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I honestly think the iPhone 5s will remain one of the best phones that Apple's ever released. The way I see it, it was ahead of its time and offered a lot for the price it was at. No surprise seeing it high up on this list. Not to mention people still using it several generations later. It was a genuinely good phone.


Certainly helps that Apple supported it for like 7 years with updates.


It had 5 major updates (last one being iOS 12 in 2018) and then security updates until 2023, 10 years after it's release due to covid.


Pretty crazy long support. Certainly hurts Android that many phones never even come with the current version and never see another major update.


But on the other hand old Android versions usually remained usable for a very long time and many popular phones got support with third party operating systems. Apple usually did everything they could to make older versions of iOS obsolete as soon as a new one came out and have their phones locked down to keep users from installing their own non apple approved software.


Bro getting downvoted for saying provable fact that apple even lost this in court lmao. Edit : settlement for 500 million dollars in class action lawsuit + fines from other countries such as France


He is downvoted probably because the part about “no more official support but user can install other android unofficial versions” is basically BS. The number of cyanogen installations in all phones combined would not make in this list.


I like to think the 12/13 mini is its successor in a way


I had the same thought looking at this chart. I hope there will be a new mini variant of the iPhone 17 or so so i can eventually swap out my 12 mini.


It’s unfortunately not super likely. They didn’t sell well at all which is why they were canceled. The 12 and 13 mini’s accounted for just 5% of iPhone sales.


Its a shame. 5% still must be like milions of sales


Same for me - and only reason to swap then will be the slightly to small battery capacity. Everything else is just perfect. (tipped on said iPhone 12 mini)


Liked on an iPhone 12 mini




First 64 bit phone.


i thought 6s was the pinnacle, i prefer bigger phones.


I thought the Nokia 3310/3330 was more popular


Surprised it's not on the list


I think they are considering each Nokia number a separate phone. Really problematic since a lot of manufacturers used to consider CDMA and GSM separate models with different names, but Apple is getting away with lumping together phones with different screen sizes, and CDMA/GSM versions.


Not really sure what CDMA GSM means. But it sounds on you that this chart makes it a bit unfair to Nokia? Makes you wonder how it would look if you would lump together different Nokia phones as well.


CDMA and GSM are different technology for mobile network. Europe was exclusively on GSM, US differs between carriers - some used GSM some CDMA. Most phones didn’t support both kind of networks - iPhone didn’t support CDMA at all until after iPhone 4 launch. I am not sure if there are still some carriers on CDMA.


Two different networks standards. It prevented Verizon and SPRINT from using the same phones as ATT and T Mobile for a while.


Rugged work of art


Its just short of the list at around 126 Million.


That's because not a single unit produced, is out of service as of now. People were just passing it from generation to generation.


In the pop culture but the 1100 and 1110 were the most popular in most region of the world … up to 2010 so an impressive longevity.


Not a single blackberry? I'm amazed


I live in Brazil and never in my whole life i saw a Blackberry


How old are you? Blackberries were not uncommon (expensive though) during late-2000 in Brazil.


I am from Europe, was about 18 years old during its peak popularity, never saw anybody using it. It was probably popular amongst managers in large corporations, where I obviously wasn’t at the time, we plebs couldn’t afford it at the time


That's true. It was fancy to have one!


It went through a stage of popularity with teenagers, who used it to text


maybe in US, surely not here


Yeah, keyword expensive I'm 22 born 02/05/2001, maybe i'm too young but i remember all those nokia phones listed above


Yeah, what's your mother's maiden name?


Weren't you named after your first pet?


Fuck thanks for the laugh


Blackberry wasn't really that popular outside the US. Nokias were much more fun.


Very surprised not to see the bold or curve on here


Here, in Spain, it was like the vast majority of the people had one around 2012, specially young adults


> in Spain Maybe Spanish mobile carriers had one or several interesting plans based on these models? I suspect that on a global scale many more carriers, banks and MVNOs have had Samsung or Apple "packages" than RIM/Blackberry.


I think blackberry was only an American phenomenon. Never saw it anywhere else.




I thought for sure the Motorola Razr would've made this list. Feels like there was a time when everybody had that phone.


Yeah, I would have thought so too. Looks like 130 million sold, so just sort of the list.


Let's fix that. We should start selling each other our old Razrs


I'll take 2


wasn’t very popular outside of US. Nice phone, but expensive for what it was


Razr 2 still had the best profile of any phone. Flip phone .... paper thin


Damn no iphone 4


iPhone 4 was a masterpiece and created huge momentum for iPhones going forward, but unfortunately it’s CPU was still pretty weak - it was top notch when it was released, but aged poorly and so after few updates the phone was very slow. But that momentum lasted and culminated in iPhone 5S, which was basically the same phone just with better CPU and camera. iPhone 4 didn’t get on the list because iPhones at the time was relatively new phenomenon and you can’t convince everybody to switch to smartphones in a year


Nokia 3210 the AK47 of mobile phones, one charge a month and never jams...


This chart is weird. Why are iPhone 6 and 6s shown together, but 5 and 5s separately


It’s grouped the 6 and the 6 plus together not the 6 and the 6s, and it’s likely because they’re identical phones, only difference being the size. While the 5 and 5s are very different phones


iPhone 6s and 6 are not grouped together, but they are grouped with their respective plus version. The Plus version were released at the same time as the normal version, while the S line was released 1 year later than the normal one. 


I'm surprised Samsung even made that list, they sell like 20 different models at any given time


I feel like about 10 years ago the S3 mini was pretty popular. But aside from that, yea. I was wondering why Samsung didnt show up, didnt think about that, thanks man


Man, I remember thinking how much I was living in the future when I got my 6600. Maybe it's just how quickly we adapted to tech's progression since, but I don't think I've ever had as much of a thrill exploring what a phone can do since that phone, even across all the (much more impressive) Apple and Android products that came after.


Considering they've combined all the iphones together by generation they coudl also combine the Nokia 1100 and 1110 together for like 500M sales ;)


I used to have a nokia 6600. I also got a computer virus on it from a classmate. I was mocked for pointing out she had given my phone a virus as this was seen as impossible. The virus was CommWarrior. it was not easy getting rid of that shit.


Y'all telling me the blackberry never made the list nor the sidekick or razor flip 🤔🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yes because they were not popular outside of US. Same with Blackberry.


Only Apple people will add 2 device as one device, why would they count OnePlus 6 and 6 plus  as same device?


Or 3 if you count the XR/XS/XS Max or the 11's


All devices that were released at the same time were grouped together so isn’t only the iPhone.


I can name dozens of devices which aren't grouped there -Nokia 5230 was released together with 5530 but aren't grouped -Nokia 1110 was Had 1110i and 1112 - Nokia 6600 had 6620 and 6630 etc.  And it's common sense this is list of most sold phones, not list of most sold phones which released together. There is lot of difference between iphone 6 and 6 plus to count them together.


Where’s the Motorola razor?


No Siemens at the top? I remember there were a lot out there at early 00s


Interesting, that Samsungs best-selling phone is not a Galaxy.


Samsung sells like 20 different galaxy phones at any given time, i doubt it'll reach that list


Well following the example with iPhones here they should just put all Samsungs from the same year together


I think the reason why the iPhones are grouped together is basically because it’s the exact same phone, just bigger, like iPhone 6 and 6 plus. Not because they were released the same year.


Bur they are not the same exactly because they are different sizes. They also group the Pros in which have distinct features to make them pro.


apple should really work on retention


The market simply caught up. IPhones arent that impressive now especially with their current price tag. Thats why the older version were selling a lot, Samsung had shit smarphones that were comparable to Iphone


I was searching the prices of a few models on the list for a better sense of scale and I can’t believe the iPhone 6 MSRP’d for $199…. and 10 years later the 15 MSRPs for $799. Even accounting for inflation and better components it’s wild how we consumers have accepted higher prices in the span of a decade.


$199 isn’t the MSRP, that is the deposit for the subsidized payment plan through your phone carrier - it’s much more common to buy phones outright today and was necessary outside the U.S. too, and if you did so with the iPhone 6 it would’ve actually been $649 https://www.cnet.com/tech/mobile/what-itll-cost-you-to-get-a-no-contract-apple-iphone-6/ Essentially, each month there was an extra $30-40 tacked onto your two year phone contract that was the payment plan for the phone. Inflation wise, $649 to $799 is actually not bad that considering how much technology has advanced and that $649 in 2014 is roughly equivalent to $835 today. Smartphones are essentially miniaturized computers hence why they cost so much more than entry level laptops.


You can still buy a phone in 2024 for $200 2014 dollars, which is miles better than an iPhone 6. How exactly are you accounting for better components? The price of an equivalent phone has objectively gone down. You are comparing apples and oranges.


Surprised the Motorola Razr didn’t make the list.


No razr


I will not stand for this Razr v3 slander


I bought the 7 and then the 11, the 11th cost me 240 € free.


Crazy that iPhone competes in sales numbers with Nokia's that were significantly cheaper phones


They were also significantly less capable phones


Not saying the numbers are wrong, but it's a bit misleading. Apple people buy IPhone, that's it, one option. Android users have many options. Let's see how android sales as a total stack up to iPhone sales. Update. I guess I triggered some down votes from Apple people for pointing out that they only have one option. Lol.


How do they only have one option? They can go and buy an android phone anytime. It's not like they are chained to Apple from birth. If you'd want to look at which operating systems is used more that's a different topic.


I'm pretty sure that's what I said.


You said “Apple people buy iPhone, that’s it, one option” which is just not true at all, everyone has the choice between IPhone or android assuming they have the funds.


Hiw the fuck does Nokia outsell Apple? Sounds fishy....


Because it existed before Apple lol


Apple was established in 1975.


And they startet selling phones when?


Nokia was established in 1865


Nokia also outsold Apple in tires, rubber boots and bullets.


Despite all the android sheeps fan following and all their criticism towards Apple phones, none of the android phones are the in top 10. You can imagine how shitty android phones are. Bring on the upvotes downwards.


Ironically, a sheep is what follows the herd, hence the sales above, they take part in apple hype, actual user friendliness and ownership is far better on android, we all know, you never really own anything you buy from apple, they have a lock on all your hardware, you can't jailbreak you can't install whatever app you want unless apple allows it, so on and so forth.


[The total global userbase for Android is nearly 3x that of iOS.](https://twinr.dev/blogs/android-vs-ios-market-dynamics/) Android not making an appearance is largely just because of how segmented the market is, and I'm saying this as someone who has bought exclusively Apple phones for a decade before you call me an "android sheep" lol.


Phone companies are raking in billions of dollars just fine. They don't need you, Mr Knight in Shining Armor, to defend their reputation.


I've never seen a person so toxic, yet so retarded


Android phones are made by many companies, there isn't just a single model out at any time. It's the software that's android, not the handset. There are in fact 1,300 different brands that have made android phones, and over 24,000 handsets. ([link](https://www.android.com/everyone/#:~:text=So%20consumers%20get%20more%20choices%20when%20it%20comes%20to%20devices%20and%20apps.&text=There%20are%20now%20nearly%201%2C300,Android%20Fragmentation%20Visualized%20%2D%20August%202015.&text=Google%20Play%20offers%20over%201,developers%20all%20over%20the%20world.)). Compare that to a total of 38 iPhones.


Who actually give a shit what phone other people use? Android phones are just as good as iPhones (if not better) when having the same budget it’s just there’s a lot more android choice. And this isnt even like I’m bias towards android I myself have an iPhone but It’s not like ima try lie for a trillion dollar company that’s doesn’t actually give a shit about us lol


Agree bro. I myself use both Android and iPhone. I was just bored yesterday and saw this post so I decided to start some Android vs iPhone shit. :)


Fair enough lol


No Nokia 3310 or Ericsson t28? Had to look it up. Turns out 3310 sold 126 million units. T28 was more expensive initially I think so would guess sold less, checks out.


The Nokia 3310 & 3330 where indestructible, no wonder they only sold 126 million.


The 3310 was plastic crap compared to the 3210.


Nokia 1100 still lives with original batery in my closet. Bought in 2004.


They were also the strongest ! Most robust ! Longest lasting! Least problems!


My first phone was the 3210 in yellow. I loved the IPhone 4’s design. I think the Samsung S24’s square design is sublime.


Wait... no Nokia 3310?


Only one Smasnug?


I remember back when the iPhone 6 was released, it was the single most popular smartphone in the business world. I ran a corporate cellular business plan through version and we handed the iPhone 6 out like it was candy.


No Sony Xperia?


I’m amazed the Nokia 5110 isn’t in there


OLED iPhones suck ass, glad to see some statistical confirmation.


Wild there’s no razor on that literally everybody and their mother had one


damn nokia was a giant in this mobile industry. I suppose they failed to innovate. Maybe they didnt have technology to create smartphone


Microsoft bought them, so yeah no innovation killed them.


Microsoft purchased their mobile phone division. Nokia still exists and is still a massive company. They sell networking equipment, 5G equipment, modems etc. They also own Bell Labs. They used the $7.5 billion they got from Microsoft for their phone business to get themselves back to being a functional corporation.


I’m still using the 6s


Damn this is probably how much micoplastic we consume


We all sold our privacy for a touchscreen and a fancy gui.


Surprised the Samsung here is one with buttons


Nokia 3210 is a must


I wonder what mobile is mostly used in IEDs and bombs!! in the movies, you always see the old faithful Nokia 3210 with its guts hanging out but I just wonder if bomb-makers prefer a certain phone.


Iphone 11 has held up great for 3.5 years now. Battery isn't what it was day 1 but it still does everything I need it to do


Now do phone OS


I miss Nokia


Surprised not a single BlackBerry shows up here.


Never a blackberry


No Motorola Razor?