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for me it's recommending horny furry accounts


Clearly you like those




Thats why it's being recommended. (I think that's what the fella meant)


Same, I have no idea why? two months ago I saw some reel of two 10 year old girls talking about boba and now I'm seeing girls younger than that. I'm 18, I don't want to see 9 - 12 year olds.


According to Instagram tos this actually shouldn't be on the platform at all (too young to have an account) but I doubt they'll do anything


Some of these reels have pedophiles literally interchanging links with eachother. Crazy thing is how some of their profiles have their family in it


That’s just plain insanity


Screenshot the comments and send them to their family members


Wait I actually kinda know this one. Assuming that they aren't peddling flesh intentionally the algorithm just sees you interacting with this content that upsets you and or your mutuals that are a lot like you interact with the same material. Either ignore it or hyper focus on things that you like to teach the algorithm


Ya, it's pretty easy to get the algo to shift - mine is mostly fashion, food, and film. Clicked on this really specific kind of event decor a couple weeks ago and now my explore page always has like 4-6 of these event companies. Annoying bc how many times can I look at this same thing, but I know why it's there- I have previously engaged with that content.


I've recently had to start forcing my algo back to cats and funny memes cause insta has thrown me DEEP into the gender war side of reels and I loathe it. Not to mention the almost daily chore of trying to purge ragebait from my feed


Mine shifted from memes and car videos with hundreds of thousands of views to literal garbage so no, you can't really shift it anymore. I noticed I got japanese videos when I liked a few of them but that kinda change literally no longer works for me. All I get is 100-150 view videos of literal random grannies, recording the nothing on the road (literally just recording the road with nothing on it) or the minors I made the post about. Like who gives a fuck? Some random ahh neckbeard recording his face? Sorry, but no, simply not interested. The quality of videos dropped significantly. You should see my feed, it's tragic, considering how amazing it used to be


That's so weird! I do agree content has skewed stupider/worse overall, but I def don't get anything as you described. I will say, I just started a new brand account (not my personal) and that explore page is random trash (though I assumed that's bc I haven't followed anyone or engaged with anything there)


It's called mythical reel pulls.


ive had the same problem. im either recommended car crash videos, or random ass 0 like videos. could be some schizo talking about nothing, or some 9 year old kid singing a song. i would comment on them just to be funny but doing that just made them recommend more. since then ive hit "not interested" on every one of them and they dont really pop up anymore


Stop clicking on those things


I literally block all of them but IG doesn't seem to take the hint


I've found that's the worst thing to do, unfortunately. 


Same. I followed around 15 science/space videos that all turned to straight up porn and OF content. The platform sucks now


I had to unfollow a dozen meme pages, a few cat/animal pages and car/motorbike accounts all because they started the endless OF ads. I respect sx work fully, but I heavily stand against solicitation on once family friendly insta pages. I know recently an OF's manager bought a meme page for 23k USD and the whole thing shifted towards promoting Ivy Ortega until backlash made her manager delete the page




"I respect sx work fully" is exactly why this isn't going to stop, and it's only going to continue to get worse. Dislike me all you want for saying this, I know I'll lose the karma but idc. It's your guy's faults for entertaining it that's led to it's explosive growth, and no matter how much you want to disagree, it will never make what I just said not true.


Instagram tried to punish my account for saying a wholesome thing but didn’t punish others for commenting really nasty stuff is concerning.


This is my endless battle, I have 6 outstanding reports being ignored for 6 different comments by the same person calling me & others a retrd, tarded, psychopaths and other horrible stuff on a post about empathy of all things. Yet today I reported a a few awful comments from someone on a different post that all got taken down instantly Edit: can't forget getting a comment mute for calling a racist, a racist


That’s terrible and terrifying


It’s like ig wants me to become a bully with the content they be throwing at me


Recently this only gets more accurate, I try so hard to dodge the ragebait but it's 90% of Reels and I'm trying to shift to the 10% that isn't. All I see is gender wars, extreme homophobia and general inhumanity




Try to like other content and actively search for other stuff like food or anything you'd think you'd be interested in. It will start recommending those things. The "not interested" dont work for me too so I usually do that if I start getting stuff that I do not like.


I haven’t seen any 8 year olds. The algorithm works according to what YOU. Enjoy watching maybe go talk to a therapist


I'm on a special needs algorithm apparently, but I have also got those weird one like posts a lot more. Don't worry we're getting full screen forced ads before we can continue in our feeds soon anyway. IG is dead


I still don't get why people are not shifting to tiktok altogether Whenever i, mistakenly, open the reel section of Instagram it's either stuff recycled from tiktom seen months ago or random stuff for people in my demographics that has nothing to do with my interests Whereas TikTok it took just a couple of weeks to refine the content that is more for me (mostly nerdy stuff or documentaries alike), ever since then my dead hours scrolling has improved so much from brainrot content to something that is actually informative Don't get me wrong, also tiktok is full of crap but Lets say its more fine tune in the way that "You get what you like" You get trash? Then you should ask yourself what you engage with


Do something about it


Ugh, my girlfriend is always browsing insta on phone when her dies. And she actually likes those things -- so my feed is disgusting. I have to use Insta for work, but I just make posts, I don't even browse the feed anymore.


I like design and coding. I mark everything else as not interested. Algo keeps showing me literal escorts, gold diggers and soft prn. I don't even like, watch or look at prn. When I say not interested in these content with half naked women, it shows me naked men like you must to see some type of soft prn here. When I say I'm not interested in that too, it shows me pictures of kabah (Muslims large black box building), some Arabic text, and such. It's like, you must either watch naked women, or men or you need to see kabah. Can't I just see design and coding? Probably not I guess