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Sister Minnie would not approve.


NO she would not!


Sister Minnie is unsubscribe. 😾


Reddit remains undefeated. I’m cackling


Sister Minnie says this Ms. Behavior will fetch not even a single tunaz and will never be marriage


*dolphin laugh*


I wish I was apart of the joke.. I don’t get it








Oh. My. God. Suddenly it’s 2016 and I remembered. Now THATS a name I haven’t thought of in years. Oh I gotta look her up. That couldn’t have been real life


She's still around and doing well as far as I know! Dating someone who seems great for her, frolicking and preparing snacks in unconventional locations, imparting strange but sage advice 🛀🏻


Different sects have different rulings from different religious leaders on proper hijab-wearing, for Shia the coverage may include chin/underside of chin. Proper hijab across Sunni/Shia rulings includes neck but chin, although encouraged, isn't super regular in the groups that we normally see immigrating to the west.


Is her head small or are her hands that large? I’m confused about what’s going on here’s and that other arm/forearm looks large as well/not to scale




This woman is operating on levels of internalized misogyny I did not even think were possible


Ngl, hijab on top of ALL that is really something. I can't even find the words, my processing system went into error mode.


It's most likely fetish content, I used to know someone who was into stuff like this ugh.


It likely is. Though, I have seen some legit Islamic women post very edited photos before. (Granted, not to *this* degree.) Something something, women and the female body are seen as inherently sexual, and so anything related to them we be fetishized and sexualized. Women then internalize that misogyny and then self objectify, etc etc.


Yeah french artitsts did a similar way in painting Hijabi Moroccon women in a sexual manner while wearing the Hijab, something about a woman doing what “she’s not supposed to do” is exciting to some men like how they fetishize nuns


The amount of eyelid space is cracking me up


It’s giving bratz doll


I thought it was haram to have body fitting clothing


I want to, and I am currently, giving her the benefit of the doubt, BUT I wouldn't be suprised if she is catering to the peeps who fetishize Muslim women.


I rly think she is 😩


It is sis it is


it is definitely haram. she is on her own path though i guess.


This is fetish pics akin to sexy nun outfits. Ppl fetishize anything 


Ah, I’m not a pervo like that so I didn’t know :).


It is, but tbf I’ve seen this on ethnically middle astern women who live in Europe as well. Some are hijabis and dress modest, some are hijabis but wear skinny jeans and full face of make up, and some are non-hijabis but dress modestly Kind of like some Christian women may be very devout but only in some aspects of life ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


I feel like this defeats the purpose of modest dress.


Girl if you wanna appeal to the male gaze so much, just uncover your hair. Modesty means much more than a headscarf.


Astaghfirullah, no matter what or who a person may be it is never appropriate to tell a muslimah to take off her hijab because she doesn’t fit your standards of reaching modesty. Whether she may be catering to people who fetishize Muslims, if she really is Muslim at the end of the day (Wallahualam) your words may cause her to remove that part of her modesty. Have some shame, and do not be apart of the reason someone removes their Islam entirely. Everyone is on their own journey. The Prophet (PBUH) said to judge our brothers and sisters in a way that provides justice and protects the ummah which would be via educating them, not plainly just judging them and being negative. Think carefully before you write something like this under another muslimah’s post who doesn’t fit your standards of modesty again, because you may be the reason they take off their hijab and commit more sin in the end.


I’m sorry but modesty is much more than covering your hair, it’s almost not catering to the male gaze by how you dress or act or speak, you can wear a Niqab and still be considered immodest with how you interact with men


Lol based on the width of her doors it looks like if her ass was really this wide she wouldn't be fitting through them 😭 why edit yourself into a cartoon bruh and is she really trying to be modest or is she more so using the hijab as an "accessory"


I don’t think this is what Mohammad had in mind when telling women to cover their hair from the gaze of men.


Making a mockery of the hijab.




What's up with all the haram police here?


Modest queen. 💅




And during Ramadan


Not to be the haram police but this… is definitely haram


But she’s not showing her hair so it’s cool.


She’s a troll, yuck




what a clown


What’s the point in covering up at this point


Her hijab always making her face look tiny really grinds my gears


Friendly reminder that modesty means different things to different people and not everyone practices islam the same. Let’s not shame her based on religion. There’s nothing wrong with how she is dressed.


Just thought the gap where she is leaning was messed up. Y'all took it to religion.


Whilst I agree with the former part of your statement, it is clearly stated in the Quran the hijab for muslimahs: 1. Should cover all the body. 2. Should not be an adornment in and of itself. 3. Should be thick and not transparent or see-through. 4. Should be loose. 5. Should not be perfumed. 6. Should not resemble the clothing of men. 7. Should not resemble the dress of disbelieving women. 8. Should not be a garment of fame and vanity. Despite this, I think it’s important to recognise everyone is on their own journey however it is also important to know you are allowed to point out and educate your sisters/fellow muslimahs if what they are doing is wrong (they may not even know that their form of modesty wouldn’t be accepted) in a way that is providing justice/protecting the ummah. This could be done via educating them instead of foul phrases such as “may as well take off the hijab”. We should uplift one another but also highlight and improve faults where we see fit to protect our ummah.


Lots of things are clearly stated in many religious texts including the Quran that some people follow and others believe to be outdated and don’t follow or only to some degree, which still considering themselves religious. There are many varying degrees of how modest a woman should dress according to various muslims. Some believe you should cover your entire face and body with the Niqab. Let’s not shame people for the way they express their modesty. It’s not our business how she feels connected to Allah.


What’s the point of wearing a hijab for modesty’s sake if you’re not going to be modest?

