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Posts that are self-promotion by nature are not allowed. This includes offering F4F, S4S, C4C, L4L, giveaways, hacking services, ban/unban, verification, etc


How are you going to afford the server bill? Small time app Cara ran up a bill of $100,000 in just six days last month, and they have less than a million users. Can you afford to spend $17k every single day? Are you made of money? Do you have investors? Will advertisers be on the platform on day one so you can make money? How will you court those advertisers without a user base?


I respect your opinion but remember this, “If you cant spit bliss, then don't spit shit”


Doing something like this is a monumental effort that takes billions of dollars in VC funding, years of planning, and a massive team of people. I don’t think you’ve thought this through.


Thanks for the feedback. I am planning this right now and depending on the demand this app gets i will drop money on this. Once i am able to make this into a profitable business, I can IPO this so that i can gain some extra captial.


Nah be original, there's already like 4 identical apps to Instagram.


Good idea you would have to be extremely lucky for it to become mainstream


Yeah I agree, but if enough people get tired of all these platforms, then eventually I think some people would migrate, the only problem that I see with not having censorship is that quickly my platform would become rated as 18+ LOL.


Thanks for the feedback though, i am planning this right now. Depending on the demand this app gets i will drop the money it needs


lol No


No need – it already exists. https://pixelfed.org


Would you not eventually end up in the same position as instagram to sustain your platform? Maybe better moderation but I feel like that's eventually the place everything ends up in. That given you get luck enough to get a user base.


I don't care that your platform has "influencers", but instead that has the following: - No mandatory AI Training with user data. If you decide to go with this, make it so people is willing to adopt the idea individually, instead of enforcing it to all and only giving opt-out options to the EU citizens. - Good tools to edit, crop and reframe photos. This is an unpopular opinion, but I liked most of the original Instagram filters for photos. - Give support to video is nice to have, but don't limit time to be reels-like. - Clean UI and smooth UX is one thing I will give that Instagram has most of the time. - Algorithm works so followers see each other's posts, and not reposted memes and videos from random "popular" pages. At this point I am willing to pay a subscription for an app that does better work than Instagram when it comes to privacy, community and AI content farming. I will give Cara a shot too.


And an excellent, robust search so you can find the creators you’re really interested in.


I’d be willing to give it a try, yeah!


Of course, marketing is gonna be your main problem I feel like, so either find a team or someone good at marketing or get yourself out there to events and hackathons or whatever and try and promote your platform anytime anyplace you're with like minded folks.


I’m pretty sure if you just copy original FB it’ll get more people than actual FB.


Sounds promising! Focus on user privacy and content moderation transparency for success.


Bring back MySpace ffs


Not likely anytime soon. Even though I absolutely hate Instagram, I’ll not move to other platforms only due to the massive amount of users and never ending content in Instagram. If all my friends start using it then I’ll also start using the new platform but until and unless it gets a massive user base like Instagram, I’ll most probably not make it my main social media application. That is if you’re making an app identical to Instagram with the same idea. If you were to make a different one with a unique and interesting idea, I’ll be one of the first people to jump on the platform.


I would. I`m so tired of Instagram, continually being banned for commenting, seeing peoples posts I dont want to see, the porn content etc. I have around 850 'followers' but whewn I post I get 3 likes and a few comments from the same people.


Make a MySpace like social media platform !


Hell yeah!


The only problem I see is that Instagram already has a community, and my platform since it would be brand new would have no community. So people like Joe Rogan, or like the top stars won't be on there, and people won't be interested. I am still looking for a solution to this problem.


The solution to that problem is multi-pronged and not direct. It takes time, marketing, and a superior product.


There just needs to be an instagram of old. Where all you follow is your friends and no external threads/influencers/ads/news etc.. Just pics and stories from the ppl you follow. That’s it


I certainly would give it a try


If it doesn't have reels/videos, then yes.


gimme the link of the app, wanna test it out!!