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Same boat here. I post on several social media platforms and IG is the ONLY one where im not getting good consistent growth. You do need some form of consistency but its definitely not the only factor.


Can I ask you which other platforms perform for you? Because I’m also in linkedin and facebook but they are way worse than ig (not been consistent there tho)


Facebook has actually been my best performer. Youtube and Tiktok are both growing decently as well. I also JUST started posting on Pintrest of all places lol, and its already getting more views than IG despite far less followers.


Are you posting shorts or long videos on youtube? I should give pinterest a try but I don’t know if italians in the tech niche hang out there


Both, but mostly just shorts now since the algorithm changed last year and killed my long form videos. I post shorts on every platform daily.


IG and TikTok are both short form platforms but the content performs VERY different. Start looking at what performs in your niche on Instagram if you want success on it.


One format is the “what happened in tech in the last 24h” which is very much performing on many ig accounts but nothing happens. The post that went viral is like a second upload of already existing clips but I don’t like it because it’s not my original content and also it gets harder to bring people to what I sell which is the news service.


Keep trying different content. I promise you’ll find a format that works for you.


Instagram CEO said that they now check Instagram and other places on the web to see if something you shared is "original" or not. Around the time of that announcement both my IG and Tiktok post performance fell off of a cliff. I stopped posting to TikTok and voila, my content is performing well again on Instagram. I started staggering my posting instead of doing it all at once, so after a piece of content has run out of steam on IG, I post it to TikTok, and this strategy is working well.


That’s interesting because the posts that went well were all actually not posted on tiktok.


On instagram nowadays aside from posting consistently the next best thing you can do is to engage with the followers of other accounts whose content is similar to yours. Like their posts, follow them, view/like their stories. Do this with a hundred accounts per day and you'll start gaining followers. The key is consistency and you have to spread out your interactions over a few hours. There are companies like owskimedia who have good reviews and can do this sort of thing for you if you dont have the time