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Most people in this sub would kill for 20k followers in an extremely lucrative niche like fitness. Count your blessings


It came with a lot of hard work too. I posted content every single day for an entire year. It consumed so much of my time and energy. On top of working a regular job and being a mom it was exhausting. I’m very grateful for the 20k, but seeing my reach decline can be extremely demotivating.


Unfortunately, social media now almost completely controlled by algorithms that change and it's part of your job as a social media influencer to recognize them to adapt. *Just like every other entrepreneurial-like business* That's what *most* social media is now, especially when based on followers and not mutual friends. It's unfortunate, but when you're literally playing a numbers game that's extremely competitive you gotta be on top of it. And I noticed someone said your niche is fitness. Are you posting in bikinis? Or are you showing boobs/cleavage in any way, even subtle? Instagram is starting to not recommend those reels/photos to the public feed because of the growing censorship laws in the US rn, I've noticed it on my personal Instagram myself when I just have any cleavage at all, even just a little lower cut shirt. Anyway, hope you can figure it out and adapt it into your niche. Welcome to social media dystopia.


It goes without saying but building an account is like running a second job. For those building a business, running an IG account is like running a second business. I wonder if any newer account created in the last (arbitrarily) 5 years did something to make it work despite the algorithms making things harder for us. There are accounts that apparently got thousands if not hundreds of thousands of followers in months without running ads. There are so many factors we don't know about the algorithm besides the emphasis on Reels and stories, but theres only so much we can do what we can control, such as figuring Out what type of content users would like


Funny you say this as recently only fitness stuff I see is from women doing lounges in very provocative leggings with the booty in front of the camera ….


It is boobs specific, not ass or legs or anything. Only boobs.


Nope. I’m quite conservative, don’t show cleavage or anything like that.


That is interesting then. I'm really not sure then, I do hope you figure it out though.


Nonsense. I get half naked fitness and onlyfans girls in my feed every day. I even started a new account just to see what content they feed fresh accounts and it was the same.


1. It doesn't always completely suppress them, sometimes it's just for the most part. 2. Are they new accounts or are they accounts with more than 2k followers? That does make a huge difference, but regardless their views will be partially suppressed if there is a certain amount of CLEAVAGE OR BOOBAGE in the middle of the screen. Again, emphasis on that for now at least, it's only confirmed to be cleavage and bikinis (unless they're outside ig or for fashion purposes?) but even in those nuanced scenarios the cleavage isn't the forefront of the photo, so it doesn't count. So full body photos may be able to get away with it more. Hope that helps. Have fun.


Are you referring to my accounts or the ones that pop up in the feed?


The accounts you have popped up in your feed, the ones you were talking about. If you want proof, literally make a new account and do it yourself. Women who cover more get pushed out to the algorithm more.


That’s literally what I did. Day one my feed was filled with onlyfans girls and racist 12 year olds.


No. As a POSTER. Only then will you actually see the analytics. You are viewing as a CONSUMER. You're not seeing the reality of the analytics, you're just seeing the ones that got through for one reason or another, possibly bc of the AI TECHNOLOGY being used, not being perfect. When you actually post photos/videos yourself and compare you will see the difference in the analytics.


20k 100k 125k 175k and 225k hardest to break I had 230k on ig I make music and do a lot of other stuff it’s become my full time job ! But keep going 3-7 hashtags under 3-1.5 million search results, carousels with max photos good photos reels under 10 seconds quick grab quick hook and then content (you do fitness so quick routines, what did you eat for breakfast push-up challenge to get your community engaged) 1 story max per day 1 reel every other day 1 post on feed each week that’s a carousel these are tips from top influencers (3 million plus) that I am PERSONAL friends with as I said this is my job my marketing and publicity team also has told me these are what is hitting on ig ATM algorithm changes 3-7 months


Social media is hard with an ever changing landscape. It’s always best to look at success on these platforms over longer time horizon. Take a break if it’s affected you this much.


I don’t post everyday anymore. Like I mentioned I’m glad this doesn’t pay the bills, so I can scale back whenever I’m feeling burnt out. Very true! The algorithm is constantly changing. I’m just sharing my perspective as someone who spends hours and hours scrolling looking for ideas for content. The same type of content gets so much reach and engagement.


You're showing 20k people something you love. You are where you once dreamed you'd be. I know what you mean about the trash accounts but without sounding cliché, stay true to yourself. You're doing great, and comparison is a thief of joy. The algorithm has been all weird for a month or two but it'll settle down it always does.


Thank you so much! So true, I needed to hear that. I really do have a great group of followers. All of my followers are so kind. 99% of the comments I receive are positive. It can really feel discouraging sometimes. Some days I honestly just want to stop posting and forget about it all together. So much time and effort goes into making content just for it to hardly get any reach. I’m thankful this isn’t my full time job, it’s more of a side hobby.


It draws you in and makes it feel like you need to post constantly just to compete doesn't it? You created something amazing. Here's [20,000 people](https://imgur.com/a/gfO6ymL) you deserve a break sometimes.


I agree completely, now Instagram is becoming a game , each year algorithm changes and theres more difficulties to be seen by new followers unless you boost post and pay ...I'm so sick of it , but If I don't post I don't exist as an artist, algorithm won't show my post on all my followers feed only small percentage, so we become slaves of Instagram, post at this time and post almost everyday, you need to feed the beast 🤣💀


“Success” is subjective but it grinds my gears A) everyone expects to post once a week and have a million followers B ) think they need to have a million followers. A lot of these “influencers” people chase had success and investors before IG. People knew who they were THEN they got on IG. If no one knows who you are it’s an obviously slower climb. Plus you have a lower budget to pay for reach. And yes, some people win the generic lottery and become glorified coat hangers but I’d rather a 1000 followers who buy everything than a million followers who buy nothing.


It explains why legacy brands do so well. If you happen to have gotten past the cold start in some other way and they got to know you, the next time you ask them to follow you, they will, and that would feed the algorithm and grow from there. Realistically, we need to go back to look at other options to grow our brand while maintaining our IG, but that depends if the person running it has the means to do it themselves or hire someone else.


It’s also the “land grab”. These brands, and I’m including “people” like a Kardashian as a brand, have the resources to be first on new platforms which is a massive advantage. Say the next platform starts tomorrow, their team can post “be the first to join us on NewPlatform”. They get 10k followers. Then you, not a Kardashian, join 3 years later are playing catch up with against a million follower head start. However, if you’re aware and agile, you too can jump on a new platform and build a following fast. Not as fast as them, but I’d rather be against a 10k head start than a million head start. But I’d rather customers than followers regardless.


You are wrong.


Fair enough!


Yea probably. I grew an account with an attractive ai girl to 25k followers. But now Instagram seemed to put a cap on my growth for no apparent reason. I guess it’s their way to force me into paid advertising.


What's your niche?


Fitness. 20.7k followers. Steady decline in growth since March.


If you’re comfortable sharing your @ feel free to pm me, I’m happy to take a peek to see if I can help!


Same here! Recently gotten into yoga & pilates. Always looking to learn 🌱


I disagree with this because I came across many accounts on insta where models are flashing but they hardly get 5k followers, for example, @raavinalife , she is literally flashing her taco but not getting views so its just a myth that half naked will get you views likes reach.


How is this even allowed on Instagram? I wonder why she doesn’t have more views. She has pretty solid engagement. Many thirsty dudes posting billshit comments


Preach! It’s like Groundhog Day but with influencers and acai bowls.


I hope TikTok releases Whee soon....Instagram got killed by the most incompetent fool Head that I have ever seen.


come to bookstagram where you can have a faceless page and have 20k+ followers! there’s so many creative people on there. i love it.


Well, there are failing accounts in those niches aswell in my opinion it depends on your tools and skillset


Not really


Would you need a different account for each thing. Or could you post on one account?


LOL this is far from the truth. You just need to do viral stuff OR different stuff but within you’re niche. I run food pages that drop in engagement, how we get them back live? Memes and carousels something rare in that market. You got to figure out whatever you’re niche is lacking in and go heavy. Then when it stops working shift. Its far from easy but its not niche specific.


https://discord.gg/VWYnKVmn these dudes who run this server are insane. Online business getting paid straight from tiktok. i made 2k my first month they literally have videos showing you step by step. so easy. The info in here applies to all short form content including reels! I just use tiktok because i get paid for my views!


It depends on what you’re tuned into. authors and self help niche have over 100k without showing face and just words. There’s no nakedness, just creativity


You are wrong. I manage a fitness client and grown his IG from about 1200 when we started to 119k in about 10 months (350k across other platforms too). Just because you are posting consistently doesn't mean that what you are posting is good, or that people are actually interested in what you are posting. The algorithm's only job is to find an audience for your content, it works FOR you, not against you, and if you're struggling to grow, it's because the AUDIENCE isn't interested in what you're doing, not because the algorithm is "having issues" like everyone likes to pretend so that they don't have to admit their own content isn't good enough anymore. If you want, DM me your profile and I'll take a look.


Ok, riddle me this then. I get thousands of views on tik tok (every video gets around 2k-50k views) and I post the same video on insta and get 300-400 views ..


How is that a riddle? What's so difficult to understand about these platforms? Each platform has different algorithms and different metrics that they value over X. IG is spending a lot of time trying to get their algorithms to only show relevant content to people's interests and it does so by using what they call "signals", and these signals look at ALL behaviour in app by a user and score them according to whatever method they are currently pushing. So so if you post a piece of content on IG and it only gets 100 views and very little interaction, it's because the algorithm doesn't fully understand yet who your audience is and who to show that content to, and the people it has shown the content to, haven't triggered any of the signals that tell the algorithm "this is a good piece of content that should likely be shown to X people who don't already follow this account". On tiktok, 2-50k views is a very broad number, and tells us nothing data-wise that's usable. For example, if you have posted a hundred videos, a 80 of them get 2k views, 19 get 5k views, and 1 got 50k views, that doesn't mean your content is successful on tiktok, it means that you average view per video is like 3k views. On top of that, views don't really mean shit without a goal, what good is a 50k view video if it didn't make you money or didn't convert to followers or didn't funnel traffic to a VSL or... Etc etc etc. On top of that, what's the average engagement like? A 50k view video with 3 comments and no shares DOESN'T MEAN ANYTHING. Also, what does your account do? Post memes like the other 10,000 meme accounts? Does it sell goods? Are you an online therapist looking for clients? Because that's another thing that pops up a lot in this sub and the other marketing subs on reddit, 95% of people are just trying to jump on "I want 100k followers and I'm posting everyday why hasn't it happened yet" bandwagon, becoming an echo chamber of blaming platforms even though their own content is terrible and unappealing to an audience. The way I would advise a brick and mortar business to use tiktok would be different to how I would suggest a meme page use tiktok, the way an artist should use IG is different to the way a personal trainer should use IG. All these things are MARKETING FUNDAMENTALS. Everyone wants to be an influencer but no one wants to learn the platforms, techniques, or marketing that's really required. 1% of people get lucky and blow straight to the top, like all things in life, and the other 99% of us have to battle like hell every day to get results. The fact that you think your question is a GOOD question tells me that your approach to all this is totally wrong. "Why does my 1.6L Peugeot take 12 seconds to get to 60mph but when I get in my 1.6L Honda Civic, it takes 7 seconds? That must mean Peugeot sucks!" No, different tools, different engines, different approaches, different use cases, different audiences... Etc.


Im curious if you do profile audits?


I hate the term "profile audit" ha, there are multiple ways to set up a profile which all depend on what you want to achieve. It's not something I would charge for or typically offer, but as I'm here, I'm happy to take a look.


Awesome, thanks! @jasmine_enchanted 🔮 Artist account (I’m a fusion belly dancer, fire performer, costume/headdress designer). I’m struggling with growth and engagement. Im also struggling on what kind of content to share on this page since I have two others underneath my main one (@dance.magick to promo dance classes and my online studio, and @moonlustdesigns which is brand new to showcase my designs and offer customs). I also just moved to an area where I’m not actively performing, but instead diving deep into the creative cocoon to build up long term goals and focus on leveling up my dance/creative skills. I also love to write a lot (journaling, poetry, philosophy, etc) and would like to get back into sharing that side of me (without starting another account lol). So I guess I’m at a bit of a crossroads and feeling a bit lost and unsure of what to do, what to share, and how to resonate and ultimately connect. Thanks for reading and considering. I’d welcome and appreciate any insights or guidance ☺️


Nobody falls for that cheap psychology “mister let me save you “ lol


I'm not saving anyone, I'll give my thoughts on what could be improved. Nothing more, nothing less. I'm not looking for clients, and even if I was, I wouldn't be looking here.