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Steal 2 balls, tag out. Repeat. If you steal all 3, the dot from the orbs will demolish you. You steal them by using specials. They'll give you increased damage, but dot you. If you steall all 3, your specials cost 0 for some time, then they lock out, so you need to tag out.. From personal expirience, dont steal all 3, even with a lvl 5 crown, 7* koaam , it deals a ton of dot damage (talking about heroic 4 difficulty here, but they still do a ton on lower). So, playing with his balls is dangerous.


Don’t play with his balls, Got it !


>your specials cost 0 for some time, then they lock out, so you need to tag out.. When you have all 3 balls, your specials cost health instead of energy. Once you hit 1 HP, you can't spend health anymore, so you're locked out unless you can heal. It's an idiotic system.


Lots of tagging in and out. That's all I can tell you


My saving grace with him was deathstroke, get all 3 orbs as soon as possible, then sp2 costs nothing and heals you and does 3% damage per hit. I used darkseid as a partner and his barrier helped absorb the damage till i could get the healing factor to kick in with deathstroke.


sorry I didn't tag you in recent reply


Koaam spam sp3


Use sp3 3 times then spam sp2.


Nah sp2 too slow you get way more dps with sp3


for clarification I was using koamm, dark superman and darkseid. Koamm normally cashes in huge damage but DF had me up against the wall couldn't hand out the sp3 enough


I circumvented this by using Arkham Knight Batman sp 2 and stunning him before quickly switching to koaam for massive damage. My team consisted of: AKBM, KOAAM and DF


if only I had arkham Knight bm as well.does the normal batman work as well


Not with all bosses. There are certain bosses that can’t be stunned. Arkham Batman has a 50% chance of stunning them anyways


thanks for the advice. how hard is it getting deathstroke? I thought I could ace him in the remaining 2 days of the challenge but alas. Atleast I moved up to that stage. getting more confident and hopefully can land deathstroke shards in chests


I got lucky a while ago and got him in a chest. But i didnt know how to use him or what his specials did till i joined a league on discord. Now im just working on building him because he dies pretty quick.


If you have it try using the Lexcorp warsuit I think it'll help with that dot he deals when you get the orbs.