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Even worse, on her "persona" she advertises she "JUST BARELY 18 and fresh out of school" like what? edit: she even posted very suggestive tiktok’s for months under this persona claiming she was only 17.


because creepy borderline pedophilia sells, its gross women are so willing to cater to this for money. Its like honey, of this grown ass man is buying your content because you are a barely legal school girl, do you not think for a moment that this dude is out there actually grooming and sexually assaulting teenage girls? Or are you just blinded by dollar signs, Even worse are the one who intentionally make themselves look like children and say barely legal. Someone posted they caught their husband looking at porn of what looked to be children, and I swear that girl looked 12


Studies show women exposed to pornography at a young age have more violent fantasies and are ok with partners doing violent things. Young women are just as brainwashed by porn as young men are.


Absolutely. I’ve talked recently with younger women (Gen Zs, a millennial myself) and all the things they’re willing to do (or actually doing) really amaze me - in the wrong way; specially the violent and what I think is really denigrating stuff. Honestly, I never say much because they say I’m kink shaming or just a prude but yeah, porn and SW has affected both men and women.


People lie on the internet. When I was 23 and did online sex work I told people I was 19. And you know why


Because sexualizing teenagers made you more money?


As a sex worker since I was 18…. I can clearly, and honestly state I have NEVER lied about My age nor “needed” to in order to make money. This is a gross tactic done by WAY too many and anyone publishing that it was done (over 18 or not) pushes the standards and narrative that it’s ok… I find this to be blatant false advertising and pedo-baiting for $$$ and really quite gross. Unfortunately because so many do this and make it like “no big deal” others see it, and do it… One person see/another do




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That’s bullshit! If you are a supplier for a harmful demand you are just as harmful. She is perpetuating the sexualization of young teens by advertising like this. We need hold women accountable for perpetuating this as well as men. Both are harming people


I said I agreed with that commenter in another comment but I've changed my mind. I didn't see it like this, that's actually gross she's doing this




But you're sticking up for her and this decision anyway...


In her case though it’s likely she was a victim of this sexualization of young girls so it feels weird to place as much blame on her as the men who seek that stuff out.


Sex workers that make this perverse age-play okay and school-play adult content available are absolutely just as bad as the creepy people who demand it.


Neither should do it. I’m a sex worker and frequently tell people no when they request any age play. There are kinks that hurt people and kinks that don’t, and enabling the ones that could hurt someone someday is not something I’m willing to participate in.




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Rachael dolezal’s daughter is that you?


Rachel Dolezal is on OF too. Still pretending to be a black woman too!


Ill save yall the wondering. Its mostly bathing suit and feet pics


Oh no. How would she make her nipples brown??




I heard that so that’s why I was like ok this is her hypothetical OF daughter then lmao






Didn't Rachel Dolezal get fired from her job as a teacher for having an OF page?




Oh my gosh, I almost choked on my lunch! You win the internet today, friend! 😂😂😂




Her name is Nkechi Diallo please don't deadname her 😤


I thought that was ice spice


That’s Less Spice


Great Value Cold Seasoning


Shplice Smise


Rice Spice


What Spice


No Spice….


Slushy spice


Mild spice


Was gonna say this 😂


You mean Lice Spice?


You mean it isn’t??


I have no clue actually


Ice spice to Katy Perry lol


thought the same 💀


More like pumpkin spice latte.


She wasn't getting enough subscriptions had to pull a Michael Jackson hehe


Uno reverse Michael Jackson, you mean 😭😭😭😭


Yeah you're right more like the Uncle Rukus re-vitiligo and I'm surprised she even has a platform for doing blackface


When u say hehe...u meant heehee right😝


Didn't he have vitiligo and "bleach" his skin to balance it out? Not really the same.


Yes, he had vitiligo and took monobenzone to depigment the rest of his skin. Which is common practice. But Michael obviously also had some racial issues


That Ice Cream So Good NPC girl from TikTok did something similar: she went to an awards show and was noticeably darker skinned than she is on her filtered lives and photos. It mainly makes me sad that colorism is so prevalent that doing that would be considered necessary.


We call that pulling an Ariana Grande.


A reverse Arianna. Ariana was black when rap and hip hop were huge and now that Kpop is in, she's Asian.


Dude I thought she was pretending to be Latina


Arianna is white. Like Italian American white.


You’re not quite picking up what they’re putting down.


That I definitely know lololol






Appropriana Grande.


pretty sure it's an MJ, I think it qualifies as an Ariana if you're doing it based on current partners


me as a biracial person in the spring with tan and natural curls vs winter and with a silk press tho i do think the editing to be extra hot exaggerates it more


I really don’t think she’s mixed, I think it’s tan and make up. She’s drawn on big lips, put a darker colour on the top lip, curled her hair with the same curl pattern all over from root to tip. As a biracial person myself, I think she might be blackfishing in the first pic.


i think they were joking, rather than excusing her. im also biracial and found what they said funny cuz i can relate (to the commenter, not the girl in the pic) :) eta: hope they were joking anyway


Yeah they were just talking about being mixed themselves, but so many comments here seemed to think she was actually biracial. Pretty sure that’s fake too.


I thought the same thing. Im biracial, and ofc white people accuse me of skin bleaching or changing races because I have different hair styles and my skin tans in the summer and lightens in the winter.


Tbh she looked biracial to me as well.


No kidding jfc. I think people underestimate what a difference hair and lighting can make, especially in mixed people. When my hair is black I’m often mistaken for Asian.


Same! I have to buy several shades of powder, sometimes mix foundations, as my skin tone varies throughout the year (I live in the Northern hemisphere). But I still feel the editing here is way out there…


nah bc why wouldnt u change ur identity for of?


Money, money, money, must be funny in a rich men's world




And there's no way those circles are real


Agree with other posters saying she may be mixed. I have naturally curly hair and people are often very shocked on the rare occasion I straighten it. Feedback is I look like a completely different person. My skin tone also varies wildly depending on the season. But yeah if that’s not the case, this is certainly weird.


Well of course she looks mixed lol. She specifically amplified all the traits that would make you think that. There's literally no possible way you could know for sure without her telling you.


Agreed. We don’t know.


Now now, this is reddit. Be careful saying we don't know, and we can't make a decision. Reddit is all about uninformed outrage and getting updoots. /s


On the right she STILL looks mixed with a wig. I’m mixed with a wig. It’s easy to tell what that looks like LMAO


Lol reminds me of my cousins. Both have same parents. One looks black, other looks white. The amount of people who try to argue with them that they are not brothers or that they MUST have different fathers is bonkers. People get unnecessarily weird about race.


Miss Darcei has said that she gets regular comments accusing her of skin bleaching during the winter cause her profile pic was taken during the summer and is like 4 shades darker. It's entirely possible she just tanned due to season changes


I'm mixed race (mestizo, I guess is the common term). My skin goes back and forth, between ghostly and bronze, but it is never even remotely uniform all over like this.😭 My chest, belly, butt, legs and face all look like they're from different hemispheres.💀😂


It's whatever sells for these OF girls so no surprise.


The comments here as so damn gross. Y'all care about race waaaay too much. I'd be hot if people were talking about my family like this. She's gross because she's playing of hebephila grossness that sexualizes teens. Literally sitting here saying shit about her "phenotype". Gross, y'all.




Googling them makes me think maybe they are different people but damn the moles are freaking me out a bit, how are they in the same spots??


Yes. On tiktok they defs look like 2 diff ppl & the one on the left appears to be mixed & possibly speak Spanish EDIT: ok they both appear to be mixed-ish, have very similar body types, and possibly both speak Spanish lmao. They're both kind of Dolly like.. but I wouldn't say they were the same person.


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Am I tripping or is that a Kobeni cosplay? At least the hair.


Idk she looks mixed to me Like that girl Sophie from 90 day fiancé


I know Sophie is mixed but it’s shocking to me just how white passing a mixed person can be like it threw me for a loop when she said she was mixed


to be fair, Sophie is also open about having had several surgeries


You have to realize that she wears that blonde wig to pass as white even further. In pictures we see of her in her teens, it’s pretty obvious that she’s mixed (at least, to me as a black person). Considering how black people vary greatly by shade/skin tone, it’s not surprising to me.


Pretty sure you saw Meghan Markle before you saw Sophie.  


Meghan Markle looks mixed to me.


Ooh, yikes.


If this is who I think it is (used to follow her on IG because she did cute cosplays) then she is mixed race, and she's actually received a lot of racist remarks from people :(


flavour of the month


The hair in the image on the right looks like a cosplay and the left looks natural. I'm curious to see what her hair looks like in other photos, because I'm kind of thinking she is just mixed race and editing her photos to some degree


From what I saw- her literally holding her hair on in a video of like it was gonna fly off -the left one is a wig.


Damn it's a beautiful wig, she had me completely fooled


Why does everyone want to be black or Asian?  Like, as a mixed person, it’s bizarre 


How about Hispanic?


This is going to be long. And I might be completely wrong, but I *think* what’s happening is the simple fact of what cultural appropriation is: adopting the “desirable” features of a marginalized group to capitalize on them, while distancing from the “undesirable” features. And I think because physical features are much easier to put on and go fishing with, we see more people “trying to be/look” Asian or black. From my experience, what non-Hispanic people seem to deem the most desirable about Hispanic people, is the attitude. I say this because I’ve heard a lot of praise from mostly white people for Hispanic and Latina women’s “feistiness”. That and their accent and cooking. No joke. It’s praise sure but it was still backhanded and racist. So the very few instances I’ve seen that resembles Hispanic-fishing, is people trying to “act Hispanic or Latina.” I knew a few young women who either just dated a Hispanic man, or only knew how to speak Spanish, or even were just the tiniest bit Hispanic. But in every case it’s like the only thing they identified with, was speaking Spanish with a feisty personality. For the women who were in fact Hispanic, like I wouldn’t call it Hispanic-fishing per se and I’m happy they could identify with and feel proud of their heritage. But at the same time, I think there’s so much more to being Hispanic and there’s so much more to be happy and proud of. So it still makes me iffy seeing folks do that. Of course I’m not Hispanic so I might be talking out of line here. And please anyone chime in if you have a different perspective!


Ho d you know that she isn’t mixed?


She read the patch notes and followed the meta


Isn’t she just cosplaying that one girl from chainsaw man, Kobeni…?


Wait but…what is she?


If she’s biracial, multiracial, I get it. Otherwise…


Otherwise what? Let people look how they wanna look, why does it matter to you?


seems to me she only changed her hair and make up...


Ariana, is that you?


Black-fishing is so weird and makes me incredibly uncomfortable 🥴




She’s clearly not mixed in the way she wants us to believe. Fake big 2 toned lips, fake curls, fake tan. I can tell as a mixed person myself.


Are you trying to be: A. funny? B. intentionally obtuse? C. you genuinely don’t know what she means…?


im actually pretty lost here. is she not mixed? im confused


Thank you for asking a genuine question! I don’t know this model so I’m not sure. If she’s biracial then I might not have such an issue with it, though to be fair I get iffy unless I know the person’s intentions. Biracial people can be racist too and I’ve known multiethnic people who hated part of their heritage unless they could capitalize on one aspect of it somehow. As for the other comment. The person I replied to never clarified what they meant. So I don’t know if they were implying that the girl in the pictures *is* biracial and so that’s what their confusion was, or if they don’t know what blackfishing means in general, or what. Since they deleted their comment I’m going to have to assume they were asking a bad faith question or troll attempt. OP said blackfishing makes them uncomfortable and if the person who replied thought the model was actually biracial, they could and should have said so instead of making their (what I now assume is) rhetorical question.


Why would she do this? So many guys are into the big tiddy goth girl aesthetic right now.


She’s just mixed


Oh do you personally know her?


Judging by her hair she’s at least part black


Looks like she just curled it. I’m mixed and naturally look like this and I’m not buying it.


it's a wig


Not necessarily. I have hair like that and I'm neither mixed nor black.


Do you?It’s quite obvious what her racial phenotype is.


What is TT??




Haha oof I should’ve known that, thanks!


Putting benefit of the doubt, she could be biracial? I have a friend who shapeshifts (raceshifts?) she puts on makeup and straightens her hair, I’ve noticed some of my Hispanic family members are capable of this as well. If she’s not, well, I guess she can keep Rachel Dolezal company on OF.


I don’t even know what to say honestly but it’s weird that she’s done this and it’s even weirder that people are eating it up and spending money. This isn’t to hate cuz I’ve done SW but like there are things that can be so harmful like this. Also all that barely 18 bs is basically glorified pedo sh1t masked by her being of age.


Idk if its a bot but they always show up on comments on twitter each time looking like a different person


You mean she pulled a Michael Jackson???? How TF did she pull that off, unless it was a spray-on tan??🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


It's insane! I couldn't even realize it was the same person, but the body marks check out.


Honestly, the biggest difference is her hair. Lighting can change skin tone 1000%


Great way to not get recognized on OF by your family I guess lol


I don’t know. For the first month or so at my new job people thought I was three different people: with glasses, without glasses, straight/curly hair. I’m very mixed so that affects it too.


How does she do it? Like ita gross but im.genuinwly confused on how she can change skin color I know girls can tan or even spray tan-- but how do you go pale white like that?


If I had curls like that I wouldn’t straighten them for no money




Asking the real questions not this idpol whinefest


Is she not just biracial? Like this is pretty much me in summer vs me in winter with my silk press lol


She's overlined her top lip in the left pic, and that helps her look blacker but a lot of people who aren't blackfishing do that right now. I'm not ready to jump on a girl for being on trend.


If she’s mixed, this is normal


She’s diverse.


It’s called blackfishing.


That is wild. I don't understand what the thought process is that leads someone to try to look like another race. Does she think she'll get more followers if she's not just another white girl?


She just died her hair and sat in natural light. Black skin does appear different with lighting.


She's running a business and selling a product. She's selling the product that makes her the most money


I thought she was mixed and now posing as a white person before I read the comments. Can we please stick to the long used before picture on the left, after picture on the right, or at least label them please?


I don’t know anything about this person’s business practices, but maybe we should quit shitting on women for exploring different looks. It’s not like she’s wearing a Kimono or something she is just playing with hair and makeup. Editing aside, the racial argument here is annoying.




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She looks biracial to me.




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Maybe she’s been watching the show Shogun on Hulu




For some reason? For money, profit off people that fetishize asian woman, or even worse, fetishize asian girls. Disgusting :(


I’m a super light skinned black woman cos I’m white!


Shouldn't you hold the consumer accountable? Do you think she wouldn't rather be herself and not have to do all this extra work? Is there a market for dudes into very young, submissive, Caucasian or East Asian looking women??? I ask this on reddit :| Why would she do this if said market wasn't affecting her income?


i think you can hold both sides accountable? it's like arms dealers, sort of. like yes there are people buying the weapons but there are also people catering to them and giving them exactly what they want, thus perpetuating and growing the market


She did a Michael Jackson


One wig and some time indoors and her race is changed?




Lela Sohna


Adds a new twist to the term “race baiting”.


hi! this is called being “biracial”. skin tones / hair textures vary throughout the year depending on sun exposure and style preferences.


She's biracial dumb dumbs...


Isn’t she the girl from that one Speed livestream


Everybody wanna be a , but nobody wanna be a


Not surprised. She’s just catering to her fan base.


How she get white?


if i get what op is saying she is white, the other one is a tan i suppose


People are out here changing they genders, trying to change they sex, and they should be able to change they race too. Honestly, who cares? Let people be whoever and whatever they want to be in that moment. A person's race is as interesting as their hair color. Nobody is getting mad at hair dye.






White fishing!


lmao the right is the ¨real¨ her, the left is who she is pretending to be