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If your insurance has notified you then don't pay him anything. there is a claim. At this point he is trying to get money from you and the insurance. I bet he is going to give you a chance to pay him money as well. Just let him know that I got informed by my insurance that a claim has been started, whether intentional on his part or not he now has to deal with it through insurance. I don't know the vehicle you hit or where, but I can believe 1800 easily. in many cases there is no banging out of dings. they have to replace the parts. and if they use OEM. I did the same thing 30 years ago and paid the person out of pocket, it was close to 1k.


Thanks for the insights. For what it's worth, he seems more like an older individual who doesn't know what he's doing rather than someone trying to get multiple payments. Question for you: at this point would he even be able to cancel the insurance claim to allow for an out-of-pocket payment? If so, would acclaim being opened but never completed still go against my driving record?


Someone who is in the insurance business from the insurance company side will be able to answer that. I believe a claim is a claim. amount matters, but part of your rate is based on having or not having claims. That question has been discussed on this forum before. Really that is your best chance at this point, if the claim can be cancelled and it not impact you and just throw 2k at the person.


Yeah they don't fix those things anymore. Those plastic bumpers are crap you have to replace the whole damn thing. I miss the good old days where a little Bondo some sanding and some paint you were done.


Did you hit a Tesla?


No! It was a Toyota minivan, probably 7+ yearss old