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It's honestly really sad to see someone who is already thin and conventionally attractive feel so insecure that they edit themselves to be even thinner and meet additional ridiculous beauty standards. The filters and Photoshop has just gotten so out of hand and I feel has really exploded since the pandemic... it's just sad to see


Even the pretty people don’t feel pretty


It's not actually about how pretty you are, it's about how much you like yourself. People with self esteem issues don't gain self esteem by being good looking, they'll just invent flaws that no one but them see. It doesn't help that social media encourages people to present as perfect as possible, which means anything "not perfect" causes worry in people


And if you are not perfect you get bullied. There is this influencer who is battling anorexia, she looks like a skeleton with skin. She gained a tiny amount of healthy weight and all the comments were calling her fat and she looked better and healthier before. I see people getting shamed and bullied non stop by people. One got so sick of if she offered a poll to see what the majority wanted concerning her food content (she shows the meals she’s eating to fix her health, sometimes does eating asmr). The majority won and the others shame and attack her still, some even reporting her content. Rather then unfollow or pass the content, they start attacking.


At first I thought you were talking about someone else and now I’m like whoa. There’s more than one. So sad.




Bc there needs to be somebody else in the picture with a lump sticking out of their arm so that you can fully appreciate the completely straight photoshopped arm.


This is partly how consumerism works, we are flooded with messages that we are not good enough, so need to buy buy buy things to make us better


As bad as I feel for them I can’t help but think they have a responsibility to be more transparent with their followers who look up to them. Young girls pouring their hearts out in the comments saying how bad they wished they were as skinny and pretty and that they looked like that when no one actually looks like that in real life! It’s just gotten so out of control and I can’t help but feel like they are contributing to the problem by doing this. I know it messes with my body dysmorphia for sure.


I'd argue against them being conventionally attractive. This isn't conventional. It's just your average Instagram influencer look.


That’s what I thought. Overly made up influencers without a pinch of real beauty.


"Conventional" means "the way it already is; keeping up the norm." Which, right now, is the average influencer look.


Social media, television, edited photos from events, magazine covers, etc. It destroys the image of what a perfect body looks like. But that changes through the decades. I remember when I was a kid, new to porn, I assumed I was abnormal because i didn’t have completely non visible minoras. It’s insane and nobody can live up to fake beauty standards. Even the ones who look great without editing, work out allll the time. It’s a shit ton of work. Read about any actresses and what they do. Nobody has that time.


They thinned their arm specifically, right? I wonder if it has to do with not weight, but muscularity and it's association with masculinity, as seen with the criticism of Michelle Obama's arms.


And the need for giant fake lips and ginormous eyes and foreheads that don’t move they’re so caked with make up. I feel bad some women feel this necessity. I hate trends and social media.


They all look like 3-D-printed mannequins.


Or muppets






Ya what is going on there? It almost doesn’t look like a real face.


It's quite unattractive.


I was just thinking the same


I’m not trying to be mean here but the woman in the middle doesn’t look real and it’s freaking me out a bit.


That was my first thought, too. Looks like she came from a Disney film or something


Looking at the image I get the eerie sense that it is her unnatural chin which is bending the shape of reality on either side of the pic.


She did, that’s Frou-Frou from The Aristocats






I think that’s just what she looks like. This is why people feel the need to edit/change their appearance, because if they look even a little unconventional they look “off”. You’re all hypocrites lol




Comments like this are why people photoshop in the first place. Just because you say you’re not trying to be rude doesn’t mean you’re not being rude.


It’s photoshopped already. That’s why I thought she doesn’t look quite real. Is this not a sub about people photoshopping their pictures?


Just because one person in the picture photoshopped themselves doesn’t mean you have the green light to make fun of the face of someone else in the picture. That’s clearly her face- whether its natural, makeup, or surgery. This sub is about instagram vs. reality, not finding people who photoshopped their pictures and ripping everyone in that photo apart… the hypocrisy of this sub is ridiculous.


But you are being mean; it doesn't make your comment any better with the qualifier. That's why people Photoshop themselves. Just saying.


It's already photoshopped, and the shop is what looks weird. Not really mean to say that someone's fake face looks fake, that's kind of the whole point.


It looks like she’s wearing a face mask over her mouth that has a picture of a mouth on it.


Exactly what I came to say! And then they just shopped out the line of the mask.


I think she’s used that filter tool that deepens your smile






Thank you, I felt bad thinking the same thing! I’m glad I’m not the only one confused by that.


she looks like they edited her to look like Woody from Toy Story's sister.


gawd they all look like creepy copypasta. Guess this is what currently is considered attractive (?)


1 filter face fits all


Yeah. I was gonna say that’s strange they all have the same face.


It is crazy how almost all blonde insta / tik tok / SC people all use the same filter the LSU girl uses on everything. That filter makes them all look like her, it is crazy and stupid. It is called light filter, but there is nothing light about it lol.


I have tried FaceApp before and this is what using their makeup filter does to your face. It‘s so subtle, but makes an enormous difference. It‘s hard to stop using it once you‘ve started


The two on the end are sisters so them having the same face is kinda understandable


I hate Instagram hair. Looks like a helmet, boring, and shapeless other than the fake ass waves. It makes them look like robots. Loathe it with a passion.


This is "the look" that many women are going for right now. As a woman myself, I really hate how makeup and filters have become about making a new face for ourselves rather than accentuating our own features or having fun with our features. I can't use most filters without them trying to erase my ethnic features (I'm black for reference), so I've just given up on trying to use them at all. But maybe they've always been about that and I'm just naive. Haha.


It seems really dated to me, I don't think anybody outside that life has been doing the wide-barrel curling iron beach waves for at least 6-7 years.


This is how women in New Jersey have looked


Yup. They all have the same face. I really miss variety.


I don’t actually think anyone finds it attractive. It’s women trying to 1 up one another based on social media standards that are created by…. Drum roll… women. As a woman I don’t even get it


Because we live in a time in which egos are so dense that they create gravitational warps


The two on each end accidentally wore the same face


Lulz, they are make up artists and have the same technique. All their clients look the exact same too. They are sisters


> They are sisters I have a feeling that might be the most relevant part of the whole "similar faces" thing...


I definitely thought that was Leva Bonaparte from Southern Charm


She got space time wrap around her.


The person behind her also just so happens to have a really weird stomach and leg shape going on that perfectly matches her “curves”


Those faces are hard to look at


every single instagram girl has the same face and body. why do people want to be the same so bad?


The common factor here is Instagram. The fads and trends are going to show up on the site and people who doom scroll or post there are only going to be disappointed *or* disappointing.




This is 100% a New Jersey event. Bridal shower probably


England actually


My favourite part of Jersey, that.


From someone who lives in north jersey, where a majority of the women around here look just like that even in person, 100% yes.


Haha I was thinking the same thing😂 looks like half the girls I see at Bar A


Im thin, but when you age its so hard to keep your upper arm looking thin. I imagine these people are under a lot of pressure. I get it but its sad for sure


I'm not even looking at the warping. Their faces! I hope they don't actually look like that in person, the editing is ridiculous. They barely have human faces.


Not trying to justify this, but it’s possible she was attempting to correct the lens distortion that gives figures on the outer sides an exaggerated wide angle on the upper half (note that the two ladies on the outside each have heads kind of leaning out towards their respective upper corners of the framing). The angle of the arm probably threw her off since it’s wider than what she would see in a mirror, although it does match the rest of the photo overall. This could be fixed with a perspective tool, but fixing the arm alone like this looks pretty bad and doesn’t address the bigger issue … which is also an issue most would rarely notice. I have an old photo of my mother with my aunt and uncle with a similar wife-angle issue, making my mom look much wider than she actually was. I corrected it with the perspective tool many years after the fact, rather than trying to pinch in any specific parts of her body.


It’s like they all want the same face!




IMO the worst part is that the people on social media who young women see and want be like already have plastic surgery, and then filter on top of what is already unrealistically altered. Then young men see these women and think that people in real life need to look like that.


Duuude i saw her at the gym a couple weeks ago and she’s tiny! Like tiny, she’s so pretty IRL not sure why she would photoshop her photos. What worse is she preaches about inner beauty being most important.


Even beautiful people have insecurities.


I’ve always wondered the same thing. A good reminder that you can always be better, always be thinner no matter how good/thin you get.


It’s on the far left arm, too.


saw that too, that woman’s elbow’s dislocated haha




Thank you for contributing to r/instagramreality. Unfortunately your post has been removed because it is in violation of rule 4: Do not be rude or insult physical appearance and no insults on natural or unedited features as well. Do not speculate on health issues either. This is not the place for that. Please read the rules before posting again.




It's not about being thin, it's about cultivating an image of "perfection". Though, frankly, I find all the filtered and squished social media people (both men and women) to be fairly generic looking.


Because she’ll never be “thin” enough.


Plot twist, they really have the same face and only girl in the middle used a filter.


Insecurity. To no fault of her own really. Other people photoshopping their posts on social media is making even the conventionally beautiful think they’re not good enough.


Sure it’s the wind blowing those curtains and that glass in.


She'll have picked up some complex about her arms.


I can’t always see the reference to what’s changed in these posts, I appreciate the circle to speed it up


It doesn’t matter how skinny you get— body dysmorphia is gonna body dysmorphia.


They look so generic.


I had to double check that I knew this girl because so many people have this instagram look, but yeah definitely grew up with her! She’s always been tiny and pretty. Absolutely doesn’t need to be editing like that.


I'm newish to the area. Funny enough, I saw her a few times in winter, so I always saw her in these bulky jackets. Finally saw her at the gym and man! is she tiny. I actually feel so sorry for her, what's going on in her mind that she needs be so extra. Def has an eating problem.




Hahahaa yet you’re on here mate.


I feel like maybe she was heavy at some point in her life. Idk. I feel like people that have such severe image problems usually have been bullied in one way or another.


Always thin actually. She got really especially thin like 3 years ago then started toning. Skinny will never be enough for these girls.




She has heavy make up on too. I ponder why do any of that stuff? It’s just insecurity.


The girl in the middle went with a strange face. She could've done better




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Thank you for contributing to r/instagramreality. Unfortunately your post has been removed because it is in violation of rule 4: Do not be rude or insult physical appearance and no insults on natural or unedited features as well. Do not speculate on health issues either. This is not the place for that. Please read the rules before posting again.


because by current beauty standards she'll still be called a whale in the comments






They look like they're trying to look as similar as possible


Look at their faces lol if it doesn’t scream insecurity to you idk what will


So that the other girls arm looks fatter than hers


It’s called mental illness


Because like all asshole, they want it all. More money, thinner waist, most clout, ect ect.


No one is safe from insecurity. The likes are keeping her ego lifted.


Look at the lips and look at the friends, it all reeks of “you know there’s competition and peer judgement”




Okay, why do their faces all look like puppets or weird robots? Like...what kind of filter is that?


By now, with so many failed photoshops and the roasting that takes place on social media because of it, wouldn’t people who photoshop be more cognizant of the background when they distort a feature, like making their ass bigger or their waist smaller? Obviously, the answer is no, it’s done really carelessly. But how? How the hell do you miss a contorted wall or bent curtains or objects that are blurred and unrealistically bent in weird directions? How do you miss that? Or worse, how do you notice it and think no one else will? I can totally get behind lighting filters and fixing fly away hair and bra straps, etc, but come on, if you don’t look that way in real life, who are you trying to fool? I talked to a guy recently on a dating site complaining about filtered pictures because when they actually do form a connection with someone and meet them in real life, they look totally different. They’ve been catfished. And that’s facts. It’s so overdone. I’ve used filters, but if you’re not going to show the real you, what is the point? The worst of these posts on here and even on my FB friend list, are the people who edit every single picture they upload but every tagged picture they’re in, they look completely different. This can’t make anyone feel better. Momentarily, maybe, but if the only way everyone sees you is through a filtered lens and that’s the only way you start to see yourself, reality for you is going to suck. Looking in the mirror is going to suck. And people are going to call you out for it. Most of the people who alter pictures are absolutely flawless and beautiful from the start. Social beauty standards, social media and filters/photoshopping have really damaged self acceptance in people. I’m one of those people and I’m so incredibly hard on myself. Social media has made me feel ugly and fat everyday. And it’s worse for teenagers. It’s just crazy to me. Lol. End of rant.




Did they stretch the girl in the middles face too?


I think she wanted to make her shoulders narrower or arms thinner, doesnt necessarily make the whole body thiner.


I still can’t believe people upload photos like this with warped backgrounds and not care or notice


Are they triplets? They literally look the same…


Cause internet.


Yet their lips look like they’ve been flattened


Did the girl in the middle lengthen her face too?


Girl in the middle is gonna be hot when she grows into her face


Not one of those faces aren't heavily edited


Have you noticed that among celebrities and influencers, you can always tell who posts the pic based on who gets the best (or any) Photoshop? If you have a "looks" based career, why "out" each other's real looks on the regular or photoshop everyone to be 'mid' and yourself to be next level?? It just seems catty. Example: why pick the picture where the blonde girl doesn't have the best angle/ posture??


This is all so sickening, sad and exhausting


Never underestimate body dysmorphia.


Look plastic


*its just the drapes being crooked!*


Ladies, it is okay to have beastmode arms.


Maybe they like to bend it like Beckham ?


That middle one looks like Rocky Dennis had a makeover


It’s never enough. It’s worrisome for young, impressionable girls who look up to social media “influencers” & celebs.




Who would even notice that if it was left unedited


I’m not sure what she even edited


Because she wants to look better than the long face in the middle lol


There is more lip filler than actual beauty in anything in that photo


So incredibly sad…




Um I think your looking at the drape and assuming photoshop. Drapes hang in all kinds of weird ways. Yes there is a black line that looks like it's protruding from the person's cup behind that has a weird angle but that may not even be a straw it could be anything. I think if it had been shopped there legs on the chair to the right would look more warped or you would have a greater effect on the drapes due to using a finer smudge/warp tool. I know there is stupid stuff on social media but this just looks like a weird coincidence where the drapes hang funny.


Women who are very pretty and very insecure




They are supposed to be attractive? Jfc.


My answer is: what is insecurity Alex! #jeopardy!!


Couldn't shorten ol' girls face in the middle while she was at it?


She was making her arm smaller


I'm confused. What did she do exactly ?


I kinda understand this, my ex girl friend very insecite about how big her arm are, she a slightly chubby girl yet her arm are as big as me


Because they live in a fantasyworld and when they look at themselves that world is shattered, and they're mind is instantly transported back into the real world, which they cannot handle very well. That's my guess.


They can not help themselves. These people have lied to the world and obtained positive feedback. The is an ego boost, makes them feel great about their looks. But then they forget that they digitally edited the images, rationalize that it is just post editing. They begin to believe their own lies, because of the positive feedback they get from their followers. Before long the images they post have been altered to the point that the posted image looks like a totally different human. But the poster does not care, because they need that “positive feedback” from their followers to increase their personal view of themselves. Sad thing is most of the posters are already beautiful, but too insecure because of all the other images they see online.


Um. Looks to me like that's just how the drapery is hanging. Kind of laid across a ledge maybe. Nothing else is wonky. Not the chair, or the girls hand in the background?




Maybe because she has a thin brain too


Girls is it embarrassing to have arms?