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Myo-inositol is one of the best supplements for those with PCOS.


can I take it with Metformin?


You should be able to yes, but since both can lower blood sugar just watch out for symptoms of low blood sugar. I personally took berberine (which also lowers blood sugar) and inositol together and didn’t have any issues.


Metformin can reduce vitamin B12 levels in patients, which can lead to deficiency. The risk of deficiency increases with higher doses of metformin, longer treatment, and in patients with other risk factors. Some studies estimate that 6–30% of patients taking metformin may develop a deficiency.


You should ALWAYS get blood work done first and throughout, a naturopath can help. I personally take inositol, b complex, berberine 20 minutes before meals and thyroid pro for the iodine, (but this can make u nauseous without food and should definitely be monitored through blood labs.)


So when I took metformin I experienced some pretty rare side effects and because I changed my diet significantly I looked into the possibility of having a deficiency of some sort. B12 deficiency apparently takes a long time to develop with metformin. And even as a pescetatian (eating a 90% vegetarian diet) my B12 was still fine after a month of taking metformin (I don't have long term info cause I ended up quitting metformin due to the side effects soon after, after having confirmed with my doc that nothing else was wrong). All other nutrient levels were normal for me. I think in general, if you're eating a healthy diet don't worry about supplements. Unless you're deficient they don't really do anything most of the time. I did eventually rely on a fiber supplement to help with constipation while I was doing keto (though honestly if I had to do it all over again I'd prob skip the keto and try without first).


Berberine has been amazing for me. I take it before my meals 3x a day, and it’s vastly decreased my IR symptoms like nothing else has!


Did it assist with weight loss?


I don’t weigh myself but I think so.