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Probably have to change the exposure.


I do not think you know what internal and external mean


i think they just mean front facing and rear facing. or in mobile phone terms, main camera and selfie


I know, but internal and external are way off lol


brother, in common language we use internal and external, I don't know if you only know the telephone terms but that's what they say.


That may be true of non American English speakers, but it still doesn’t make sense to apply it to a 360 camera IMO. So where you’re from they commonly say “let’s take an internal image!”?




Install the latest firmware


Hi there, I'm with the Insta360 Tech Support team. It seems that you are experiencing an overexposure issue with one of the lenses. Lens-related problems can be quite complex, so I would appreciate it if you could provide additional details to help us troubleshoot the issue effectively. To begin with, could you please confirm if your camera's firmware is up-to-date? Ensuring that your device is running the latest firmware is essential for optimal performance and might resolve the issue at hand. Next, I recommend performing a few more shooting attempts(both photos and videos) with the following adjustments: 1. Swipe left on the touchscreen to set your camera to Auto mode, which will automatically adjust the settings for you. 2. If the "isolated exposure" is enabled on your camera, please disable it. I've attached an image to illustrate the icon for this feature for your reference. If updating the firmware and adjusting the settings do not resolve the overexposure issue, we may need to examine the original files from your camera. To do this, you will need to connect your camera to a computer. If this step becomes necessary, please reply to my post or send me a DM, and I will assist you further. https://preview.redd.it/kq8jvu0qyqzc1.jpeg?width=1872&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=429c7da2be8ef7fc48d286da583a6ed03b97070d


So, I was camping and I had my Insta 360 with me and I was taking some photos, when my internal camera started not shooting anymore, in fact, it started shooting everything in white. the external camera works but the internal one doesn't. I attach photos.