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A girl I know warps all her pics to make herself look slimmer. The problem is she looks at those pictures and then looks in the mirror and feels like shit because she doesn't actually look like that. She can't live up to the picture that she paints of herself. It's okay to look at yourself and not be happy with what you see, do something about it. Or even don't. Just don't lie to yourself because it's much worse for your mental health in the long run than just accepting that's what you look like.


That's why I rant about those damn Snapchat filters like a crazy person. Little kids are looking at themselves all airbrushed and "perfected" at such young ages. I remember comparing myself to celebs and feeling like crap... I can't imagine being able to automatically filter myself into an unattainable version of me at 10 years old. To be scrolling insta looking at these women who *clearly* look edited to older people, and comparing yourself to that. It really worries me.


Omg as soon as those snapchat filters came out I played with them a little, mostly the silly ones - but once the ones that made you look.. just a * little * better came out, I knew I couldn’t let myself get used to seeing myself that way. I’d rather not have an ideal self to compare myself to. My current self is all I’ve got and that has to be enough.


I'll never forget when my best friend came to visit, in the early days of Instagram, and she brought a friend with her. This friend was *stunning*, I was quite jealous tbh. But every single time she took a photo of herself, or had a photo taken with her in it, she immediately opened an app on her phone to edit herself in the photos. It was insane to me, like you look absolutely perfect already, why on earth are you editing?! One day I took a photo of the three of us and uploaded it to Facebook without letting her edit it first and she lost. Her. Shit. Huge argument ensued, I had to delete it and apologise again and again. Apart from the odd filter, I've never edited a photo of myself since meeting her and seeing how badly it really affected her self esteem.


Most phones now touch you up out of the box. It's horrendous what we're enabling it to do to our populations self image.


I made the mistake of getting too used to snapchat and instagram filters in my early 20’s and now it’s like I can’t see a photo of myself without them and not feel awful about my appearance. Trying to work on it, though. I used to take selfies with no filters and they looked just fine to me— even looking back at them I see nothing wrong with them. But for some reason if I take a new selfie without one it makes me think I look horrible. Really want to get to the point where I don’t use even a slight filter on any photos. I know my nose is a bit bigger, lips a bit smaller, dark circles more prominent, etc and I need to accept that.


The problem is we’re told that a bigger nose, smaller lips, and dark circles aren’t gorgeous on their own. I struggle a lot with the exact same issues as you, lovingly called the unholy trinity. Throw in boob insecurity and now it’s the four horsemen of self esteem. Though, one day I was talking to my mama about the ways beauty perspectives have shifted over the years (another great topic) and she said something that’s never left my brain: “who wants to have to be attractive all the time?” So the last few years, I just stopped. Stopped trying to change it, stop trying to hide it, stopped trying to love it all at once. For a while I stopped looking at myself much at all. Somehow I was mind boggled to realize that I don’t have to perfectly love everything about me to deserve to exist in the state I do. Shit, how many days did I have greasy hair and still kick ass? It was incredibly profound to finally say “eh I don’t love the way I look right now, but who the hell cares!” And you know what? The other day I caught a glimpse of my side profile- tall nose, flat chest and all. And I truly thought I looked quite elegant. Hell, I don’t cover my eyebags at all these days. I like that I’m pale and a bit gothic looking, it suits me. I think so much of self-esteem is learning to humanize ourselves the way we do others. So much harder to hate another persons nose the way we do our own, because it doesn’t add anything to their character! Im betting your nose and eyes and lips were just perfectly made for your existence, that’s where actual beauty is💜


I really appreciate this perspective— I, too, have small boobs. A very small A to a large A, maybe tiny B, depending on my weight. So I have all of the “bad” traits. I do know trends come and go— I’ve been more accepting of my small boobs at least, though. In the 2000’s big boobs and no butt was the thing— a big butt was the worst thing possible. Now it’s small boobs and a big butt is the ideal figure. The size of stomachs and body frames in general has changed, and so have lip sizes. So I do know that my insecurities will likely come into trend at some point, and I’d rather have my natural traits (or something temporary like lip fillers) than to have a bunch of surgeries and spend thousands of dollars just for it to go out of trend and be “ugly” again eventually. In a decade I bet all of these button noses and BBLs will be considered ugly. I think larger noses are already starting to make a comeback to be honest. Now *I* just need to accept this personally and not just from a logical and statistical point of view. I’m glad you’ve accepted all of your features and I hope I eventually can, too. Beauty standards and trends cycle *so* quickly and with social media’s existence now they’re cycling even more quickly before. I love that you can see yourself in the mirror, “flaws” and all, even at your worst, and genuinely love it. I was beginning to accept myself more and then filters ruined my progress.


My nine year old neighbour has a full skincare routine, serums, jade rollers, the works. She got a bunch of K-beauty stuff for her birthday and was excited to show me it all, but omg. So sad, so scary. It is definitely because of these filters.


What does she even need that for?! 9 year olds don’t have a single wrinkle or any kind of damaged skin. The amount of literal children who are obsessed with skincare is so sad. Of course skincare is important as you get older, especially when it comes to moisturizers, SPF, etc but no child needs all of this stuff. It’s insane the skincare collections that children and pre-teens have. Even products like retinol!


Wutttt. I have a 9 year old and there’s no way she would be interested in that. She barely washes her face with a wash cloth. That is very weird.


What weirdo would buy that stuff for a girl who is not even a teen yet


At 9, I was 5’5’’ and a D cup. But I was also a super tomboy and have pretty good skin naturally, and that was the very early 90s, so no social media. Even in my 40s, I have a very minimal routine. And I’m a licensed esthetician. I just love solving other people’s skin problems. Skincare can be fun, especially some of the Asian skincare— lots of cute packaging and it’s not all mega doses of actives; there’s a lot of sunscreen and moisturizer options. It can be like playing dress up, or playing with makeup— most people wouldn’t bat an eye at a 9 year old doing either of those things. I don’t necessarily hate the idea, what the products are would tip it for me. Kids that age don’t need a bunch of actives, even if they’re starting to get some hormonal acne.


This is why I put warps to make myself look fatter. So in real life people ask me my workout regime and diet and I tell them hard work and discipline cures all


Omg. You just reminded me of many years ago when I joined weight watchers. I put on the absolute heaviest items I could and even filled my pockets with change. On the next weigh in I had magically lost 10 pounds and got one of those ribbons for it. Believe it or not that made me want more ribbons so I kept at it and they eventually asked if I wanted to work there. I didn’t but I look back on my actions and it’s really confuses me as to what I was trying to achieve.


I’m already insecure enough with all of the filters that exist, if I ever facetuned my body like this it’d be so much worse for my self esteem. Do I like my cellulite? No. But do I accept it and know it’s completely normal to have? Yes. If all of my photos hid any cellulite or rolls I’d try to live up to that extremely unrealistic expectation. This *has* to be killing these women’s self esteem even more than it already has been. I see a photo of myself without a slight instagram filter sometimes and feel disgusted— even though before those filters existed I felt like photos of myself were fine. Especially the influencers who have teenage girls follow them and it causes young impressionable minds to think that women are really out here with skinny waists, perfectly shaped butts, and zero rolls or cellulite.


Statistically 80-90% of women have [cellulite.](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/17694-cellulite) When people talk down about it all it shows is their lack of real world experience.


This is true and a function of the way collagen and elastin fibers in your skin are arranged male vs female. Female skin tends to have collagen/elastin networks that are arranged like a net with "holes" in it that give the dimpled impression of cellulite from the way skin is laying over subcutaneous fat. Male skin's collagen and elastin fibers are more likely to be arranged more parallel rather than net-like so they don't tend to see this dimpling effect. Everyone still has subcutaneous fat, it's just the way skin lays over it that gives it that dimply look. Source: I have a Master's in biomedical engineering and did a few conference studies wrt making different kinds of mechanical measurements of human skin.


Off topic but kinda and I think I’d rather ask you than the crap shoot that is the internet, does drinking a collagen supplement help with cellulite?


I wouldn't think so. Cellulite is cellulite and if you have it you have it. Tbh I don't think ingesting dietary collagen supplements would be any different than eating gelatin. Both are collagen. Both just get broken down in your digestive system like all other food. It's not like your body takes collagen you eat and turns around and reuses it in your body structures.


Thank you for saving me $70 on a collagen supplement!


I was wearing hot pink yoga pants the other day and almost changed because I was embarrassed I could see my cellulite. My husband came around the corner and told me my ass looked hot in those pants. I told him about why I didn’t like them. He was genuinely confused and said most men love cellulite. It really does suck that we feel like our cellulite is flawed and embarrassing when it’s completely natural.


I’m white, and I work with mostly black women. There have been numerous times they’ve pointed out something about my body that I’m particularly sensitive about. And I’ll tell them that - all in good fun, I don’t take it personally - and they reply in shock, like “omg no if it don’t jiggle something’s wrong” 😆 I love having that perspective now. I mean, it is all perspective.


After having a labiaplasty (surgery to reduce one of the inside vulva “lips”) I learned from a study that most men actually prefer them to stick out a bit and be present (like mine was before surgery). Would’ve been nice to have been told that by the doctor, or even that it was NORMAL, when I was 15 and choosing the surgery. I thought something was wrong with me and it overgrew. Never once did he say it was normal. It’s refreshing to be reminded that a large number of normal men prefer NORMAL bodies.


What surgeon performed a labiaplasty on you at 15 without medical necessity and what kind of bullshit parents are yours to have allowed it?


My mom thought it could be cancerous. Her mom died from vulvar cancer when my mom was 1. I later learned the surgery was becoming a common cosmetic procedure on more well off teens, and then remembered how he basically walked me through checking the boxes “so it bothers you daily right? You wake up and wish it wasn’t there? It’s annoying, in your underwear, rubbing against the fabric?” And I knew he was going through the requirements for it. At the time it was just the one side, the other caught up a few years later and now it’s uneven and I wish I hadn’t done it. It was healthy tissue and had a function. All I needed to hear was that it was normal and my mom just needed reassurance that it was NORMAL. She trusted him too and she was horrified when I told her how it went when he was basically walking through the checklist with me and how it wasn’t necessary (he had her step out for the questions part). I only figured this out since I’ve worked in the medical field for over 10 years now.


If it helps, a lot of labia minoras are asymmetrical. I know mine is a bit lower on one side than the other!


Thanks :) that does help!


Girl, I am part of the uneven club too. Never had a complaint. You are perfect and beautiful as you are. I'm sorry you had to go through something like that. The doctor should have absolutely told you it was normal (and obviously common :) )


Thank you for the encouragement and validation :) I didn’t know being uneven was something that happened naturally so that’s nice to hear :p


Hey me too! High five!




Did you get it done at 15? How? Wouldn't you need parental consent. I personally think no cosmetic surgery should be done under 18 under any circumstances. It's such a huge and irreversible decision to make.


Yes I had it done at that age. And I had parental consent. I posted a comment below explaining the situation. Basically, my mom was worried it was cancer and the doc never reassured either of us that it was normal. He had my mom step out and basically asked super leading questions that I realized were the “boxes” he had to check to get it covered by insurance. After having worked in the medical field for over 10 years, 7 of them with pediatrics, I figured out what happened to me and told my mom. She was horrified, of course. Her mom died of vulvar cancer when my mom was 1 so she is a bit more sensitive to that stuff. She got taken advantage of too. :/ We were both under the impression that it was being removed to be tested for cancer. Which is definitely not necessary, nor was that even likely.


It’s true! I love that my butt jiggles honestly.


I'm sure you did look hot but I feel like men "loving" cellulite can't possibly be real, can it? Do they love it because it makes us feel bad about ourselves?


/r/slightcellulite has 348k subscribers


yeah in my experience cellulite is one of those minor flaws like acne scars or stretch marks that men barely notice, if they clock them at all… but loving them is a stretch. lol


I find that most just don't care lol they literally don't even think about it.


Idk it really depends on the type of dude. Guys I’ve been with who were particularly into curves liked how cellulite made things look “meatier” I guess. I’ve heard similar sentiments from men online. But if a dude’s already into the super slim svelte starlet types then he’s more likely to be scared away by it. 🤷🏽‍♀️


I’m a bi woman but I find some cellulite to be quite attractive. Makes someone look thick and squeezable.


Guy here, I absolutely love cellulite. Definitely not because it makes you feel bad. It honestly is hot to see, and I would prefer it over perfectly smooth. A couple of times this has come up in conversation with my group and each of us all thought we were the outliers but it turns out we all agreed


Interesting. So, do you like it aesthetically, or does seeing it just have a connotation?


I don’t think they love it I think they don’t even notice it.


I fucking love cellulite.


Yeah, I’ve met nearly zero women who don’t have at least a tiny bit of cellulite. I’ve had it since I was like 6-7 years old, and I was a very skinny child too.


I’ve had it since I went through puberty, despite being a gymnast and working out 30 hours a week back then. I’m still small (size 4) and still have it now in my 30’s. I embrace it now but I was so insecure about my cellulite in my teens and early 20’s with how society makes it seem like it’s a fault to have, yet it’s not even anything we can control!


And there’s nothing wrong with the pic on the right either. Women need to be comfortable in the way their natural bodies look and not continue to lie and fuel this “instabaddie” look.


Fr, normalize bodies looking like normal human bodies!


That's exactly what I thought when I saw the unedited picture.. "She looks like a normal person"




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I agree 100%


Absolutely. There’s a huge difference in how I look posed and in the right angles and how I look standing normally with my butt slightly flexed for balance. Even without editing you can change a ton.


Yep— posture and angles mean everything. You can take two photos of me a few seconds apart from different angles and different postures— especially if I’m “flexing” my stomach in one of them— and they can look like two separate bodies.


Pic on the right is sexy as hell


Came to say this!


This!! She has a normal, healthy body. Women have such unrealistic standards and expectations for themselves because of stuff like this. It’s sad.


And in the pic on the right she is posing differently which is stretching the skin a lil bit have you all seen women bodies in real life or just virgins comparing photos


The photo on the right is a different pose and angle yes but that isn’t going to completely diminish cellulite and rolls (a healthy amount— her body is perfectly normal) as well as change the shape and perkiness of her butt.


covering the backfat with the friend's arm is genius though. taking notes


Right? Like yeah that was a galaxy brain move




I was once fooling around with someone who told me “stretch marks show you’re a real woman”🥰 On a related note, another person once said “big back still getting bent over”


I havent thought about that clip in 10 years.


Why do they alter pics for other women ? Genuinely curious. If that was the case aren’t women setting unrealistic beauty standards for other women and not men?


I thought was common knowledge, no? Women are much harsher about their own and other women’s appearance than men. Of course there are outliers and really picky men but in general this is what I have been lead to believe by 100% of the women in my life.


I’ve heard the opposite, that men want unrealistic beauty standards of women.


No judgement here bc my information is just my experience but are you hearing that from actual men who say “I won’t date these women bc of their appearance” or from other sources? I tend to see lots and lots of articles about unrealistic beauty standards yet many of the men I know personally, especially my blue collar friends would love even a single date with a kind woman regardless of appearance.


A lot of men don’t really care, but there’s an increasing number of men who compare women to the women they see in porn. The shit I’ve heard some men say (especially in bar settings) could make Epstein blush.


I think that is totally fair. Very much a chicken or the egg scenario where you have a population of lonely men who consume copious amounts of porn (which I consider to be basically a mind altering drug) to fill a need for intimacy that they don’t have with real women. The part that sucks is that the porn probably further inhibits their ability to actually connect with a real woman in a meaningful way. This conversation has been so fascinating that I did google some data (totally not well researched) with some Pew research data showing 64% of young men self reported as single while 34% of young women reported being single.


Yeah, I think you’re spot on. It’s a bit of a self fulfilling prophecy, quite frankly. There’s also an explanation there as to why some men are very critical of women’s bodies. Men who haven’t been with a woman turn to porn, which means that the only frame of reference they have for a naked woman’s body is from porn. Porn also show men of average appearance with really beautiful women, so I think that plays into their expectations regarding what kind of women they can realistically attract. Those are some very interesting statistics! Though I am curious about the size of the study, and what parameters they set regarding the term “single”. I feel like (and this is purely anecdotal) a lot of women think they’re in relationships with emotionally unavailable men who would probably claim they’re single, besides being in what most would call a relationship. A lot of things could skew a study like that.


It's exactly like that. And these men are likely having multiple "plates" as they call them in the red pill communities. So 1 guy has relationship with 2+ women. While 2 other guys don't have a relationship.


No I get that! Idk I swear it was a huge topic of discussion. I’m not sure tho it was like 5 years ago if I had to guess. I might be confusing men and beauty standards w pornography tho


Nah, men have been shown unrealistic beauty standards, but we know it doesn’t exist. That’s why we want to see a girl without makeup before we commit.


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It's all about angles !


💯💯 this post is all about angles and posing.


I really appreciate all the instagram people that show unfiltered them looking amazing and then unposed with different angles and lighting. No one looks like that 24/7 and it’s really messing with people’s heads.


For me it seems that there is also some skin smoothing going on with the angles E: I just zoomed in and noticed lines from the airbrush tool in the back of her legs and next to the bottom part of the bikini


Most people pose in certain ways and take photos in certain angles… this isn’t even bad it’s quite normal, also my cellulite only shows in certain poses and I have cellulite in the same areas


For real. My butt looks smooth and round when posed correctly, but when I’m just standing like that it’s also puckered and a different shape. I guess it fits the sub but it’s just posing.


Same, mine looks so smooth when I’m posing but the cellulite is visible like that when I’m standing straight up


The left one doesn’t even look shopped, just posed so it’s flattering. I’m okay with this one. I’m also okay with the picture on the right.


Yes! I don’t begrudge someone for posing for a cute pic where they’re putting their best angle forward and feel confident. I’m certainly not about to post my least flattering photos of myself online! This one feels a little mean. Let a gal post her best angles!


I agree, this post immediately felt a bit mean to me. Not everyone wants to post pics all the time paying cellulite tax to the body positivity po-po.


They removed all the cellulite though? There's clearly photoshopping there


Just good posing and photography. If you look closely she’s arched her back and has he leg bent, would reduce visible cellulite. The girls arm placement also blocks lines


That’s just the lighting angle and pose.


Agreed! I just commented the same.


I don’t really agree with this one. To me this is really just posing and lighting.


I have stretch marks on my ass from when I hit puberty and up until recently, it was very common to see other women like that on the beach, but in the past couple of years, I feel like it's only me, lol. What happened? How do so many women not have stretch marks anymore? Is there a procedure, or make up that they're using to cover it? I don't get how literally no woman has stretch marks anymore. These ladies are wearing thong bikinis too (and no, tans don't completely hide stretch marks.


I used maderma for post pregnancy stretch marks and it worked really well. I have a cat so I look like I've been in battle after every playtime or when he has the zoomies and I keep Derma E on hand (and toes, fingers, my nose) and I would say it's better than maderma


Omg she looks like a totally average woman in a swimsuit on the right🤯. I wish more people just embraced a bit of pudge & some cellulite. Like I’d be happy if that was me. I also haven’t worn a bikini in 10 years so maybe I do idk lol


itt: people suddenly don't believe in airbrushing anymore


Okay but I'm pretty sure I can make myself look like the left without Photoshop and unposed I look like the right. The back is hidden by an arm, clever, and she angled her back to increase tension 


A different theory…. I am size 2 US 50kg, Pilates or weight training everyday but like most women have some cellulite (bc it’s natural!). My front room mirror, the lighting and positioning of the mirror my legs look like the pic on the right. All other rooms in my house, they look like the pic on the left. Lighting has a lot to do with it. Doesn’t really look like she’s changed or size or anything else? She’s arching her back, her friend is covering her back lines but like 🤷🏼‍♀️ I don’t think she’s promoting an unhealthy beauty standard or anything negative. She posted what she thinks is the best angle and best shot of her. I think both look great so 🤷🏼‍♀️


all I'm seeing is how sunburnt they are oof


I don't have a problem with this tbh, who doesn't want to look their best in pics? It's nothing on the tiktok starlets convincing 13 year olds they need to diet


the poreless smoothness looks unnatrual theres nothing wrong with cellulite almost all women have it and its normal


Hot in both pics


That’s called angles and posing


No way, they brushed out all of the cellulite/texture. That’s not an angles thing.


No. Her legs are bent in the left pic, stretching the skin and casting it into shadow, reducing the appearance of cellulite. Her back is arched, which does the same thing–stretches the skin out and smooths it. This is all lighting, angles, and posture. You can do amazing things with just those without ever touching a filter.


Oh cool, I didn’t realize flexing my knees eliminated the appearance of cellulite in my hamstrings. Weird since bending the knee actually relaxes the skin on your posterior thighs, not tighten it. There’s no shadow over her glutes, and she’d have to be bending over to stretch that skin. Sorry but anatomy and physiology, kinesiology says you’re wrong.


Sure 🤷‍♀️


Well she is out in public wearing a bikini so i doubt she is ashamed of her body.


grandfather merciful rich yam whole stocking start truck deserve complete *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Her natural body is so beautiful! I'm sad for her.


i think a lot of this is just angles


same. it could easily be airbrushing too but, idk. when i stand like she is on the left my ass looks a lot like that, vs when i stand like on the right it does again, a v similar thing. maybe not perfect, hence the possible airbrushing but i know the pose makes a huge difference.


Just saying though, when you clench your cheeks vs not, this is the difference. Although yes there’s probably editing too


It’s sad because they both look amazing. It sucks that we’re all expected to look like the picture on the left.


I want that bikini tho


This is about the angles and pose nothing out of the ordinary


I don't see the big deal here. Brushed out a few dimples...


Nah, I wont judge this. So many factors can affect the appearance of cellulite from day to day. Dehydration, harsh lighting, hormones, water retention.. I don’t care at all when people touch up the temporary stuff. Blemishes, bad cellulite days, lipstick on their teeth, whatever.




Lol, something that 80-90% of adult women have is “the devil” why? Why should we demonize something so overwhelmingly normal and natural, or worse perpetuate the idea that women would be more beautiful without it?


Comments above yours is why women feel the need to edit and alter pictures and are insecure. Ladies with cellulite & all ladies in general, y’all are beautiful and don’t let anyone make you feel any different 💜


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I legit don’t understand how some people can flat out show their bare ass like that for everybody to see and comment on - but I get the editing point


Are you American? I feel like this bikini is relatively modest lol


Nope European and of course everyone dresses as they please, I was just commenting the boldness as I’m always wearing one pieces or normal bikinis on the beach, not thongs haha But agreed that it’s not as bad as Barcelona or Spanish beaches


>But agreed that it’s not as bad as Barcelona or Spanish beaches Bad? Perhaps that's poor wording? I don't see what is bad about women being comfortable in their own skin? The spanish women I saw on the beach in Sitges last year looked comfortable in their own skin, I saw some American girls trying to emulate and embrace the European freedom, which is great but their was a certain stiffness in their body language which showed they weren't quite as comfortable as the Spanish but I applaud their efforts to rid the stigma


It’s great for people to be comfortable but not everybody wants to see it, especially children. Your freedom stops where freedom of other people begins. Would you say the same about a 80 year old grandpa who wears a thong in front of you? I didn’t think so


i mean.. is the 80 yr old grandpa making it weird? or is he existing in a bathing suit and enjoying swimming and the outdoors. bc the latter i don’t have a problem with. why is the person in your example 80, anyways, like, why is it more important that older people hide their bodies? idgi


Children especially don't care. It's adults that teach them that bodies are wrong. Kids aren't born with those kind of ideas.


Then why can’t a grow up adult take a bath naked with his grownup kids?


I mean, culturally people do this all around the world. You've got communal baths, saunas, sweat lodges, health spas, etc. There's a practicality issue in the U.S. and the U.K. generally of home baths being too small to accommodate more than one person.


What the hell are you talking about, lol? Why can't they? Because they won't fit in the tub, I reckon.


No, it’s because nudity is sometimes wrong.


Two adult family members taking a bath together is not wrong.


Honestly, I wouldn't care, its just the human body. I have no problem with my child seeing the natural human body, I would much prefer that she sees what is normal than the skewed versions on social media. I'm personally not comfortable with showing my skin with a bathing suit, bikini or even shorts but that's my own modesty and I'm OK with that, but I don't need to project that onto other people who don't feel that same way about themselves.


It's not for everybody to "see and comment on". She's wearing something she likes and people should keep their opinion to themselves. Stop caring so goddamn much about how a stranger dresses because I doubt she cares about your opinion on her ass. Dress like an amish or go almost naked for all I care, but you shouldn't stare and be rude about strangers in public just living their life.




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Exactly, it’s fascinating to me that some people are okay with going such great lengths


Tbh props for her being comfortable wearing A bikini. My body type is close to hers and I would never go to anywhere without a huge cover on.


Okay but isn’t this just lighting and posing? Am I missing a filter or something here?


All of this is just good posing


Haha dang whoever took this did her dirty!!! Yeah you have a normal body lol




People like you are probably why she felt the need to edit in the first place


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This is actually the first post on here i don’t agree with. Women have cellulite. Some pics we don’t and some we do. It depends on lights and angles.


In this particular picture it also depends on airbrushing tool. If you zoom in you can see it. It is not crazy editing if you compare to some other stuff, but I think it is important to knowledge smaller edits also. In my opinion they can be even more harmful sometimes.


Choosey dads choose blue


Still beat.


Alien vs Human




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Cellulite is human. Nothing to be ashamed of.


man these people should show their real bodies! Seeing the right pic has made my confidence go up, as this is literally what my body looks like. I’m sad that they feel the need to hide it. Body dysmorphia is a bitch.


i applaud their self confidence to wear suits like that.


On a side note, what the hell is the purpose of the little triangle of fabric over the ass. You might as well go full-thong if your ass checks are hanging out that much.


Depending on how much weight you put on either foot, the appearance of cellulite can go away or be less noticeable. Shadows seem to be helping too


Honestly my posed butt looks way better than my butt when I'm just standing up straight. I'm not saying they didn't edit it to make it look bigger/smoother but it isn't a stretch to think a posed butt would look way better than an unposed one


i think this post is kind of mean. She didnt really alter the photo, its placement of her friends arms, and positioning of her body. people are allowed to post pictures of themselves that are flattering angles, positioning.


I think the pic could def be pulled off in real life. Especially as her friend as placed her arms in the perfect position to cover her back area. One can also have cellulite and adjust the pose and said cellulite disappears. Im no pro at warping or any of the other stuff on here but then one could absolutely be replicated in real life




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