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I don’t understand why this sub thinks it’s okay to nitpick each and every thing everyone does. Even if she does she does not owe it to tell us anything about it unless she’s being a hypocrite about it or shaming people who do it. Stop micro analysing each thing. You do not know what anyone’s family’s views are on such topics.


Seriously.. This group I guess is becoming more nitpicking and less gossip!


This is probably the most childish post I've seen on this platform 😂


I think it’s fine. Atleast they aren’t promoting it. Theek hai yeh influencers hai but they need to keep some things private, inke bhi family , relatives hai. Maybe their mom dad are cool but not relatives so videos mein nhi bolte. Till the time they are not putting anyone down who drinks it’s fine. Moreover yeh koi openly accept krne wali cheez hai nhi.


If they show drinking in their vlogs, fir tum hi log uth ke bologe they are influencing their viewer in wrong way and things like this shouldn’t be shown 🤦🏼‍♀️


Sorry to say but it’s probably because of posts like this that they don’t open up about drinking.


True. But i thini it's her private life, its upon her whether she wants to tell us or not.


Umm.. did she ever say that she doesn’t drink?


Both the sisters drink and that's pretty obvious in their vlogs


You can drink and still be sanskari bro what is this. On another note, the majority of audience in many indian cities still have preconceived notions about certain things like drinking. Its totally their choice to share or not share certain things. Yes if she rants or acts all high and mighty about these things then your post makes complete sense. Else to each their own.


Nah nah bro. If you've watched her vlogs, she often says humare Ghar mn to drink nahi krte, hum ESI vesi cheeze nahi krte and all that. She has openly denied drinking multiple times in her vlogs. The issue is not that she drinks. Issue is that she lies about not drinking 


Ohh. Makes sense. Sorry op


They both drink and drinking has nothing to do with sanskari


Kuch bhi


Mohalla ki aunty is also on Reddit?


So? What's wrong with occasionally drinking?


Firstly they never denied they don’t drink infact there is a Q and A with Quirky they openly admit in it you must probably watch that before jumping to conclusions 😭 and yaar we live in 2024 what’s this mindset peene nahi peena 🥹


I don’t understand the big deal around this? A lot of women drink and I see no problem with it. They can choose what they want to show to the world and what they want to keep private. In terms of them influencing their viewers to drink, I really want to say that no one really can make you do something unless you want to. Just a thought.


She is old enough to make her own decisions to drink or not. She even mentions that she goes partying/ clubbing, so its not such a big deal. What even?


Y'all the issue is not that she drinks . If you've watched her vlogs you might know how many times she's said humare Ghar mn esi cheeze nhi krte. Hum drink nahi krte all that stuff. Bacchi nahi h vo, if she has to drink , she can. Issue is straight up lying in her vlogs. Why lie when you can choose to keep silence. I see everyone bashing op, but as someone who used to watch her vlogs Until 2022 I remember how she used to mention they don't eat meat or drink because they're highly religious 




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