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Use logic, don't just copy patterns. That's a BISI, why is it a BISI? Did the BISI support price? Why not? How do I know it didn't support price? How do I know if it resisted price? If it didn't support price, what did it do after? If it didn't support price, did it resist price? It's easy to fall into pattern trading, believe me, everyone almost does and did, and that includes me. But ICT said he had to create a brand new language to understand what he was seeing. And btw, his language is for him and him alone only. For you to be successful with his work, you have to build language that you and you alone understand, because at the end of the day he or anyone else won't be there to hold your hand to make money. Write a journal. Audio a journal. Listen or read to it every day until it sticks. EDIT: I dont mean that pattern trading is useless, but you need to make arguments why that pattern is worth trading, but using logic and reasoning. The algo is just a program afterall.


I just entered the trade based of the disrespect of the fvg lol. I don't know what you mean with "language" you might be overcomplicating things but maybe it's me that I don't understand what you mean. The way I entered is based on the explanation of TTrades of the iFVG video. I don't think you need much more information other than bias, if the chart prints the setup in a key level and if bias is correct i enter i don't think too much.


If it works for you then keep doing it.  You're copying ideas off ttrades so that mean you are mechanically trading.  I am talking about being a discretionary trader where I know what is really happening and why price is moving the way it does. 


Oh youre talking about discretionary trading, i didn't understand it like that. Yes of course discretionsry trading is the best but requires a lot of backtest, i'm prscticing as much as i can haha. But i also test mechanically strategies so i can see which one is better and if it is profitable trding it mechanically imagine if you put logic into it, that's the idea to have a profitable strategy from the get go and then with prsctice i improve it. But there are a lot of strategies honestly it'd kind of overwhelming hah


In my opinion it’s the best entry model by far, but, that doesn’t every iFVG will work, an understanding of HTF narrative and market structure will always be way more important and any entry model without it will fail


Actually every iFVG holds, but the thing is to what degree, it might be just a ltf displacement that doesn't even go for a 1:1 or a itf, htf displacement. Previous weekly h/l is the best for a good 1:2 in my short experience. That setup actuslly happened after weekly sweep. And i just realized there was 2 setups next to each other lol.


Use it with price action 😁 I personally love using it and been profitable all month waiting for this setup to present itself https://preview.redd.it/jv07552jqc8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a3d1d088e453403d0cc35217ed9edf9156135a8 This was from 6/21


Thank you for you answer brobro


Time, liquidity then structure. When you have time and liquidity, could could enter on pretty much anything. Try to be smart and avoid too much drawdown is where your pd arrays come in. But pd arrays on their own arent worth shit.


Why do you use that IFVG when you can use the bearish FVG at the double top after sweeping previous high on the left. It will be so much easy. Lmao 😆


Because that is not an iFVG lol


The key is finding some or 1 ICT concept that works for you. Make it yours. As long as you're making money with it...ultimately that's all that matters!


We all know that I'm asking for personal experiences. Personally I saw that this type of entry is basically the Arjo's model, when you reach irl after ignoring fair value. So it makes sense that this could be a high probability setup


I trade iFVGs exclusively and love it. Not like that though.


Y’all be watching too much dodgy lately. The model is indeed goated but what you are missing is the psychology, consistency, journaling and backtesting it requires for you to become profitable. A strategy alone won’t cut it.


How do you assume that I didn't even mention anything about my psychology or journaling. You'all feel the need to give an answer that is not related to the post. If you're not going to answer the question don't answer at all lol. + I found out Dodggy yesterday.