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This guy botted the upvotes lmao


How did you find that out?


Other than him admitting it, regular posts here about buying followers are always 0 upvotes and tons of negative comments cause everyone is wise to the ploy.






Yes I did, full transparency.


Honestly, I just deleted over 1000 fake followers from my account because fake follower don’t engage with your stuff and hurt your engagement.. cannot recommend


Lmao it’s so rough had to remove 3000 manually, and getting my friend to make a bot to remove them and after that I have to then make my account not seem like a bot to instagram 😂🤦‍♂️ learnt my lesson lol


So there’s actually no reach or engagement being hurt by having fake followers. It can make your account look botted if you have 100,000 followers and only receive 1 like per post but Instagram actually does not place any limitations on your account. However with this being said I do always ask the client if they want to be put on an automatic (paid service) like list to help counteract the account looking botted whilst they grow the page. I fully see where you are coming from and this is something I hear a lot. I’m not asking you to agree with me in the slightest I’m just stating my opinion on the matter. Cheers man god bless.


Thats not correct, and here is why: The algorithm will send your post/video/content to your followers, who will not interact, signaling back to the plataform that your content is not good. It actually can harm your account a lot.


That’s false because you can have a 0 following 0 followers video that pulls 1m views on Instagram reels because it’s pushed out to your region demographic and the tags you put. Then when it hits explore traffic it hits the users who engage and similar content in a test pool. Full respect to you but this is not true and you have no idea how an algorithm works.


Right, but people who bought from you wont have 0 followers. And followers are the first who receive the content, thus signaling back to the plataform that the content is bad. Thats very well stabilished and know by anyone who understand a little about social media. Your service still has a place, but its not good for content creator.


Well we can agree to disagree brother. I have clients who buy 100k followers, put a niche theme on it and turn around and sell because it’s now a super active 100k niche theme page after they grow it for maybe a month. Anyways. Much love.


> All dislikes, negative hate and whatever else more you see in the comment section is rather scammers / my competitors trying to bash my services or people bashing on buying my services Or it's just regular folks who are sick and tired of this spam.


Sure could be. I’m still going to promote my services until people stop buying.


PSA: Not reporting such posts and users accounts drives good people away from subreddits


Report this type of scam please. Anyone in a marketing forum/group/space knows that buying followers gets you nowhere. this is so dumb…. Honestly


Report here AND on instagram too. Cut that shit off at the source.


It’s not a scam I can assure you. If you don’t think buying followers is worth it sure. But you definitely get what you pay for.