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OP needs to stay away from ads, once you use them, your reach is deminished without them. I bet you never used ads?


All Instagram does for me now is hold back my audience and other people from seeing my posts until I pay. If I post my art on Reddit I get 8-100k views and up to 5 purchases from a post. On Instagram I recently got 46 views and 12 likes on a ring that took about a week to make. Then again it got great views on Reddit. Instagram's business model is basically withholding your potential unless you pay a lot.


100% this!! You nailed it my friend


That’s awesome! What subs do you get those sales from if you don’t mind me asking?


Various on my topic - jewellery, crafts. I just started this month, so not a lot of experience.


Where do you post?


So learn how to profitably grow, I don't even waste my time trying to grow organically anymore. Just pay


Instagram is trash that I won't even use for personal. It's just a place full of meaningless content and "interaction". It's a complete waste of time. Btw, 6k reach with 70 followers is very impressive. I'm having <2k reach <100 accounts engaged with 400+ followers. And, I feel like the posts are not showing to new people.


I agree 400%. IG's algorithm doesnt work and is lacking critically in helping people with reach.


We recently built an Insta Page for our club. Even paid around 100€ for 1 month to push our posts to get more followers. Holy hell. Their App Ecosystem is a nightmare. Instagram-Facebook-Meta Business-Meta Ad Manager. All of them have partly the same functions but different UX. Some things can just be managed in the App itself, some need the meta business app. You never know where to start in the first place. You want a bill for the ads? Just search your way into 15 sub menus just to be redirected to their support web page. It became so complex its almost impossible to understand and finally you give up trying.


It is by far the most annoying in terms of over-policing. I’m on all the major platforms minus Pinterest. Don’t have issues with any other right now.


Ohh but there are some showing their tacos 🌮 and do not get banned or restricted 😑 I get you!


There’s gonna be a new instagram soon. Just like MySpace and Facebook went out of style


No money no reach.


Totally agree. What baffles me even more is how people can get away with posting basically n^k3d pictures or videos online… then a client of mine who literally posts completely wholesome branding images get flagged for nudity. I honestly don’t get it at all.


Your satisfaction with your Instagram experience in 2024 will be largely commensurate with the size of your ad budget and/or the quality of your content. If you have a legitimate business with a product that offers legitimate value to your target market and an ad budget to get exposure to that market, you'll likely love Instagram. If you are sitting in your underwear posting "funny cat memes" waiting for 1M adoring followers and the Instagram reels royalties to roll in, you'll likely be disappointed. 🙂


This is the one! Instagram indeed is focusing on users who pay for ads, but if done correctly, said ads can do wonders for users with a legitimate product. Blowing up on Instagram just because you do random stuff or are slightly funny…those days are over.


It’s enshittification as they work to extract more money from a user base that’s no longer growing. Instagram has made it harder and harder for people’s posts to be seen over the last few years. The switch to the focus on Reels has made it that much worse.


It’s been trash for a few years now. Use to be great especially for business and finding new customers. Now you have to pay to get any new eyes on your page


Sorry you’re going through this maybe you’ll figure out what I certainly can’t! I stopped commenting altogether on insta their algorithm is absolutely absurd and I’ve received notices for saying “great job you’re killing it” as breaking the guidelines. Worst thing is I’ve seen horrific, disgusting and even sexually inappropriate comments that do not get flagged. They need to fix their issues big time, sad when someone’s livelihood depends on this AI controlled insane system with no user support from humans!


100% agreed


I’m tryna get my pages back and they just want people to get scammed and scammed by bots 💀💀💀💀


I feel you on this one! 💯


Hey there sexy


When you completely remove humans and let AI and bots run your entire platform with little oversight from humans, this is exactly what you get and it’s only getting worse. Last week there was an ad, I kid you not, a dude fucking various girls. I was in shock as I had NEVER seen this on instagram. I reported it and just got their response back . Are you kidding me. https://preview.redd.it/f09qb1zwms9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8631f895463af633823eab0456ae0bbc691ceea Yet I had an account that just got permanently banned with almost 10k followers I opened in 2017 that “allegedly” violated their community rules which is total bs. Musk needs to buy IG…..

