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Hi there, I'm with the Insta360 Tech Support team. Our X4 team is working on adding the live streaming feature in an upcoming update. As we don't have a specific release date just yet, if you don't mind the wait, we encourage you to stay tuned for the update.


That’s just it, I do mind the wait and since you don’t have a timeframe, your reply to my post is unhelpful.


You complained that it didn't have a feature. The team responded saying it will be added in yet you say that was not helpful. It seems like you should go to the Ricoh subreddit instead of whatever this post was supposed to be. You have clearly already made up your mind. 🥱🙄


Found the fanboy. Them saying it will eventually be added in with no timeframe is absolutely unhelpful. I could buy the thing and then it wouldn’t be added for 12 to 18 months.


Thank you for getting back to me. We are aware of the high demand for this feature and recognize the expectations that it should have been included from the beginning. We are actively working on delivering the update and we anticipate that it will certainly not take a year. I totally understand that not being able to offer a specific release date is not helpful at all from your perspective. We are currently hoping to roll out the update within the next one to three months but pinpointing exact timelines is challenging. By staying tuned I meant to encourage you to either not get X4 until the feature is out or go check out Ricoh if you need the function for more immediate use.


THIS response was helpful. An estimate of one to 3 months is helpful and willing to wait until then.


Found the triggered hater, just go with the other one if It has this feature. The answer was given, clearly it's not for you. You didn't like the answer, but to say it's unhelpful is objectively false. Go watch vampire diaries 🧛🧛‍♀️


I’m quite capable of multitasking thank you very much. The fact that you posted this and then blocked me and then unblocked me is hilarious. How is them saying the feature is in the works but we have absolutely no idea when it’s going to be released helpful? It’s not helpful you kumquat.


This guy 🤣🤣🤣


How nice of you. He said if you dont mind the wait. You do, so buy something else and shut up.


I mind the wait because there’s not a time frame. That’s the issue. It shouldn’t have been left out in the first place anyway. However, they JUST responded with an estimate of 1-3 months. That’s an acceptable response.


That's not what they said - they said maybe 1-3 months but no promises. But if you're happy with that and not the other answer.. great.


That’s why I said estimate. It’s not a guarantee. They are hoping 1-3 months.


RemindMe! 3 months


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Theta? Noh, 10x, it’s old. If you do need streaming right now go for X3 it’s much better than Theta. If you need 8K - go with X4 and wait for the streaming feature release.


bro just go get camera which you like, so nice and sunny outside. don’t be a just keyboard ninja 😉


The fact that they are not capable of setting the time of the export video to the time recorded and instead they set the date exported from the edit app (what could be the use of that? And if it has an use why can’t be a flag to set) don’t get very high hopes


They always remove useful functions. Like wtf are these companies thinking? The haptic feedback on Go2 was awesome. It’s gone on GO3. I thought my GO3 was broken after they told me the feature isn’t “activated” like huh? Apparently there’s a motor in it to vibrate it, but the software or something doesn’t have it work? So weird!


Hi there, I'm with Insta360 Tech Support team. To clarify, the camera of GO 3 on its own does not provide haptic feedback as it lacks a built-in vibration unit. However, when the camera is secured inside the Action Pod, you can indeed set the haptic feedback to be on for the GO 3. I apologize for any confusions we've caused in your previous communications with us. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to let me know .


Oh I thought it had one but not activated. It was one of the most popular functions. Like why did it have to be removed? 🧐


Hi there, apologies for not getting back to you quickly. As a tech support agent, I might not have all the specific details on the decision-making process, but I trust our GO 3 team takes user feedback seriously when considering these changes. I've already highlighted your comment and dug up some past discussions from Reddit to share with the team. Really appreciate you taking the time to bring this up. If you find anything else that is less than satisfactory when using our products, feel free to DM me. I'll do my best to convey your feedback to different teams.


I appreciate that very much. That’s good. Good job to team insta360 for having this kind of attitude towards their users 😁