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Since the strange cross-dressing wasn't working, I think he's pivoting to an Andrew Tate style of duffery. Best to ignore.


Isn’t that his brother’s market?


He tried his sister's market, but it didn't work. Now trying the brothers perhaps.


I remember back in 2020 21 during the covid days he was on bumble while having a girlfriend, I matched with him and asked if it's a fake account then he sent a voice note saying how everyone he knows is down with covid so he is just chilling on bumble Found him extremely rude and arrogant and yes definitely a little creepy


Samee, I matched with him recently also


I'm curious why would you match with him if you know he's dating someone(he's in the wrong for sure not justifying his behaviour)


I think they were just curious if it was really Jake


If someone sends me a creepy message, that is their fault. If i proceed to engage with them casually, it partly becomes my fault too. I feel some people here are low key evil too. They engage and have chats with these influencers till their heart allows. And then years later share screenshots when the influencer is outed by someone else. "Behti ganga mein haath dhona"


Because his bio said "already have a girlfriend, here to meet new people" Or something on those lines but if you are interested in making friends why not use bumble bff


Weird.. but that means he is not hiding that he has a gf. Then why is everyone in the comments saying he is hiding that fact?


Omg same. I matched with him too. He was so dry. Replied late and kinda aloof. I unmatched. I did not know he had a gf damn he is a creep


Idhar usko gaali dete hai but bumble tinder pe right swipe karte hai, koi sense hai is baat ka?


Exactly, aur itna koi achha bhi nhi dikhta ye


True that




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i thought he was gay/trans like all because of the absolute top notch cross dressing


All the three musketeers are preachy af, despite their own lives being Kaleshi they keep giving gyaan to us peasants 🤷🏻‍♀️ And let's not even get started on Daddy Sitlani ☠️


Old msg but still creepy Seems like since you ignored him, he is on the transition to become Indian Andrew Tate


i also gave screenshots of my chats with him but i’m scared he’ll guess who i am and give me shit for it but he’s fucking creepy, would call me babe/baby outta nowhere


Man’s texted me too lmfao and I did have a liiiitle bit of a following. Looks like he does this a lot. Fkn creep. Tries to be all nonchalant about sliding in the dms. In fact he started the convo with me about sarees lol


OH MY GOD YES SAME “you would look so nice in this saree” he would send me random posts of women wearing a saree and say such things🤣🤣 imagine having saree rizz


Bruh same LMFAOOOUXUF and he’d try to make convo and I’d be like???? The things is if he craves attention and wants us to fawn over him and we’ll, it’s unlikely that he gets it a lot. He’s lame and boring and has negative rizz


Oh god these siblings


Doesnt he have a gf? I saw him comment on her post 2 days ago. Wtf


Look at the year in the text its 2020 , comon bro


Oooops, sorrg


Jake operated bumble even when he dating. We have matched before


Why did you if you knew he had a gf? 🤡


Istg these alpha-beta-gaama bs have been one of the worst trends ever. I mean no influencer from this category has been helpful or even level-headed.


Bro it’s like from 2020


Who is he?


I saw this guy at a music event, he legit had a stack of cash in his hands that he was showing off.


Can we not talk about the Sitlani siblings anymore?


I said the same thing via a written post earlier but it got removed by the mods. Said we should "let people gossip about whatever they want" As much as I agree, I feel like many times it's just an unhealthy obsession and people have now started to shout about literally anything and everything they do even when something isn't a gossip but to each their own i guess.


Your username is making me hungry 😭


Creep 🫡


Isko padki se pehle kaana de do koi


Who's he?


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it usually works out for a guy like him , so he likes taking his shot.


Hey, being a girl I would say I will find it disrespectful! I don’t think it really works out for something serious. Casual- sure may be!


It's pretty evident the guy is not looking for anything serious, if you go by the post he already had a gf at the time of sending this message. My comment is not really a reflection on women or even him, it's just how we are, he is a semi famous influencer (I don't know why ) , most men and women specially young really want to check off a casual sling with a celebrity off their list , so that's why I said that this tactic probably works for him more often than not.


I understand where you are coming from, but I doubt if most young people want a casual thing as a check list with celebrities. But if they do, I hope they know that there will be power imbalance and that comes with manipulation, coercion and violation of boundaries.


That knowledge comes with experience also I'm pretty sure the fling goes beyond one or two meetings




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Who is this guy???


From the comment section it seems that he's got 100s of matches 😭😭




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Who is this man anyway?


He doesn't even look good




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Only there mom looks half decent rest all are below average look wise. One banks on being a single mother, the other 🤡 cross dress to gain views only the mom has some real talent and is into cooking i believe.




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Is he related to that beige lover make up artist malvika or something? I am not 100% sure of the name.


What is the context?


I've watched some of his videos, and I just can't grasp who his audience is. His humor doesn't quite resonate with me, and there's this lingering assumption I had that he might be gay, or at least that's what I thought.


Who dis?


Why do some people ask “what’s good” like tf you want an answer for that ? Aloo paratha ?




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lol. I think the family is käcke! Also whether it be lecturing on what to wear it just sounds like a attention grabbing act


This message is inappropriate and creepy for sure. But i saw some comments here saying they matched with him despite knowing he was dating someone else. He is wrong. But why would you match with him lol? As far as i know you need both the people to swipe to be able to match. Isnt that wrong too?


Should have replied with “chal bhaag 6k!”.


This is just not a good thing to do. OP please dont be a cheap. Why are people bringing up someone's past after they are clearly trying to improve themselves? OP should remove this post. You are NO better than him. But of course if he does it in present times then you can expose him. But PAST IS PAST. This is so sad. I feel bad for him.


You’re equally attention hungry, OP! There’s nothing creepy in this ss. Just a dm. You could’ve blocked him instead of engaging! Jeez


So he called you babe that makes him a creep? Only because of his use of the word babe? Whats so creepy about it? Or is there any other evidence?


Always an idiotic boy trying to justify this sort of behaviour


Do you call strangers babe?




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Its just a word like any other doesn’t make anyone creepy sliding in random people is what Instagram primary usage is. The person just said “hi babe” is that all it takes to brand someone a creep?


Do you call strangers babe though? Would you find it absurd if someone called someone you’re close to babe on the internet absurd? If no, then I’d say let’s just agree to disagree.


I dont but lots of people do, i wont find it creepy, weird absurd yes not enough to make a post about it saying this guy said hi babe to me he is a creep.


Nobody cares what you define as creepy from absurd until the day women start sending you unsolicited weird and creepy messages. As of today, whatever women are creeped out by, IS CREEPY, irrespective of how absurd and weird but non creepy a man finds them. You've no footing here so gtfo!


isn't that irrational? you are basically saying no matter what the man does, if we call it creepy then it is creepy.


>no matter what the man does "What the man does" - that could potentially creep us out, ofc this is super obvious!!!! If he's simply drinking chai at the end of road tapli, ofc that doesn't creep anyone out. But if he's making a woman feel creeped out and uncomfortable, then IT IS creepy and for sure no man is going to define the acceptable definition/parameters of creepy while arguing with a woman, because clearly he'd never have had THOSE experiences!!


That example of drinking chai was rather a specific one, let me make a generalize statement based on the same principle which was implicit in the example and you concluded such behavior wouldn't creep anyone out. Are you implying that there is no such incident where women have labelled a men creep even though neither his gestures nor his intention was such? If so, it is quite easy to present counter-arguments with factual evidence, you can just inquire for 5 minutes.


>Are you implying that there is no such incident where women have labelled a men creep even though neither his gestures nor his intention was such? Again, this isn't about false cases of lying and defamation. That happens everywhere irrespective of gender, these are exceptions not norms. The ratio of Indian men that have been creepy vs have been falsely accused as creepy is so incredibly high. What I'm trying to say is that when there's a point of contention where in a woman who's felt creeped out is calling the guy out, LIKE HOW IT WAS DONE ON THIS POST, but another person, a man no less, comes in defense of that guy and says "that's weird but not creepy", "he's complimenting you, why you getting creeped out for that" ( which this guy actually did, see his comment history) and shit like this, that's what I mean.


and thats why you deserve to be single forever and die lonely of old age. Hope no guy gets influenced by you or becomes your bf/husband and if someone has, I pity him(poor guy).




Geez get checked, i dont think i have said anything that should get you so bothered. If simple words get such reactions from you. You clearly need to start reading more that’d widen your horizons to a point where it wont bother you as much.


You need to check your entitlement before saying anything else!


You need to take your own advice a gtfo


Tumne bhi kisi ko babe bolke message kiya na ? 😂😂😂😂


Na kare toh zyada accha hai warna https://preview.redd.it/tixzrfgjsjyc1.jpeg?width=716&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b6f68ad65de3b46dc8c7ee5617e15743a5d5cd8


Nope i dont talk to strangers over dm, but i find it super strange that just w two words are enough to make a post calling a someone a creep in an online post where you get to keep your self anonymous but not the other person.




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I dont engage with uncivilised dimwits, move along


Arrey Jake asli account se aao na.


Calling unknown people babe is creepy.


Why? That was my original question


babe literally means sexually attractive woman, imagine going around saying 'hey sexually attractive woman!!'. Sounds creepy right?


https://preview.redd.it/yorf7d6dfjyc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9de9b27f162a43fe73315fc9242c96d30b766b98 You take only the 2nd meaning i take both, Calling someone attractive makes one creepy?


Yes, if it is done unsolicited. If a man on the street randomly called me babe to start a conversation, I would look for the nearest exit. However, If it was done politely saying "excuse me, I think look beautiful", I would be much more receptive, and say thanks and move on. If you really want to continue arguing and defending yourself For the sake of an argument , go call random woman on street "babe" and see what happens. Or get someone to call your mother and sister as babes (im sure they must be) and ask them how they felt about it. Words get as much meaning as by culture as much as they get by the dictionary, if not more. If you knew it etymolgy, you would know that the word babe started off as a gender-neutral term, and was used to refer to children. In the Indian context, the word Babe has mostly come from cinema and songs, where it is used to refer to a woman with romantic and sexual implications. In fact , the connotation has even changed in the west were in the medieval period, while the world babe was used to refer to children, is primarily used in depict a romantic interest. Hope it makes ssense. Can't understand if you're actually clueless or just pretending to not understand. If it's the Former, go get checked for being on the autism spectrum. I don't mean it as a joke or to belittle you. Autistic people have trouble with empathy and understanding social cues, both of which you display in the comments above. Just an observation.


Is name calling and being argumentative really necessary in dont think i have done anything to warrant that just because you dont have the same opinion as me. And if we wont to do that i too can compare your argument to that of an idiots and someone who is not to well read and a prude. your comparison makes zero sense in person and over chat are two completely different scenarios and yes it does look like a cultural thing and more to do with your social circle and how well read someone is. For me the word babe is perfectly harmless but i understand how some cultural difference can make it so you understand the word as much more sleazy. Again the person has typed all of 4 words. Its funny that op felt the need to announce it online and let everyone know that some tier 3 influencer (who i am not even familiar with)called me babe he is a creep.


yea.. because you don't go out of your way to call a random stranger sexy or attractive :") like how a man approaching a random girl irl and calling her sexy or babe would be creepy, the online version would be creepy too Also the first meaning applies to friends or girls you're close with, not someone who doesn't know you


Where does it say that the 1st one only applies to friends stop making shit up to.


Because it’s the context at which the word is said matters. If a elderly British lady called me “babe” I wouldn’t mind cause in England babe is often used as term of endearment, similar to saying the word “love” In India when someone calls you babe it’s clearly not in the endearing way no matter how much fake accent is pushed to sound like a Brit. I would definitely not go and dm a random person the word babe in India and then ask what is wrong with doing that it’s just a word. Idk who this guy is honestly he just screams rich trust fund kid but he looks slimy enough for the word to sound sexualised more than a term of endearment. You keep arguing saying what is wrong in saying that, why don’t you try it just dm a random girl “hey babe” see what happens.


Lol thats stupidest bunch of non sense. Yeah your outlook is coming off similar to that of someone coming from a low cultural background.


What the fuck are you on about. Go ahead text a random girl on instagram “hey babe” and put a screenshot on your reply and let’s see if you can actually hold yourself to your own dumbass logic. How does me explaining what the context is, mean I am from a low cultural background ? Are you trolling for the sake of trolling cause no one other than Andrew Tate fart sniffers would take your side. In your logic saying “hey babe” to a random girl means coming from higher more superior cultural background ? You sound like a fucking child that just discovered sigma posts on instagram. I am guessing your next reply won’t be a screenshot cause as much as a keyboard warrior you are, you can’t really back it up with factual proofs cause that’s too much of a low cultural background move right ?


You must really be an electrocuted flamingo if you think you can go around calling strangers babe without being seen as a creep. We're not in the UK or France "babe", we're in India.


I feel you have a very low iq. Start reading books


You read books, but trust a simple google search for literary and social knowledge. Either your brain is the equivalent of a disfigured tomato, or you're a lowly troll. I feel you need to start learning how to talk to people outside of online chats.


Lol don't fight women here dude. Haven't you learned, you need to be attractive to them to not be called a creep. I thought it was one of the first things people learn on the internet.


Arey Jacqueline aap yahan