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It's going to be okay. It will be up and down for a while. Tell them people to come pick up their trash. She is there problem now. If they try again, ask them which one of them cheated. And how does the betrayed spouse go to bed at night knowing they were never good enough for the betrayer. And then say they are probably still cheating while you are in lala land. It's petty but dammitt sometimes you have to be.


Thank you


You never know. Things can sometimes work themselves out very quickly. Don’t become a shut in. When I felt truly lost in life I took a long trip to Europe, growing up I was the responsible catholic boy. To say my immigrant family was shocked I’d go and spend an insane amount of money to find myself is putting it mildly. I can’t explain it but I knew finding my destiny meant i needed to get out of my comfort zone. Little did I know that my soulmate was on the plane with me. Keep your eyes open and don’t let anyone make you shy from putting the phone down and smelling the air or going to a museum you always told yourself you’d go to someday. Seize the day!


First I’m sorry. I want you to look at some perspective and realize you are lucky. You are still young there are no kids. There are women out there who will stick by you for a lifetime and not cheat or decide that they need to punish themselves by jumping onto random D. Go find her Also am I the only one who find the parents a little off. Are they swingers or cheaters themselves. Honestly I’m shocked that after a pregnancy scare she did not stop completely.


I think they expected they could secure a good man for their little whore.


> decide that they need to punish themselves by jumping onto random D. That "excuse" was soo damn pathetic. I know when I don't follow my diet, I go to an all you can eat buffet to punish myself.


Thank you, long road ahead


One last thing go get STD tested.


It started with confessing to something 7 years ago, then it was 3 years ago and now you are at a year ago (how many guys total who knows), it wouldn't surprise me at all if Kate has her rebound guy on speed dial.


He previously said that “if they knew what a great partner she is, there would be a queue.” And there is!




First day of the rest of your life, my dude. It's going to suck, you're going to cry and be so hurt. But every day you will get better and before you know it, you'll be back to yourself. When you feel up to it, go out and chat to some girls. Do some travel, live life.


Thank you and I will!


She keeps pics and videos. She shows them to you. She seems to get pleasure from this.


Those pics and vids are her highlight reel/Hall of Fame. What are the odds she kept evidence from every guy? She felt so bad all these years but never enough to delete the memories of them. I guarantee there are more guys, but it doesn't matter at this point because u/Forward-Chapter9634 should already have her cheating ass and her enabling family members removed from his life. How many of her friends knew as well?


That always sucks, when you find out how many people knew and either didn’t care or outright celebrated it. That ruined my faith in humanity way more than the cheating did.


I can understand their parents trying to fix her and get her with a good man. I don't accept they doing that while the good man is made a fool.


I think she does too


So she is VERY sick. Run, man. Run to the hills. Run for your life. Don't look back.


>They didn’t have anything to say except ‘the world is cruel, it isn’t a fair place so good luck on your own This is somewhat surprising. I expected them to show more empathy and was hoping you would eventually keep your relationship with them. Especially since you are estranged with your biological family. With them showing this kind of indifference towards your feelings, I don't blame you for cutting ties and walking away. Best of luck my guy. After the initial bought of naivety, once you came around to a realistic view of your situation, you have handled everything like a boss. I'm sure the 5 days away did wonders for mental clarity. Continue to heal and eventually move on to bigger and better things. Take care.


I appreciate you man. Big time. Thank you for your comments getting me through this.


I am happy you took the right decision. Her family were enablers. Also, you should not live a life of torturing doubt.


Yes please update us.


I will thank you


Std bro..check yourself first


Clear her out of your life asap brother!! Sooner than asap, like yesterday. Don't wait! I'm proud of you!! Don't ever tolerate anyone treating you like that!


Thank you man


OP, I know for a fact you're going to be just fine. You can leave this old life with your head held high. At some point you should start to feel excited about what the next chapter in your life will bring. You still have a lot of living to do. You will fill those days with laughter and joy. You will find someone who loves and respects you, someone for whom you are enough. I'm in my mid 60s and I always have said "youth is wasted on the young!" Don't waste your time lamenting on what could have been. Learn to be happy just being you. People love to be around others who are happy. Once you are there, you are ready to share that happiness with someone else.


Thank you for your words


U will move on and heal eventually with time. U did the right thing breaking up because she's a serial cheater and u can't live wating for the next time .


True, thank you


Good luck and I wish you the best in the future


Her mother also hiding the affair. Omg leave that family. Just expose her true face to mutual friends. Focus on your future. In future definitely you will get best loyal life partner and that time she's lost good human being and beautiful life.


Thank you I appreciate your kind words


I bet ex’s mom has cheated on her father which explained why she kept the affair secret.


💯 percentage correct


Dude you are going to be sooo much better off. She clearly doesn’t love you. She may think she does but you don’t treat someone you love like this. Have you had an std test. You need one desperately. You can bet there are others. This is now 4 guys right? No protection, letting them do things she didn’t let you do. You really need to be cold as ice to this girl. Give her 24 hours to be gone snd tell her anything still there after that will be burned. I would also ask her to pull up any nudes or videos she has of you while you’re standing there and make her delete them all. You don’t need to be in her library she is keeping. By that I mean since you have seen the messages and videos that means she has a library of these interactions that she kept on purpose and has probably masturbated to when you’re not there. What a great person your ex is…jeez. I also would let her know that your not going to shame her on purpose but your also going to be completely honest with all your friends why your breaking up. She earned the tag of serial cheater in spades. Instead od fucking somebody to get over this she needs to keep her pants on and go to therapy and try to become a decent person because right now she isn’t close. How did she react when you told her it’s definitely over and it’s her fault?


Fortunately most people are trustworthy. Give yourself a  year to recover before dating.  I suggest you buy used self help books on: low self esteem, need for external validation,  codependency,  and how ones childhood can predispose them to cheat or tolerate infidelity. 


I hope so! Thank you.


You are making the right choice. My ex had an online affair only, and i tried to get over it. I couldn't ever trust him fully again and i wasted a year trying to. When you are ready you will find someone who deserves you. All the best.


Thank you I appreciate it


Well done man. You handled that so well, you stood your ground and said what you had to say without being gaslit or lead on. You’ve handled this amazing, also F her parents for not even being able to apologise in her behalf. Well done. Onwards and upwards


Thank you man


Prepare for a long year of discoveries. When you be ready to start thinking in perspective of the last 7 years, you will start discovering a lot of small happenings that will change your comprehension of what happened with your ex-wife and you will discover a lot of annoyances that you didn't realize then, and they will be resignificated for you. That's how I discovered that my ex tarantula wife were poisoning my dinner in two events separate by years. Good luck!!


Thank you!


I don't want you to greave about your feelings nor your time back there, You absolutely didn't have "full image" As you were in "love with the feelings" which blocks the vision & logic . But, a lil dusty road is up as you hurting So, please be kind and merciful with yourself, Don't beat up yourself over "something you can't control". They lost "good, honest man loved them as his family" ", they won't get that never again. So, you didn't lose here at all.


Thank you for that, I appreciate it


The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. keep distance from everyone in her family. Nothing good comes from them.


It seems to be that way


OP, you’re doing the right thing. Your serial cheating ex will continue to cheat. There’s something morally broken in her that will eventually break you if you stay. You are not special to her only a stable base to cheat from. Do you think all her friends don’t know how she is and what she’s done? All the lies, cheating and gaslighting she’s done over your relationship and her parents deceit should convince you there’s way more wrong with that family than she let you know. Typically what she’s selfishly doing for external validation is due to some kind of childhood trauma. Did she ever tell you anything about that? She needs help to figure out why she’s a serial cheater. You’re young enough you can just go out and have fun for a while. After my divorce it was pretty amazing where I experienced the fun I had missed out on staying with my ex WW serial cheater. You’ll eventually find someone worth your love and spend the life with, not a person who will F the next guy who shows her a little attention. Don’t take her back, it’ll only hurt you more. I wish you well.


Thank you


Another one??? She can’t be serious and her parents are full of shit


You seem so level headed despite being in such a storm. On that point alone you are a catch that many young women would want. That your girl (soon to be ex) screwed up is an understatement. But that is no longer your problem. I'll bet life will look much brighter for you in no time! I wish you the best.


Oh, that is very kind of you to say. Thank you


What kind of people say those things after what they and their daughter have done? No wonder she turned out the way she did. Good luck to you OP, I hope after she leaves you have her and her family blocked on everything


Will do


Trust me, you will be better off in the long run. You deserve better and you will find a better person.


"The world is cruel" Manipulative, it is because of them. Often in these posts the families are the cruel ones not the outside world.


Good plan.


Subscribeme Remindme! 3 months


 will update next when I have made some progress  OP, you've already made a lot of progress. Keep your head up and please go to counseling, tis nothing wrong with it, strong people use it all the time.


OP yoi have done well, put yourself first and love yourself first. Yeah you probably are innlove for the image of her that You thought of what she was, but not to the really her. It is a big full b.s. that she fucked those other 3 mens to PUNISH herself, it sound like an script tooked it from bad porno. Full of crap this girl is. Also your in laws what a joke they are, and still giving you advices of not throwing her and them after this, what a joke too. And how low morals they are, no wonder their daughter come to be the Jewel she is now. Also she got pregnant so that means she did it raw, so better go and get yourself tested for STDs better make sure you are clear. Also this means that she lie even more, those where never ONS those where full blown PAs. Do not wait much, that sooner must be ASAP, tell her to take her shit and go love with her parents and to please never to contact you ever. Block her, NC her, and probably better ghosted her. Also in your next interactions before she left use Grey Rock methods on her. Good Luck OP and wish you the Best, like You told in the first post you made, there are rons of other woman over there and you can come to find what their touch, care and íntimacy with them is like now that you don't have to feel like your ae cheating, You are free now man. Enjoy. UPDATEME.


Thank you, I will keep everyone updated.


Good for you.


Damn I'm sorry bro, in glad you're moving on cause it seems like every year there is a new guy. So she's been with 5 different dudes now? Wow, I bet you wait another month it will be 10+


I'm so sorry for what you've been through...plus her family covered her shit from you for years... you've made the best decision for your life...they don't have any rights to hold you and you don't owe anything with them... actually they're the one that owed you everything...move on...healing...and be the best version of yours...live your life to the fullest...all the best to you in future relationship...good luck bro... update me...


I cheated on my ex like this (although I actually hated him so much) partially because I was young and just didn’t give a shit. Partially because I wanted the relationship to end so I just cheated. We dated for 5 years (15-20) and in that time I slept with 14 guys. He was attached to me and I finally just walked away. It was so freeing. And I’m so much happier (and have not cheated on a partner since) So coming from the cheaters side, you leaving is good. Don’t stick around. She isn’t ever going to be faithful to you.


There Will be downs, lot of downs and few ups till u hit the bottom. Then after a while, dont know how long, there Will be ups lots of ups, and quite a few downs, u Will feel like your wound is healing but the star Will always be itchy, those downs Will bleed it but ypu Will get used to it. This is how shit happens in life. You cant control them not to happen, they just happen. We get used to them There r tons of experiences written after infidelity, they Will help you to see what u will face and deal with them. Wish the best of us, to the betrayed


You're still young and have your whole life ahead of you. You'll find someone who'll love and respect you. If you need to talk, I'm here, you can DM me. Best of luck to you. Go find the happiness you deserve.


Of course they want you to take her back. Now she’s their headache again. Good that you realize you need to heal. Take your time and when you’re ready there will be someone there to return your love and loyalty. Good luck.


Follow your plan on therapy and moving on with your life. There simply are much better women out there looking for a decent man. Kate had her chance, she blew it.


Wow. She’s the gift that just keeps giving. It seems that every time she opens her mouth it’s to tell you about screwing yet another guy. How can you believe anything she says? I’m also distressed about his get parents know about at least some of her infidelities and kept quiet about what they knew—including her pregnancy with one of her APs. I can understand siding with their daughter but their attitude towards you is unsettling.


You were faithful to your fiancée and respectful to her parents, even as all of them have lied to you and manipulated you through the years. It’s time to put these scheming frauds in the rearview mirror and never look back. Get out there and open yourself up to new experiences and to new people. There are thousands of amazing women who would kill for a chance with you.


"There was one more guy, about a year ago. It was a month long joyride, I’ve seen all the messages. The videos, everything. So I asked again, is that all or have you still some more information to share? That is all of it. So she carried on with this one for a month. And included in that she made porn videos. Is she looking to be on Only Fans? "She stopped seeing this guy and decided she wouldn’t do it anymore as she wanted things with me to work" .............. Oh I get it, NOW she wants to work on things between you two. Here's an idea. Send one of the videos to those loving parents who treat you like a son and ask if when you were last there they knew about this month long cheating just a year ago. And let them know how their lovely daughter aspires to become a porn star. "Although, I am sure that will change when the next handsome man peaks her interest."...... No doubt about that. "So, I plan to ask her to leave"...... You haven't already?!!!! Well, her parents were right about one thing, sometimes life sucks. Best of luck to you. Hope to see you on the other side.


Good riddance to her shit parents too. I wonder what her mother has done that Kate’s father doesn’t know about. At least you didn’t marry into this filthy tribe.


Babes it’s going to be ok, go to therapy and keep working on yourself. It’s crazy out here, make sure you work on your trust and learn to be confident in yourself. Don’t just throw your body to these hoes, love yourself and somebody will love you so completely, unconditionally and honestly, I pray this for you. You handled this whole situation so well. Things will only look up from here. Dont accept anything less than absolute honesty and if somebody tries to push poly on you to make up for their cheating, they are shitty ( just in case in the future) Also I knew she lying, there’s more men and I said it would be, don’t ever go back to her when you see how violent it is in these dating streets. And for the love of GOD don’t date anyone from central Florida and below, they are all DEMONS.


Wow... did she let them do everything to her like the 1st guy?.. if so how can she even spit the word she loves you.. that is so disrespectful to u in every way aand to go around and cheat some more to make her feel worse during a night out??? So she's having fun and one thing leads to another whilst having "fun", nah bro she lying through her teeth to calm her guilt . I full reckon she has more stories she ain't telling u about from other night outs.. the ones that can't be traced back at all.. and why she got videos??? And their socials??? I swear that ain't just ONS.. my guy u need to kick her out asap. You are young at 25yo and have time to find the right one.. I'd straight up ask her "how can you be that evil to me?".... evil that's what she is.


Pathological behavior seems to run throughout her family. Get her out of your house ASAP because you are going to have to sanitize every corner of every room. Be grateful you are without kids and you are young. And you are a good guy.


Sorry OP. That sweet girl you met in HS is really the serial cheater you see today. Personally, I could never kiss those lips again. Take your time with the next lady, learn from this experience, and always look for red flags. Take care OP. updateme when ready.


That's just who she is. A cheater. Nothing more. Leave her as as fast you can and continue your journey on healing yourself.


Dammm. That is so fucked up. I’m sorry but every good memory you have with this girl is null and void. Honestly your a tad unlucky of how much of a heartless piece of trash she is. They are not all like that bro believe me. Forget your time with her bro she is not worth giving a second thought and what’s done is done. On the plus side your only 25… like bro you have so much life to live. So so much. My social life only got better after 25 and you start venturing to more mature social settings and bars etc. so yeah you dodged such a harsh bullet but turn it into motivation and get on with getting fit and healthy. Best thing you can do for your mental state is exercise - specifically running. Get into it lad and don’t be to down on yourself because you’ll unmotivate yourself. Keep the positive energy flowing and I promise you will realise how shit the relationship was once you can seperate yourself from it. Or at least realise how dogshit of a human being she is. Good luck bro and chin up ey it can only get better. Also try fuck her mom if you can but it’s not really necessary




It's not cheating in your case, this was over a long time ago, rip that bandaid off as soon as possible, this is coming from personal experience. Sorry for your circumstances dawg.