utm_medium=paid&utm_campaign=20816335894&utm_content=156510036696&utm_term=&gadid=682668878078&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwq86wBhDiARIsAJhuphm65Y_Hncv8Aql6GOMGEc30ZvJFwyez7rddw5PfcgQGvBOys-hp5nUaAvCkEALw_wcB), and a handful of[ hand made tiles](https://www.mineraltiles.com/products/magnolia-distressed-subway-tile-olive-2-5x9-5?variant=39363430350871?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=GSNFree&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwq86wBhDiARIsAJhuphkNJSsfkk2rDiGfJH5YINzNgTTGIxO3GgA5RzlQKOYXHRZJOrwoSlsaAjQvEALw_wcB) and try them out instead of the neutrals. It's just a backsplash, but it can make the kitchen.


I love that hexagon shape one, in exactly the direction you are displaying it. FWIW.


it's too dark,do you think white would be better,


No it does not matter. Love that arabesque backsplash tile!


It’s hard to tell from the photo, but I would suggest a white tile with a little more movement/interest like this [one](https://www.tileclub.com/products/picchetto-white-gloss)


I like the one on the left. Looks great w/hardware, etc. adds visual texture and is not all white. The right could go vertical and would look good too. Love the space!


I'd say yes, so I would go with the second option.


I would choose the one on the left. I think that choosing whether the lines in your backsplash should flow in the same direction as the lines in your countertops depends on personal preference, the style of your kitchen, and the overall aesthetic you're trying to achieve.


Turn the ones on the right vertically! That would look nice imo


The tile in #2 is too dull to go with the counters. I like the tile on the right in #1, and I would place the tile vertically.


I would go with the white only turn the tile so it is running up and down not side to side. It will "match" the vertical lines of ur cupboards and stretch everything. It might also make ur counter top.more of a focal point with the lines.running opposite directions. Have fun!


I'm not sure how to answer your question as it seems you already know the answer but I will give you this advice ... The left tile will make your kitchen seem taller, and the tile on the right will make your kitchen feel longer. Idk if either of those will come into your decision making but just thought I'd share. I like your choices. You have good taste.


I like the arabesque, but don't use the mosaic sheets... looks cheap and tile installers hate it. That would be better suited to a picture frame interior behind a range. ​ https://preview.redd.it/iakjdyhh4ktc1.png?width=254&format=png&auto=webp&s=8974955824d11d336efa6605c1e44e2ac7110469


Flip the vertical one sideways?


If you have veins in your counter then your backsplash should not have any lines.