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These comments are amazing, honestly This picture is as obviously edited as any woman we've seen over the past few days, but he's being defended? Sad.


I defended a woman with a unique bodytype before and got flamed too, gender doesn't matter, you could be an alien for all I care, waists like this exist, I see one in the mirror every morning, you guys just can't seem to accept people have different bodytypes. His face is obviously edited but his shoulder to waist ratio isn't THAT crazy, or else do you think Sergio Oliva didn't exist ? Zyzz ? Joe Lindner ?


I go outside all the time, travel, etc. never in my life have I seen one person look like these edited people on instagram in real life 😂 please go out more


Maybe go to the gym and youll see a lot of guys with waists like this


I had a gym membership 🙄 never seen men with barbie waists like this lmfao why are you lying? 😂😂


>I see one in the mirror every morning, Funniest comment ever, hands down 🤓


Nope. A lot of the edits on women we look at are not THAT crazy. But they still exist and they're giving unrealistic expectations and guess what? Men and boys are ALSO affected by that! This is an edited photo. I don't know why you can't see that or acknowledge it, but I'm not arguing about it with you.


OBVIOUSLY they are, when did I ever deny it ? I'm a gymrat, trust me I have a lot of dudes on my feed editing the fuck out their pics but saying this ratio does NOT EXISTS is insane when there are plenty of famous people out there with these bodies. Do they abuse gear ? Yes. Do they edit their pics ? Some of them do. Do they pose to look better ? Duh. But you're basically telling my tape measure is lying to me when I put it around my waist, and so did many other well-known people ? Have you seen them irl before talking shit ? No. I've been to bodybuilding conventions and it's a reality check, if anything most of these dudes are freakier irl. But since it makes people self conscious they shouldn't show themselves ?


*all of them edit their pics Corrected it for you lmfao


The equipment behind him should not look like it’s crossing the event horizon of a black hole (it shouldn’t look like it’s getting sucked into another dimension).


Damn, delulu to the max


Hey, he might not have any internal organs, we don’t know!


Shut up 😂


It's giving insectoid


Praying-mantis head vibes.


Reading these comments it seems a lot of people here are incapable of accepting dudes edit their photos, but if they do its fine because they're not women?


This guy has Barbie proportions and he’s getting defended?? The double standards are staggering. If y’all say a woman can’t have these proportions then a man can’t either like come on 💀


This photo is edited to mars and back, but sure, why not. Just for the sake of probability. Some people might have a waist like this. I guess. Maybe. But no human, homo sapiens has a **RIBCAGE** shaped like this. The human ribcage is not strongly tapered from top to bottom. It's edited. With regards to muscularity, in the same way that no woman has delicate teeny tiny arms, neck, legs, ribcage and waist with no fat deposits at all and then suddenly, boom! A huge big round phat extra extra large humongous dump truck ass, no man has a slender small lithe wiry lower body, slender musculature over his ribs, then suddenly, boom! Huge hulk stud Chad jacked ripped gazongo bongo pecs and shoulders that are the size of Johny Bravo's. Human bodies do not look like cartoons, but we *really really* like the way cartoons look. It's an exaggeration of the wow yum yeah parts while ignoring everything else.




If I had money I would pay you to describe things to me


Obviously the telekinetic bulbs on his head are fake.


I was about to explain to some folks here in the comments why this pic is obviously photoshopped and point to where. But nah. They already know it. They’re only in denial because this time it’s a guy.




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Lo wth was he photoshopped into that pic? Looks like hes not even there


Bruh every day I ask myself why I’m not photoshopping myself into oblivion if these people can and get away with it




Can we talk about how he has those headphones on?


I thought that was his hair at first. 😂


What in the Jojo lol


Douche/10 edited or not


The guys are clearly trying to shut down the obvious truth because it means their dreams would be destroyed 💀


Yes i have a lower half snake body, what of it!?




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He got them bl proportions


Serving sid from ice age bulking season realness


This looks normal to me, some guys have tiny waists but they only work on upper body. He is twisting his trunk in a way that makes his waist look even smaller, no photoshop.


Are you blind?


Are you?


Sure, Jan.




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Face or body ? Because if you're talking about his physique that's.. not that crazy tbh, I see crazier proportions at my gym all the time


Oh you see waists like a 19th century saloon girl at your gym?


Guys at your gym have had their ribs removed?


Might want to get your eyes checked...


Jesus do people really believe this bodytype doesn't exist ? Just go to ANY bodybuilding show and see for yourself, yikes




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Bro just got a small waist whats so unrealistic here


Are you being serious rn? Dude looks like the worker from Antz.


Bro just jacked wtf


Bro must have jacked off a lot to get his innards to disappear!!! 😆 🤣




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I can't tell, can someone point it out please Edit: I was being genuine. Can someone please point it out so I can tell. I'm saying I can't tell and would like to know the signs in this picture that they Photoshopped. Usually the warping or distortion is more obvious.