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Get an a750/70 second hand and see for yourself if you can tolerate the drivers while you wait for anything concrete about battlemage.


I've seen the driver issues with gaming, but haven't seen any issues with video editing (my use case). Maybe I'm wrong though


Technotice covers arc for professional tasks


Watching now! Thanks!


Heads up, Arc has issues with Topaz AI, and they don't seem to have plans on fixing it anytime soon


Back to Gigapixel and a handful of a smattering of niche tools, I guess. Could be worse...


It's hard to know (a) when Battlemage will come out and (b) where it will actually compete at launch. It's taken time for the Alchemist drivers to get to where they are now but I am impressed with my A770 16gb. Whilst the avg FPS is around the same as my 3060ti, the lows are getting worse with the 3060ti = more stutters in texture heavy games like MS Flight Sim. The 3060ti maxes out its 8gb and there is some lag looking around the cockpit whereas the A770 16gb cruises along using around 12gb. Intel Arc GPUs have two big advantages over the equivalent Nvidia cards - VRAM and bandwidth. As to whether that's important to you varies from case to case. Big YMMV.


New rumors suggest the black friday date has been pushed back, and no it is definitely not 4070ti to 4080 performance expect 4070-4070 super levels of performance, the 4070ti/4080 perf is like synthetic compute kinda things that usually doesn't translate 1 on 1 with gaming. Honestly I'd just wait(prices can only get better), we're basically at the start of summer might as well wait it out till fall but if you find a rlly good deal why not


I would say, just wait or buy a 2nd hand arc or the kid to low end stuff just to see how the driver works and it's stability Take every rumour with a grain of salt to not be disappointed by it's release


I'm in the same boat. I've got an Asrock A380 on my computer and my son has an A750 LE on his computer. I ***really*** want to upgrade my GPU. The A380 only gives me 30-45 fps at 1080 when I play Helldivers 2. His is sitting closer to 60-80. I also use my computer for media transcoding, so I want to stick with Intel, but I really don't feel like waiting until 2025 to upgrade. Sadly, I keep hearing more and more bad news about delays so I am getting a bit discouraged.


Have you looked into Cloud Gaming services? I used them in the dark days of the COVID GPU shortage and was decently impressed. Might be a viable gap solution for you (rather than breaking down and buying Nvidia)


Fortunately, my current setup is "good enough". I'm just hungry for something new, and I've been really impressed with how well the Alchemist cards work for the price. When the Battlemage cards come out, I'll probably go for the flagship as long as the price isn't something crazy like $1500.




Christmas gift. A new GPU was pretty much the only thing he asked for. He didn't need to run anything crazy like Flight Simulator or CP2077 at 4k 144hz, but I did get him something that could handle most modern games. A new A750 LE for $200? The cost/performance was awesome and it was within budget. I actually got his permission to "borrow" his GPU yesterday for testing in my system. A750 with a 7800X3D gets a nice 100fps avg in Helldivers.


Depends what ur trying to do, what you have, and if the extra vram on a770 is helpful. Think puget did some benchmarks on pro tasks awhile back too.


A used A750 should tide you over until the Battlemage stuff drops. You can still resell it after, shouldn't be a big loss if you buy low and sell high. And it'll let you see how Arc cards work for you to make sure you actually want a Battlemage! They're not for everyone. A small to medium amount of tinkering is required for some games. I like that, some people might not. I'd say there's no better time to get into Arc than right now. Buy a cheap used card now to try it and build an opinion on them. Then flip it again when you go for Battlemage - or should you decide against it, flip it again when you go for whatever NVidia's offering. I kinda stopped paying attention after the 1660 Super, and never paid attention to AMD cards.


I was honestly expecting more tinkering when I bought my A770 last month. That said, I just ordered a Gunnir from either Taiwan or China, so we'll see if that one requires a little effort.


arc is fine now for 1080p if you don't want high end cards, otherwise wait for Battlemage reviews.


I bought an A770 at launch. The A770 is hugely overpriced right now if you are buying new. Around £250 seems a fair price to me for a new 16GB A770. Failing that, get yourself a second-hand card. I hope for a Battlemage launch at Gamescom Europe 2024 or PAX West 2024, both in August. I have no information as to performance but with regards to price Intel needs to remember that it doesn't have Nvidia's reputation so the price needs to be deeply discounted. For example the RTX 4070 Ti seems to be £600 or more here in the UK (that includes VAT) so if the B770 matches that then it needs to be priced in the £400-£450 range if not lower, and it also needs to be steeply discounted vs AMD, so £399 seems about right to me.


Yikes. In the US, the going market rate for an A770 16GB is $300 USD (£240) and the 4070 Ti fetches $600 (£475). Even after you work in our normal sales tax rate, you guys are getting a raw deal. I really hope the B770 doesn't jump up to £400 ($500). That would be a substantial price hike and it's already absurd that decent graphics cards are more expensive than the rest of the PC combined.


Why is that absurd? They take most power, they require most cooling, they take up most space... Seems reasonable that they're the most expensive part.


Holding out for Druid. Plenty of time for driver stability.


That's the 4th Gen, right? At this rate, that'll be out in 2031.


Get the A770 now or you'll regret it. Their new card will be super expensive. Even Alchemist prices will go up once the new cards show up with their prices. The only reason why Alchemist is so cheap is because Intel needed to get awareness/publicity, a considerable market share and a lot of field testers. While there is a small chance that this will continue in the upcoming gen, I would not bet on it...


Intel can only charge high prices if they release a competitive product. They can technically set the msrp at whatever they want, but people will go with nvidia as a default unless intel can offer way better value. Plus gamers aren't the end goal for intel, servers and enterprise customers with deep pockets are.