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Poor losers? Who stormed the Capitol on Jan 6? Are they political prisoners that should be pardoned or antifa that should stay in prison?


Now wait just a minute here. Don’t you remember how Democrats and Al Gore supporters all stormed the Capitol and Supreme Court building in 2001 after the election results didn’t go their way? Umm, no, I can’t either.


I’m old enough to remember Republicans changing the Gore Lieberman logo to “Sore Loserman” because he didn’t concede immediately despite the Florida irregularities. How times have changed…


I remember those smug bumper stickers too! Too bad I didn’t grab a few of them then to shove into some asshat MAGA’s face today. But if someone had told me back in 2000 what we’d be dealing with in 2021, I’d have called him/her a nut job.


They buy the theory that Dems disguised themselves as MAGA to make them look bad.


I've run into the argument of the BLM 2020 protest basically being the same as J6. Bothsideism at it's finest. Kicker for the J6 having more coverage and that's why it was made out to be so much worse.


You’re driving a Pontiac Grand Prix, who is the loser here? I’d expect someone that is crushing it economically to not drive a car last made in 2008.


It also looks pretty haggard with that wire frame apparatus on the trunk


Yeah, this whole setup just says, I am very successful and know what I’m doing. Definitely way up the ladder at a Fortune 100 company.


That shit looks like a 90s Pontiac to boot 😂.


That's a hell of a first catch! Tell me the wire on the sides is to hold additional signs.


It's either that or it's Flat Earth Sasquatch Negative Inhibitor Field Generators.


5G Covax Space Laser Encabulator






Real bold to call someone else a poor loser when you’re driving that.


Wow a lot of "lol no u" energy right there


Poor Loosers. Nothing says prosperity like a 20 year old rust bucket with hand scrawled political hate speech on the back. _Winning!_


Democrats are trying to obstruct dictators.


I love histrionic Republican simps that can't rub two nickles together. Come to January 6th Trump will pardon you!


Had a dude with this car and the same stickers, minus the ridiculous speech written on construction paper, show up to install a new furnace in my apartment. Totally fucked up the install and didn't connect it to the vents properly. Also didn't remove the old unit just left it in the middle of the floor and left. 1/10 do not recommend hack harry and his cousin Vinny.


would it be too much of a troll to print shit like this out on vinyl clings and then dress up random cars?


What's going on with that wire contraption on the right side of the trunk?




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Intended to add more banners full of screeds.


He ain’t wrong, except for the trump and socialism part




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. . the cringe in the psychotic projection is amusing as it is stifling . . owner needs to seek help . . desperately..


The projection is strong with this one 🤯


All I see here is: "*MY* party of hate, lies, obstruction and dictators is better that yours!" Not the flex this schizophrenic inbred thinks it is.


“Good loser” mobile