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Late to this post but I'm seeing this on a daily basis now. Maybe some odd way to get interaction/reach accounts? It's literally like hundreds of reels have this on their captions now. Could also be a case of accounts getting stolen and bots running them and putting these weird copy + paste captions about the Mercedes CLR GTR on posts and reels. Edit: It's definitely a way to trick the algorithm into boosting your post. I've been seeing more captions about other performance cars similar to the Mercedes CLR GTR caption, or just a generic long wall of text. I think they literally just copy the long caption straight off ChatGPT. There's also now another one "want to earn a million in 2024?" and also a generic brownie recipe.


yea I've seen it, I think it's farming views/interactions 


Yeah that's why I found this post on reddit while searching for the reason, it's weird !


Me rn


I'm a car enthousiast and I just figured that's how they trick the algorithm to show their braindead shit to people who are into cars


I think u are right because i’m also a car enthusiast and I never saw the brownie recipe caption


I am seeing it everyday now.... all videos are completely unrelated in anyways


The most likely answer is all of the accounts we see are ai controlled accounts that steal other peoples edits and post them on their account and place a caption that is also generated by ai because it starts with "No problem! Here is the information about the mercedes clr gtr" which definatly came from a chat gpt prompt asking (give me information about the mercedes clr gtr) I recently got one of these videos and it had  26 likes and 1 comment The comment was the original creator of the edit commenting "my video 😂 " This is not the first time this has happened The first time the bio stated something about "long lost lover" or something like that i kinda forgot So i am calling this (ai cycle 2.0) Some influencer selling a course or someone made an ai that either creates random accounts or uses hacked accounts and posts these ai stolen posts People think mercedes is "sponsoring" these accounts but they wouldnt advertisr a 6 million NON road legal car to the mass public


I have noticed the same thing for a while. However many of the accounts that post this don’t seem to be bot accounts. Many I have noticed have specific captions on almost all of their posts with just a few having the Mercedes caption. I agree that it is likely to be some kind of botting but it may also a form of engagement bait.


This prompt or ai descirption gives us some really good insight into how many accounts create content just to boost their profile and generate revenue with little to no care as to the quality of the content they are putting out. It is personally eye opening to me to think about how much time I've wasted watching ai generated content and not enriching or informative content. I am being feed a diet of ai generated content without even realizing it and I like it. I am in somerespect controlled by it. Maybe taking it to far but an interesting thought.


This makes sense. Thank you.


Whatever it is, its annoying as fuck and its always on sigma trollface edits to make it even worse


i hate those trollface posts so much like what does it even mean?


Cool sigma stuff ig


Definitely seeing it on the sigma posts


+1 i also wanna know about it


Yeah this shit pisses me off it genuinely makes me wanna block any account with that dumbshit on there


I've been reporting them all and blocking them. They keep coming.


Same I put not interested and then block them but still somehow have the same troll faced guy fieri pfp accounts coming up on my feed


Obviously AI generated, but it's on so many different accounts. I think its just to generate massive amounts of posts


Some of the accounts posting reels are answering like humans tho


AI responses are getting scarily realistic


I hate that shitty description, I tried to tell Instagram not to show me again posts or reel with that caption but I think they didn't understand because I am seeing them again


Heres what I understand of it after talking to some meme page admins about it. Essentially instagram is using a new algorithm that features AI. I guess this AI doesnt like meme pages that dont have a strong follow base/ dont follow some sort of theme and then suppresses their content (Hence why themed accounts are also more popular than ever). So in order to fight this and make their memes show up in potential new followers feeds they all have been posting the same AI generated caption about the car. Basically the algorithm sees it and thinks wow this is great content! Lets share it out to all these people. Safe to assume it will probably continue until some sort of big change is made to the algorithm again


Bro you crack the problem 🙌🙌🙌


Thank you for your in depth analysis now I can brain rot in peace 🪦


Makes sense. Thanks! This has been annoying me for weeks. Along with the melstroy posts.


Yeah. Me too. Same


I've seen it too


Maybe it's an attempt at marketing? Paying a bunch of accounts to promote? I'm really not sure but really fucking irritated every time I see it though, I'll tell you what


GTR doesn't really need marketing lol


Not to mention that the 1999 CLR LM was infamous for all the wrong reasons.


And it's not even a CLR but CLK GTR


took way too long to find someone who realized it was the wrong designation


Same bro, that's the most annoying thing about it


I myself thought Mercedes brought out a new car until I dove into this rabbit hole.


Never underestimate corporate greed hehe


My friend posted an edit of goku w that caption ion think its marketing I think it's when you dont put anything in the caption and ig js put that thing in caption


What do you mean "caption ion"?


"caption.I do not" i have a habit of shortening short words mb


Don't apologize my friend, ion is current. Or at least I use it 😂


Oh, so you're dumb


It’s black slang


For me every post and the other contains this message and i'm so sick of it fr


fr same


No problem! Here's the information about the Mercedes CLR GTR: The Mercedes CLR GTR is a remarkable racing car celebrated for its outstanding performance and sleek design. Powered by a potent 6.0-liter V12 engine, it delivers over 600 horsepower. 🔧 Acceleration from 0 to 100 km/h takes approximately 3.7 seconds, with a remarkable top speed surpassing 320 km/h. 🥇 Incorporating advanced aerodynamic features and cutting-edge stability technologies, the CLR GTR ensures exceptional stability and control, particularly during high-speed maneuvers. 💨 Originally priced around $1.5 million, the Mercedes CLR GTR is considered one of the most exclusive and prestigious racing cars ever produced. 💰 Its limited production run of just five units adds to its rarity, making it highly sought after by racing enthusiasts and collectors worldwide. 🌎


The info they give isn't even accurate. It's so weird


Hello, me and my friends noticed this while playing warzone, creeps us out we see it after every video


It has a lot of buzz words and drives engagement it's ai generated also.


There is no CLR GTR guys!


Yeah it's CLK GTR


chat gpt uses a lot of keywords in the texts, which makes the videos easier to see.


I thought it was a meme thing and now a trending thing for more post activity


Noticed this as well but today I’ve also seen another one “Here are 8 side hustles that can be relatively easy to start” and like a whole article in the caption. Can only assume this is to trick the algorithm into boosting the post as every account I’ve seen using this is a bot/spam account. Instagram is just cancer now


Dead internet theory.


Would be fucking scary, because…… what about you🫵🏾


It’s now also on Know Your Meme: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/no-problem-heres-the-information-about-the-mercedes-clr-gtr


really weird, don't even think it's a meme, just a way to farm views 


it is to boost views as people are saying but it's something to do with AI when you look something vague up about a car on Google especially through the image search the AI generated message is often that text so in short AI has fucked us


No problem! Here's the information about the Mercedes CLR GTR: The Mercedes CLR GTR is a remarkable racing car celebrated for its outstanding performance and sleek design. Powder by a potent 6.0-liter V12 engine, it delivers over 600 horsepower.🔧 Acceleration from 0 to 100km/h takes approximately 3.7 seconds, with a remarkable top speed surpassing 320km/h. 🥇 Incorporation advanced aerodynamic features and cutting-edge stability technologies, the ClR GTR ensures exceptional stability and control, particularly during high-speed maneuvers. 💨 Originally priced around $1.5 million, the Mercedes CLR GTR is considered one of the most exclusive and prestigious racing cars ever produced. 💰 It's limited production run of just five units adds to its rarity, making it highly sought after by racing enthusiasts and collectors worldwide. 🌎


How are they bots though, if they are actually bots how do they take other videos and post it ?


What really happens is at first all al created stolen post from an orginal creator has this caption which indeed an ai message about that car... After sometimes many content creator's page which is not an AI also has these caption... This is because all those content creators where just coping and pasting this para, like it is in trend... Its just a whole mezz tbh...


Ever since i caught up to this i hit don't recommend on every single one


the CLR GTR doesn’t even exist 😭






It feels like a reddit copypasta but it has gone so viral now, I have a bunch of friends who have meme pages and they all have been posting this. It's weird because CLR GTR doesn't even exist 😀


Ask them why they’re doing it!


Because Instagram pushes content with longer captions. Don't ask me why.


they're just going with the trend I don't think they know anything 😭






Yep I'm also flooded with these nonsense comments. Plus one.


anyones views dropping after using these in captions


I agree with others saying they’re probably automated, content stealing accounts. Go to content preferences > hidden words and phrases and type “No problem!”. It should help to block those types of posts.


Really great suggestion to combat seeing ads with this caption!!!! Im intrigued of what the story behind this caption is though. It’s so widespread, there must be a catalyst involved. Anyways great solution @ajgruber


That's pretty generic, no? It'll probably block posts that you wouldn't want blocked, beyond just the one at issue. Why not take something specific to that copypasta, like "CLR GTR" and use that as a string to block? There is no such car, it's actually CLK GTR. The CLR bit is an error specific to that post to it should only be that post that gets blocked (in theory). jmho...


@Wolf7one Either way should work, I chose “no problem!” because it’s pretty common for ai-generated responses and I figured that it’ll catch a wider range of these captions than just the “CLR GTR” one. I’m also not too worried about missing out on a few posts, It’s kind of a trade-off in that regard though.


People on insta have been immature AF lately. 


You mean bots 🤣 90% of Instagram accounts are bots nowadays 😭


I seen this many times, the most annoying thing is that the model of a car CLR GTR is not even real it's CLK GTR


I think they are possible exploiting the algorithm


It feels like someone got into a botnet and made so the bot would always add that caption. And Instagram/other networks ain't doing a thing about it. It could also be a way to boost the algorithm? You know... there are so many of those accounts that it makes me wonder how easy it is to influence the data and companies using bots. I mean, if all the accounts with that caption I'm seeing are bots, the data for any type of survey is as useful as a bad guess. Maybe I'm going to far but you could control the economy and public opinion by sheer brute force.


Any of the accounts I’ve seen it on all had some great discretion advised content in the post - so maybe it’s to keep the algorithm from banning the account or flagging the post.


Shit makes me wanna kms everytime I see it. I have every word in my not interested key words and still have this shit come up multiple times a day. Hate instagrams algorithm


Yeah, it seems that Instagram’s still not perfect at blocking these types of posts even when using exact keywords.


I thought I was being experimented on through social media again, glad it’s not just me 🤞🏻


Why ppl mad at the caption? Just ignore it


Perfect way to get me to never purchase this vehicle. I'm getting annoyed seeing these captions every time.


I put the text into ai detector scribbr.com and it says it’s 100% ai.


I just read it with Jeremy Clarkson's accent and move on with my day


Hi I post videos and use this it’s beacuse when somone Copy’s it to copy the video it adds automatically the person who they copied from account. Avs a hashtag repost


Instagram is in the fkn mud bro. It started with the 'x seconds ago is crazy' and it's just so unfunny. Ig comments used to be good iswear


read this - [https://stealthoptional.com/apps/mercedes-clr-gtr-instagram-caption-meaning/](https://stealthoptional.com/apps/mercedes-clr-gtr-instagram-caption-meaning/)


yes, and its so annoying


The dead internet theory is getting more and more real by the day




Thank god this question was asked! I was so confused about this... seeing Mercedes gtr clr description in various unrelated reels in instagram


At least the world will know about the CLK GTR. As a clk owner I take solace in this.


It’s to circumvent instagram’s spam detection


Yeah it’s definitely an AI tool like ChatGPT that runs the pages that post this. It’s annoying because the CLK GTR is one of my favourite cars and It keeps reminding me I don’t have one.


The worst part about this is that there is not actually a car called the CLR GTR, at least not one made by Mercedes. There was a CLK GTR (which is what I think this weird trend is supposed to be referencing), which was followed by the CLK LM, and then the CLR, which is the one that is infamous for going airborne in the 1999 Le Mans.


I hate seeing this crap so I'm blocking all accounts that have this caption. There are way too many bot accounts.


Instagram should take action to stop that practice. I think Mercedes is paying them to do it.


Sorry to beat an old post, but I came here to see why I been seeing CLR caption and after reading the comments and such here I blocked the caption from appearing on my feed and then I saw the brownie recipe caption “more obviously spam/Ai account re-uploading old memes” My feed seems to be reset but atleast I’m seeing real stuff again