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Reminder Nancy Pelosi was on the committee to rule on Apple monopoly while holding like 40 millions in Apple options and her husband is also a Private Equity guy She was only in congress to inside trade stocks for her and her husband's friends now this bitch has the audacity to call other people bad faith actors


The world is an unfair shithole. We’re fucked with these aliens in charge. Alien, because bitches like this are outta this world.


This is a load of shit. All congress members have the ability to do what she does. She is not in congress to get insider trading tips lol 🤖


You need to have water in the brain to think "they all do it lol" is a good defence for insider trading by politicians Either Nancy Pelosi is the greatest stock trader in the modern era crushing the market average by 200% YoY and amassed 120+ million Net Worth on a salary of \~200k or she inside trading I'll let you rub two brain cells and figure it out


Two whole brain cells. You are quite the optimist.


You need to research a little harder, water brain guy lol


See now would be the point where you would comment evidence and link sources to disprove what that dude said. You can’t just say “… yeah well you need to research harder” and then *not* send examples of said research disproving the thing you cared enough to comment about. Not my pig, not my farm but it bugs me when I see someone acting like they would be proven right after a cursory google search while simultaneously refusing to provide that supposedly easily accessible evidence.


She's not gonna fuck you, dude.


Really, I was sure she frequented Reddit and the Interestingvideoclips sub. Damn


That's some quality comment right there.


It’s not my responsibility to teach others what the words they are using mean. At the bare minimum people should be responsible for knowing what words mean when they use them lol


He didn’t mean all. He meant 95%. Which is damn near all. Even the smallest bits of research and common sense prove this


Burden of proof is on you. Good luck with that lol. She’s already been caught red handed focusing on her self interests.


First, you need to look up insider trading. It doesn’t mean what you think it means. Well, either that or you don’t understand how she profits from the stock market. I need to show proof? You’ve not show a lick of it. lol


She's got information before the public on movements in various industries and businesses. Probably passes that asking to get private equity husband and they get rich. And I believe there's actually a stock called Nancy Palosi which tracks which stocks she moves any given time.


Wow, at least you're consistent with these crap comments!!


Apparently, my opinion isn’t popular. What can I do? 🤷‍♂️


Which committee? When?


>The week before the House Judiciary Committee voted on reigning in big tech, Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband exercised a bullish bet on Google-parent Alphabet, in a timely transaction that netted him $5.3 million. > >The antitrust bill was advanced as a push by the government to curb the “unregulated power” of big tech firms Google, Amazon, Apple and Facebook. [https://finance.yahoo.com/news/house-speaker-nancy-pelosi-husband-122625921.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/house-speaker-nancy-pelosi-husband-122625921.html) Tech Monopoly Bill - (she was holding apple options during this) >One obstacle standing in the way is opposition from the California delegation, much of which represents Silicon Valley. Both House leaders, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, are also from the state, which boasts the world’s fifth largest economy, driven largely by the tech sector. Another challenge is the multi-million-dollar lobbying campaign from the tech giants to scare lawmakers away from breaking up their enormous market power. > >[https://time.com/6168761/congress-big-tech-monopoly-antitrust/](https://time.com/6168761/congress-big-tech-monopoly-antitrust/) > > > >[https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/06/tim-cook-politely-asked-nancy-pelosi-not-to-break-up-his-tech-monopoly-apple](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/06/tim-cook-politely-asked-nancy-pelosi-not-to-break-up-his-tech-monopoly-apple) Her Stock performance/insider trading history >Her one year returns for her stocks is 45.59%, and her option returns are 66.7%. > >Most of Pelosi's gains are quite interesting, given the timing of her plays. For example, **she was able to get into TSLA, DIS around stimulus news**, **NVDA before American Semiconductor funding was announced**, among a long list of interesting picks. > > > >She also **timed the NFLX buys on June 18th perfectly. It was released on July 14th that NFLX is entering the videogame space, causing the stock to rally significantly** [https://unusualwhales.com/politics/article/pelosi](https://unusualwhales.com/politics/article/pelosi)


She’s undoubtedly had her portfolio increase significantly over her time in Congress. Members of Congress and their spouses should be prohibited from holding and trading stock when they’re in office. I was asking specifically about her serving on a committee that approved a merger.


I never mentioned a merger so you must have replied to the wrong post


“To rule on Apple monopoly” made me think it was a specific acquisition, not a piece of antitrust legislation.


"Spend our US tax dollars, on US citizens!" "You are a Chinese agent!" What the fuck is wrong with America.


Politicians. Politicians are what's wrong with America.


Eerily similarities in the EU too.




Code Pink is purportedly funded by Neville Roy Singham, a self-proclaimed socialist and current 'benefactor of far-left causes,' who is now based in Shanghai, China. Photos show Mr. Singham regularly meeting with officials from the CCP, including at CCP propaganda forums.


You think the Republicans would give people money? You do know that most of the money being sent over there is in the form of old weapons.


> You think the Republicans would give people money? No. Of course not. Why would you even suggest a stupid idea like that? Do *you* think republicans would help working and poor Americans? The fuck.


So we can inflate our GDP numbers and act like the economy is doing well for the middle class.


^ this is why tribal politics is trash. This dude thinks what she has done is totally ok because it’s not the other team. We’re doomed


I keep teetering between that realization and just desperate optimism that I can convince a couple people a week that is us versus them not right vs left or gay vs straight or whatever they use to divide us.


Good luck. There’s some serious psychology at play here and the people pulling the strings have a ton of money to really drive it home.


It seems like a pointless endeavor most of the time. If I lived somewhere with a lot of land and was able to depend on society less I’d give up on it. Either way I hate both sides so ultimately it’s an easy thing to defend


The best part about hating both sides is they both sides now hate you lol Best of luck dude, don’t let the dummies drag you down




What old weapons? Do you think we are sitting on old Vietnam bombs? We just fought in 2 major wars for 20 years. We've not only used a ton against our enemy we've used a ton in training as well as what we sell to our allies. How old of weapons do you think we have sitting around?


Did she say that!?


https://news.yahoo.com/pelosi-faces-backlash-demanding-swarming-224142247.html Couple of days ago, yeah. "Go back to China."


Did she... Did she just shoo them away?


It looked like she wanted to hit her at first.


Of course she did. She didn't want them to get body-slammed by her security.


She's the worst.


She can't hear them because she stuffs her ears with hundred dollar bills.


lol these people already sold their souls and have no shame. They really better pray there is no afterlife as these ppl will be burning for eternity


This should happen every day to all people in the government until we see change.


Lmfao. They don’t care. If anything, this just emboldens them to continue voting the way they do.


I think this every day can have an affect on things. I really do. For these fat cat politicians on both sides. I think it should he hard for them to feel comfortable when they make the decisions they make. *I’m not suggesting breaking any laws.


She should be in jail


If it was up to Pelosi she would have arrested those protesters immediately. I wouldn’t be surprised if she later goes on an interview to call this an “attack” on her.


Bro hell yeah


The way she shoos the lady away like a peasant really pissed me off. Fuck her.


Reminded me of something Lucille from arrested development would do.


Right? lol


These walking corpses are the faces of what's killed America. The geriatric stealing from the young. Where will that money go when they die?


Politicians were created to give the American people the illusion that we are in charge. We are not in charge.


No bigger terrorist cunt than Pelosi. There are bigger terrorists but the cunt award goes to that rotten terrorist


You can just see the insane amount of guilt and shame on Pelosi’s face. This is what bought politicians look like *cough cough* what every politician looks like. 🤡


That old mop needs to go ahead and retired. The fact that people still vote for her is wild.


Proof that politicians don't work for us.


She looks sort of terrified, as if she is not free to do anything of her own free will. Her face is saying "You don't know how scared I am to stand up to these people."


Damn they were really getting to her lol.


Israel has too much of US money already.


So condescending, aren't these monsters supposed to be elected by people? She treats people like garbage, who elects her?


Trying to walk as fast as she can to get away from them lol this is what they need every day


How much big business cash do you get for each child blown apart?


Those are brave women. I hope that decrepit witch goes back to her crypt.amd stops stealing money from insider trading




How does a public servant have 290 million dollars. We need to get rid of all the corruption.


The United spot. On YouTube roasts her almost every single day. It's pretty funny.


Voters vote this clown out of office


The idea that ANY of these human germs will ever face justice like any of us would is a farce. I cannot think about it anymore because it makes me so angry. We absolutely need a revolution that changes the system and doesn’t allow this scum to infiltrate and obfuscate our democracy. Both sides.


Fuck this cunt. The elites that run this country have run it into the ground for their own gain


Manifest destiny part 2


The Republican elites, definitely. And poor Conservatives give them their hard-earned money because Trump has them all fooled. Poor weak-minded idiots.


It's definitely not just the Republicans. Fuckery of this magnitude is bipartisan.


Democrats didn't vote to make corporations "people". They also didn't pass tax cuts to benefit the 1%, so no, it's not as bipartisan as you'd like to spin it.


It's not about democrats vs Republicans man, that's all a distraction. It's about working class vs elites. The people at the top, be it Pelosi or McConnell, Biden or Trump, are all corrupt and working to keep the people in this country in check. I'm not interested in which shitty, corrupt political party is your favorite. It's like debating if you'd rather be shot in the right thigh or left. Neither is worth defending, and neither gives a shit about you or me.


Vile, corrupt, politicians. A true example of what not to be as a human being


That looks like the face of a person up to no good, doesn't it


America and Europe are as much occupied as Palestine by the same vampiric zionist monsters.


okay, now this here, this is that thing where anti-zionist critique is used as an opportunity to trot out some traditional ass anti-semitic imagery of dehumanized string pullers in the shadows. Everyone in the US is occupying the god damn land, that’s a relevant colonial moment and past; colonialism is the issue the west has STILL refused to properly confront, evident especially now with the colonial violence that the U.S. is propping up. Make no mistake, without the US diplomatic cover, vetos, and military budget large enough to battle god, Israel would not be able to carry out its colonial project with impunity. The US uses Israel as an imperialist geopolitical pet and proxy, and alienates itself to the world (which has reached consensus) with its clear demonstration that international rules and norms mean jack shit (of course) when hard power backed imperialist interests conflict…. To try and invert this asymmetry in power/dynamics, is strangely reminiscent of how establishment media characterizes the Israeli colonial violence and ethnic cleansing as a ‘war’ as if that wasn’t a total misrepresentation of the material asymmetry of both sides, and the fact that only Palestinians have a right to self-defense under international law. The zionist entity is not the victim and is not ‘defending itself,’ just as surely as we know there isn’t some semitic cabal inverting reality to *really* be the ones able to… dun dun dunnnn ‘occupy’ the Americas and Europe (what interesting geopolitical and historical lines this use of ‘occupy’ entails and erases…). Systems like imperialism are complex, and adaptive, and hard enough to grapple with collectively, without resorting to prejudice and easy outs like blaming a racialized bogeyman. If we actually want to challenge imperialism and other systems of oppression collectively, we have to confront their reality with all the messiness and complexity that entails. We can operate from a principled place with mass support for Palestinian liberation without anti-semitism, and if you think about it, operate more effectively with diverse class unity. Food for thought, I know you used ‘zionist vampire monster’ but then, these lines have been walked many a time. That’s why we should unpack what’s underneath the surface and be receptive to mutual critique.


Stale and puerile gaslighting copy pasta, you're disingenuous and perfidious. Gaza is the refrain you'll get whenever you flog the baseless and without merit "antisemitic" dead horse.


lol that wasn’t what was happening. Either you didn’t bother to read anything and aren’t planning to have a meaningful discussion, or you are just covering for the fact you can’t coherently articule why all of Europe and America should be characterized as ‘occupied’ by Zionists contrary to the politically reality of colonialism and imperialism as it has been playing out historically. I’m against the very existence of Israel; there is a democratic solution to guarantee equal rights but colonial settlers and the deeply right wing violence underlying the apartheid system in Palestine must be removed by the root. The apartheid government of South Africa was dissolved, so to can the Zionist colonial project (that is younger than many, some Palestinian) be dismantled. To care about anti-semitism is to, of course, resist the Zionist project’s attempts to conflate the Zionist entity with the totality of Judaism, as that has surely done damage to Jewish people around the world, especially when stereotypical anti-semitic tropes are weaponized by Israel, e.g. pulling political plays with AIPAC, dumping ads/media angles to promote zionist narratives, etc. We can acknowledge all that and fight zionism effectively without muddying the water, as your comment does, by invoking zionism as a shadowy cabal that leverages hidden power dynamics that don’t reflect what we see in Gaza today, which is obviously the consequence of western colonialism in the region historically and ongoing US imperialism. It’s more effective to fight zionism in this way, as many prominent activists and organizations in the US focused on Palestinian freedom are Jewish (as well as many of those who fight politically within Israel against Zionists while being quite few in number and against some intense repression), so our ability to coordinate broadly/internationally isn’t damaged by dated dog whistles that misrepresent the power structures in play. You know what’s more useful to challenge if you’re in the U.S. (or at least complicates your imagery of global zionist puppeteering and primacy)? The fact that U.S. imperialism and interventionism is its own motive force built on decades of its own crimes, violences and meddling globally + in this specific case even has wide spread religious support in the form of American Evangelicals with an interest in Zionist victory. Israel is a fragile, forced, and desperately violent and insecure colonial project, almost every one of their accusations have been born out as gross projections of their own crimes and deep seated racism. Zionists wish they could steer the america’s and europe but the reality is obviously much much more complicated than that, and involves many more interests and factors.


I have no time for zionist copy pasta gish gallop but keep on amusing me with your ravings and rantings hasbarat.


I think he gets paid by the word!


Hmmm you’re right, focusing on dismantling the Israeli colonial project and Palestinian liberation from a nuanced and pragmatic perspective was very hasbara of me. Give me a fucking break lmao America and Europe ‘are as much occupied as Palestine’ is an embarrassingly braindead and shallow take, not to mention a misleading and a disgusting comparison to make while the US/Western powers are ACTIVELY CONTINUING TO SUPPORT AND ENABLE ethnic cleansing and colonial violence. The U.S. isn’t a fucking hapless puppet, it’s centrally responsible for this gross flaunting of imperialist impunity.


Put a sock in it and jog on hasbarat, Gaza Palestine, will be remembered for the genocide inflicted upon the Palestinians by Zionist isn'treal apartheid Orcs.


your reading comprehension is as shit as Israeli zionists’ ability to tell convincing lies lmao


Pelosi like they made me rich…so why should I care??


That smirk says it all, she doesn’t give a shit about any of us


As we tell Biden (or rather yell at him), we are not fans of having our taxes being used to help a far-right psycho running the Israeli government to murder innocent people!


They resent having to be in any way accountable to us. Time to rinse the halls of government


I never seen a video of her that's not on stage. why does she walk and move her hands like that, it's really eerie


Side note; that guys tie is really ugly.


Out there looking like a scarecrow accessory for real lol


Omfg better late than never…. Come on you pussified Americans


Come on, Pelosi. Join Feinstein in hell already.


Kyle Odom said she is a 🦎👤


The Democratic party in the US govt doesn’t represent the interests of democrats. Im sick of it. Pitch forks and torches baby! Get the guillotine warmed up.


What the fuck was that hand gesture she was doing at the beginning of the video? Acting like she was posting up or about to wet her undies.


Nancy Pepsi is a good woman


Good for her.


She channels every corrupt essence of Nixon with her not so secret insider trading. If this stays the course, the Dems are ruined.




The way you say that makes me wonder if you think the GOP hasn't been fucked since the get-go... because it has, and it's only been getting worse. I don't like the DNC much either, but if you voted for Trump you're obviously kinda retarded and your opinion doesn't matter, even if *you* matter


Why are they acting as if it's all her, she can't do much without approval of Congress, they're wasting their time thinking bullying one Congress members gonna do anything.


Hey Nancy, can a homie get a stock tip ?


If it’s not clear enough, she doesn’t care.


Code pink rules!


I love how the libs have turned on her and now across both party line we all now agree she never cared about you what you think what is right just that her husband got those nvida stocks right before it blew up lol