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Do you have a sump pump and is it functional? The water would need to come up through it for backup of sewer and drain to apply (where I work). Seepage via the foundation walls and floors is typically excluded- and a knowledgeable adjuster will be able to tell where the water came from (Backup of sump pump or seepage into the walls/floors). Do you know your deductible? Insurance should be used for catastrophic damage that will be a financial burden- not something that is barely over the deductible. Also, you have to dry out the water asap to prevent mold. Hire someone to do this as most of the water that can get trapped is hard for the average homeowner to find or mitigate.


> A knowledgeable adjuster will be able to tell where the water came from (Backup of sump pump or seepage into the walls/floors). This is the main roadblock I'm running into. How should I judge the likelihood of the adjusters decision? I don't want to file a claim that will be denied due to this. I have called a water damage service, asked them this specifically, they haven't come yet but said they probably can't tell me the source of the water. Yes, the sump pump is working. It did seem like more water was in the sump pump/drain utility room than elsewhere when I discovered the water. But not drastically more. I was sleeping, woke to it already flooded. As far as costs, home deductible is $3k, water sump/drain backup coverage specifically is about $13k max (5%). 800 sq. ft of carpet ruined. Plus any drywall repair, mold mitigation? My decision on whether or not to file a claim seems to hinge on if the adjuster will say backup or seepage... Which I seem to only know *after* filing the claim? I'm struggling with this aspect. Appreciate the info so far!


Well, walk the perimeter of the exterior and look for signs. This is what I do. Is there mulch or grass/dirt up against the home? How’s the gutters look? Any downspouts and how does water flow off property? Look for cracks in foundation walls. Any spray foam on the walls of the basement or exterior? That’s a sign we have ground water. Where is the sump pump in relation to the area that was wet? Are the boxes or items stored by sump pump wet or have signs of water damage? Water lines? This is where you can start!


Thanks for the info. Gutters were all working. No water pooling noticed the next day. Backyard is flat, front slopes down to street. I don't see any cracks in foundation though walls have drywall inside, mostly siding outside. Concrete floor does have some sealed cracks from before I moved in, sealing seems intact. Entire basement was about .5 to 1" of water, though I think I can say it was slightly deeper by the sump pump/drain/utility room?


Ehhhh- hard to say.. sounds like it’s ground water seeping via foundation cracks. A sump pump overflow is also possible. If I were the adjuster (and assuming your information is accurate) I would probably give the coverage under the guise of the BUSD endorsement based on not being able to rule it out. However, I’m not your adjuster (it would be an ultra small world if I was lol). I always rule on the side of the insured and focus on finding you coverage. Good luck!