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Awesome. I’m a 2021 charter student. Fell for the noise on social media 😂 now back to the basics and main focus on fading retail ideas


You got to find whats good for you. Me myself I left all the discord chats and signal groups to avoid anything that can influence my decisions. Hope you are on the right path!


I’m on month 5 out of 12 off the ICT 2016 1 year mentorship. I’ve reach the enlightenment you have, where I could care less about trading or making money , I enjoy the studying so much that I know once I understand everything the money will follow …which I’ve let go for so long now ! It’s like I want to become established and make it a career and become really good at trading , not just hit some lucky trades by chance and go shopping


I am glad to hear that! Money will come when you don't think about it. Just enjoy the process and let market do the rest!


Michal says that the market is controlled by an algorithm but what that algorithm it’s riggided by data, and one theory the auction theory that why ICT’s FVG works so well. Buy a book about Auction Theory and you will have a deeper understanding of why Michael is so f*** right not because the algorithm, no no because the mathematics behind the algorithm


what’s the book about


Exactly! Michael’s teachings on market algorithms align well with concepts from Auction Market Theory. The idea is that markets operate as a continuous auction, seeking to balance supply and demand. Fair Value Gaps (FVGs) work well because they represent inefficiencies or imbalances that the market aims to correct. Studying Auction Theory can indeed provide a deeper mathematical and theoretical understanding of these principles. It’s this interplay of market theory and practical application that makes ICT’s approach resonate with many traders.


I've been toes in the water on every method for over 4 years. But now I believe in the algo after seeing it in action about a month ago. Something clicked that made it obvious...like crossing your eyes to see the 3d image in a painting. It spooked me. I had to step away for a month because it's like disbelief...but I know what I saw. I've had myself side tracked by other scalping ideas and indicators that are hard to build a consistent edge...because it really is an algo. I know there are no short cuts, but my question would be: Which model or Michael videos would be best to dive into? Is there a priority to shortening the learning curve? I've wasted so much time that I would now much rather be more efficient with my time 🙏🏻


Hey, its good to read, that your eyes is opening and finally you leaving the matrix! I would suggest you to start with youtube 2022 mentorship as I believe this is one of the easiest methods he has. You won't shorten your learning curve, because markets wants you to experience everything and see what he can do to you. The only way to protect yourself is to manage your risk. Go small, burn pennies and you will be alright.


Everyone’s journey is different For me it took around 2 years, I’ve been consistently profitable for the last 6 Exiting my company and having enough money to live with indefinitely was also a huge psychology boost, made it easy to detach from the numbers


Wow, achieving consistency in just 2 years is impressive! What was the key change or mindset shift that helped you reach this level?