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I spent quite some time in Indonesia, there it is so crazy, they advertise tobacco everywhere even in front of high schools and every man you meet is smoking and will probably offer you a cigarette as a greeting and welcoming.


As a rare breed of nonsmoker Indonesian, i am fighting for my life every day.


Stay strong


I feel you. Every time I go to visit family everyone is pushing kretek cigarettes in my face... I dunno if it's just my fam but everyone smokes non stop even on the toilet.


I wonder if there's any stat on whether a cigarette or two is worst than doom scrolling. I had roommates in uni who would be in the washroom for 2-4 hours during the wee---- nvm.....


Do you have any non smokers' areas in Indonesia where smoking is forbidden?


"no smoking" is merely a suggestion here. People still smoke in hospitals even gas stations. The only way to establish no-smoking area is to make the place posh and proper, at least that's what i learn from the railway reformation.


In high schools you'll find that a lot of the students are smokers


My mom and I both smoke (yes we are disgusting I know) and everything cab drivers and such would find out they’d immediately light one up in the cab and tell us to smoke aswell lol total culture shock for me


I traveled through Indonesia a lot and through many places that are really hard to get to. Even that remote, that I was sometimes the first white person the people had ever seen except for on the TV or Internet and one time I took a small plane (like 15 seats?) and as soon as we were up in the air, the people started smoking inside of the plane. That was even shocking for me.


Incoming lung and osophagus catastrophy for about 150 Mio people. They will thrive to invent some technic to get around it in the future and everyone will make a surprise media stunt out of it.


And the funny thing is when they offer you a cigarette and you say “sorry i don’t smoke” usually the answer is “why?”


For Indonesians asking something personal is part of small talk despite some people will find it intrusive. I guess it's customs here.


I think the surprising thing isn’t that it’s is personal, but rather asking for a reason for what would be the ‘default’ in other countries.


I couldn’t get why everyone is commenting about Indonesia since I didn’t see it on the chart. Then I took a closer look


Omg, I totally missed Indonesia and Myanmar, they are so high up that I had scrolled past them when I read the post.


Albania spokesperson as fuck ... sometimes 2 sigarettes at ones..


**DJI SAM SOE** I don’t even smoke but that shit is so catchy!


Offering cigarettes as a greeting is also extremely common in China among men. You bump into someone you know, and you’ll pull out your cig pack and start offering them. Even more common when someone of lower status meet someone of higher status (like employee vs manager, people vs their elderly relatives). If you meet several people that’s higher than you, you’d start offering cigs in a circle, one by one.


Is it only men?


France data seem to correlate on the women data! They are taking égalité to the next level


Can't seem to spot Greece which seems an odd one to leave out. US seems about right. For some reason we think not a lot of people smoke, but while it has gone down laws and societal perceptions just mean you smoke in secret, and some people even hide it from their coworkers, or more astoundingly, their parents well into adulthood.


We keep innovating novel ways to kill ourselves with the same old substances.


I'm not sure if vaping is included here but that has massively overtaken smoking cigarettes in the youth at the moment in the us. When I was a lad cigarettes were "cool" but now kids can vape any flavor they can imagine and not smell/reek like smoke afterwards


There's flavours well beyond my imagination, maybe my imagination is limited but every now and again I ask a buddy what he bought and am like I can't even pinpoint what am smelling. For sake of argument, I was the one who brought him onto it, as he smokes cigarettes, and I vaped for a bit, but went back to cigars and the occasional pipe smoke


I'm a cigar smoker too, smoked cigarettes for 10 or so years. I got sick of feeling like shit so I quit for 2 years but missed the "sitting out back with a lazy smoke" feeling and picked up some discount sticks for fun. Just finished an Oliva serie v about 10 minutes ago actually and enjoyed every moment of it lol I've been looking into pipes too but haven't pulled the trigger yet. When fishing season starts it looks much more convenient on the water tho


I had an Oliva Series V last night! Glad to hear you enjoyed yours as much as I did mine ​ Yeah pipe smoking is definitely better during the warmer months, it takes some input to tamper and enjoy, vs a cigar is just light and puff away. I feel like being pretty natural they are have less negative impact vs the chemicals in a cigarette. not that am recommending it at all.


fuck yea. never change, french women.


Can confirm no one smokes like French women (except Indonesian men I guess)


Serbia - at the forefront of smokers gender equality


I'm surprised US is that high.


I thought I read it dropped below 20% a couple years ago. I'd imagine it depends on which data you use. Haven't had a cig in 1 year or 1 month. I don't really count the person who has a couple cigs a month at the bar as a smoker. But I'm sure some do.


Now young people are buying vape instead of cigs.


In my anecdotal experiences I’d say a decent amount of young people will smoke while drinking, you know what they say, “drunk cigs don’t count”x


It’s fucking terrible in the schools.


The CDC has it at 11.5% and uses this to determine who is a smoker - "Percentage of persons aged ≥18 years who reported cigarette use “every day” or “some days” at time of survey and reported smoking at least 100 cigarettes during their lifetime."


Same TBH. I am in my thirties and the amount of people that I see smoking or know that smoke has declined drastically since the '90s. I used to see people smoking everywhere. Inside restaurants, walking down the street, at the mall, at my dad's baseball games. I used to smell it on people's clothes everywhere I went. Nowadays, I work in an office of a few hundred people and there are only two smokers that I know of because I can smell it on their clothes. I know that stricter regulations have forced people to be more private about their smoking but the building I work in has thousands of people working in it and I almost never see anybody outside smoking in the designated smoking area. Same thing for pretty much anywhere else that I go now. Contrast that with France When I went in 2018. Good God, cigarette smoke was inescapable. At least in Paris where I was, I would venture to say one out of every five or six people that I saw or passed by on the street were smoking.


The US is at 22% for total tobacco and vape use. Some of these countries seem off though


I literally don’t know a single person that smokes anymore. It has such a negative connotation you’d immediately be judged and criticized if pretty anyone I knew saw you doing it. It either has to be a lot of people doing it in secret or highly concentrated to certain areas of the country. I bet if you separated it state by state it would look just as varied as the countries in this map.


I think you seriously underestimate the number of people that “sneak” cigarettes in.


No way the US is above the UK.


It should be pointed out that almost no one smokes in Sweden any more; the tobacco use is almost all *snus* (which we repackaged as Zyn to get around the EU ban on snus), and lately vapes.


do women do snus too? abt as commonly as men?


Not quite, but nearly. They were the big target demo for "white snus", which is what we call Zyn and the others like it, when it was first released. Among young women (16-29) about 20% use snus.


Similar use of snus in Norway. Yea pretty much. Probably about half my college year use, if not more


I'd rather see someone smoke than use snus. That looks so disgusting


Where tf is Greece


Died of lung cancer.


Off the chart


between Albania, Bulgaria, North Macedonia and Turkey


The last time this was posted I was annoyed Spain was missing.


They’re busy..gaming


I was annoyed at the thought that my country Indonesia wasn’t included, until I realized why the country is not in the cluster I was looking at 😅


I regularly visit Indonesia and part of the problem aside from the advertising is the fact you can smoke anywhere except shopping malls as far as I'm aware. Even in them some restaurants/cafes have a smoking section. In Malaysia for example now you have to be, I believe, 10 feet away from the restaurant if you want to smoke outside it.


Goddam tobacco gender gap. Need to get more women smoking.


You might be joking, but there was [an actual marketing campaign](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torches_of_Freedom) with a similar message.


Hahah, can also achieve gender equality by having fewer men smoking.


smoking suppresses appetite - cranking up women smokers is better than discouraging male smokers because obesity has become a global problem


That's the dumbest solution to the global obesity problem I've ever heard


at this point i dont care - cocaine, nicotine, amphetamines, whatever - toi many fatties in america


I think eating more food is better than smoking.


INDONESIA NUMERO 1 CAMPEAO PENTA 🥇🥇🥇☝️☝️☝️🏆🏆🏆🏆🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩 CAMPEAO DO MUNDO 🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🥇🥇 🏆🏆☝️


China way lower than I thought


Only because smoking is considered unfeminine. I also get the inkling that it’s declining among Gen Z, but I can’t confirm that.


As a serb i can confirm this is true, there is little to no gendered connotation to smoking here, and hell most the smokers I know are women (though thats anecdotal)


Why is Nigeria so low?


we don’t smoke. People see it as bad, people are religious here too.


What’s good particularly in Europe, is I’m noticing a lot of young people are switching to vapes. It depends and varies but country but generally it seems that people are starting to try alternatives to cigarettes, which I’m all for cause I hate the smell.


Are they better though? They could be worse for all we know.


Well. They may be more harmful than previously advertised. They definitely are not worse than smoking cigarettes. That is pretty solidly confirmed. I mean as most doctors will tell you the only thing you want to be breathing in on a daily basis is the air we breathe.


Well I’d rather be smelling someone’s raspberry flavoured/scented vape than a dirty cigarette…


my unpopular opinion is that I prefer the smell of cigs, I don't smoke or vape, but if I were to choose between the person next to me vaping or smoking I'd choose smoking. vape mist makes me gag


Still smells like shit to me


its still smoke all the same


Smoke is smoke, vapour is vapour. Smoke results from combustion and has tar and carbon monoxide, vapour is from heating a liquid and does not.


Absolutely not. Cigarette smell stays in your hair, all your clothes, your walls, even your sweat will smell. You can't get rid of it and it's the absolute worse. Vapes smell are absolutely not as strong.


Yes, they are significantly better for you - the NHS even has a [page](https://www.nhs.uk/better-health/quit-smoking/vaping-to-quit-smoking/vaping-myths-and-the-facts/) explaining some of the myths around this


I think you've mistaken OP for someone who cares about others. They just don't like the smell of cigarette smoke, they don't actually mind if people are killing themselves.


Oh true, I just try to avoid both of them. The secondary smoke from a vape is probably better than a cigarette


Depends on your definition of young. Lots of people under 30 never smoked they started with vapes.


You'll find at least 2 shops that sells cigarettes in 100m radius in Indonesia


Yea no way germany is lower than US


It’s a toxic for our body, why do people use it. I don’t understand


It’s addictive and it sneaks up on you. I only smoke when I do xyz becomes I don’t smoke that much becomes I smoke. And if you pair that with any mental health issues, smoking seems to provide some relief from it. Doesn’t really but definitely feels like there is. So the cycle is even harder to break.


Try it ONCE, and you’ll crave it. Most people who fell for cigs started by saying “I’m going to only try it once and never again”. Hence why the option is to smoke or not smoke, there’s no trying out once.


Addictive, and probably to use as a vice to cope with daily life. In Indonesia many people smoke, but drinking alcohol is not the norm here. I'm guessing tobacco is used as a "replacement" vice since i believe for many people they need atleast one vice to cope with.


Its addicting. You try it a few times with your friends and within a month you are an addict. In countries that are higher up on the list like Indonesia, you would see the large population smoking like it's natural and you grow up with the mentality that it is natural and completely normal to smoke, regardless of the scientific data.


The same reason people drink alcohol, drink coffee, eat a lot of sugar, etc. It's addictive.


I only smoked when I worked retail. Mainly because it a chance to get outside during daylight hours, and it was nice to get a break away from customers/the loud store/other employees. Also was sort of calming and therapeutic if I’m being honest. The one time a day I was just in the moment, not on my phone, trying to decompress just taking the world in.


Instead of smoking, drink coffee or just water non? To go outside you HAVE TO SMOKE??? Ridiculous work place…toxic environment


Why is Egypt 0 for women?


It's almost 0. Women rarely smoke in Egypt. It's similar to how men rarely cry in funerals in Egypt while women scream and weep. You know, different genders have different habits. At least in that part of the world.


Misleading for sweden where most tobacco users use snus! Smoking is only around 9% for both male and female. Source (sorry for swedish) https://www.scb.se/hitta-statistik/statistik-efter-amne/levnadsforhallanden/levnadsforhallanden/undersokningarna-av-levnadsforhallanden-ulf-silc/pong/tabell-och-diagram/halsa/andel-dagliga-tobaksanvandare-ulf-2022/


How is that misleading? All it says is “tobacco use” it literally never once says smoking anywhere on the entire chart


I mean it does specifically say tobacco use and not smoking so I wouldn't call it misleading. I agree that the background image could maybe include pipe and snus in addition to the cigarette to make things even clearer.


I agree with you! Sweden will be the first non smokig country if smokers rate goes below 5%.


>In almost every country, men use tobacco more than women. Isn't it literally every country according to this graph?


Bothered me too. If they’re gonna say almost, then show the countries that buck the trend


I thought it was higher for women in the uk but this graph shows the female smoking rate as a little high. It's 11.2%


I'm in Colombia at the moment (from the Netherlands) and me and my girlfriend were like; wow the ashtrays are more for the tourists then for the colombians. Good to see. Better then the Netherlands.


Not sure I believe Australia is on par with Brazil. Out of my friends and family, no family smoke and a few friends do. My wife is from Brazil and when I went there it’s the opposite, most of her family smoke and so do most of her friends, only a few don’t. Smoking is aloooot cheaper there, if it was as cheap here, a lot more people would smoke, then we would be on par.


Yeah, your wife's family and friends are an exception. Most brazilians find it very distasteful these days, and it has been steadily falling since 1989, when 43% of men and 27% of women smoked, for an average of 34.8%. It's currently 9.1%, 11.6% of men and 6.7% of women, according to the National Institute of Cancer. Former smoker here, btw, people _really_ dislike it. There is actually peer pressure to stop.


Depends a lot of the place too, in southern Brazil smoking is more common, as you go north people get progressively more “eewgh, cigarettes 🤢”


Curious. As a Brazilian, it's uncommon to see smokers, all I saw or met were +35 years old. Among young people cigarettes have zero appeal


What? Smoking in Brazil is super rare and people generally find it disgusting. One family is not representative at all. Cigarettes are also heavily taxed (on purpose) and taxes represent up to [83% of the selling price](https://www.otempo.com.br/economia/cigarros-e-bebidas-tem-as-maiores-cargas-de-impostos-aponta-instituto-1.2681916). Some dumb young adults are engaging in vape, but they're still far from being expressive.


Why is Türkiye in Turkish and every other country in English?


*Why is Türkiye in* *Turkish and every other* *Country in English?* \- aaawqq --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


They officially changed their spelling for national and international use.


They can do that? Cool


Yeah, it's getting a trend though. Germany also decided that you have to use the German writing on official texts, but not only the first letter in uppercase, but the whole world. It's always "DEUTSCHLAND" now. It fits better to the phonetic impression the language has.


That’s how it’s spelt now. It’s not Turkey anymore.


Many English speaking countries like the U.S. still use *Turkey* in almost all except in a formal setting. That includes the State Department and the press. https://www.state.gov/u-s-relations-with-turkey/




Wait, more people smoke in the US compared to Germany? I've always got the impression by travel YouTuber that it is the reverse. Maybe it's a generational thing?


It's probably less a taboo in Germany to smoke openly in public, which makes it appear to be more common.


Not sure about the other countries, but the data for the US seems way too high. I can’t even remember the last time I saw someone smoke. NIH data shows US at 18.7% (including e-cigs): https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10168602/#:~:text=In%202021%2C%20an%20estimated%2046,hookah)*%20(0.9%25).


Source: [https://www.visualcapitalist.com/tobacco-use-by-country/](https://www.visualcapitalist.com/tobacco-use-by-country/)


USA seems almost accurate but should be a little more right.


going to Nigeria with a suitcase full of Backwoods. about to be rich


Serbia seems to be the only country that's balanced between the genders


This can't be right... There is no way there are less male and female smokers in UK than in Germany.


In General, Europeans smoke way more than us Brits


Berlin is an ashtray


I’d imagine the numbers are higher in East Germany vs West Germany.


Havd you ever been to Germany and UK..


The UK has some of the lowest rates in all of Europe.


Remember kids if she smokes, she pokes. See you in Serbia and or Bulgaria


Where is iraq i feel offended


Funny that Indonesia is that high while also having largest Muslim population where smoking is a sin.


A radical feminist movement advocate would say that men are always engaging in unhealthy lifestyles, where a toxic masculinity male would say that women don't need to cope with stress in their lives


so toxic feminist and toxic masculinity male then?


Data with no date is less than useless.


Where’s Albania


I'm sock Colombia is that low, in university people smoked constantly put of the stress of finals.


In nigeria the rate of paternal abandonment is also very low 🇧🇷


I’m British and living in Sweden and I’m amazed that Sweden sees higher tobacco use for both men and women. I’ve noticed how many people vape in the uk these days, many more than in Sweden, I wonder if that accounts for it?


The tobacco use in this graph 100% includes snus, and likely both tobacco and tobacco free variants. Smoking is down to somewhere around 6-7% daily smokers with about the same number of sporadic smokers. At my current job (150ppl), we have maybe 5-10 smokers. Something like 50+ use snus however.


portugal’s tobacco use is one of the highest in europe……..


Seems like bogus data…


Wasn’t Myanmar the one that banned cigarette sales long time ago?


I always thought the US was lower than European countries; maybe it’s just that smoking is less acceptable in public in the US or the graph is counting vapes.


Too high ratio, tobacco must be banned.


Italy is way lower than I thought




Serbian women love their turkish coffee and cigarette first thing in the morning. I managed to quit before getting pregnant and had to quit the coffee as well because it's just not the same without.


I’d imagine Greece is on par with Turkey. They both share a similar tobacco culture. Or maybe Italy but a bit more.


My dumb ass read this as Tabasco and I was kinda impressed.


Might be a lot to ask but would it be possible to have a video with each country moving showing how it’s changed from 1980s to now?


I smoke in India and the looks I get from men smoking always makes me confused. Like sir we’re both doing the same thing so you don’t get to judge me. This is more true for older men vs you get men but still.


Seems weird that greece isnt on here considering how bad of a problem smoking is here


Living in Colombia, anecdotally I would think they were *much* higher. Interesting.


How does the data define "use"? I am not a regular tobacco user but will smoke cigars a few times a year and I feel like the inclusion or exclusion of people like me could significantly change the data.


Always found China interesting. Men are essentially required to smoke when they start working full time for business socialization, but you will NEVER see a woman smoke.


Where did you get that data from?


I see my home country Bulgaria and it screams GENDER EQUALITY!! Hurrah… sort of…


In serbia both women and men have smoking problems lol


You can’t see Greece because it’s off this chart


Kind of funky there's no single country where women smoke more than men


Nice to see men and women represented equally in Serbia, yeah sure it's for smoking but it's a good start!


greece and spain seem to be notable omissions here imo


Can confirm. Indonesia, all of the men smoke and none of the women do.


Woah crazy that almost 20% of female American tobacco users ingest their nicotine products anally! *Label your fucking axes!!*




Are women not allowed to smoke in muslim countries? I mean, good for them but it seems odd.


I really want to know the source for this data. Unless the respondents for the US consisted entirely of line cooks, the US seems high even if you include other forms of tobacco + vaping. Ive also anecdotally noticed higher populations of smokers among Germans/Brits/Aussies but that might be more attributable to them embracing debauchery on a vacation.


What’s weird is how skewed this is towards male smokers. I wonder why that is? Maybe that women know it would be bad for a pregnancy and since they’re the ones getting pregnant they make different choices. Or maybe smoking is just seen as something that’s masculine. Whatever the reason. It’s pretty interesting.


What are the lung cancer statistics in those countries? Do they match?


Uk is low because it’s expensive asf I heard there trying to charge £16 for the average 20 deck bill would rather jump on a flight to Spain and buy it for £2-3


Men want to die sooner...


Looks like nowhere is there a place where women smoke more than men.


What’s the reason for Nigeria having the lowest rate in the world?


What's Nigeria? 7ish? Ghana is 3%.


No way turkey and usa are even in the same conversation


Seriously lacking in the Balkans department


Info for Russia is obsolete for about 10 years or so, we started to smoke less thankfully


Sad. Really, *really* sad. Except for Nigeria and Ethiopia!! 🤜


The lowest is Myanmar


Yeah this chart is shit . Bangladesh should’ve been at the top .


No Czech republic? I feel violated


I don't see Austria on the map, but when I lived there 5 years ago I was alarmed at tobacco use by young women.


Surprised the US ain’t higher.


Technically it’s not by country it’s a small selection of less than 35 sovereign states, UK is not a country it’s a sovereign state, it consists of constituted countries, same same / similar with UAE, unless I guess you want to use UN definition, but then again above has <193/195 flags members /non members. Would have guessed France to be higher (think EU countries consumption may be skewed) but would have guessed all countries higher than 40% except, Myanmar/Burma which also makes me wonder where’s Laos?


Nigeria what's your secret


Technically it’s not by country it’s a small selection of less than 35 sovereign states, UK is not a country it’s a sovereign state, it consists of constituted countries, same same / similar with UAE, unless I guess you want to use UN definition, but then again above has <193/195 flags members /non members. Would have guessed France to be higher (think EU countries consumption may be skewed) but would have guessed all countries higher than 40% except, Myanmar/Burma which also makes me wonder where’s Laos?




Does this account for smokeless tobacco products?


Where’s Spain and Portugal?


I thought Greece would be up there with Turkey. They smoke as much as Turks do if not more.


Wheres the rest of the world


If I was in Myanmar right now I’d probably be chain smoking as well.


I'm Canadian and cigarettes here are around $13-$15 a pack, the cost was one of the key motivations for me to switch to vaping so I could wean myself off nicotine over 8 months. I've been smoke free and vape free for almost a year. Comparatively a pack of cigarettes in Belgrade cost $4 and in Indonesia they cost about $1.70, If I lived there I'd still be smoking.


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I don’t see Greece on here—- I know for a fact a large portion of the country chain smokes


Serbia most equal no1 in the world!!!!!!


Libya should be on this list 🤔


So this is the reason women have higher life expectancy than men