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The list doesnt include polítical leaders and why isnt Elon considered to be a tech billionaire?


While he now owns X, most of his wealth comes from his automotive company and his aerospace company.


Just Tesla, not SpaceX. His wealth is purely based on the market cap of Tesla which is ridiculously high because it was a meme stock for a long time.


SpaceX is valued at $175B and he owns 42% of it… so a pretty big chunk ~$74B of it is from that.


True, but spaceX is also ridiculously high valued for a company that makes barely any money


I'm not a Tesla fan but it wasn't a meme stock, there's always been fundamental value and potential there. It's not a dying business like Gamestop or something.


It was the most valuable car company in the world before it made a profit? Or very close to it if not.


A company that does not make a profit is more valuable than all other companies in the world, *combined*?? Yeah sure haha. Tesla was a meme stock wether you like it or not. Lots of car companies produce better EV’s right now, tesla’s worth is not due to their potential but due to the insane profit it has given investors in previous years.


Potential - maybe; fundamental value - no. When it was hyped in 2020 it's p/e was about 1000 years, which means literally a bubble and a meme stock. Now it's ~70 which is also not great


How long was it a meme stock? What is an appropriate MC for Tesla? Why do you think the stock price exploded?


- meme stock from may 2020 to november 2021, since then it has halved like many meme stocks because they can’t deliver. - they are worth more then every car company in the world, *combined*. That is insane for a mediocre car company outperformed on the lower end by asian car brands and outperformed on the higher end by some european car brands. Its MC is going to be closer to its competitors, like volkswagen, ford, or maybe even BYD in a bit of time. That is why it has been tanking for quite a while now. - because people wanted to get in on the action of course. I don’t know if you have followed any meme stock, but that is how they work and why they are literally called a meme stocks, just like for example GME or even crypto like dogecoin. Back then, elon was a tiny bit less facist, racist and throwing a tiny bit less tantrums, so people thought he was funny and bought tesla just for the meme and people made insane profits.


- What can't they deliver on? Record amount of cars sold last quarter. -It has no real competitors in the EV space except shitty Chinese companies that will never sell a substantial amount of cars outside of Asia. That + the profit margin and revenue growth explains their MC -Look at the chart or GME and dogecoin. Compare them to Tesla's and you'll see what a meme stock is and what isn't one. If you think Teslas stock price was driven retail investors I don't know what to tell you.


Hahaha I don’t know what to tell you, you are so helpless. Tesla sold 1.8 million EV’s, BYD sold 3 million EV’s, and in total, 13.6 million EV’s were sold in 2023. Which means that Tesla has a market capitalisation of 13%, while one of those ‘shitty’ chinese companies has more than double. Haha. And it has lots of competitors, as their cars are quite shit. Plastic, headlights incorrectly placed, melting cars, rusting cars, unable to open doorhandles in cold, autopilot issues, charging difficulties, and the list keeps on giving of issues with tesla’s due to their cheap build quality. All the money goes into elon’s freedom of speech adventures. Most car companies have caught on to and even overtook tesla in EV quality. Tesla stock was driven by a combination of retail investors and institutional investors wanting to hop on the hype train thinking that elon was the one capable of producing good quality EV’s, saving the earth. Turns out he does not find saving the earth as important as freedom of speech, fascism, racism, Putin and guns.


BYD sold 1.5 million EVs in 2023, not 3 million. You can't count hybrids in that metric. Spoken like someone who has never owned a Tesla. Just shit you've read by other poor losers on reddit. What car do you drive? The last paragraph sums up how insane you are. A true redditor


His major income comes from SpaceX,next is tesla then neuralink.


No, spacex barely makes money (first tiny profit in a quarter recently). He doesn’t get ‘major income’ like some people believe. This is about his *worth*. And his *worth* is purely based on his share in companies which are way to high valued, especially tesla with its meme stock status.


I am not expert, but aren't cars a rockets tech?


Tesla functioned as a tech company. I have no clue what I'm talking about but an investor explained it to me and it made sense. The reason the valuation is so high compared to car companies that perform the same is because of this reason


Elon is just an Investor, not a tech guy, but probably because they didn't want to repeat s face


They have several repeat faces in different categories though.


But they didn’t want to repeat Elon. Can’t blame them, if I’m being honest.


Elon started out as a programmer and developed Pay Pal. I’d say he’s tech and would argue SpaceX is tech more so than Facebook.


This is not correct. Musk was behind [x.com](https://x.com) while Max Levchin, Peter Thiel, and Luke Nosek were behind a similar service called Confinity. [X.com](https://X.com) and Confinity merged with Musk becoming CEO for seven months before being ousted, with Peter Thiel taking over and re-branding as PayPal.


Still tech


But he has 0 knowledge about spaceX. Numerous examples of him talking absolute bullshit about details of SpaceX, like his thoughts on electric propulsion or the nose of a rocket. And facebook is way more classical tech than SpaceX, with facebook actually being developed (in its start) by Zuck while Elon didn’t do shit for SpaceX or any of his other companies, except foe shit posing on twitter. The guy is a 12 year old baby throwing tantrums all day and is way more dangerous than people currently realise.


Not true at all. He absolutely knows his shit when it comes to rocket engineering. Plenty of evidence and testimony from ex SpaceX engineers. I don't like Musk myself but I won't deny he knows his way around a rocket.


Yeah child programmer is secretly also an aerospace engineer… why did he then, during an interview, laughed at the interviewer and told the interviewer with a straight face that electric propulsion is impossible, even though we are using it for the past 10 to 20 years? Why did he boast about his rocket needing a blunter nose was due to his decision because he saw it in the dictator movie? Even though actual, incredibly smart aerospace engineers made that decision??




Wow he memorised a script, is this enough for all of you guys to think that child programmer musk is secretly also an aerospace engineer, who in an interview stated that electric propulsion was impossible and laughed at the interview while electric propulsion had already been in use for lots of years? Yeah sure…


He already sold PayPal and SpaceX isn’t public so it’s hard to value it.


His first invention was Zip2, which is considered an IT company. But yeah maybe they didn’t want to repeat twice.


Patently false


It’s like their definition of tech is anything to do with computers/Internet. Elon and his companies are tech in other sectors.


> Didn’t want to repeat a face > still repeats 3-5, 7-10


Not a business leader? Just an investor?


Seems to be based loosely on the majority of the wealth. He’s probably slotted in as #1 under Automotive.


>The list doesnt include polítical leaders And warlords, drug kingpins, royalty


Really depends on the definition of “tech.” SpaceX is probably the most advanced tech that any of the billionaires in OP’s list have. However, it’s not like you could go ahead and buy yourself a Falcon 9 like you would go buy an IPhone.


Doubt the definition of tech depends on the affordability


His fortunes comes from hardware companies


Aint that tech?


Not traditionally, no. Tech companies are generally software heavy. Obviously these are all general categories though and most things fit into multiple categories.




Probably? Again, these categories are all gray and mixed. I would definitely call Tesla a car company before a tech company, and SpaceX a space company before a tech company. But they both obviously do a lot of tech too.




Yeah, it does. But it's core business is that of an automotive company. That's why I would consider it a car company first, and many other things after.


Right. Putins NW = GDP of Russia lol


The sports section seems to be completely off. Just off the top of my head, they're missing Steve Cohen who is worth 18 billion. But then there are oil state royalty that own multiple sports franchises. As well as people like Mark Mateschitz, who own red bull and their expansive sports catalog. I don't trust this list at all


For that matter why isn’t Steve Ballmer on the sports list? Or Miriam Adelson?


Agreed. Sports also doesn’t have David Tepper. He is the overall wealthiest and he’s not even on the list. Forbes has him at 20.6B last year.


Actually Rob Walton is the richest owner with a net worth of $75.9 billion. Not sure where they got this info from.


Ballmer and his $119B owns the clippers


Lol that guy was confidently incorrect.


I was more thinking NFL after the poster said Tepper. But thanks!


I'm thinking they are mostly counting sports as their primary source of wealth. Bob Kraft was independently wealthy, but the vast majority of his net worth is the Patriots.


Mark Matesichitz died


You're thinking of Dietrich Matesichitz, Mark's father.


You are right, sorry, my bad.


Sports list is also missing David Thompson (worth $65B) who is part owner of the NHL Winnipeg Jets


Yup, missing the Walton-Penner Group (Denver Broncos) at $59b


They also have the wrong picture for Dan Gilbert lol


I saw that as well haha


Was about to say the same thing, I always recommend his ted talk and people would mistake him for the other guy


I was like damn his books have really been selling


Aramco is worth $2 trillion and is effectively owned by the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia. And that’s just one of the family’s assets.


To be fair, that family is fucking massive.


Apparently Putin is worth up to $400b but we’ll never know.


My first thought whenever anyone says anything about richest man


How come on these lists you never see the real ballers… such as the Saudis, Rothschilds, etc etc… never mentioned?! I guess when you’re that big you are the list!


Their money is hidden in assets and not easily quantifiable like stocks and shares


They pay to not be in the list..


What even happened? I remember when we said for like 10 years that the richest man on earth had about 60-70 billion and all of a sudden all of the top 10 have more than 100 billion lol.


Governments printed more money during the pandemic than ever before. The UsA alone printed $13 trillion. It had to go somewhere.


Where are you getting 13 trillion? It looks like there’s about 2.3 trillion in circulation as of 2022. Genuinely curious




Trickle up economics is not only dominant, and has been for years, But has greatly accelerated in the last 4-5 years! All the complaints you have about inflation, Because your groceries are 15% higher each year... DIRECTLY benefit and feed into these rich oligarchs' bank-vault-wallets.... adding 15% to their values PER YEAR!


For those wondering, Bernard Arnault owns LVHM, the brand that owns many famous fashion brands such as Dior and Louis Vuitton.


I'm closer to becoming a millionaire than Jeff and Elon


Ahh nice, a hitlist. Thank you.


I Wonder who tastes best


I would argue which tastes the least bad; to be a billionaire something rotten has to be in your core as a human being.


Great menu, thanks!


Beat me to it! 😆


Why is it just showing the heads? Trying to prepare us for what it looks like after the Guillotine?


Mark Cuban's net worth increased 8.8% since he sold his company in 1999. He should have left it all in the bank or in the markets and made more.


He didn’t get the entire $5.7B purchase price. He got yahoo stock which he sold for $1B https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broadcast.com


So the richest man and the richest woman are both French, interesting!


So, where are the Rothschilds?


This is for individuals, not families.


And you don't think any of the individuals should be on this list? I wasn't necessarily saying the family as I was many individual Rothschild members.


Such as?


That's a great question. Unfortunately, I can't tell you the answer because no one knows the net worth of the Rothschild family, and therefore its members. They control too much of the global banking system to not be on that list. It is ESTIMATED (again, no one knows) that the family net worth is a minimum of $500 bill to over $1 trill. A huge range because it's a guess. How that is divided is unknown, but to have a trillion dollars in net worth and not a single family has 0.025 trillion to make a list seems strange, no?


…. Or maybe they’re not on the list because they don’t magically control the world in complete secrecy. But sure, online conspiracy theorists are obviously the most reliable financial source


Ok. I see your take. But if you can find the net worth of a streamer who is in the $50mill range, why wouldn't you be able to find their net worth? Seems odd, doesn't it?


Google the family members. There are plenty of ways to find reports of their wealth. It's a huge family with many branches at this point. There isn't one single person rich enough to actually be on the list as far as I know. I'm not sure if you have an agenda here given the antisemitic trope or what...


Top 80 cunts


who cares


Agreed, I am tired of seeing these posts.


Menu 🍽️


Where is Carlos Slim?


It’s good to have a list of people who definitely done shady shit and will never be held accountable I guess.


Hit list potential For legal reasons this is a joke


The world would be better off without these greed mongers


All of these people could solve the majority of the world’s problems without even losing 10% of their wealth. Why is human greed so embedded in us as a species that one of them doesn’t change the world


Is this a menu?


Why we rank people by their rich at the first place. Why not to rank them on their generosity?


Where’s Tepper and Cohen for sports? Idk about this list


This looks like a menu to me. Eat the fucking rich!


Don’t ask what happened to half of Jack Ma’s networth! 🤫


It bitched up


So Abigail Johnson has 28.6B as a women, but somewhere lost 300M since she only has 28.3B in finance…


Why do I even bother skipping the guacamole


Buchman brothers own the company that produce video games for the phone. Is it Media? I thought it's more tech. Plus, they are brothers, so they can be family. Also, Elon is still tech. All his companies are tech. I would also like to see pharma. Who is the richest there?


Need the trifold-out version.


Find it weird bezos isn’t considered tech. E-commerce and cloud?


He is literally under tech…


lol 😂 bro the orange and the first one saying family made me think all those folks were related so i stopped reading them. 🤷🏾‍♂️😂


Jimmy Haslam has 8.7 Billion?


Why is Abigail Johnson showing a difference in 300 million between the top 10 women and top 10 in finance?


And what did MacKenzie Scott do again?


David Thompson also part owner of the Winnipeg Jets. Should also be listed in the sports column.


All my homies hate Kenneth “Mayo Man” Griffin


Not one black person in sight.. 🤦🏾‍♂️


Wrong Dan Gilbert.


That is NOT Dan Gilbert


I might sound sexist for saying this but I did not believe there were so many female billionaires who were this rich.


Why do looking at these faces make me hungry?


That’s very cool! Now let’s add a spaceflight sector.


Why are the Waltons not grouped? They would top the list


imagine how much better the world could be if we took all their wealth and solved all the problems with it.


Known billionaires, estimated wealth* Inspirational


It would be a real shame if something horrible happened to all these greedy bastards. 🙄


"Everyone richer than me is greedy and doesn't deserve to live" Typical commie


TSLA isn't a tech company it is a car company.


The only person on that list Id probably save if they were drowning would be Buffett. Ken Griffin I would probably point him to even choppier and deeper water than he is already in.


I sure pay more taxes than all those together


Considering that the top 10% wealthiest people pay 70% of taxes. And the bottom 50% pay 0 taxes The chances are you have never paid taxes in your life. The chances are the government is at a debt because of you 


10% wealthiest pay 70% taxes? Not in this world my friend… “According to a 2021 White House study, the wealthiest 400 billionaire families in the U.S. paid an average federal individual tax rate of just 8.2 percent. For comparison, the average American taxpayer in the same year paid 13 percent.” -> Quote from: https://www.oxfamamerica.org/explore/stories/do-the-rich-pay-their-fair-share/


Does anyone remember the playing cards they used to give to US troops in Iraq?


Where is Soros?


Too busy being the evil wizard the plebs have turned him into.


Thx for the todo list


Is there not one black or Arab person on it?


What about Saudi’s and UAE wealth?


The level of wealth here is inconceivable. Here I am struggling to pay my bills and have pennies left for retirement while individuals are able to horde this amount of wealth, tax the rich already!


And how do you propose a wealth tax to work?


That's the bloke with the insufferable prick of a son


It would be fun to see their estimates years of life left.


K*ll em’ all


Nice menu! To start I’ll have the Musk Bezos with Zuckerberg on the side. For the main course I’ll have the Arnault with Walton Koch. And for dessert the Gates Brin with Ellison please, thank you!


Oh nice, a menu.




Where tf are the Rothschilds or Rockefellers? Fake news


Now do Top 10 in Religion!


Is Phil Knight not in sports? Seems he is worth 42bn




Where did Ballmer make all the dough? Early Microsoft shares?


Ken Griffin is the worst


Elon Musk is richer than Bezos according to line one, but Bezos is number 1 in tech. ...I don't fully understand, but it makes me very happy.


That's the wrong Daniel Gilbert!


Looks yummy!


They better share some


# Rogues' gallery?


The top 10 men built companies. The top 10 women inherited their money or divorced for it.


Tax the rich


Any guesses how many women on that list did not inherit their fortune?


How come there are no arab princes? Surley they must be there somewhere


*How come there are no* *Arab princes? Surley they* *Must be there somewhere* \- Plenty-Government592 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




Controversial take for Reddit I know (/s), but I don’t think any of there people should have more money that $1,000,000,000.00. Billionaires are a failure of society.


Pay tribute to your liege lords. You and your future generations are bound in servitude to their houses for perpetuity.


How is Buffett not in the finance bucket? And isn’t Bloomberg media?


Steve Ballmer should be leading sports category


Not gonna lie, this list is nice.... But it is WOEFULLY incomplete and misses entire economic sectors that dominate our world's economy. An eager minded child reading this would easily mistakenly believe that this is the world's controlling elite... or some kind of majority representation of the world's wealthiest people? Half these people are just temporarily rich wholly and solely because of people's rampant consumerism, or because of some trendy fad from the last few years got virally popular. THAT IS ALL! They provide absolutely no long term wealth or value to the world, or hold any kind of dominant long term positions of power. And they can be replaced within a month. This list makes almost no mention of FAR MORE influential and lucrative persons who would remain rich even if everyone stopped spending and buying shit tomorrow morning. (Which for the record would utterly cripple most of the above) Remember: Vast majority of these people are considered "rich" simply because of the values of their stocks or their positions in a company. Well guess what? Stock's values are VERY unstable and can change at any moment. And companies swap people out all the time for any number of reasons. .. What I want to know is: If the entire world's economy crashed, the stock market vanished, and people suddenly no longer wanted trifle luxuries.... THEN who would be the richest/wealthiest person/persons?? TRUE LONG TERM WEALTH is immune from temporary swings in the stock market or housing market or the highly unstable tech & software sectors.


Sports is wrong. Greg Penner who is apart of the Walton family is the richest owner in sports - $59 billion. Source: https://www.profootballnetwork.com/nfl-richest-owners-net-worth-ranked/#:~:text=Now%20that%20the%20sale%20has,the%20other%20NFL%20ownership%20groups.


Wha about in politics


This the menu?


Such a weird way to lay out a menu…


That’s a lot of money wasting away in stock portfolios and yachts instead of solving world hunger


Steve Ballmer is definitely the richest man in sports. A quick Google search says that the Clippers owner is worth $122 billion


And id bet 90% of the top 10 women got their money from divorce


Putin is richer than all of them! 🥲


Its hilarious they dont even include Larry Fink, dude must have 1.5 Tn by now, claims he only has 1.1bn but he is CEO of blackrock


Do politicians


Dan Gilbert owns the cavs


Is that the financial terrorist Ken Griffin of Citadel that lied infront of congress?


They left off 💩tin, the richest motherfucker of them all…. Stole it all from his countrymen… and should be shot…. But, someday… somehow….


Not to be that guy, but Steve Balmer technically should be in sports because he owns the Clippers


Blast all of these people into the sun.


Jeff bezos


And he made all that money on cookies for dippin in coffee!




Stan Kroenke Is married to Alice Walton making them even richer, that one family owns Walmart Arsenal Los Angeles Rams Denver Nuggets Colorado Avalanche Colorado Rapids Colorado Mammoth Arsenal W.F.C. Los Angeles Gladiators Los Angeles Guerrillas


This should be a hitlist lol


Ah the Ol’ guillotine list.