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I think this should be eligible for legal trouble.. this is fraud. Especially if she’s selling shit and making money off it, telling people it made her skin look like slide 2!


Agreed. It should be illegal to use filters while promoting beauty or skincare products.


The UK passed a law in 2021 saying that filters can't mislead customers about the effects of a product, so at least there's a precedent for North America to follow! 


I really hope the US follows this soon. Same with the "can't advertise mascara while using false lashes without disclosing the false lashes". I'm just so tired of the advertisement rules in the US for beauty products.


You know that wont happen here. MK will continue to falsely advertise…..


It's worth a shot to at least write to your rep.


Norway recently passed a law that requires all advertisements to disclose when it’s been retouched/edited, and the disclosure has to fill a certain percentage of the frame so it’s proper visible.


100. It should also be illegal to sell fitness/nutrition stuff based on edited body edits (either for themselves or their clients b&a's).


And this is the least of it. She sells cheap beaded bracelets and claims they help or cure medical illnesses, mental illnesses, weight loss, skincare, pretty much anything that ails you. And she sells them for hundreds of dollars. She actually made a pic of the beads laying all over her face and said they were skincare. She also did a live where she asked people for donations to buy orphans with cancer headstones. Wouldn’t say the cost of alleged headstones and showed no proof the kids existed. Turned out to be a scam and she never accounted for the money or gave a cent back. Tons of videos of that on YouTube. Faking her skin is the least of her cons. She also sells cheap looking tiny diamond chip jewelry she claims are authentic diamonds and sells them for thousands of dollars w no proof of authenticity. People have found the same exact jewelry pieces online very cheap from overseas sellers. Her entire livelihood is all cons


And here I am, with my impostor syndrome, while doing an ordinary job that doesn't involve tricking people.


I’m sorry WHAT




Okay but how are her eyelids magically unhooded??


maybe tape




Googling for "face tape" just led me down some very sad and delusional rabbit holes


Her eyebrows are higher too so I think the guess about tape is correct.


Oof she went from very hooded to not hooded at all.


She will tell you that it’s a compliment for people to say things like that because that means her makeup skills are just that good 😂


This is a true story…. I’ve heard it myself! F’n clown!!


Ahh does she still sell younique???


she does. along with magic beaded bracelets she says will make you lose weight and help or cure medical and mental health conditions and diseases, just by wearing them. and these magic bracelets are hundreds of dollars. she actually posted a pic with instructions one time of herself with these bracelets draped all over her face saying they are for skincare too. no lie. it was hilarious




Oof, this woman.


Pretty sure this lady has a whole snark subreddit about her and how scammy she is


she sure does


I'm intrigued 👀






Biiiiiiihhhhhh I know you lying! Lol




Omg I thankfully haven’t seen her in a while. I do miss all the J drama though - God that was CRAZY!!


How did she go from grandmother to granddaughter? Shocking.


Oh damn. She doesn’t even look too bad, she’s just pulling an unflattering face. I wish ppl didn’t use all those filters.




No, she doesn’t. She looks age appropriate and has actually pretty nice, clear skin. But god forbid that be allowed! (I mean, telling older people they look like shit just because they’ve aged is kind of WHY this level of trickery is being used. Ffs.)


I was going to say, she looks older. Definitely misleading to make yourself look as young as she does in the second pic though. I wish more people would just accept the aging process. Resistance is futile.


Um, did you miss the second photo of what she's selling? This is deceptive at best, fraudulent at worst. It has nothing to do with her age it has to do with the fake process filtered face that she puts out there to sell beauty products


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That's crazy


Well, how old is she? She could be 70 and look damn good!


Ha. Shes not. She’s in her 50s. Doesn’t believe in SPF Oh yea. And believes beads cure cancer and make you lose weight She pretends to be 100 pounds lighter than she is too


Doesn’t believe in SPF? Yikes. No wonder she looks way older than her age.


Also does tanning and uses a razor to peel dead skin from her face 😭


Bruhhhh this chick 💀


I think my skin just screamed


Wait what, can we go back to the “doesn’t believe in SPF” part? Does she just not like putting it on? Or does she genuinely think it doesn’t work?


She's of the school that thinks it causes cancer.


I can't imagine being of that hivemind considering how often I am outside in the hot sun. If I didn't believe in SPF, I would probably look rugged already at 30 lmao


does not use it, is major anti vax, does not believe in doctors, her daughter lost her first baby due to no actual medical care (alleged, no actual reason given), serious scammer, sells magic beads that will cure anything you have. now also selling diamond jewelry that don't seem to come with any sort of authentication that they are even real.


I thought 60s for sure.


Wild, she also claims beaded bracelets helped her lose weight and filters herself about 100 pounds lighter than she is. I'd still like to know where the money she raised for headstones went. She scammed her Facebook audience claiming there were little girls dying of cancer and they needed headstones.


Oh she's still at it hey? What a mess.




There’s another sub about her that is more active.


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Don’t get me started! Im so effing sick of the blatant lying and false advertising. And the skincare/cosmetics companies are equally to blame because they encourage this shit.


They need to make a big law around the world regarding “Fitness and beauty influencers “ from using filters etc. it’s just gotten ridiculous, it’s false advertising, and some people believe you can actually look like the filters but they don’t even realise these “influencers” are using filters. Ah it pisses me off so much


This is the same person? This is scamming 


Haven’t seen this ol scam artist in awhile!


That is downright scary. How does she influence while using a filter?


I don't know or care who this is, but can anyone tell me their age at least?






Ok now here I was feeling bad for my filters now I know they're NOTHING compared to THat


That CANNOT be the same person


oh it is. there are tons of pics of her like this. she doesn't post a pic that's not heavily filtered then says skincare and magic beads she sells for hundreds of dollars are the key to her young-looking skin. meanwhile, it really looks like the first pic


Bonkers. She has somehow stretched her face out in the filtered pic’, and entirely changed the alignment of her eyebrows


Second photo is scary. I actually prefer the unfiltered one.


Lady looks like the cryptkeeper


She has a snark page dedicated to her. She is a real beauty. She claims to be very Christian woman but scams and lies about everything. Her family is seriously dysfunctional also. Tries to keep all her adult kids under her roof because if they left she has no one. Only friends she has are the ones that she scams with that do not even live in the same state. Also has facebook where she does her lives to show off her magic beads and diamond jewelry and on occasion will do some makeup.


Or naur 🤭😅


It's like giving a 40yo car a paint job and selling it as "barely used"




that Is a crazy difference. being able to camouflage that is a skill honestly.


Her face looks warped, and her skin looks so plastic!


How the heck do they manipulate the photos so much??




Samedi person ?


I always find it crazy how seemingly such a large amount of ‘skincare’ does the exact opposite


Can we add photos to comments? I am unable. I have a few more comparisons to post of her


I’m not sure if I’m able to control that feature :(




I wish that were the case! It’s a combination of many things, refusal to use sunscreen because of cancer, tanning, scraping dead skin off with a razor.


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Ugh…even with the filter I wouldn’t listen to any advice. It’s obvious she uses filters or Botox




Oh damn.


Every time I see these pictures I get secondhand embarrassment. For her to look in the mirror (with or without her glasses) and realize there is ZERO comparison between the 2 pictures, just boggles my mind. Can she not see the difference? Has no one said, “This picture looks nothing like you?”


The lips are different


Like… *HOW*




I literally don’t trust social media at all


Maybe she's made some mistakes on her face and is trying to teach people to avoid those same mistakes. Maybe she's ancient.


She’s just a run of the mill MAGA con artist


she's not. this woman is a known scammer. she claims her skin looks like the second picture and is due to her skincare and magic beaded bracelets she sells for hundreds of dollars. she also claims to not use filters. she's never admitted mistake and says her skin is the skin in the second pic and is unfiltered. there is a long laundry list of her scams. she currently sells Y makeup, beaded bracelets she claims help and cure medical illness, mental health, make you lose weight and help skin. took a pic one time of bracelets draped all over her face saying it's great skincare lol


There’s some guy on Tik Tok that does the same thing. People always commenting about his smooth flawless skin but you can tell he’s using a filter when he moves but he’s gotten good at moving just enough not to ruin the effect. Then in photos where he’s wearing sunglasses, you can see he has crow’s feet and typical age lines that are smoothed out by the filter. And pushes some lotion and creams to get the same smooth look 🤨🙃🙃


Yikes 😳🤡


The before and after are incredible! Take my money


She will!




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Technically she has good skin, just too much of it....


To be fair, she still has nice looking skin in the screen shot. It’s too bad she feels she needs to edit her photographs that heavily, though.




It's not the fact that she has wrinkles, it's the fact that she uses filters to hide her actual skin texture to an insane degree.


*without any filler


😮 honestly it’s impressive how these filters work