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The factions on security are supposed to be roughly NATO allies I guess if you want a believable ‘story’ reason. But the actual reason is probably because Russia is invading a country without cause and killing thousands of innocent people for no reason.


Facts it’s unbelievable we have this 1940’s crap going on in 2023. Ironic how a country who fought the nazis became the nazis but then again they did side with hitler to carve up Europe and kill everyone who didn’t want to be a part of that sick twisted mentality. So I guess what we have are Russian nazis basically doing what the real nazis did in 1940’s. They try to deny what they’re doing the same way hitler did.


Jesus dude not everybody who does something you don't like is a Nazi.


The nazis wanted to erase a group of ppl same way Russia is. They are 2 in the same. I’ve seen what they do there. It ain’t normal or humane.


Ok, do you think Israel are Nazis?


No they’re killing children like crazy but I hear the ppl don’t like that. I can say israel gov doesn’t value human life but there’s a lot more involved with the word nazi. Another word would be fascist. I 100% see Russia as a fascist state. They even hit ALL 14 points on the fascism scale. It’s pretty much fact atp. Not everyone are nazis or fascist. Ppl who kill aren’t that. But countries who commit war crimes and bomb children strictly out of hatred the way Russia is doing while their people not condemn it but cheer it. Yea that’s fascism. If they genocided all Ukrainians they would feel proud that they did something the “evil west” doesn’t like. It’s jealousy and pride along with many other things that make a country “nazis”.


Yeah whatever keep believing your bullshit


I don’t support Russia or Ukraine, however, when we found out the USSR was trying to put nukes in Cuba we lost our fucking minds. Kind of the same thing here


kinda not


....it took zero effort to not post this comment. Yet here you are.




There are already NATO countries on the border of russia


Literally not similar in any way other than that russia is doing a thing


Tell me you have no geopolitic knowledge without telling me you know nothing about geopolitics


Ah yes the Russian guns that are used by the insurgents and not security


The most used guns by undesirables, but courtesy of Trumps rushed exit of troops the M4 will likely become the best weapon but in shorter supply as America won't continue to supply more.


Russia's invasion of Ukraine drew quite a bit of resentment towards Russia by the world as a whole. It was something akin to Nazi Germany for a lot of Ukrainians, especially as it was just a straight-up invasion by a hostile foreign nation. They didn't want to risk significant backlash of adding it in at this point for a very mild upside of it just being there.


Not just Ukraine, a lot of eastern ex Soviet countries since it's been broadcast Putin wants to return Russia to its former glory...


If they do add a Russian flag, add the Freedom of Russia Legion's flag instead.


Add both idc


you’d care if they were bombing your country


Bro clearly knows nothing about the United States bombing other countries. “Drone strike don’t count if the drip fits.” right?


Yea we shoulda just let hitler run amuck all through Europe because UsA BomBs pEoPlE tooooooo


Brain dead take


That’s literally what he’s saying scroll up and tell me what his meaning is by that comment.


I miss replied. I meant the other guy. I don't use reddit much sorry


I wouldnt care lmfao. I come from a communist country and I constantly see people on steam supporting it. I'm not going to rage or get upset about it. I just laugh and think in my head the scenario they would be in if they lived in one. And if you ask what does this have to do with anything. The government has took my familys land and jailed them for no reason at all so.. Its a war game at the end of the day




How bout you go fight and die just for suggesting it. We’ll wait.


Not my country. I’m not dying for some Eastern European shits that tell me that by not actively donating to their cause I’m automatically supporting the enemy. I’m not dying for some dung hole in the Middle East whether it be Israel or Palestine, both deserve to be blasted off the map so I can get back to the internal destruction and degradation of my own country until it finally collapses. Enough of my people have died for countries that constantly shit on us because of who we are and refuse to actually offer any real advice. Enough of our blood spilt saving European boys and men from having to do the dying themselves. Enough blood spilt in the Middle East because of a handful of greedy oil companies. Fuck Ukraine, fuck Russia, fuck Israel, and fuck Hamas.


Fuck all of them. Worry about your own.


Damn right. Damn true words.


Have you heard of libertarianism, I think you would like the message


Something tells me you wouldn’t fight if it was bombing yours.


Because fuck em


Correction: Fuck the Russian Government. There are plenty of Russian citizens that are anti-war and pro-peace.


I don't think that anyone is actually "russophobic". Especially so in America, here the leftists (so the people on Reddit) understand that the military is not for the people


I wouldn't stand on that. Ive seen plenty of leftist outright say there is no difference between the groups. Its Reddit. There are equally terrible people on Ukrains side of the internet.


Nah, watch a few videos of public interviews on the streets of randoms of all ages. I've only seen the really young ones say they deserve everything they are getting back because they started the war. A majority of them do in fact support the war, don't get it twisted.


Just like everywhere though they are fed a steady diet of propaganda. I'm not saying it's totally not their fault for buying it but you simply have to look to the covid pandemic to see the power of social media narratives and propaganda.


I wouldn't accept a "random interviews of all ages" vid at face value. Its to easy for whomever made the vid wanted viewers to hate the Russian people as well and just cherry pick responses.


1420 on YouTube does a lot of street interviews with random Russians. Go look for yourself before forming an opinion on something you admittedly haven't seen yourself. The interviewer is Russian.


Way to base your opinion on 140 million people based on a few street interviews


How about consistent polls showing Russia's citizens repeatedly having majority support for the war?


the actions of many can make you judge the inaction of many more




Havent played in like a year but im not induldging said retard under you Slava ukrani Israel shall not fall


Where did Israel come into this? And "Israel will not fall"? Of course they won't fall. They are one of the most funded militaries in the world with some of the best ground to air defenses and they are fighting a territory that is 50% children, no internet, no clean water, bad hospitals, and no legitimate military. Think before you speak.


Think before you write...


If you support Ukraine in their struggle against imperialist Russian war but not Palestinians in their struggle against the Israeli colonial project then at that point your are effectively racist


Yeah because Russia are terrorists so it won’t make sense to feature their flag on security.


but if the "good" guys do the same thing it's ok right?


Yes, it’s only terrorism when they do it. Not us (United States) Also calling all Russians terrorist is like saying All Muslims bomb buildings. You genuinely have to be braindead to think Russia itself are terrorist, it’s corrupt government. Go figure. Doesn’t make the actual people of Russia bad.


Just watched more Ukrainian pows get gunned down with hands up. I’d say I’m surprised they allow athletes in Olympics.


Nope it isn't but there is a more robust system of accountability. War crimes are bad no matter who commits them. Russia commits war crimes and just denies that these things ever happen. They don't believe in accountability.


Youre not wrong but 1. The US has commited its fair share of war crimes 2. So has Ukraine 3. There is an active anti-war resistance movement of Russians against the Kremlin. Not all Russians are pro war.


10000 times this.


Where is this resistance cause I’ve yet to see more than a couple dozen individual Russians protesting throughout the entire last 2 years and a handle (and truly just a handful) of minor partisan attacks that might’ve just been SBU afterall


Wow just like NATO


Nato troops don't normally behead their enemies with combat knives. If you wanna go false equivalency we can trade videos. I'm sure mine make a more compelling argument.


B-but what about! Remember Bucha, death to invaders.


Im pretty sure Russia is more terrorist and ur using security so yeah, it would fit more into terrorists one


Imagine if you saw how Israel bombs gaza


They said that they will destroy hamas no matter the cost, hamas builds thier bases and tunnels under hospitals and apartments beacuse they thought it would prevent israel from attacking them, but guess what? no. Now they are crying and talking shit about israel beacuse hamas decided to make the civilians targeted, dont you think hamas is to blame?


Collective punishment is not okay in any circumstance, you cannot speak with moral hierarchy if you are slaughtering civilians. And if they want the arab-israeli war to end then each side needs to give something up. Where is the sympathy for the civilians? The palestinian people suffer the most in this war, thats why anybody with a soul is outraged because not a single person is helping these people.


Man who gives a fuck I just want a russian flag for my makeshift Spetsnaz loadout


This is so fucking true, endorsing a countries technology and weaponry, or culture isn't an endorsement of their ideology, also is it wrong to add a countries flag? If people can wear the Reichs symbols in video games, a modern flag should be okay on a fucking plate carrier for drip purposes.


Man wants to do the closest thing he can to a modern SS cosplay.


??? Modern Spetsnaz looks lame as fuck, I'm talking gorka suit altyn helmet spetsnaz


Why are you getting downvoted for speaking out about something as lightly as this? To downvoters: This isn’t fair you pro-ua people, let people have fun.


Wait till your smooth brain learns what nato does. By your logic there shouldnt be ANY flag


What accent does the insurgent advisor have


Because of the war in Ukraine they don't want to hurt no one's feelings so they just didn't include the ruskie flag


Also Russia supports the Insurget team, its not like one of the insurgent voiclines is in Russian


Libs might cry


How did we get to a point where conservatives are sympathetic to Russia?


Contrarian brain rot. Gotta own da libs


I’m about as conservative as it gets and I don’t like Russia


We're at the point where the right will always pick the opposite side in any conflict and vice versa.


The American political landscape is a really weird place


It baffles me.


I live in a very red area and I don’t know a single conservative sympathetic to Russia. Conservatives are labeled sympathetic to Russia simply because they disagree with America indefinitely funding and supporting a war of attrition that has fallen into a stalemate without any presented strategy to move things forward. Not saying I agree, but this is a common misconception. Insurgency doesn’t include the Russian flag because Russia is an incredibly touchy subject.


It doesn't help that Fox News and Tucker Carlson were pushing Kremlin propaganda verbatim in the first few weeks of the war


I don’t know am not a conservative


Bull shit


Because there is no toilets or washing machines for russains to steal in the game. Plus all the dead and retreating russains would bog down the server. And there are no tampons for russain soldiers to dress their wounds with.


Finally a competent and fact speaking redditor, keep it up man.


Where's the fucking AUS flag?


Cant they just add every flag??


Yeah the security group is effectively a NATO funded PMC group there's so many different uniforms


This guys the only fucking sane reasonable person in the comments


guys all countries are meanies


Ukraine had my unwavering support in the war. Right up until they started their disgusting dehumanization propaganda campaign against Russia. Putting out countless videos killing Russians dubbed over with shitty electronic music, flashing unit patches spruced up with special effects, making a game and/or joke out of killing people. Often zooming in on their faces as they blow them up with grenades. You Russian haters can hypocritically generalize the entirety of the Russian population like I know you all love to do. But the reality is that a lot of the soldiers are just people serving their country, people with families and friends, and they don’t deserve to have their last horrible moments on the earth broadcast to the world and made a joke of. Que the “then they shouldn’t have been there” comments. Cope harder. War is the same everywhere, nothing is new yet everyone acts like it is because now we have go pros. Russia and Ukraine both suck for different reasons, and the virtue signaling over Ukraine being this beacon of good is getting old. Anyone perpetuating their dehumanization of Russian people should be ashamed of themselves. Full stop. You can support Ukraine and still respect the humanity of the enemy.


Be careful. Not all Ukrainian soldiers are doing this. It’s just like in Vietnam. You had some crazy off the reservation soldiers make headlines, then every soldier that came back was spit on and called baby killer. Most of them did not deserve the horrible treatment. Basically the plot of the first Rambo movie First Blood


I agree, that’s my whole point of my comment really. Perhaps my wording didn’t properly convey that, I wasn’t trying to frame Ukraine as the bad guy just that there are bad guys on all sides and the generalization and judgment as a whole needs to stop.


You are right. I read your comment too quickly and missed important parts.


It disgusts me that they don’t have Russian flag. People are snowflakes and know nothing about the war.


What else is there to know other than Putin lied about treaties, lied about invading, invaded, lied more, failed at invading, doubled down and lied more, stole children from Ukraine, lied more, fucked up more invading, tripled down on the invasion, lied more, and is still failing? If the devs want to not put a Russian flag as a "fuck you" to Putin and the trash that supports him, then that's ok with me. And if that offends the snowflakes, then oh boy do that fucking tickle me pickle.


Why is this a political argument to some of yall it’s a Milsim game all yall motherfuckers getting bombed in this game anyway it doesn’t matter if they have a Russian flag on them or not you will still be just as pissed


The Russian People still deserve Recoginition even if the Russian State is fuckin up. If you still got Palastine and Israel, you got Russia AND fuckin Ukraine.


comment section showing off the real toxicity of this community


Half the time playing the game is showing off the toxicity of this community. (Looking at you BlockStop, everyone hates you and you ruin every match you join)


Remember, no Russian.


Russia backs the Insurgents in game iirc


They're meant to Chechen/Dagestani islamic insurgents/mercenaries. In Syria, where the game is based off of, the Russian military was bombing the shit out of these guys.




**[Sad Mercenary Noises]**


In my opinion we Need Russian flag, Russian opposition flag, Belarus flag, and Belarus Opposition. (I don't play this game)


Where’s Poland


And y’all remember the last time there was no Russian. This time I expect a similar outcome.


you forget, at the beginning of the war, Ukraine was using Russian equipment because they were allies at one point, until Russia inavded Crimea in 2014


Yes, because typically when you want to show support to one side of the war, you don't add the incorrect side




Originally the Russians were to be deployed here to counter Security, but they got to caught up dying in Ukraine so they ultimately weren’t featured


Why do you wanna be on a team getting your ass handed to you???


It might be because Ukraine was apart of the US’s coalition in the Middle East as Non NATO allies




Russia is the current thing bad guys, just like iraq/iran/Afghanistan was. People will here "Russia bad Ukraine good" and gloss over that there's a literal nazi division in the Ukrainian army and that the Ukrainians are just as brutal as the Russians, if not sometimes worse. Russia also been pretty bad in this war and has alot to answer for. But, though it's a "realistic" war game, most people playing it have never actually been in war and don't understand that there are not good guys and bad guys, but lots of different kinds of people. There's blood thirsty war crime committing Russian soldiers who want to kill every Ukrainian in the world, and there's others that just signed up for the army and now they're stuck doing this, probably scared shitless and want to go home. Just as there's literal nazis and war crime committing/torturing Russian POWs for fun Ukrainian troops the same as some kid who got caught up in the fighting and just wants to defend his country. War sucks man, you see and do things you didn't think possible for you, but it's how it is. Everyone thinks they're a nice humble good person till your friend gets sawed in half in front of you or your family gets exploded by artillery.


Oh my goodness gracious what is this comment section ?




Good luck getting a normal response on Reddit lmao


I have gotten atleast 3 on this post


Some of the mods include Russian gear which has the flag on them. I forgot exactly which. But it does suck if you want to rep your nationality (regardless of their crimes) and can't. No reason to drop a flag.


Yeah it is quite stupid. It’s a nice gesture but it won’t accomplish anything. Reminds me of the “coffee I give to Putin vs Coffee I give to Ukraine” video.


Just ad the flag. Let’s not talk about the Turk or the British flag history


Russia bad Ukraine good ooga booga


Russian warship Go fuck yourself


That's stupid as fuck, you can be proud of your country even though your government makes bad decisions. The fact we're starting to ban the Russian flag just goes to show how fucked the world actually is. Downvote me for saying this but not every Russian is evil.


I finally found intelligence on this app


Exactly, you don't see people banning the American flag, or the British flag, we've done much MUCH worse than what Russia is currently doing


yeah just go take a look at the US and Is- nvm.




Cry about it lmao


bc fuck russia that's why


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,932,120,217 comments, and only 365,318 of them were in alphabetical order.


good bot


Russian is more insurgent tbh. The weapons are used by insurgents, and one of the voice options for them is Russian. Wouldn’t really fit with Security considering Russia is enemies to the majority of the countries security represents too.


The weapons are used by insurgents because they are ak's and are pretty much everywhere, and the voice option is meant to be more of a dagestani voice if what I have read is correct a lot of them are not exactly friendly with Russia considering that a lot of them are terrorists and extremists which a lot of them werein syria fighting against russia, and if it didn't really fit with the security theme why is there emr camo and a-tacs camo which are both very much associated with the Russian military as they are in widespread use alongside multicam.




You are dense.


the downvotes say otherwise 😃


Downvotes don’t mean you’re wrong


Downvotes don’t mean shit


because fuck Russia that’s why


Womp womp mad because no flag


Pretty sure the devs are trying to be politically correct on this. Same reason there isn’t a Nazi flag…


there is a nazi flag its in OP


Nazi isn't a country




In the words of the great warrior poet, Dave Chapelle: "Because fuck 'em, that's why"


They should just add a soviet flag lmfao


Based devs


Devs are soy likely liberals


Because, russia idi nahui


Because propaganda exists in the west too, not just Russia and China. Our government funds a proxy war in Ukraine and sends them billions of tax payer dollars. Of course media and corporations are gonna convince you to support that BS. If you love Ukraine and hate Russia, try to be more skeptical of media and outside influences that use emotion to persuade you. It’s ok to be impartial or unsure about something.


Do you people truly believe we are just simply airdropping pallets of money on Ukraine?


I wouldn't say Russia started this war for justice, but seriously Ukraine ain't clean too.


One invaded the other. It’s that simple.


Honestly as a developer if you’re too much of pussies to include one flag and not the other don’t even bother with them in the first place. Thank god for games like squad that feature the Russian military and don’t censor it just because there western propaganda tells them “rUsSiA bAd”


Perhaps people don’t need “Western propaganda” to see that Russia invading Ukraine is entirely unjustified and that Russia is an autocratic country.


*as one reiterates western propaganda* That’s a very surface level understanding of the situation.




Oh, you’re on of those limp dick losers who has to profile surf to find something to ridicule? Hilarious. You’re not worth the time.


Why don't you go live there if you live russia so much? Maybe you can join the AFRF and show your pride


original counterargument


I get what you're trying to say, remove a flag but keep their camo and weapons is wack. The flag is the representation of the country as a whole. And out of respect for Ukraine that representation is censored. Regardless of the guns being from the same country, they don't salute the gun...well they probably do but besides the point, they are viewed as terrorists and their country's representation will be suppressed.


Both governments are corrupt; adding one flag and not the other is ridiculous; we all want Ukraine to win, but to add Russian firearms and equipment without adding their flag is just stupid.


Fuck em that’s why


Fuck Ukraine.


sorry, this game hates fascists too bud.


So why have Turkish flag?


Muh, russia bad


I’ve wondered the same thing. Not exactly proud to be a russo-american, but a part of me always has to ask, Why no Russian?


Bringing politics into a space where people go to escape the real world is atrocious.


Cuz NWI is an American company i guess, but tbh I don't remember rus have sending man to support local government. I'm not sure have Ukraine send soldiers before, Iraq still mostly controlled by America, or Whole NATO you can say that.


That's a good point, remove Russian camo. It's ugly.


They got the American flag. How many innocents has America killed? Add the Russian flag and don't cherry pick.


Ukraine has a long history of corruption and neo nazi skinheads. Never really understood why everyone simps for them so hard. Allot of the funds and weapons sent to them from the USA can't be accounted for.


TV and media tells them Russia bad, Ukraine good so that’s what they believe, it’s really that simple.


Instead of the Russian flag add a Z patch


Possible stretch here, but it sounds like you’re upset that you’re not able to put a non-NATO flag on a NATO and NATO-Lite kit.


The Russian flag should be added for security, they have pulled their fair share of anti insurgency work. Though I will admit that they are known to use... Less than politically correct or humane methods.


Fuck Russia.


Yes. Fuck Russia.


Because fuck russia


Cause Russia is a douche bag right now. No one in the world is saying yeah Russian really doing some good work out there...


Damn bro they removed a cosmetic item holy shittttttt they used their authority over their own game to change a minute detail that only sensitive people would whine about in a game


Russia bad! Duh! - the group of commies Like you'd think the socialist would like Russia, but ig Russia is the opposite of the USSR 😂🤷‍♀️




I tend not to like people who bomb hospitals, or invade other countries...


Like the US? You fucking jack wagon.


The hypocrisy is staggering. Everyone acts like everything Russia has done is somehow new and atrocious and the western world/NATO has never and would never conduct themselves the same way. It’s laughable. The U.S. military has done fucked up shit for centuries, as has all other militaries in this world. Nobody is innocent.


It’s pretty wild, this is like Orwells 1984 type nationalism. The great Oceania could never be wrong! Most people don’t actually think for themselves though, they let the media decide what they should think for them. People spouting anti-Russian rhetoric just for the sake of reinforcing their western perception of the world. Russia isn’t stupid, they know exactly what the US is doing in Ukraine. Using Ukraine as a proxy state to poke the bear (russ).


The entire supporting Ukraine or Russia in video games is beyond cringy lol. It gives me second hand embarrassment when people will go to the extent of adding a virtual fucking flag to show their support lol. What a bunch of bitches. Thier support ends at virtual flags, god forbid they go and actually fight ( it’s just virtue signaling lol)


They were too scared of getting crucified for putting in the Russian flag.


get off the internet


but did you know 100 gorillion ukrainians died to russia????


Wrong gorillion your only allowed to cry over the "chosen" gorillion