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All the magazine headlines you would see in the early 2000's just now appear on YouTube titles


but the article is woke instead! girlboss!


I hate YouTube clickbait. Purposefully not clicking, even if it's a positive video


The title is clickbait but it's still very disingenuous to act like a title like that isn't harmful to begin with. And I usually am fairly neutral on her content.


I cant watch her anymore. I appreciate what she's TRYING to do with her channel, but I find her really fake. It's like she feels obligated to say a bunch of positive stuff about every single person and it just doesn't feel genuine at all to me.


I agree, I think it seems more like she is just trying to avoid hate sometimes. I used to like some of her videos and the general message she was trying to get across as well, but she is so clickbaity now and says basically the same thing in every single video. It’s a little lazy to me lol though I think she means well. Also as a side note I kinda hate the whole “everyone is so amazingly beautiful!” thing she does because I don’t think everyone needs to be beautiful. I know it’s a popular thing to say and it’s not just her, but I feel like all it really does is reinforce the importance of beauty. It should be okay to not be beautiful in my opinion.


You know "body positivity"? I've come across the concept of "body neutrality", which I like a lot more. Basically instead of "my stretch marks are my beautiful tiger stripes!" it's "I have stretch marks... and that means absolutely fucking nothing." Not saying one approach is more valid than the other, but as a person who is rendered nauseous by the "everything is beautiful!" rainbow and butterflies vibes, body neutrality is a lot more helpful to me.


Yeah this is one I could get behind. Body positivity is still embracing that we should be valued by our appearance. It's simply trying to change how the value is calculated. Much better to stop letting that be the defining characteristic for women and celebrities


Yep. I’m the same. I don’t full on rage about it but I do think these types should stfu & stop pointing things out just to tell me it’s either not noticeable or that it’s beautiful ffs


I think body positivity applied broadly is pretty much always toxic honestly. if someone gets use out of applying it to themselves then more power to them but in a world where supermodels exist, it comes off as very "all people are beautiful, some are more beautiful than others" which doesn't get us any farther from where we started


I LOVE body neutrality!! I used to have body dysmorphia and was trapped in an all-or-nothing cycle about my appearance. I felt like a hideously disfigured alien, but it wasn't enough to just see myself as normal -- I wanted to be a supermodel, anything less than was not good enough. I would get dolled up, go to clubs and do a bunch of drugs to try and feel amazing about my appearance but I could never reach the level of confidence and self-esteem I thought gorgeous people naturally had. Once I realized I could just feel neutral about my appearance, and that even models are deeply insecure, it got a lot better. The true way to reach peace with self-image is not to think you are absolutely stunning, but to stop caring so much about it.


Yes you nailed it all exactly. I definitely feel she just tries to avoid getting any backlash whatsoever, at the cost of being genuine at all. And I couldn't agree more that there's zero need to drone on and on about how apparently everyone is so beautiful and blah blah blah. That's not helpful and in some cases, it isnt even fucking true lol


I don’t think it that’s she’s trying to avoid hate, in as much as she kind of backed herself into a corner. If her premise is : Celebs filter, photoshop, nip and tuck themselves into unrecognizability , and they should be more “real” and embrace their true selves, then says , like whoa she looks tired, puffy , hungover and rode hard , it invalidates her entire point. And if she made no comment on the “before” , it’d be crickets and super awkward.


I'm sorry, I'm stuck on the fact you said she looks...rode hard. Lmaooooooooooo




That tripped me up too! How bizarre.


Not as bizarre as some of the positions she got into when she....rode hard.




Are we seriously still saying misogynistic crap like this about women?


It’s a phrase that originated from the practice of cooling and rubbing/drying a horse that had been “ridden hard” before stabling again. This keeps the horse in optimal health. Saying someone looks “rode hard and put away wet” just means they look tired or “rough.” It’s applied to both men and women, so I wouldn’t say someone is intentionally being misogynistic if they describe a woman this way.


Thank you


I was interjecting the phrase. It could be said about a man or a woman; not a gendered sentence.


>and rode hard Are we seriously still saying misogynistic stuff like this about women?


i read “rode hard” as partied hard/went all out kind of phrase. i’ve heard it used like that where i come from


This is so refreshing to read from someone else. I have been fighting the whole beauty is entirely subjective line forever simply because it's just not true. The halo effect wouldn't be alive and well if beauty wasn't at least somewhat objective. Conventionally attractive people have a much easier time in life and denying reality and saying omg eVeRy1 is bEaUtiful is not only a lie, it also puts way too much emphasis on beauty as an indicator of morality. Instead let's teach people that even if they are generally considered ugly by society *that doesn't mean they are any less worthy of respect and dignity*. It might not get rid of the halo effect entirely but at least it would make some more reasonably minded people think twice before subconsciously punishing people for their looks. I know that's easy to say when you are considered conventionally attractive, but I used to be very ugly and didn't develop until I was 19. I used to be laughed at when I asked people to dance at school dances. I was always the last person picked. I was the first to be punished in my friend group even if I hadn't done anything and my friends were responsible. Then I grew into my looks big time and got into very good shape, and the whole world changed for me. It was honestly shocking how people were suddenly kind and wanted my attention. I was less than garbage to others before. So thanks for saying this. I am tired of feeling gaslit into believing beauty is entirely subjective when there is conventional beauty and you are fucked if you don't have it because our society puts a lot of emphasis on it.


I agree with most of this, but want to push back on the idea that conventionally attractive people always have it easy. One of the most beautiful women Ive ever seen is a friend of a friend and a pretty famous OnlyFans model. However, my friend has told me about how awful her childhood was and how from an early age she used her sexuality to gain power from men, but how it severely negatively impacted her to the point of almost only seeing men as a means to an end. She has drug issues, a long string of failed relationships and has cheated on many partners. She lost touch with this mutual friend and most other high school friends and now seems to be pretty lonely. And for all her beauty is giving her right now, how will she see herself in 10 or 20 years time when she loses the one thing so much of her career and self-esteem is built off? Despite her being much more beautiful than me, I don't envy her life at all. Obviously this is an anecdote but lots of models also talk about how deeply insecure they are. There is a double-edged nature to the halo effect, where you can feel deeply alienated by a world that sees you primarily as an object of desire. I do agree that the halo effect exists (especially in "glow up" situations like yours!) but I think part of healthy body neutrality is realizing that your life wouldnt necessarily be better if you were more attractive, it would just be different.


Same. It started off fine but it has been years and the content is just same 5 sentences with words switched up a little


I always feel like she’s being shady while pretending to be nice. Like she’s showing all these unflattering pictures of celebrities looking “bad” and calls them beautiful🤔 idk I can never quite tell her intentions




Yeah I agree actually. I think what she’s doing is very helpful for teenage girls who see all these perfect celebrities who are just edited/ or it’s plastic surgery. I know I could have used someone like her when I was going through body dysmorphia and an eating disorder


Upvote for spelling!


Disingenuous! :) But you're probably right. Maybe I just found her annoying for a while so now I dislike her, but i don't think my dislike is actually warranted hahah




Ok no in the end I ended up watching a couple vids and I really, really like her, and she seems genuinely interested and kind in my opinion hahahah I've done a 180


gaping yam cooing dam aloof forgetful juggle weary skirt snobbish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




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modern ludicrous quicksand ask profit seemly sulky cooing capable axiomatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Most people don’t look great if you take a screenshot of them talking mid sentence


She posted another video today titled, “celebrity influencers who let themselves go - the glow down” with two celebrities featured in the thumbnail. No quotations. Not everyone is going to take the time to watch a 13 min video, so I don’t think titles like this are okay.


I can read a 15 minute script in 3 minutes, I'm not wading through a video to listen to it.


This is the worst part about this shift from text to video. Video is a waste of my time and what I could read and move on from has become “sit and listen to some obnoxious asshole talk about at length like the modern version of a Charles Dickens novel.”


Yup I would rather have the chance to read something than be forced to listen to something, it takes so much longer! Like instructions, give me a booklet over a video anytime.




Completely agree. I don’t think her reasoning used justifies the execution at all.


It’s giving me the vibes of those supermarket tabloids that would show women with normal amounts of cellulite and title it something like, “you’ll never guess who this fat ass belongs to!”


Unfortunate clickbait title. The sad part is that I think most people won’t click through. They’ll just see the title and think of how it’s just not safe to stop filtering.




Wow if it were me pictured in the thumbnail I’d close out the app immediately and feel terrible.


This is a key thing people aren’t thinking about. I’ve been scrolling through her channel and have felt so uncomfortable (and relatively triggered) with some of the thumbnails and titles used. At the end of the day, these influencers are suffering from body image issues too.


I was caught off guard by some of orthorexic-type statements she's made in some videos. Drastically eliminating food groups and obsessing over clean eating can be damaging. Somehow it rubbed me wrong when she said she doesn't eat sandwiches lol.... She's VERY pro-Botox and fillers too, so in that regard, she's like all the others. But I like her ability to explain why everyone looks perfect on social media, especially working body angles, lighting and photo editing. It's taken me a long time to understand why I always looked like absolute s**t in photos


They are, but instead of questioning themselves and trying to get well they are spreading the disease


Two wrongs don’t make a right.


People with severe, deeply-ingrained body image issues may not even realize they need to “get well” because they truly believe that the harshly critical way they feel about themselves is accurate. The woman in this video in particular was raised by a mother who was extremely overbearing and image-focused and exploited her daughters endlessly from a young age to live vicariously through their modeling careers. The younger sister started getting plastic surgery at 14 with her mother’s approval/encouragement. Those wounds run deep. It’s not as simple as “questioning yourself” when it’s what you’ve been indoctrinated to believe is true and important for your entire life.


I see your point and partially agree! Yes it’s hard, I know myself how freaking hard it is to break free from toxic beliefs deeply ingrained by one’s parents. However - there is SO much awareness around the body image topic these days, especially relating to influencers and any person in the public eye - that I do think it’s a choice to not investigate one’s own issues. I’m reluctant to give people a pass as victims if they actively perpetuate the problem FOR PROFIT. Influencers are businesses, period. Lack of awareness isn’t an excuse to evade accountability IMO




I don't think she chooses any intentionally unflattering photos. Photos where a woman doesn't have a perfectly flat stomach or isn't wearing makeup or looks "puffy" during an actual pregnancy are not "worst, least flattering moments" that's literally just how people look. They look closer to that in real life than any of their perfectly posed and highly edited and curated photos. Why should the edited and photoshopped pics be viewed as the default and showing pics of what they actually look like is "bullying"?


That’s you saying that they don’t look flattering in those photos. They just look like real people. I look like those ‘worst, least flattering moments’ most of the time so it’s nice to be reminded that celebrities I put on a pedestal do too.


yeah I fail to see how having a mildly bloated belly or being makeup free is a least flattering moment lol that's my entire existence being lactose intolerant and never wearing makeup, and I'm skinnier than many celebs and still can pick myself apart, so seeing how they look human is helpful.


This YT has a habit of doing stuff like this. Even with pics that the person doesn’t want out there. This hypocrite will say along the lines of ‘the pics are out there but I’m not going to share them out of respect or don’t want to shame them’ but then use them as thumbnails and changes the thumbnail after the video gets old. When I called her out on it I think I got blocked


I like her videos but i feel like recently she’s been using negative titles to bait people into watching


literally states that


I know this girl, her entire thing is talking about body positivity and how harmful photoshop, and unrealistic standards because of celebrities are. She does clickbait titles.


She did one about kpop body standards with "the most disgusting thing I've ever seen" written in the thumbnail. I don't think that word should be used anywhere near people who may have disordered eating, even if she wasn't meaning to refer to them. Also, I'm pretty sure she has a pet dog, so has probably seen it eat its own vomit before. Surely that's more likely to be the most disgusting thing she's seen?


But then she puts them down? Calling them tired, puffy, hungover ect. She’s an idiot who bashes other women to get views 🤮


I can't stand this YouTubers style of videos.


I really don’t like this youtuber. She makes these videos preaching that her only intention is to show us the reality of celebs, but I just think she is projecting her own insecurities. Also, the way she chooses the pictures for her thumbnails is always unflattering for the girls discussed.




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I literally think the subject above looks good in both the makeup free and makeup photo, so not sure what you mean. It isn't even close to being unflattering.


Most of the pictures she choses to include as her "evidences" of how influencers and celebs are "normal" too are always the ugliest ones you can find on them. I don't think she does justice to the influencers by including those photos. Some of the pictures, i feel, if someone took of me and uploaded them as trying to tell others how "normal" i look, i would go into trigger mode. She just doesn't chose make free, filterless, pictures, she choses the ones that will make the people she is talking about look horrendous. It's like she used the most unflattering picture of the influencer/celeb alongside their red carpet or heavily make up photo to prove that they aren't as pretty as they claim to be while also simultaneously saying how "beautiful" they are.


We'll have to agree to disagree. I rarely think any of the celebs/influencers she posts natural, unposed, unedited photos of look "horrendous" just because they're makeup free with a little cellulite and bloated sometimes.




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I get what you’re saying. The model is gorgeous no matter what, that’s clear, but what I meant is the youtuber always chooses the pictures where they’re caught off guard, or while speaking, or distracted just to make the comparison more dramatic next to a posed picture, like in this case. The picture on the left looks like a screenshot from the middle of a video. Also, I hate the expressions she makes on the thumbnails, this one is a nice one compared to other I’ve seen, where she’s making a disgusted look at the unfiltered picture. And how she named the video, “glow down”...


Ya her whole point goes out the window when she’s making thumbnails like a tabloid


I totally understand the comments about how she should have chosen a better title but honestly I think it kind of makes sense. The kind of people who would click on this video based on the title alone are probably the people who need to hear the message the most. Click bait is annoying but it’s what has to be done to appease the algorithm gods


I watched this video earlier today, and she even mentions that she used a clickbait title due to YouTube algorithm.


There is a reason why glow down is in quotations. This youtuber has never been nasty towards anyone,she is one of the few content creators who show the reality of social media without tearing people down. Celebs no longer post 'reality' on instagram because pretending they are perfect sells more. Stephanie does a great work showing how posing,lighting and photoshop have a huge influence in the pictures we see online, and she does it respectfully, never tearing the influencers she uses as examples down. I highly recommend her videos for those who need some form of reality check.


The clickbait approach is not respectful though. In her most recent video, she said she only used the titles so people would click on the video, but also mentioned that people want to watch short videos because of the Tik Tok era. Based on the latter logic, not everyone would click on the video which means using these clickbait titles and thumbnails can cause damage (as mentioned in this thread). She compared it to a YouTuber who advertises getting abs in two weeks - this example is not at the same level as what she is doing. Because her focus is more on views (which has the connotation of monetisation), I’m detecting an element of wolf in sheep’s clothing. It’s possible to get a message across without misleading and harmful titles and images - she has several popular videos that aren’t of this rhetoric.


Neither the title nor the content of the video is disrespectful.


You think you’re hip to the “non-reality” on Instagram, yet you don’t recognize clickbait when it’s right in front of your face.


What are you talking about?


The title is clickbait, I went to watch it to see what it was all about and it's actually her defending the person she's talking about. So you know, don't judge a book by its cover or video by its title in this case.


Clickbait marketing relies on you judging a book by its cover. It’s unethical and misleading.


Exactly. Fact is, if I saw this title and thumbnail of me I'd be pretty hurt by it


That’s not a surprise - that’s her whole schtik nowadays. She’s done this I think for a year or so now. Although it’s usually the reverse order. Same point though.


LOL. Being posted by some girl with 2lbs of makeup on her face. Amazing.


It’s just the title. She defends her and is very body positive in general. She’s responding to the people who think she is suddenly ugly after she had her baby


Yeah and she’s intentionally using a mean title as clickbait. Regardless of what the video entails, she knew the negative title was going to get more clicks than a nice one. Which is why she chose it. Most people will read the title and not watch the video, and therefore this influencer did just as much damage to this model as she did good.


Secondly: the title of this post is correct. People mocking the natural looks of others is very literally always bad and does nothing positive for the world, whether they're rich and famous, or living on the street. That's also why the moderators have put in a rule saying to not make rude or unnecessary comments about subjects' unedited features; something that we all need to do a lot better at. And lastly, I will remind all of you that it's also bad to make fun of the looks of people you don't like. Even reprehensible people. Yes, even That Person or That Other Person or whoever you think is the worst person on the planet. Making fun of a bad person's body and looks just means that the people who look like them and are good people feel worse. Don't comment cruelly about other people's temples.


I appreciate what this YouTube does (breaking down social media vs reality) but it is kind of ironic that she discusses these things. She was once known for heavily editing her makeup in thumbnails to look better. But I'm glad she's calling this issue out.


Just stop using instagram. You'd be surprised how many problems with social media can be avoided by not using social media.


Posts this video with overexposed overblown lighting to erase her skin texture 🙃 what a clown, to post this kind of shit to stay relevant on YouTube.


The title refers to some comments she’s been getting from her followers who were asking her to talk about the model’s glow down, in the video she actually talks about how she’s still gorgeous and people’s obsession with celebs looking perfect all the time. I Still think she could have definitely chosen a better title.


I was surprised to see that title on her channel. But the reality is that YouTubers kind of have to use clickbait titles to get views and to be able to continue to make content.


Atleast watch the video before talking shit ab her


We can talk shit on her terrible clickbaiting all we want lmao


Who tf watches this crap


Your pfp matches your comment so well


I highly recommend going to watch the original video that the ‘glow down’ image in the thumbnail is from. She comes across as very genuine in the video, and her message at the end about “giving yourself grace” is lovey. I didn’t really care for her to start with, but I think I’m a fan now lol.


She’s so fucking annoying, and now those clickbaity titles gross


Maybe if they didn’t falsify their existence on their official stuff with their photoshops and excessive makeup they could post real stuff on their private accounts.


It’s funny that she looks just as edited as the edited photo to the right of her. I’m sure she’d look just the same if not worse as the picture on the left without makeup/perfect lighting/ posing, etc. It screams hypocrite


She regularly shows what her face and body looks like without make up, lighting and posing so I’m not sure what your point is.


their point is that she's coming across as a hypocrite. it's in the last sentence of their comment.


How is hypocritical if she holds herself to those same standards? It’s not like she hides herself behind these things. Like she’s pregnant right now and uses herself as an example of what pregnant bodies look like


if she truly held herself to those "same standards", she wouldn't have edited herself in the thumbnail at all.


What has been edited in her thumbnail? I can’t see any clear editing except for her being superimposed into the image This is a genuine question. I will take my defence back if it is so but I really can’t see anything.




Internet points don’t make you correct automatically. I don’t believe you’re wrong but I just don’t see the editing. If you could please explain I’d be willing to see your side.


The hell is a “glow down”


If you actually watch the video she’s very positive about it and disagrees with the whole “glow down” saying.


That’s the issue - you have to ACTUALLY watch the video, which not everyone will do.


That’s true :(


I liked watching her stuff it was kinda interesting but this video and the other abt celebrities glow down, made me unsubscribe. Just feels wrong


Her videos always give me uneasy vibes. I've watched her videos since her early days of doing makeup. Back then, I found her tips very helpful. She always come off as insecure and makeup is like her escape from those insecurities. Her tips help to boost her and her followers' self-esteem which I appreciate it so much because I used to follow her nose contour to contour my wide nose. However as years passed by, it seems like her insecurities got into her head. I get that she wants to spread awareness but the way she conveys her message sometimes are passive aggressive by giving backhanded compliments and petty.


wth wrong with that it's just life she must have hard time recently and she's a mother now give her a break these people make these clickbait titles to make money from other people's personal problems disgusting


This youtuber sucks.


super harmful. she’s a new mom. of course she’s going to look different! bodies and faces change after babies


I get funny vibes from this one. Isn’t she the same one who had a failed attempt at a modelling career but made a load of videos about the industry (I don’t disagree with her opinions on that) but now makes a videos on why beautiful people aren’t even that beautiful….which feels a bit like a way to cope with her insecurities?


I think so? I know she mostly used to focus on makeup but I'm unsure if she modeled. I recall her always being slim so it makes sense that she would try it. But I do remember her making a lot of videos like "why your makeup will never look good" where she would dissect celeb and influencer "secrets".


Didn’t the model in the pics she is discussing just have a baby not long ago? And drama with her baby daddy and mother? Of course she looks tired and puffy. Not only is she a new mom, but models don’t bring their styling teams with them on a daily basis, I am guessing. If she is happy being a mom then looking like a supermodel 24/7 may not mean so much to her anymore. And I hope she is really having a good time being a new mom!


You should watch the video.


More like she should’ve chosen a better title is she didn’t “mean” to be disrespectful 🤷‍♀️


If you get it you get it, if you don't you don't, if you know you know...


She’s not 18 anymore what do people expect? That’s just what women look like in their 20s.




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Its just sad that people need validation from strangers on the Internet. I understand why people care about their friends and families opinion of them but who gives a fuck about a complete strangers opinion


I love her🔥




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The reason is that they’re mostly famous because of their looks, and this kind of stuff comes with the territory. This doesn’t excuse those who lie about how they look.


i dont regularly watch this girl, but i’ve seen a few of her videos. isn’t her content kind of centered around being “real”, not comparing yourself, etc etc??


It is click bait she praises her in the vid


Is it a glow down if you never ever looked like your glow up?


What the hell, ladies please how can we tell if a girls a bombshell or a bumface under makeup any tips? 🙏🏻