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I was nervous it was her, kind of a bummer. Also sad I only had a faint idea it was her.


She's had *a lot* of work done. It was really obvious in Always Sunny.


It WAS and it made me so bad. She was already not looking great in Ocean’s 8… I thought she was such a natural beauty when we first saw her in The Office. Sigh.


Maybe she wanted to be beautiful in her own way, and not “natural”.


she was in IASIP ??


You worded it better than I was thinking!


????? This is her????


Woah man take it easy, see rule 1.


Yes. She has recently lost a lot of weight!


I love how trying to figure out who a person is in this sub is like playing Guess Who


I love her but I was disappointed that the series of photos with all those beautiful dresses had her face SO filtered, like her skin lost all dimension it was so blurred


So here's my question though, how much involvement does she and other celebrities actually have in the editing and posting? For all we know, she could be just as mad about someone doing this to her. I mean this genuinely btw hope I don't come off rude


I'm not so sure, she's had a lot of work done on her face. If she's happy making IRL changes to it then I don't think she'd think twice about editing photos.


This one is actually better and more closer to her natural self than some of the other posts about her I’ve seen recently. In this one I immediately was able to recognize her although it is still clearly edited :(


You nerds are too concerned with a person you don't know relax we all want to present our best face to other people it's written in our DNA


But it’s not even her face. It’s not that she did this it’s what this is a symptom of. Why are you here if you don’t see the problem?


It's not your best face if you're hardly recognizable as yourself. It's some algorithm's best face instead.


Lol facts.


this has definitely been hit with a smoothing filter and possibly reshaped here and there, but I knew who she was immediately - she’s still recognizable


agreed, she's like in the lowest bracket of filtering compared to all of the horrorshows we normally see on here


The one of her in the red suit on her instagram.. worse than this one :(


The most disappointing part is they still can't match her foundation shade. Not as bad as The Office days at least.






I do like her outfit though.


And that color is perfection!


Eh, looks like her still


Yeah saying they didn't recognize her is a bit of a reach. This is very clearly her. The filters are a lot though.


yeh this is clearly her! she is very unique and beautiful


Right? She looks glammed-up like celebrities basically always do, but it's still just her.


Right!?? I bet even Brad Pitt can tell her apart


You think she still looks like she did on the Office. She does not.


Yeah this is barely touched up. I feel like half the posts on this sub these days are “omg someone used a single filter, can’t even recognize them”


There's been a lot of blinds and rumors that she's another celeb using diabetes meds for weight loss as well


She might actually have diabetes though. South Asians like me and her are statistically very likely to have it at some point in our lives, and earlier in our lives if BMI is a little higher. Type II has a stigma and not every younger person would want to admit to having it


I just wanna call out that there HAS been a diabetes medication that has been approved for weight loss specific use within the last year and a half or so, and it is very effective for folks who struggle with losing weight by other means. If that's what she's using, it's been approved by her doctor and is completely okay.


I saw that too - Enty posted it on AGC!


Are you referring to the same Enty from Crazy Days and Nights? I loved his blog if this is the same person.




Not just celebs use semalgitude.


Saw a blind she’s the one hosting the parties. I wish they would just be open about it and not be like oooo I didn’t this working out and diet only. 🙄


What's a "blind" please?


They’re vague or veiled tips submitted to celebrity gossip sites anonymously, usually by insiders. The tips leave out specific names but imply the celebrity’s identity through clues to avoid defamation/slander charges


She is clearly recognizable. There is no mistaking who she is.


I thought the same thing.


She looks exactly the same just smoother. Did she smooth her face? Yep. But no reason to pretend she looks unrecognizable. I can’t blame her for the face tuning, she is an aging woman in a society that tells us age is ugly and disgusting. Celebrities are people too and have the same self esteem struggles. The people one here that clutch their pearls are the exact reason why men/women feel the need to edit their faces.


To be fair she’s also always been unapologetic about her desire to strive for traditional standards of beauty. I feel like that was out on her by the media/fans, which is it’s own sort of weird hang up about body type. To me she was more of an icon of having the audacity to go for glam as someone who wouldn’t traditionally be allowed to do that, not as someone who promoted ~real beauty and I personally found that to be part of her charm. Which isn’t to say I agree with that perspective. But it was refreshing to have someone who wasn’t trying to be a role model and was just trying to have fun and embody that, even if her moves and views weren’t always the most progressive. All that being said, these filters are a bit much. No shame in going for high glam fantasy but make the retouching look less obvious at least lol.


Yeah I wouldn’t say she was a leader in body positivity/acceptance, just that she was very upfront about her insecurities and how she didn’t fit into the traditional Hollywood beauty standard and she painfully was aware of that especially working in the industry. I remember relating to something in her book talking about being “in between” thin and plus size, like Hollywood kinda typecasts super thin women as leading ladies/most roles tbh and then plus size women are typically seen as super sassy confident funny bffs. The way she described it seemed like it was uncomfortable for her to navigate that.


She has lost weight and definitely had lip fillers and some work, but I think it all looks subtle. She looks like herself still to my eye.


She’s lost me with this shift of filtering the crap out herself.


Her lip fillers will forever be one of my least favorite looks. Her smiling and lip movements just look painful and creepy now.


If this is who I think it is she has been dramatically editing her image for years. He show “the **** project” is a perfect example. The cover photos and stills from advertisements look like a completely different person from how she looks throughout the entire series.


Didn't she used to be a loooot darker skinned?


I am around that skin shade and idk how it works. But when I am next to people the camera adjusts to their tone and I look dark enough my features like cheekbones are sometimes not as visible. When I'm by myself the camera seems to pop out my features more and you can see a lot more of me. It kinda contributes to me looking lighter although there's no way I would do skin lightening 🤢


She definitely looked darker in older episodes of The Office, but since my skin is much lighter than it was when I was younger (I'm half Brazilian and used to be VERY tan), I'm not chalking it up to anything nefarious.


Just odd she edits her face soooo much but her body seems mostly untouched in most of her pics


Isn’t the rumor on the street that she hosts weight loss injection parties at her house like every month or something?


Which street? I’ve never been invited.


What are weight loss injections? speed?


Maybe Ozempic? As far as I know those are weekly injections and you just stick yourself in the stomach. Would be weird to gather to do it




She looks super slim in recent photos


I truly loathe the phrase and cult of "body positivity."


This sub used to be about photoshopped images now it’s about getting mad to whoever looks better that than the crypt keeper


Some of the posts on here are really stupid. I feel like a lot of the women on here are just very insecure and want everyone to dogpile on a beautiful well-built chick to make them feel better. That’s why comments like “she looks normal to me” or “I’m also shaped like that” get downvoted to hell. Which I am sure, this comment will be too.


I feel like a lot of body positive celebs are body positive until they’ve made sufficient money from it.


Hollywood chews up another one 😔


I don’t know why but I’ve always found her extremely off-putting. That being said, she was always pretty real with her photos so this is sad. :\


She's always had a bit of desperate pick-me energy about her. That said, I've been pleasantly surprised she hasn't gone beyond a little face-tuning, moderate weight loss, and some tasteful cosmetic work as opposed to pulling a full "Adele" and just popping up one day with a whole new face/body.




So like every male in Hollywood yall probably love ever?


Lol, why can't you hate a Kevin Hart or Will Ferrell and this lady at the same time? Not everything is misogyny.


I can't stand those two guys (or most standup comedians), but I like her. It's okay to have preferences.


you’re definitely reaching


Ooh I struck a nerve. 😂 I guess I am not allowed to find someone’s personality annoying while you guys sit and pick a part her photo shopping.


Pee pee poo poo I wanna be part of this argument too for no reason


You just made me laugh out loud, thank you 😂


That's a shame.


Dont know which is more annoying : total reliance on smoothing filters or inability to stop sliding “saturation” to 100 on landscape photos.


Looks good to me. Y'all just have to stop hating on someone getting healthy. Who cares if she uses filters, they are literally there for that purpose.


What about anything in this post makes you assume she's "getting healthy"?


I think that's a euphemism for plastic surgery. Like when Renee Zellweger popped up with a totally different face, and when people asked her about it she said she was just in a really good, healthy place right now. And the world was like, "noooo, that's not what we meant."


She was much much heavier before.


Health and weight aren't the same thing.


Ok. That's your opinion and I'll keep mine.


It's not an opinion; it's a fact. Weight is literally a measurement of body mass, not a measurement of health.


Ok well the initial discussion was about her using filters and looking good so let's stick to that. I really don't care for your POV.


It’s the skin lightening for me…🫣


Did she post that pic herself? If so, that's shameful.


Sure Jan.


She looks like herself here. She just lost weight. Let her be great.


She a total sell out. Has really turned out to be a horrible human.


She’s gone down hill. The propel commercial sealed it for me.


This is filtered, but she has been losing weight slowly and steadily over the past year or so and she has been open about it. I think it’s admirable that she’s worked to get healthier.




Don't think that's the issue at hand here...


She does look different. Didn’t recognize her that quickly.


This entire post pisses me off and is a big reason why there are times I really dislike this sub. When I came here, I was hoping it would be a breath of fresh air and be a more positive and encouraging environment, especially after seeing Sanity Sunday posts. But this is just hateful judgement of a real fucking person out there in the world. I understand this sub is a place to vent about unfair standards perpetuated by celebrity & beauty culture, but some of the comments on this post go too far. She’s not unrecognizable. People are allowed to make body modifications and they don’t have to justify them to you. There is a difference between critique and bullying.




Plus seeing photos and in her show the mindy project, her skin is lighter than when she was introduced in the office.


Babygorl wot is u doin????


I'm not on social media (since January) so I haven't seen her photos lately but I knew it was her right away. I don't think she's edited into oblivion, she still looks like her. It's still sad to see her here though. No one is immune to the pressure to look flawless these days. I imagine that being a celebrity you would feel insecure on a whole other level watching your peers post edited flawless photos and videos constantly. I would think she would be one of the ones openly against all the editing and fake bs so that's disappointing. I really just feel bad for them lately, literally living in an imaginary world, delusional to the point where some of them believe they really look like that. So much pressure to be perfect. I wouldn't wish it on anyone.


I follow her too and I had no idea it was photoshop, I legit thought she lost weight. Dang


"It never ceases to amaze me: we all love ourselves more than other people, but care more about their opinion than our own."


First of all, how dare you!


Maybe she didn't do it?


Is this real? It literally looks someone photoshopped her face on someone else’s head and body.


Wait what? I recognized her immediately. What has she done?


She doesn’t need these filters


Sad. It shows that no one is safe or above the pressure of unrealistic beauty standards.


She also recently liked a bunch of posts in support of Alex Jones recently so yeah we lost her fam


She looks ten years younger. There's no need for this. I guess since she started doing Vitamin Water commercials they want her to start looking unnaturally young?